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- OOC First Name
- Maria
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- Mixed Blood
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- bi) (ren
- Wand
- Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
- Age
- 26 (06/2037)
Hiiii Everyone!! *slowly joins in with the PDs*
I hope you all are safe and are doing well! I'm just going to place a few characters that I would love to plot with hehe! If there are any characters here that aren't displayed here but you would like to plot with, please let me know and I'd be happy to RP with them!!
Please beware that I can be slow with replies at the moment (With work as well as procrastinating! I'm trying to get back though) Please also poke me if I don't reply in a while to threads too! Or if I forget to start on threads! I have a bad habit of remembering things!

I hope you all are safe and are doing well! I'm just going to place a few characters that I would love to plot with hehe! If there are any characters here that aren't displayed here but you would like to plot with, please let me know and I'd be happy to RP with them!!
Please beware that I can be slow with replies at the moment (With work as well as procrastinating! I'm trying to get back though) Please also poke me if I don't reply in a while to threads too! Or if I forget to start on threads! I have a bad habit of remembering things!
Valencia is now a sixth year and still cannot wait to get out of Hogwarts. As we know, she doesn't like the idea of magic at all and will do anything to avoid it at all costs. She's a Ravenclaw Prefect, which she is still surprised about. Valencia is quite stubborn and opinionated when it comes to her ideals and whatnot, but she can be nice if she wants to be. Valencia knows that she won't be facing magic in her life again, or at least try and avoid the idea of magic once she leaves Hogwarts. She really doesn't have that many friends, and I would love for her to make a few before she leaves Hogwarts. Valencia has a huge interest in astronomy and books. She doesn't mind learning new things about magic but nothing will change her mind about the idea of magic. She doesn't like it at all. Valencia is also very expressive with the way she speaks. She always moves her hands in an expressive way. Valencia wants to be an astronomer when she leaves school. She loves the idea that she can look and study the stars. NEEDS: Friends, strengthen friendships she already has, enemies, anything! | Nolan has now entered his fifth year, which means he has more things to juggle on his shoulders. He's now got to prove to his mother that he can keep good grades, even though he doesn't want to do any fancy job his mother desires for him to do. Nolan recently came out to his parents during the school break and the results of it have been mixed. While his father is supportive, his mother... is not... and hasn't been speaking to the boy at all. Nolan now isn't feeling the best and doesn't really know if he should be excited about the upcoming term. He's gonna be a little sad for a while... which means that he won't be playing his guitar or focusing on music as much as he wants to. He's going to be moping around the castle a lot. Nolan has also changed up his style a bit this year, growing his hair out a little as well as piercing his left ear which his mother highly disapproves of. Nolan is still interested in music and is his friendly self, but will take a while to be his usual happy self. He is still protective over his siblings, and now slightly more protective now that his little brother is joining him and his sister this year. Nolan wants to pursue music when he leaves school. NEEDS: Friends, strengthening friendships, crushes, short-term relationships, a final? (doesn't have to be rn but can be discussed!) plots/threads that relate to his coming out to his parents/mum would be great too! |
Molly is in her fourth year and is enjoying life at the moment. She's got her cat and friends. She didn't spend much time with her friends or cat this year due to her focus on her studies, especially after seeing the pressure that her mother is giving Nolan. Molly defiantly wants to work on a balance of social life as well as an educational life. She wants to spend time making friends and strengthening her friendships this year. Now that her mother isn't on speaking terms with her brother (Molly's annoyed at her mother for the reason why), her mother has moved the schooling and grades pressure onto Molly. Molly being Molly wants to please her mother and do what she can to make her mum happy. Molly is still her usual go-lucky, happy self and is always loud. She's very imaginative, gullible and sensitive. So if you're mean to her in any shape or form, she will take your words to heart. NEEDS: Friends, strengthen friendships she already has, crushes, Bullies? anything really! | Abigail is now in her third year. Abby hasn't made many friends at school so far, as she struggles to make friends in general and this year she wants to try and change that. She wants to try and fit in at the school a little bit better by trying to be out of her shy and quiet shell and try to interact with people. The Gryffindor feels like she has a few friends already, but also wants to try and strengthen her friendships. Abigail has always kept to herself with her art. Even though Abigail likes to keep to herself, she also feels lonely, as she feels that she doesn't have many friends. Abigail is interested in all things art and DIY. She has a high interest in chalk art. Drawing things on the concrete. She also loves to read, is an animal lover and sometimes you may see her talk to animals and bugs randomly. She is also quite curious and learning things, and doesn't mind learning about the paranormal world and what lingers in the forbidden forest. NEEDS: FRIENDS!!!, strengthen friendships she already has, enemies? anything really! |
