Professor's Meeting 2040

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Justin stood in the Professor's Common Room, and he glanced around to see if he had missed anything while he was setting up the meeting. Even though this year had been a lot tamer then it had the year before, and he was very thankful for that since the previous year had been insane in terms of the first years. This year they seemed to be a lot more tame, and that was something that they would all be a lot happier about. Smiling, he made sure that there was tea, coffee, and biscuits for everyone to indulge themselves on. Justin settled down with a coffee as he waited for the other professors to arrive. Hopefully this meeting wouldn't be as urgent as the last one, but there was still things that they would have to discuss.
Those Professors who did not know Wren (which at this point was everyone) would think he had been very diligent to arrive early to the meeting, but in actual fact, the Frenchman had been snoozing in the lounge since supper time. He was slumped next to the coffee pot, still managing to have two hands wrapped around a steaming mug in the shape of a kneazle head, and seemed to be the coffee guardian with his hair in angelic tangles around his face. He would likely sleep through the meeting.
Monty had been both pleased and mildly surprised by the lack of urgency with which he was called to the professor's meeting that term. After the fiascos immediately following last year's sorting, the inventor had begun to wonder whether such pandemonium was simply customary at Hogwarts New Zealand. Needless to say, he was very relieved to hear that, so far, there had been no spontaneous food fights or jam floods, and that the houses had not dropped into negative points before lessons had even begun.

Even so, Monty made a deliberate effort to be one of the first to arrive in the common room. He smiled warmly at Justin and greeted him with pleasant words of good morning. He didn't notice the new Divination Professor, who, slumped in the corner, seemed to have managed to fall asleep half way through the very brew that was supposed to keep him awake, and so did not remark his presence. Instead, he chatted idly with the deputy head and waited for the others to arrive.
Jacqueline entered the common room where they had all been summoned for a meeting. The brunette had a cup of tea in her hand and a book. She nodded to her fellow professors as she entered the room, not bothering to make small talk. She sat down in on of the armchairs by the fire and waited for the meeting to begin.
Cyndi entered the Professor's lounge just behind her mother-in-law. With a smile to the other professors, she set about making herself a cup of coffee for the meeting. Unlike last year's meeting, there were no huge debacles to discuss this time around. At least, she didn't think there were any to discuss. She'd been gone for the last week and a half of the last semester, missing the end of year feast and graduation when she was placed on bed rest to finish out her pregnancy. Back and ready for her Gryffindors, the woman hoped that she could keep them in line this year. So far, everything seemed to be running smoothly, but she knew that could all change in a heartbeat. The woman settled into a chair near the coffee pot. If this meeting ran long, she was going to need a refill.
Elvera entered the professors common room a box of the infamous lefty muffins in her hands. She was glad to see there there were a few professors already there, Justin, her main counterpart, Cyndi, jacqueline, monty and her newest colleague, the man she was sharing her tower with wren, she actually hadn't introduced herself to him yet. "Cyndi" she said stopping next to her oldest friend amongst the staff. "I didn't expect you to be back so soon, how are you? and the baby? she asked she ad been expecting cyanid to take a semester of maternity leave, but apparently she was tougher than she thought and able to return already. she then went over to professor Louise. Hello" she said before realising he was asleep. she tapped him on the shoulder to try and wake him up so he didn't miss the meeting, he could go back to sleep afterwards. sh then went over to justin. do you want to start or do you want me to?" she asked glad that she wasn't running the meeting on her own this year.
No food fights, no explosive fireworks, no mass detentions, jam floods, or even student-wars to be heard of, and the Arithmancy professor was very glad for it. Though only the beginning of the year yet, last year had certainly been a handful at this exact time. It was music to his ears to find that that was an isolated incident and not something he should come to expect of every year. Still, he was keeping his eyes open just in case - after all, those first years were now second years, and would be here a little longer.

He ignored the coffee to instead nod at his fellow professors, and zeroed-in on his good friend, Monty. Greeting him a little brighter than the others (for he knew him considerably better), the tiny professor remained where he was, having idle conversation, and waited for the meeting to commence.
A slight trot in her movement the Wolf Professor made her way to the Professors lounge she was glad she wasn't going to be under blast like last year for the Food fight that her and her cousin had accidentally caused when they decided to regain their youth and hang out in the Great Hall.
Kida had decided to her Animagus ability more often around the school, although she was a large black wolf the students would get used to seeing strange things around the castle. Approaching the Lounge door she got up on her hind legs and pushed the heavy door enough to slink through and make her way inside, she nodded her head to the Professors there before jumping up on a chair and Transfiguring back. 'Hello Everyone, Beautiful Day?' she said with a smile, a few of the other Professors had already gathered, she didn't see her Cousin yet but she was sure he would show up eventually.

