Closed Press You To The Pages Of My Heart

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
Ainsley couldn't quite believe today had really come. Something about it almost felt silly, after so long together - as far as she was concerned, the decision for the two of them to spend their lives together had come long, long before she got down on one knee. Amber had been her introduction to the magical world, the person who had taken her hand when she had been so alone and lost, the person who had been by her side for every high and low of her life. Of course they were going to be together forever. The actual marriage part wasn't much more than a formality. She had seen no need to rush things as Amber had been planning out her dream wedding, letting her beautiful partner do what she did best - organising. And when the stress had overwhelmed Amber entirely, Ainsley had stepped in with the only real idea that had come to her - a simple ceremony in her mum's garden, away from the world where it could just be the two of them and the people they loved most.

And now here they were, in the garden Ainsley had loved her whole life, surrounded by the people they loved the most, hands joined and eyes locked. Though the spring blossoms were in full bloom (with a little magical help), Ainsley only had eyes for the love of her life. She squeezed Amber's hand softly as the call came for vows, fumbling a little to remember the words she had planned. "I, um... I had a hard time putting my feelings into words." She said softly, giving a slightly nervous smile. Public speaking had never come easily to Ainsley, but the only person who mattered right now was Amber. "It's hard to find a way to summarise more than a decade. You're... woven so deeply into who I am. When I was lost you helped me find where I belonged, when the world gets too much you're there to bring me back down, when I fall into a research hole you're there to remind me to eat." She gave a small, soft giggle before continuing. "You're home. Wherever life takes us, whatever we go through, coming back to you will always be my safety. So I promise to do my best to do the same for you - to be your relaxation at the end of a long day, to be the hand you hold when things get hard, to celebrate your triumphs, and to walk alongside you as we grow old. I love you so much, and I can't wait to love you for the rest of our lives." Finishing up, Ainsley released one of Amber's hands to quickly wipe the tears that had started trickling from her eyes as she spoke, thinking both of the decades they had spent together, and the ones they had left to come.

OOCOut of Character:
After Amber posts, this thread will be open to everyone invited - Ainsley & Amber's co-workers, school friends, family, and anyone else close to them, plus their guests. If you're not sure whether that applies to your character, just ask!
Amber felt like she was dreaming. She couldn't believe this day was really, finally, here. She had been engaged to Ainsley for so long and had spent so much time stressing and obsessing about the perfect wedding, that she had almost started to dread it. When she had finally broken down mid-planning and confessed to Ainsley that she couldn't do it, not as she had planned, things had finally fallen into place. Amber had been so busy trying to make the wedding absolutely perfect, she had forgotten what they were doing it for. She had just latched onto the wedding as a project like she would get a grade for it. She was relieved that Ainsley had stepped in with a simple solution, taking the wedding out of Amber's hands entirely. She knew, deep down, that she wouldn't want it any other way. This was absolutely perfect.

The dress had been a source of stress as well, and Amber had surprised herself by eventually picking an entirely different look. After trying on dozens of dresses, she had settled on a suit. She liked the look of it and liked how it fit her. Amber loved wearing pretty dresses, but she liked this a lot too. Amber smiled as she looked at Ainsley, who looked more at home in the garden than anywhere else. She looked like she belonged here, like a fairy or a nymph. Ainsley started to speak and Amber stared at her intently, wanting to drink in every word. She smiled and gently reached over to wipe away a tear from Ainsley's cheek. Then she spoke too, speaking from the heart. "I had a lot of speeches written up in advance, but I don't need them. I need to say what I feel when I look at you, Ainsley." Amber said softly. "I love you, so much. Spending the rest of my life with you isn't something I ever questioned. It has always felt right just to be with you." Amber squeezed Ainsley's hand. "And I'm so happy I get to call you my wife now." She murmured softly. "I promise to always be there for you, always to listen... to pluck the leaves and sticks out of your hair," she smiled fondly. "To be with you every step of the way." She beamed. They exchanged rings and kissed and Amber felt like she was soaring. She wanted to stay in this moment forever, but she also wanted to celebrate with family and friends. So she reluctantly pulled away from Ainsley to look at the people here, the people she loved. She would enjoy this party, but she also didn't plan to let go of Ainsley's hand the entire time.
Attending another wedding so soon after her own had October's heart melting with the memory of how it had felt to look at Sia on that special day. After so long isolating herself from the magical world, October was glad to have gotten back in touch with Amber. In retrospect it felt a bit silly, having ended such an important friendship in her desperation to get away from the rest of the magical world, but at the time the only real option she had seen was to cut and run. Now, though... she was glad to be rebuilding the connections that had actually mattered, and Amber was certainly one of them. In their school days she hadn't been the biggest fan of Ainsley, but looking back October could realise her reasons had all been silly. She was... weird, that was for certain, but she was clearly a nice person if Amber had stuck with her for so long. So she put aside her prejudices and tried to just enjoy the wedding.

She was pleasantly surprised that Ainsley had cleaned up so well, there didn't seem to be half a tree tangled in her hair for once, and she wondered if time had changed her. She had only seen Ainsley for a few seconds at her own wedding, and she had had other things to focus on that day. She looked beautiful in white, and October was surprised to see Amber in a suit, but she pulled it off effortlessly, and despite all their differences the two looked perfectly matched. Any qualms October still had about Ainsley melted away as the pair spoke their vows and October felt her eyes fill with tears, reaching out and gripping Sia's hand tightly. Her marriage was by far the best thing in her life, and she was overwhelmed with joy that Amber had found the same thing. She applauded as the ceremony finished but hung back as the food appeared on the tables and people moved forward to talk to the couple, figuring she would let Amber catch up with closer friends first before making her own approach. "That was beautiful..." She said softly, leaning in to Sia instead. "Made me wish we could get married all over again..."
@Sia Tofilau
Attending another wedding so soon after his own had Kauri on the verge of tears through the whole ceremony, keeping a tight grip on Flavio's hand the whole while. He had looked up to Amber when they had been students, Head Girl during his own first year as a Prefect, and as Flavio's friends he had gotten to know the couple properly over the last few years, nothing but love in his heart for both Amber and Ainsley. The ceremony wasn't what he had expected, having predicted something elegant and perfectly organised from Amber, but somehow he preferred this. It felt natural, focused on their love alone. He failed to keep the tears in as the couple gave their vows, clinging tightly to Flavio's hand, and once the ceremony was done he turned in to him, pressing his face to his husband's shoulder for a moment. "Mmm, that was beautiful." He said with a small breathless laugh. "Made me want to marry you again already."
@Flavio Morales-Tipene
The garden setting and spring flowers made the most perfect setting for Amber and Ainsley's wedding, Flavio couldn't help but think. It was quaint and intimate and so very them in every way he could imagine, and he felt honored to have been invited and present on their special day. Similar to the theme and atmosphere watching both Amber and Ainsley's vows felt like he was watching a fairy tale unfold and by the time he ceremony itself was over he felt affection tugging at his heart strings. He smiled as he felt Kauri's face pressed into his shoulder, leaning his head against Kauri's slightly for a moment and humming in agreement. "If only." He said softly, continuing to smile at how happy he felt for Amber and Ainsley. Weddings felt like magic in their own way both in being part of his own and attending the wedding of his two friends and it would almost be disenchanting from the magic of it all when they would need to return home and to their normal lives. Thankfully this wouldn't be for a while and Flavio was more than content in staying for a little longer, caught up in happiness and the magic of celebrating the love of two people he cared about.

@Kauri Morales-Tipene

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