Plots Here! Come Get Some Plots!

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Hello everyone!! It's been a while since I've posted a PD and I don't think I've ever done one with all my characters before so I figured I'd give it a try! Also if you'd like to add me on discord to chat more about ideas feel free to reach out. I am always online it's a problem.
(and one unsorted)​
Nikko Blackwood
7th Year - Gryffindor
Delilah Thorne
6th Year - Ravenclaw
Indira Khatri
5th Year - Slytherin
Caleb Thorne
4th Year - Slytherin
Nikko is still a little heartbroken over what happened to him last year but he is feeling confident as he enters his last year and is determined to make the most of it. He is captain of the quidditch team this year and the head photographer for the paper. You can also find him in the kitchens baking cookies if you're lucky. Looking for: Mostly friends to hang out with or plots involving quidditch maybe? I'm open to most things. He's settled on romance for the time being though.Delilah had a rough go of it las year but things seem to be calming down for her. She's been losing interest in school and is kind of going through a phase to figure herself out. She's usually been a quiet agreeable type and is finally finding her voice after being nice all the time. She also likes her job at Ollivander's and has been playing music more.
Looking for:
Maybe some drama? Maybe some new friends? She is ready to try some new things this year. Romance would be nice (girls only)!
Indi is determined to enjoy her last year of freedom before her sister comes to Hogwarts next year, and with her OWLs coming up she is very focused on her studies, quidditch, and dueling. She's not the nicest on the surface but has a good heart if you can find it. Looking for: She could use some more studious friends. Or maybe some mischief, wouldn't mind if she got into a bit of trouble this year. She's not really interested in romance but that could be fun to play up if someone did like her??Caleb has also had a bit of a hard time but he has decided to ignore it and focus on having a good time. He doesn't really care for lessons or school much but does like that there are places to explore and people to bother talk to. He's kind of ended up a loner who thinks he's too cool 4 school. Looking for: A few more friends who are just as smug. He's already forming a few rivals but more the merrier. And he's also ready to be someone's or many someone's worst boyfriend (boys only)!
Felix Carnahan
3rd Year - Hufflepuff
Margo Fox
2nd Year - Hufflepuff
Ethan Alexander
1st Year - Ravenclaw
Leah Thorne
Y42 - Unsorted
Felix is just a little guy and only cares about a handful of things: his friends/family, his frog, quidditch, becoming an animagus, and muggle slight of hand magic tricks. He is a super easy going guy and is always down to clown do whatever. He's very friendly and is always on the look out for a new friend. Looking for: Some more friends or developing the ones he has would be great! He's not really aware of romance yet but he's ready to get a crush or two (any gender).Margo is a sweetheart who is a bit too shy for her own good but she's going to make an effort to put herself out there this year. She's going to be joining more clubs and trying to stop hiding behind her friends so much. She's a huge book worm and loves to get lost in fantasy worlds and get wrapped up in epic romances. Looking for: Friends mostly! She's a bit too young for any real romance but she is a bit of a romantic so maybe an unrequited crush on someone might be fun.Ethan is my brand new kid this year and has already been bothering all the shopkeepers he could find. Now its time for the entire student body to deal with him. But despite that he's pretty content to just do his own thing. He likes magical creatures/ghosts and is still not sure this isn't a joke. He's also convinced he's going to transfer at the end of this year (he won't) so he's a bit hesitant to get too close to anyone just yet. Looking for: Anything! Friends, enemies, accomplices!Leah is the last of the characters I made far too early but first of a whole other side of the Thorne family and currently living in London. So it'll be a little hard to plot with her in New Zealand but I can say she visits a few times while tagging along with her parents. She an only child and constantly looking for new friends to hang out with and is very stubborn and outspoken. She will try and take charge of any situation she finds herself in. Looking for: Literally anything!!