Josh is in his second year at Hogwarts and he cannot believe that he gets to experience another year at Hogwarts. The Gryffindor isn't the best when it comes to school work, and he isn't the smartest cookie in the jar either. but he's always there for fun adventures and good times! He has loved exploring everything about Hogwarts so far. He is definitely keen on trying to learn more about the magical world. He is still shocked by the speaking portraits, moving stairs and the ghosts that linger around the school. Joshua is super loud and can be soft-minded. He's oblivious to things around him. He has a huge passion for sports, I might have him try out for the quidditch team, even though it's highly unlikely he'd get in lol! NEEDS: Friends, strengthen friendships he already has, sports buddies, a magical mentor (someone who can teach him about the magical world - even something that is the most simple will surprise him) | Elizabeth is my other second year. She is the twin sister of Mila Rogers and the unknown sister of the newly graduated, Alexander Rogers I haven't really managed to roleplay with her often in her first year of Hogwarts, and I would love to change that this year. Lizzie is quite reserved and quiet. She's really shy, so it's sort of a barrier for her to make friends. Once you get to know her a little better, she does talk a little more, her soft-spoken voice being used a lot more. She wants to try and at least make a few friends this year. Lizzie loves to be outside. Hanging around and sitting amongst the grass and flowers. She loves making flower crowns. She would make one for you even if you don't ask for it. NEEDS: FRIENDS!!! Bullies? Mentors of some kind, anything! |
CONAN!! He's officially starting Hogwarts and cannot wait to join with his older siblings, Nolan and Molly. Conan is very excited about the new chapter he is entering. Since he's one of the youngest siblings, he doesn't really understand the tension that is going on between his eldest sibling and his parents. Conan cannot wait for it to be his turn to have a wand in his hand, to walk into the halls amongst the other new Hogwarts students. He doesn't mind if he's not in the same house as his siblings. Conan also recently has been sorted into Ravenclaw, which means that he's been sorted from a different house to his older siblings who are both in Hufflepuff. Conan is a little different from his older siblings, he isn't as loud or musically inclined as them. He's on the quieter side of things. He enjoys the great outdoors, collecting shells and climbing trees. You'll see him having a lot of band-aids being wrapped around his fingers (Like Juni from Spy Kids hehe) because of the amount of time he does things outside. He's a bit mischievous though. Sometimes likes to tease or do small pranks on people. Honestly, Conan just wants to have fun with life. NEEDS: FRIENDS!!! Bullies? Enemies? Anything really! |
Eliza is a brand new character of mine and will be starting Hogwarts in next year's sorting! I haven't really figured out many details about El yet, but she's always happy about things and can be chaotic at times. She is also quite nerdy and geeky, with her love for movies (sci-fi films more specifically) and comic books. Even though she lives with both a magical and muggle parent, she's a little more in touch with her muggle side of things than her magical roots. She's still a little new to magic, so anything magic related will surprise her a little. Eliza is also an only child, so she won't be able to relate to those who have siblings. | I've had Marley for a little while now! She's been seen on the site from time to time! She's the adopted daughter of Jess' character, Killian Taylor. Ever since moving to New Zealand from America, Marley has been enjoying her time here. She is still getting used to the Muggle world, and she's enjoying it quite a lot. She is still learning bits and pieces about the muggle world. Marley spends a lot of time with her dad which she enjoys a lot. Marley is a little loud, is very artsy and creative. She still enjoys making jewellery and is always seen making jewellery for her friends and family. She doesn't have that many friends yet, but I would love for her to make some as well! |
Fiona Burke is the youngest out of the Burke siblings. She is quite oblivious to what is happening within her home at the moment. She is very content with playing outside in the mud and sand at the moment. Fiona is the complete opposite of her sister. She loves to get messy, play outside and play sports. She like her sister is quite imaginative. Though now that Conan is heading into Hogwarts this year, she feels quite lonely, knowing that she'll be by herself for the next few years while the rest of her siblings are off at Hogwarts. She does miss them a lot, especially now that the house will be super quiet without Conan being there with her. | Mercury is also a brand new character of mine! Mercury is the younger sibling of Charlie's character, Jupiter Ascot. Mercury is quiet and reserved and if he's with his brother, he'd most likely hide away from you and hide behind his brother nervously. Mercury has a bad habit of lying and hiding things. Though it may be a bit obvious that he's hiding or lying about something. Mercury is a good kid though. Since growing up around astronomy, he too has a passion for space as well as all things science. He also has a huge passion for books, having a huge stack of books everywhere in his room. Mercury would most likely be seen having a book in hand. I haven't really figured much out about him yet, but I would love to see where he goes as I develop him. |
All these characters displayed here are also part of the scouts (Except for Valencia), so if there is anything you wanted to do that is related to the scouts as well, please let me know and we can defiantly do something with that!
And these are the characters that I am offering hehe! Again, if there are any characters that are NOT listed on here and you want to plot with them, please let me know and we can discuss plots and whatnot! If you have any questions about any of my characters as well please let me know hehe!
I also have some upcoming characters coming soon! So if there are any future character plots you wanna do as well, please let me know and we can defs roleplay them too!
You can always hit me up on discord, skype or through PMs if you just wanna chat about anything or discuss characters!
Happy Plotting!!! <3
I also have some upcoming characters coming soon! So if there are any future character plots you wanna do as well, please let me know and we can defs roleplay them too!
You can always hit me up on discord, skype or through PMs if you just wanna chat about anything or discuss characters!

Happy Plotting!!! <3