Plotsss for all of my characters!

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Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hello! I want to introduce my upcoming firsties. I've got two this time and my first boy, so very nice! For both of them I would love to have some plots. I'm also looking for some other stuff for my other characters. I'm always open for new plots, so leave a reaction if you are interested!

This is my very first boy ever! He is the younger brother of Sofia Rosenberg. Gabriel lives in Sweden with his three sisters and his father. His mother died from a high fall of her broom, since she was a professional Quidditich Player. He is a big fan of Quidditch and wants to step in his mothers footsteps, but he loves to do lots of sports also the muggle ones. But he is very competitive he makes out of almost everything a challenge and loves winning, losing is not really something that he understands. He was a difficult kid to raise, because he is hotheaded, he has a lot of anger from losing his mother inside of him. I guess Gabriel is a nice friend and he is not afraid of getting in trouble, he prefers fun for study. For Gabriel I'm looking for a best buddy that shares the passion for Quidditch and perhaps other sports and some friends. He isn't interested in girls yet, but for the future I'm very open.


Therese is the niece of Gabriel and Sofia. She also lives in Sweden and is the oldest child. She is very friendly and helpful. Therese loves to meet new people and chat with them. She is a good listener but also loves to tell her own stories. Therese has the gift that she see's in every person something good, she isn't a negative thinker. A mean person doesn't scare her, she will try to see positive things. She is creative and loves to draw things outside. Therese is the most perfect daughter in her parents eyes, she could never do something wrong. I guess that Therese can become friends with a lot of people, since she doesn't quickly chooses someone that she doesn't like. For Therese I'm looking for friends and a lots of them! One or two besties are awesome, but she loves to be around many people. But doesn't have to be the certain of attention. She likes boys too, but she is gonna start dating around third year.


Another Rosenberg is Sofia the sister of Gabriel as I said. She is going to her second year and I'm looking for a few things. Sofia is a big flirt, she loves to hang out with boys. Unfortunaly she doesn't like to hang out with girls, because she likes to be the certain of attention. She has one female friend, and she likes to stay it that way. Sofia had to grew up very fast, by helping her father with taking care her brother and sisters after her mother died. She loves her family very much and wants to help her father as best as possible. She has a passion for dancing and likes to do that a lot. Sofia has a big fear of highs, because of the fall that she saw from her mothers broom. She hates quidditch and is very angry of the sport on personal reasons. For Sofia I'm looking for BOYS as many as possible. She likes to have boys as friends and to flirt with them sometimes. She is very friendly to her friends and likes to go on adventure. Enemies are possible, I can understand some girls. I already have a final for her, but she is not gonna settle down for a long time so dates are possible.


Beaubelle is also a part of the Rosenberg clan. She is the niece of Sofia, Gabriel and Therese and the oldest child. Beaubelle is part Swedish and part English and lives in England with her parents and siblings. She is soon gonna be a second year. Beaubelle is very shy and doesn't like to be in the certain of attention, she tries to avoid that. She is very scared of bullies, because she is been the victim of them lots of times in her life. She is also influenceable so she could do something for somebody that she doesn't want, but she doesn't dare to go against them so just does what they say. People could say things to her and she will believe them, like pretending to be her friend but secretly uses her for their homework. Beaubelle is intelligent and has a passion for books. The library is the favorite place for her on Hogwarts and she is always good prepared for a lesson. For Beaubelle I'm looking for friends that can help her feel more confident. But also people that will bully her and make use of her influenceability. She doesn't really know how to behave or speak to boys, but I'm open for everything.



Evangeline is my upcoming third year Slytherin. She is the only child of her parents. She didn't had a nice youth, her parents divorced and are still in divorce battle. Evangeline was neglected by her parents when they were to busy with themselves. She is very angry on them and never had the change to talk about this experiance with somebody, so is very closed about what she feels. She is cold and selfish, because she thinks it is time for herself and is done with worrying. She looks out for herself all of the time and can be very mean to somebody, and that doesn't bother her. She takes her study very seriously, because she wants to get a job at the Ministry of Magic in the future. She doesn't like loud and dramatic people and prefers silence and books. She wants to hang out with only a few people that are worthy to her. For Evangeline I'm looking for a few people to hang out with, people that can accept her and wants to tease people sometimes. Enemies are also possible, and love interests are all welcome.