Simon Thorne
19/Shop Assistant/55' Grad​

Poppy Perkins
18/Gap Year/56' Grad​
Simon has recently had to take on A Lot of responsibility all at once and is doing his best not to drown. He's currently working two jobs and helping his mother get back on her feet after his father's death. He's had to grow up a lot in the past year and is rather mature for his age now. Looking for: Old school friends to catch up with! New friends to get to know! I'm open to nearly anything! Not looking for romance right now but something unrequited might be fun?My child has graduated! Eventually she'll be going to a muggle university but for now she's taking a gap year and will be focusing on volunteering for a campaign and helping out with the scouts since she usually spends all of her free time outside anyways. She is just as bright and cheerful as ever and is always looking for friends and new people to meet. Looking for: Old school friends to hang out with! Scout mischief! Campaign plots! Romance would also be nice (girls only)!

Simone Moreau-Chen
22/Beauxs Grad/Pro Chaser​
Dominic Torres
21/Ilvermorny Grad​
Gemma Thorne
7th Year - Beauxs​
Micha Kovac
5th Year - Ilvermorny​
Simone has been a bit aimless since she graduated. She's been playing professional quidditch which she loves but it doesn't feel right. She's recently taken up photography and has been developing a better way to take photos of quidditch matches but still has a lot of work to do. Looking for: Someone to help her out with her photography and some romance! She's been perpetually single and I'd like to give her some love (girls only),Dominic is a softie who has been going to school to get a degree in education. He's also been tutor for money on the side while he's been in school. He is very warm and kind but has been a bit busy focusing on school. But it's time he developed a bit more of a work life balance. Looking for: Maybe some more friends! Or if there are any unsorted students in the US he would gladly be their tutor before they start school!Gemma knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it. She is very sure of herself and while she is committed to the quidditch team she is looking towards the future and knows she wants to be a lifestyle writer for some kind of newspaper or magazine. Looking for: Some friends would be great! And so would some industry connections. I'd also love for her to have some romance plots. She has very high standards and expects to be swept off her feet when the time comes (any gender).Micha is a puppy of a person if you get him in a good mood. But lately quidditch has become more stressful than fun for him and it's starting to take a toll. He's also the only one in his family to be magical besides his mom so he misses them a lot while at school. Looking for: Mostly friends and someone to get him to lighten up a bit would be great!


Yvonne Dubois
34/Fortune Teller/Professor​

Ernie Wilder
Yvonne had really settled into her job as professor and while she loves teaching there is a part of her that misses the more hectic life she had working as a fortune teller in a bit tourist city. She would get all kinds of gossip and secrets from clients and she misses that. Not as much juicy drama going on at school, or at least that she's aware of. Her door is always open to students and she feels like she as a unique perspective on the subject since she is not a seer but has studied the subject anyways. Looking for: More friends would be great. She's friendly with a few other professor's but would lover for her to make some more solid relationships. Students interested in divination are always welcome!This man loves owls. Ernie can be a bit hyper focused on his birds and needs a reminder now and then to engage with beings who don't have feathers. But he had a bit of a rough time for most of his young adult and adult life, and is still surprised sometimes by how stable he is now. He takes running the shop very seriously but is always ready to lend an ear or give advices to the young people he works with, or literally anyone who might cross his path. He is recently taken in a friend's kid and is still trying to figure out what to do with him. Looking for: Friends! People to mentor? Anyone who wants to learn about owls or take care of them better? People to help he figure out how to be a temporary "dad".