Kida reached for a jug of water and a glass and poured herself some cold water, there were some new faces she hadn't seen before one of which was asleep, she tilted her head slightly wondering if the new Professor was actually asleep or just relaxing, shrugging when the Professor didn't seem to stir she turned her attention back to her glass, making sure it didn't over flow before putting the jug back.
It was not often that the professors had a meeting, so when Kalif Styx was notified, he was surprised. Leaving the piles of papers that he needed to deal with that were not school related on his desk in the study, he made his way out, and toward the common room. As he entered, there were a few here, but none of which he was overly friendly with (in a manner of speaking). Kalif was only truly on talking terms with Theodore Snow and Cyndi Kingsley. The rest he simply ignored or got on his nerves, which would be Misha Haden. He leaned against the wall, well away from everyone, while he sipped his tea. He said absolutely nothing. He did not need to any thing.
Professor Misha Haden had received the notification from the deputy professors about the meeting and had of course headed straight to it as soon as he'd finished off the piece of work that he needed to, it was another term on the verge of really beginning which left the man pretty busy, far more than he had been given that the holidays had just passed. This term had been far quieter than the last, either this set of students had just been better at not getting caught or they were just better behaved. Misha wandered into the room and grabbed himself some juice a small smile grossing his features as he glanced around at those already there, grabbing himself a spot to stand waiting for Jon to turn up. The man was feeling pretty tired, and had woken up far earlier in the morning than usual, tiredness played on his features as he wiped his nose with his sleeve and just waited for his friend, and then waiting for Jon to appear. He was sure this meeting would be as interesting as the last, and he could only assume if they were setting up patrols that he would no longer be placed with Kalif following the celebration he had thrown.
Elvera watched as a few more members of the faculty arrived and decided that it may as well be the start off the meeting. if anyone else came they could listen and she could fill them on what they missed afterwards. "Okay i thin we will begin so as not to keep you any longer than we need, i am sure you have other things like unpacking to be doing." she said. "First of all i would like to welcome each of the new professors. Professor Phaedra Kazuyuki, taking herbology 1 to four, Professor michelle castor teaching astronomy years 1 to 4, and professor Wren Louise taking divination years 5 to 7. I hope you enjoy your time amongst us." she said pausing to take a quick breath. welcome back the old hands I hope you have a good holiday. and are feeling refreshed ready for a better year" she paused and took out a small pice of parchment from her posed listing the key points of the meeting so she knew she wouldn't forget them. this won't be too long a meeting. the first thing on the agenda is discipline. last year there was a lot of disruption, I believe this year will not be as chaotic. however we as staff need to be proactive, but also be mindful to be fair or things may get worse." she said. thinking back to last year. some of the goings on was because people had thought some of the punishments hd been unfair. of course there were some staff who were stricter than others. and some students who would react more than others. but a balance needed to be struck. she paused and looked at her list again. "the next point is the continuing bane of rumour has it. the magazine that is still going though the school. I believe it has been going on for so long now there has had to have been multiple writers. and the most recent edition each segment was signed off with an initial. hopefully that will aid us in finding those responsible. so please be figment for suspicious activity. and if the magazine is released again remember most of what is written is not true, or at least a twisted truth. it is there to hurt both students and staff. so be mindful that people may be upset." she stopped realising she sounded like she was talking to the students and not the teachers. she looked over to professor clifton incase he wanted to add something.
Jonathon intended to show up to the professor's meeting on time but bad time management and on his part a large pile of homework assignments to mark meant he walked in to the meeting late and in the middle of one of the deputy professors talking. He quietly poured himself a cup of coffee and sipped at it as he took a seat next to Misha and nodded a greeting. He then moved his full attention to the deputy professors and continued to sip his coffee as he listened to the key points of the meeting. The first years this year were a lot more subdued than they were last year and Jon was thankful for that. The gossip magazine on the other hand still seemed to be a problem. Although Jon had never read he magazine himself it sounded brutal and completely mean spirited, it only made sense that the professors should be working to get to the bottom of who was behind it.
James cursed under his breath as he made his way to the staff meeting, late. The truth was he had over slept, being back at the school after having been at home with four children, three of which were babies and not yet sleeping through the night had really messed up his sleeping pattern. Even now he was enjoying a full nights sleep, and sometimes more, he felt incredibly guilty about leaving his wife with the kids. All four of them. With Olivia growing up Margarette had been considering going back to modelling. That wasn't going to happen anytime soon and James felt guilty that on top of all that she would be alone with the tear aways until Christmas. For the time being, he needed to put that out of his mind and he walked into the meeting, doing his best to sneak in and catch the tail end of what Elvera was saying.
The Potions Professor grinned as his best friend arrived, feeling immediately more cheerful to see the small man. After a short while the meeting began, and Monty listened to the Deputy Headmistress, nodding where it felt appropriate and giving his welcome words to the new Professors. Though he didn't seem it, Monty was fairly strict when it came to enforcing rules that were there to keep the students safe or happy, so he didn't need to pay too much attention until the topic of the gossip magazine came up. He'd heard about that the previous year, and though his name had fortunately been spared from its pages, he had still been thoroughly annoyed about it. Spreading rumours was incredibly hurtful, regardless of how little truth they held. Monty was quite happy to volunteer his help in finding the students responsible for the horrible paper. He was a little concerned for what might be written of himself that year, as whilst he would have no problem setting a mature example by acting entirely indifferent to it, what he felt beneath his mask would be a very different picture.

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