My cute Evelyn is gonna become a third year soon and I'm always open for more plots with her. Evelyn is a very spoiled lady with a passion for fashion! She loves shopping and to be dressed very pretty. Evelyn likes to be the certain of the attention and to be known around the school. She likes to meet new people and to make new friends around the school. She has a hate towards things as mud and everything that makes her dirty. She hates Herbology and refuses to touch things like insects. She takes her school very seriously and doesn't like to be in trouble and get a bad name with the Professors. But this is gonna change in the future, in a year where not everything comes as easy to her as she thinks it will. She hates it when she doesn't get what she wants. She is used to get everything that her hearts desires and until now everything went very perfectly for her. She is gonna start dating next year. For Evelyn I'm looking for friends! Everything is possible. I already have a final for her (guess who) but I'm open for more flirts and dates since she likes the attention and company. Enemies are also possible, people who like Zenia perhaps.



Elizabeth is becoming a third year pretty soon. She is the twin of Riley and loves to go on adventures. She is a big rebel and doesn't follow the rules, she makes her own. She is pretty childish and loves to make fun with friends. She hates bullies so she will protect the weak and stand up against bullies. Elizabeth isn't really into school, she only likes potions yet to experiment with different things. She likes to do pranks and to make people laugh, because she hates seeing people sad. She only hates bullies, the rest of the people she will like and she can become everybodys friends. For Elizabeth I'm looking for more adventures and adventures where they get caught so she can get a ''bad reputation'' around the school. I'm looking for more friends, from different houses where she can hang out with and do nice things. She already has a final, and doesn't have a interest in dating yet. Around her fifth year she will show some interest in boys.


This is Jorgen Manning, he is the father of Evelyn and Espen. I really want to RP with them, but don't really know what to do so perhaps you can help me. He works for the Norwegian Ministry of Magic and moved to NZ with his family for his work. He is the Head of Department of Law and International Affairs and has to travel a lot. He went to Hogwarts as well. He is born in Denmark and lived there with his family for a few years. He is very proud and confident man and wants to give his children that too. He loves his children very much and spoils them with what their hearts desires. He is married to Thyra his wife and the mother of Evelyn and Espen. He had a difficult time when she had a postnatal depression after giving birth to the twins. But loves his family very much. He is a charmer and likes the company of females. For Jorgen I'm looking for old friends from school perhaps or new friends from around the world. Everything is possible, I'm very open with this.
Gabriel& Imogen Lyon (11 y.o soon to be in HNZ)


Imogen Lyon

Soon to be professional figure skater whose mom is a strict figure skating coach and dad a strict ice hockey coach. They have high expectation in Imogen. But after Imogen received a letter from hnz, she decided to give it a yr in the school before deciding whether she'll be homeschooled and train as a prof figure skater or to study magic.
Hey Sally! I guess they could be nice together Gabriel and Imogen. Did you had something in mind or just see how it goes?
Ok Jamie I'm sure there's a million ideas we talked about and have forgotten again but I'm going to try to list a few we should do next year :r

Evelyn and Amber should have another thread together at some point? Maybe if Evelyn is struggling with things talking to Amber could help.

Evangeline and Odette We need to make these two friends!! Odette is gathering a bit of a group next year but she needs a Slytherin friend too

Beaubelle and Odette should do another thread too, she could be part of Odette's little group :r

then the new babies

I have Sophie Wilson, Phoebe Holland and April Ward.

I think Therese and April could be friends. April is more loud than she is I think but they're both positive and happy people so I think they could be good friends.

Gabriel and Sophie could be interesting too because I have a feeling Sophie would dislike him on principle and be very sarcastic to him, which could be fun if you're looking for enemies? Or at least a sort of dislike.

There's probably more combinations to make but this is what is in my head the most atm. If you have other ideas let me know though :p I'm making my own one of these threads sometime too so feel free to do it there too when its up.
I have some characters!

