Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

Just as he thought he caught sight of something moving across the pitch, Rāwhiti heard the rush of an approaching bludger far too late. His attempt to pull out of the way did nothing, and he huffed with pain as the ball hit him hard in the thigh, making keeping grip on his broom painful at best.
Lucy couldn't hold back a giddy grin as she watched the seeker struggle to recover, pleased she had hopefully given Savannah a better chance to win.
Santiago swore as he got hit by a second bludger. But he was quick to recover and send another bludger at the Ravenclaw seeker. @Savannah Walters
Michael winced in sympathy when Lucy missed, and tensed as he saw another bludger hit Savannah. Now things were a little more dicey. He silently willed her to keep safe from another hit, as she'd have to come off if she got hit again.

((I'm pretty sure that's #2 but correct me if I'm wrong!))
Audrey flew after a bludger, on higher alert.
Rory groaned as the bludger collided with him but he recovered quickly enough to see Lucy miss her shot.
((I'm pretty sure that's #2 but correct me if I'm wrong!))
((If my count is right, Miro, Santiago, and Savannah are all on 2))

Rāwhiti did his best to tune out what was sure to be a nasty bruise, looking around to see where the snitch had fled to.
((and rāwhiti....))

Eager to keep up her streak, Lucy swung on another bludger and connected with a loud crack, beaming as she watched the ball collide with the Gryffindor seeker again.
Teddy was ready this time, watching the quaffle instead of Lucy. He dived and caught the quaffle before it got through the hoop and feeling better about not letting another goal in, Teddy threw the quaffle out to a Gryffindor player.
It was unfortunate that Monday had not been well enough to play, but Michael couldn't be more proud of how well Lucy was doing in her first big game. The game was still on a knife's edge, but his team was giving it everything out there.
Audrey caught up to a bludger, batting it away from her teammates and vaguely towards the Gryffindor seeker, but it didn't go anywhere near him.
Josh got a hold of the quaffle when it was thrown back in after the ravenclaw had missed, and headed towards the hoops on the other side
Miro had been trying his best to follow the game and keep up with everyone else on his team, even when the sudden impact of another bludger to his shoulder caused him to swerve off course. He tried to catch up, following whichever side had possession of the quaffle, and almost losing count of the back and forth attempts to score and feeling a bit lost in being both behind his teammates and also in pain. Luckily Miro eventually began to gather himself back together and swerved to follow Joshua as the older chaser caught the quaffle. He tried his best to ignore the pain in his right side and shoulder as he flew and tried his best to keep alert in case Joshua needed support.​
Savannah felt the bludger hit, just as she noticed a little glint of gold, she focused on it, and chased. She was breathing through the pain and outstretched her hand, grabbed the little golden ball and actually managing to catch it. She flew to a stop and then raised the snitch in the air. They'd won.
Reeve called the game, "Ravenclaw wins!" The din in the stands was loud, cheers, groans, and everything in between erupting. The ref grinned as he headed to clean the pitch, allowing the team to celebrate without fear of bludger hit.
Michael was stunned, blinking a few times before a wide smile eventually crossed his face. They'd done it, they'd really done it! It had been a long time since Ravenclaw had won the Quidditch cup, it had seemed to be shared between Hufflepuff and Slytherin for a lot of the time he'd been at Hogwarts and even before that. He felt for Gryffindor, he knew they wanted the victory as badly as Ravenclaw did. And for a lot of the game, it really could have gone either way.

One of the things he'd most admired about his favourite sporting teams, especially looking back at the history of cricket in New Zealand, was grace in both victory and defeat. So, rather than immediately jumping to celebration - and celebration would come - first and foremost he'd make sure to be a good winner and do the right thing as captain, flying over to the Gryffindors to offer handshakes and 'well played's. Even being the sports fanatic he was and with a swell of house pride in his chest, at the end of the day it was just a game.

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