
Bruin looked up at the collection of fine young ladies hovering over him, and though he felt okay, decided that he could afford to lay back on the ground for a moment or two longer. He opened and closed his eyes a couple of times as he rolled from side to side, breathing deeply and wincing occasionally.

Suddenly and without warning, he leapt up to a standing position..."Aw, c'mon know that you can't hurt steel, don't you???". He smiled and looked around at the girls, ensuring that he established eye contact with each and every one of them..."but it's nice to know that you all care so much..."

Without waiting for a response, he bent over and grabbed his Nimbus 2000 and after bringing the broom up to eye level said simply "...and as for you! You better start treating me a little better or I'm going to start practicing starting fires with my wand...using you for the firewood!!!".

Bruin mounted his broom and pushed off. As he slowly rose above them, he shouted down to the girls below... "Anybody want to teach me how to steer without using my hands???"
Courtney followed him off of the ground. "Are you sure you don't need to cover steering with your hands first?" She laughed.
"Are you serious Courtney?", Bruin said with a laugh "Haven't you seen me...I'm like a freaking master broom flyer guy with my hands on the broom...besides I need to have my hands free if I'm going to be able to play...Quidditch, that is."
"We should race through the hoops! Or actually practice flying. Time spent on the ground is time wasted. We need to be able to live up to the competition you know!" Courtney smirked at him, and sped ahead.
"Whatever you say...why don't we play follow the leader??? You can lead and I'll see if I can keep up with you...", Bruin gazed after Courtney and then followed her to the best of his emerging ability. "And watch what you say about the ground, Mother Earth and I are pretty good friends."
"Hahahah Okay, I say we catch up to the others. Then we'll see whats going on with them. " Courtney said, and she sped up in the direction of Punghan.

"Punghan, wait up! We're coming!" Courtney shouted to her.
Bruin sped after Courtney and was somewhat surprised to find out how effectively he did so. It seemed that when he concentrated on flying in a particular direction that his broom actually appeared to cooperate with him. Maybe this whole flying thing would work out okay after all.
Pungahn heard Courtney shout after her and slowed a bit and flipped around to face them. "finally decided practice is a better idea than falling purposefully, did you?" Pungahn directed this question towards Bruin. still talking to Bruin, she directed some advice to him. "why don't you work on balancing. my muggle mother owns a horse farm and i ride all the time. riding requires balance, for both horse and broom. try just hovering still without constantly shifting your weight."
"Thanks Pungahn...I know what you mean...I grew up around horses too, I actually have one called Starbuck back home." and Bruin drifted momentarily to the early morning rides he used to take through the mountain passes.

"But this broom's a little thinner than old Starbuck and a big guy like me finds it a little difficult balancing on a toothpick!"
Pungahn Chuckled to herself. she could see how different horses and brooms were. "well, i guess it takes getting used to. say, what position are you trying out for? I'm going for seeker, but chaser would be fine with me."
Fia laughed at Bruin's toothpick joke, but she thought the horse and broom relationship was a good one. Though, she had to admit, she liked riding brooms much better than riding horses. Much easier on her backside, you see. "I hope you get Seeker, Pungahn. I'm hoping for Keeper, but I'd be happy with Seeker as well. Though, I think you'd be better at it." She added, smiling and nodding at Pungahn.
Bruin looked at the other two and appeared deep in thought, well, at least as deep in thought as he was capable of appearing while jostling from side to side some 30 feet above the ground. "I hear beaters spend pretty much the entire game trying to knock their opponents off their brooms...Is that really what they do??? Because if it is, sign me up for that job!"
Pungahn laughed at the thought of beaters, but it was true. "yes, if the beaters are good enough they can aim the bluger at the other team. personally i can't possibly fly with a bat in my hand., never mind actually hit something in a desired direction and manage to stay on a broom. i like seeker because i like the fluid flight of it and how important a part it is. Keeper looks too hard to manage to block the goal while flying and chaser is the only thing i don't hate or like, so it is my other option."

Pungahn carefully let go with one hand while hovering to practice for when she would be reaching out with one hand to catch either a snitch or quaffle.
"I have to agree with Punhagn," Fia said to Bruin, "I have no aim, therefore, I would make an awful beater. I've had a lot of practice as a Keeper, though. So I think it would be the best position for me."
"good for you. i think if we have a choice we should be on the same teem, agreed?" Pungahn just loved her new friends.
"All this talking is making me feel sick!", Bruin exclaimed and tore off into the distance, really starting to dig this flying thing.

(((OOC, sorry but I just wanted to try and use that little green faced icon)))
((( you made me ROFL!)))

Pungahn shot after him and started to chase, as though he were a snitch. "im gonna get you!" she shouted at him. she flatted herself to the broom and came within a few feet of him, just touching his robe lightly, so as not to knock him off and said "you're it!" and flew off at top speed
Not sure if they heard her, Kayla got on her broom and leaned forward and went racing towards everybody else. She slowed down next to courtney and asked, "Hey guys is it okay if I fly with you?"
Liz sped on flying with everyone. "I was born and bred a beater." she grinned. "Well, I suppose I was actually bred a seeker. I have a knack for beating though." she winked.

"If anyone wants practice having bludgers hit at them, let me know."
Pungahn flew back toward the group. she noticed her friend Liz had joined them. "hi Liz! i don't want blugers flying at my head, but tag on broomsticks is a good way to get better at flying while practicing to be seeker. oh, and Bruin is it. do you know him?"
"Oh!" Liz realized what they were all doing. "Yes, I know him! Alright. So, avoid Bruin? Easy. My father taught me how to dodge bludgers- and those are faster than people!"

"By the way" she added. "Tag is an amazing idea to practice!"
:D yeah, it was my idea once Bruin speed off.
Courtney continued flying beside her friends, "I really want to try out for seeker as well, bit beater would be my second choice. They both sound really fun. I mean speeding around after a ball with wings! And beating people off of their brooms with bludgers!"
Fia was excited about tag. She had never played it on broomstick before. She began zooming along, she saw a girl, she thought her name was Kayla, looking like she wanted to fly with them Fia flew towards her, trying to keep an eye out for Bruin at the same time and said, "You're welcome to fly with us if you want. We're playing tag. Bruin's it," she pointed the boy out.
Courtney laughed at Bruin and stuck out her tongue. "Na-na-na-na-na-na!" She shouted at him as she hovered in front of her for a few seconds before speeding away.

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