For Evangeline I have Lilyanna Hope. I'm not sure if they would be the best of friends but it's definitely worth a try! Lilyanna loves silence and books too so I can imagine them being good study buddies. Also, considering Evangeline is a year below Lilyanna, Lilyanna can help her with some class work if she needs it. However, Lilyanna gets frustrated pretty easily so that could be a setback in that idea xD As for teasing others, Lilyanna doesn't particularly do that unless they have annoyed her before so, depending on the person, that could work ?

For Elizabeth I have Eleanor Hope who is Lilyanna's twin sister. Eleanor is all about being childish and going on adventures too but is not really the 'brave' type. She's always trying to act brave so she can keep her friends but really is scared of the dark :r Like Elizabeth, Ellie hates bullies too and is all about keeping the peace amongst everyone and everything. She also is obsessed with flowers and Herbology and is a strong member of the Wild Patch Club. I can imagine upon their first meeting Eleanor will give Elizabeth a flower crown :wub:

As for Jorgen, I can give you my only adult Professor Landon Carter. Like Jorgen, he loves children despite not having any of his own. I'm not sure how well these two would get along but we can try ?

Let me know what you think ^_^
Well a lot of options and I'm gonna make a list in case I forget haha.

So many things possible! I agree with everything! I like the Gabriel and Sophie thing too sounds pretty interesting and funny. Therese will like April and the fact that she is more loud doesn't have to be something bad. Uhm If I'm counting we have five plots right now. I guess we could wait until the new year starts, or we can make Gabriel and Sophie meet in the train to Hogwarts? And to come back on Beaubelle and Odette I like the idea of joining that group. As for Evangeline and Odette I'm loving that too.

Hi!! We could definitely see how Lilyanna and Evangeline will do together. I can really see that happening. I still need to work on Evangeline a bit so not everything is done, but could tease people that irritate her. I think Evangeline will like Lilyanna as far as possible and the fact that she is older will interest her. I can make this when the new year starts if you like?

Elizabeth and Eleanor I really love! She sounds perfect for Elizabeth and she could bring Eleanor to different adventures. That she is scared will not bother Elizabeth she will have respect for that if Eleanor feels free to talk about about that with her. She will love the flower crown! Perhaps you will want to make this one in the new year?

I will love for Jorgen to have some RP and Landon seems pretty nice. What I find difficult is how they would know eachother? The fact that he is a Professor of his daughter is nice because Evelyn hates Herbology haha. Jorgen went to Hogwarts and was sorted in Slytherin. I would love to plot this, do you have idea's of how they could meet or know eachother?

Sally: We will see how it goes! I love if they would meet.

So I have Marco Morales who will be starting at HNZ in the coming year. He's not yet too quidditch mad, but I can definitely see him becoming so as time goes on especially at school. I think they could end up being friends. You should message me on Skype and we could work something out.

And for Jorgen, I have a few ministry workers, which we could work something out for, it would be just friends but i think it would be fun.
Hi Jamie!

For Gabriel, I have Brooklyn Vacarius. She is very sporty, and also loves Quidditch. She does hate pure-bloods, but Gabriel wouldn't be a problem. She hails from the muggle world, and knows a fair bit from the magical world because of her reading and her brothers, who are both wizards. I don't see her meeting anyone until she actually is in school, but she is an option for after sorting. ^_^
If I have anything else, I can just skype you.
Evangeline and Lilyanna Hope: Yes that would be great ^_^

Elizabeth and Eleanor: That's if Elizabeth will ever find out about Eleanor being scared :p I can start something later this week and I'll post the link in this topic.

Jorgen and Landon: If Jorgen lives in New Zealand perhaps they could meet in Brightstone or something?
Love hearing this lovely idea's! Can't wait for the new year to start.

Emzies: That sounds amazing! I will Skype you so we can discuss it further. And it would be awesome for Jorgen to have some friends from the Ministry.

