
Elizabeth's vision came into a very blurred focus. Sky blue, that was all. And some red.

She tried to roll over. "Oww" she moaned. Huge pain in her left arm. Like the time she'd been hit there with 2 bludgers at the same time.

Liz closed her eyes, trying desperatly to be unconcious again. She failed.
((Sorry! I'm trying to work on all of these lessons.))

Kaela was very confused. She had no idea what had happened, or how. She stood from the ground and hurried over to where everyone was. "Liz, are you all right?"
Liz felt like her arm had left connection with her body. She must have landed on it when she fell, and that was a long fall.

She was sure there was blood on her face- she could see flecks of it in her vision which wasn't quite clear yet.

All in all, she hurt.

She tried to smile- it mainly looked like a grimace. "I feel fantastic." she said deliriously. "Could you get the nurse, or Alicia, or the name of the hippogriff that hates me?"
Having heard Pungahn call for help, Professor King came running towards the quiditch pitch, "Whats wrong?" he inquired...
"Well she's not in a comma so shes gonna live ;)" Prof. King said confidently, hoping his knowledge of healing might not be needed... "Do you think you broke anything?" he inquired of mainly elizabeth...
Prof. King laughed, "is that all you broke then, a broomstick?"
Liz suddenly bolted upright, half shrieking and half ignoring the pain shoot through her arm. She saw her firebolt, which managed to survive. "Oh..." she said. "That's good."

She looked at the professor. "My arm and my head." and then she fell backwards to lie down.
"Broken arm, I can fix fractured skull, i can fix, confidently too! but broken head... :p you'll have to elaborate on that one, in the mean time Episkey!"
(((OOC: im abit confused about
"I like fixed..." Elizabeth said dreamily, spacing out.
what exactly did you mean? and i fixed your arm and head with episky)))
Pungahn, having stopped in the hospital wing to catch her breath, finally managed to get back to the pitch. she saw a professor had already arrived and let out a sigh of relief. upon landing, she gathered with the other concerned students and asked, "how is Liz?"
"Rennervate" Profesor King shouted, pointing his wand at Elizabeth again, she immeadiatly regained conscienceness...
((in rl my response to pain is saying random things that don't make any sense. confuses the nurses ;P I'm accident prone.))

Liz opened her eyes. "Oh! Thank you! Is.... whoever I hit okay?"
"I don't know' replied Prof. King, "Who'd you hit? ;) I was told one person was definetly out, but I wsnt told who the other person involved was..."

(((OOC: & poor nurses!)))
Pungahn was relieved to see Liz was okay. "she is fine, i caught her before she could hit the ground. i think her broom is okay too."
After hearing Courtney, Liz freaked out for a second. "Where is she?!?! Why's the professor here then??? She needs him to he- oh"

She heard Pungahn, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Courtney.... I'm going to feed you a bright piece of candy when you least expect it." she tried to look stern for a second, but ended up laughing at the memory.
Pungahn had to apologize to everyone... "I'm sorry, everyone it's all my fault. i didn't mean for our innocent game of tag to result in this."
Kaela had been standing there, completely spaced out the entire time. All of a sudden she gave a shake of her head and came to. "What happened?"
"i saw the whole thing. you and Liz collided near the Quidditch hoop and both of you fell. i managed to catch you, but Liz fell to the ground. i went for help and apparently Liz is better now."
"Well, I'll let you all catch back up, and liz, you might want to be checked out later in the hospital wing anyhow to ensure I got everything ;) " Professor King then turned around, and left the pitch, after writing something on the quidditch sign up sheet...

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