Vera Ito

Avery Fox

Aleena Thorne
Vera has reached a moderate level of success as the drummer in the band Ashes and a painter in her own right. She can be a bit stand offish to most people, She can also be a bit intense and while she insists she won't take care of anyone else, she really cares about helping artists who are just starting out and looking for connections. Looking for: Friends other than her bandmates would be nice. People to mentor? Romance would also be nice but mostly flings. Nothing serious at the moment (any gender).I've described Avery before as "the worst guy in your political science class" and I stand by that. After his parents death he decided to seek his revenge by trying to overthrow the government. He hasn't had much luck yet but plans to start his own alt newspaper soon to spread the TRUTH. He fancies himself a writer and is actually pretty good. Looking for: Friends? But really any kind of Scitorari plots would be nice. He's kept his hand pretty clean so far and I think it's time he stepped up.Aleena is my newest character and I made her mostly so she can grow as a person. She's Simon, Delilah, and Caleb's mom and a widow. She's still dealing with a lot of grief and is having to face a lot of the ways she has kind of failed as a mom and is trying to make up for it now. Looking for: Literally anything! Friends would be great since she's been pretty isolated for a while. But also any parents she could vent to or try and help here would work too. Romance isn't a priority but eventually I might be open to it.

Phew and I think that's it! If there are any typos, no there isn't. Somehow I forget everything about my characters when writing these things so if you have questions just ask! Let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks!!
*clears throat* Hello! 👀

I have a few characters to offer to you! (A few may have been a lie...) If there are any pairings or plots that I'm offering that don't suit your vibe, that's totally okay hehe!

Indira + Valencia - I think we've rped a few times, but I don't think they went very far hehe! But I'm keen to give them a try as friends or something and see where it goes. Valencia may be focused on her studies this year so a study thread could be a possibility? Keen on any other ideas you may have tho!

Caleb + Nolan/Charlie - I'm not actually sure if we've ever put either of the two with Caleb before, but we could put either or with him in a thread and see what happens? Charlie is quite mischievous so if you want some mischief or anything of the like, I'd be happy to offer Charlie. Nolan could use some friends, though not sure how Caleb and Nolan could get along - Happy to put them together and see where they go tho! (Could also offer Nolan for Caleb on a small romance sort of thing - but up to you if you're keen on that or not hehe)

Felix + Molly - We've put them in threads together a few times, and Molly considers him a friend (She thinks everyone is her friend hehe) So I'm defs keen to put them in a thread together and develop their friendship more and see where it goes! hehe! (Also happy to offer Molly as a crush if you wanted hehe!)

Margo + Abby - Abby too, needs friends- She's been hiding in either the common room, rose bush or in the art room most of the time last year. She's pretty quiet and is always in her own world. So I'm keen for them to maybe be friends?

Ethan + Josh - Not sure how exactly well they'd get along, but I'm keen to put them together and see how it plays out. Josh is really new to the whole magical world, so he may be asks a lot of questions about it if Ethan is up for that hehe! He's also soft-headed, so not the smartest in the bunch and doesn't have the great sense of common sense.

Leah + Conan - Conan is the younger brother of Nolan and Molly Burke. He will being going to Hogwarts at the same time as Leah. He's quite of an oddball who carries a shoebox filled with shells all the time. Maybe a bit hard since she's on the other side of the world but we can discuss that a little on how we want that to work hehe!

I think that's it? Am also happy to offer Sam for Simon and Quinn for Yvonne as well! If I have an ideas popping up suddenly I'll let you know hehe!
Oh my gosh I have so many ideas. We don't have to do all of these rn but please bare with me

Indi x Lucie
Lucie actually really likes Indi so I would really like to RP these two a little more and maybe develop a sort of friendship? They share a dorm together and are both on the team so they have plenty of similarities I think. Maybe we could have them studying together or practicing quidditch together?

Felix x Evie
These two could be interesting as friends. They can talk about how weird it is that their siblings kissed xD

Simone x Anastasie
I think these two could be really good romantically maybe after a while? Anastasie doesn't really like Quidditch so I imagine they would have a bit of a rocky start, but Ana could help her with her photography by gladly letting her take photos of her with her violin or something. It would make Ana feel like she was doing something good steering someone away from that horrible Quidditch life xD

Dominic x Dominic
I also have a character named Dominic who is due to be sorted in Y44 (He's almost 9). He could definitely do with some tutoring if your Dominic is up for it!