Hey! She sounds interesting and I think they will be nice together. I'm planning to let Gabriel and Therese meet others the most after sorting too so that is not a problem. You are very welcome to skype me for more plots :)
Kaye: Than I will start the one for Evangeline and Lilyanna when the new year begins. Good idea! I think I can start something for Jorgen and Landon perhaps in the holiday they meet? I will send you the link when it's done!
I know you're already getting so many plots! But I have a few xD I mean, four incoming firsties...
Please bear with me, there are quite a few :lol:

Evangeline and Leo Benivieni: Leo is my third year Gryff who is a cheerful kid and is not fazed when people shout at him, even though he'll feel slightly guilty but he's used to his parents shouting at him so that's nothing to worry about. He's stubborn and when he wants to be your friend will try hard to get to know you. He's really friendly so I doubt Evangeline would like him straight off, which is why if you want a frenemy for her...well, there you go :p

Gabriel and Sara: Sara's my upcoming fiery/badass first year. For her I'd love it if she met Gabriel, especially if she'll need some friend backup if in a fight (hopefully it won't come to that anytime soon but you never know with her). She's a quidditch fan, takes after her older brother Leo and is stubborn like him. She is a school nerd, but not as much as others think, in fact she loves the outdoors and to have fun and to meet new people.

Elizabeth and Leo need to RP again, it's been so long!! The same goes for Evelyn!

Gabriel and Matt Rosemary I really think they should become friends! Matt can be self-centered and a flirt with almost any girl, but he's a good friend and is loyal to people he cares about or has known for long.

Therese and Sara should totally be best buddies! Sara will probably like her straight away as she'll see her as a good person and therefore would approach her if Therese wouldn't approach her first :p I have a good feeling they'd be close.

Ooh now this one will interest me. Therese and Isaac Wu Isaac is a know-it-all, he will also be possessive in future because he is not used to sharing, though he isn't possessive yet and I think they'll be an interesting pair. We can either have them enemies or frenemies or even friends, to be honest Isaac is friendly enough. Therese might dislike him for his obnoxious tendencies and stuck up attitude though xD Also, he's a pure blood. He'd probably verbally bully (as he isn't violent) anyone who is either muggle born or half blood, I can def see him strongly dislike Gabriel.
I know Therese is a half blood, but I can see Isaac liking her more than others who aren't pure just because she is so optimistic. She would be like an exception for him, or something, like a secret friend (Isaac has pure relatives in the school and wouldn't want to get either Therese or himself into trouble) :)

For Jorgen I can offer literally two people, and one of them is 22. Hakon Butterfield who recently moved to NZ and has yet to get to know his biological family, he's in need of friends and I hope the age gap won't bother Jorgen. Hakon doesn't mind, anyone who is his friend is his friend no matter the age.
The second and only adult I have is Vivienne Delacroix-Marie, Isabelle Marie's mother who lives in NZ. She also needs friends because as a (fairly) new character, I've only ever RPed with her twice. Literally, she just needs friends at the moment and for her I am not looking for any romantic relationships currently.

And after writing all of this, I realised I have you on Skype :lol:
Audrey Crawley said:
Do you skype? perhaps we can talk about it over skype? xD
Yes I do :) You can add me on jamie-nkusjex
Hi Jamie!

I have Merrill here who I would love to make friends with Evelyn seeing as they're roommates, and all. :p They don't really have much in common right now, but Merrill knows that Evelyn likes fashion, and would probably reach out to her for some help with those kinds of things. Merrill mostly wears sweaters, and jeans right now, but as shes growing up shes going to want to to start dressing more feminine. I think it could be a great way for them to bond!
I'm so loving all your reactions! I always love to plot more!

Clara: Haha, this way I remember it better. On skype I forget a lot.. I'm not sure what Evangeline would think of Leo, I guess she will hate or dislike him. But I love to RP that too with her, because she doesn't like cheerful and people like him haha. Gabriel and Sara and Therese and Sara seems like fun too, I put it on my list. Elizabeth and Leo are so fun together we need to make one indeed and with Evelyn too. The rest is fine by me too, so we can discuss it more on skype.

Sammy: Omg I've got the same idea too, I love to RP with Merrill. They are roomies ofcourse but to chat more with here seems nice. Evelyn would love to help Merrill with clothes and stuff.
Awesome! Maybe we could rp something quick before the end of the school year where they talk about it, and then over the holidays they could go shopping? :)
Behold! as I throw a lot of my characters on you Jamie ...

Delphine & Beaubelle
Delphine here is a Ravenclaw going on her second year too. She comes from a very influential and known wizarding restaurateur family in the country and territory of France. Delphine has five brothers and that situation sometimes isn't great, Beaubelle seems the great choice for her as she's eager to known more girls than boys. You could say Delphine is studious but she's more into sports, she would drop anything she's doing just to play anything guy-ish sport. Added reminder, although they're born Mixedblood, they grew up to hate muggles and muggleborns except her older brother refuses to do that once he started Hogwarts Scotland. Delphine would like to do the same but one step at a time. Maybe Beaubelle can help her?

Theo & Gabriel / Ysabel & Teresa
Now, Theo isn't really very developed yet but I'll try to describe him as much as possible. Theo is a Mixedblood from a scourer family. For his family, it was the opposite, they're not the bad guys. Their family seek the bad scourers and turning them in to the government (FYI they're pretty much like a bounty hunter in the muggle/no-maj world). But he and his twin sister doesn't know any of the work their family does and it was just recently that they found out that they came from a wizarding family. Theo hates the idea of going to Hogwarts New Zealand but he loves his sister dearly that he agreed to go with her. Alright, so, Theo doesn't know any wizarding sports but he's good at shooting (the one on the Olympics) and is the youngest champion in Spain. The guy can be prideful and will get into fight just to prove that he's better than you, he's also into girls but he's not a flirt nor looking for a fling. I was thinking maaaayyyybeee he can develop a crush on Teresa? because, you know, she and Gabriel are related and Theo would see her sometimes? and if you would like, they can date as well? OMG! I'm open for this to happen for Ysabel and Gabriel, too! of course, I understand it'll take a while.

Ysabel is the same as Theo, not developed yet. They pretty much have the same background but Ysabel is more open to their true ancestry and is a great archer, she was taught since she was little. But she's not competitive like her twin brother. Ysabel is patient and nice, although, she's not shy about what she thinks of you. She doesn't sugar coat anything, she will tell the truth whether it'll hurt somebody. Ysabel would like to know more about the wizarding world because they didn't grew up on it, Teresa would be a big help to her.

Ilsa & Evangeline
I could see them getting along as she's not really fond of going to school at HNZ plus her half-sister is an extra baggage she never intended to bring along, so, her sister takes all her wrath. Ilsa has a pride taller than the empire state building and no one can tell her what to do. She's smart and will correct anyone who gets history wrong, her favorite subject of them all. Ilsa can get into trouble just by that and will smart mouth even a Professor.

Hunter & Evangeline
I'm still not sure about this because they're very opposite in everything except the divorce part (The Baird siblings' parents divorced when they were little). I'll offer Hunter for a love interest, I don't know which relationship you want but I'm open to anything. Alrighty, Hunter is Peyton's little brother, how come I said they're very opposite? Well, Hunter is from the Hufflepuff house and we all know that Hufflepuffs are very nice and Hunter is that type pretty much, he's shy but he'll suck it up if needed be. Despite his sister not approving his favorite sport, Hunter would like to get into the Hufflepuff team next school year. He's a sporty guy but the competitiveness is not that high. As they're very different, I'll say maybe Hunter can sweeten up Evangeline? To the point she smiles and enjoys herself?

Sydney & Jorgen
I almost forgot about them :doh: but I'll get to it tomorrow

... And that's it for me :) I'm always available on skype if you have questions
Sorry Alex I thought I already had reacted on this! But we will discuss it on skype further xD
I've decided to sort one more so here she is. Gonna do it in this reply because not on Evelyn right now and well lazy. xD

Gabriella Clarice Davenport


<FONT font="georgia">This is Gabriella and she is related to the Rosenberg/Waldgrave clan. But the Davenport clan doesn't have a good relation with the others. Gabriella is sorted into Slytherin just as her father wanted for her. Her parents expect a lot from their first born and Gabriella is very pressured by them. She is afraid of making mistakes and is a big perfectionist, she isn't satisfied easily with lots of things. That makes her insecure, she isn't sure how to dress how to act and what to say so is kinda desperate for feedback and compliments and will ask about them in a not very striking way. Gabriella is very stubborn she likes to say how things should go and if they aren't she will try to push it through. She is friendly but can think low of somebody like she does about her niece Beaubelle.

What I am looking for: She has already someone that becomes her best friend, but she could use more friends. She doesn't have a final yet so I'm pretty open for everything. Enemies are also possible.
I have Sara, same house same year :r
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