Leah x Ruto
Ruto is a character of mine who is due to be sorted the same year as Leah. They may have a bit of a rivalry as Ruto definitely wouldn't like her stubbornness. I would be keen to see how they get along.

Also, I plan on starting that topic for Margo and Landon once the school year gets underway. AND, I just realised how awkward it's gonna be this year for Nikko and Essie with Nikko as the head photographer. So excited for it :r
*cracks knuckles* okay

Nikko + Flynn - We haven't really had a thread with these two in a little while now, so maybe it's time to have another one? Especially now with Nikko being named as captain. Flynn's not bitter about it or anything so that's good, but he is still probably curious to see how Nikko's coping with it all.

Delilah + Flynn - I don't really know with this one, I just want a thread with them. Maybe something over the holiday as they're both working at Ollivanders or something. I'm running low on ideas maybe you have something lol

Caleb + Rhys - I think these boys have interacted basically once and that was the first night in the castle. That probably needs to change. Maybe as Caleb doesn't care much for school and Rhys kinda does, it could be some kind of forced tutoring deal or they get partnered up for a project in class and have to work together and Rhys ends up annoyed by it all.

Felix + Jingyi - I could see these two being friends, even if Jingyi was being a little weird about hiding the fact he was causing trouble last year XD But he's just slow to trust people at first but he'll eventually open up and I could see the two of them getting along, especially as they do have similar interests.

Margot + Zagreus - Another two I could see potentially getting along. Zag is very shy and awkward but he is also trying to be less shy and awkward so maybe the two of them could be try and be less shy together and be friends.

Ethan + Mischa - I can see these two investigating things together at some point. He's also pretty curious about the ghosts, so maybe they decide to team up to try and interrogate every ghost they seem in a very annoying way

Micha + Hyun - Though he has graduated, Hyun still cares about the team, so I imagine him trying to check in at a later date with Micha to see how things are going, mostly just to be incredibly nosy about it all.
Last edited:
*clears throat* Hello! 👀

I have a few characters to offer to you! (A few may have been a lie...) If there are any pairings or plots that I'm offering that don't suit your vibe, that's totally okay hehe!

Indira + Valencia - I think we've rped a few times, but I don't think they went very far hehe! But I'm keen to give them a try as friends or something and see where it goes. Valencia may be focused on her studies this year so a study thread could be a possibility? Keen on any other ideas you may have tho!

Caleb + Nolan/Charlie - I'm not actually sure if we've ever put either of the two with Caleb before, but we could put either or with him in a thread and see what happens? Charlie is quite mischievous so if you want some mischief or anything of the like, I'd be happy to offer Charlie. Nolan could use some friends, though not sure how Caleb and Nolan could get along - Happy to put them together and see where they go tho! (Could also offer Nolan for Caleb on a small romance sort of thing - but up to you if you're keen on that or not hehe)

Felix + Molly - We've put them in threads together a few times, and Molly considers him a friend (She thinks everyone is her friend hehe) So I'm defs keen to put them in a thread together and develop their friendship more and see where it goes! hehe! (Also happy to offer Molly as a crush if you wanted hehe!)

Margo + Abby - Abby too, needs friends- She's been hiding in either the common room, rose bush or in the art room most of the time last year. She's pretty quiet and is always in her own world. So I'm keen for them to maybe be friends?

Ethan + Josh - Not sure how exactly well they'd get along, but I'm keen to put them together and see how it plays out. Josh is really new to the whole magical world, so he may be asks a lot of questions about it if Ethan is up for that hehe! He's also soft-headed, so not the smartest in the bunch and doesn't have the great sense of common sense.

Leah + Conan - Conan is the younger brother of Nolan and Molly Burke. He will being going to Hogwarts at the same time as Leah. He's quite of an oddball who carries a shoebox filled with shells all the time. Maybe a bit hard since she's on the other side of the world but we can discuss that a little on how we want that to work hehe!

I think that's it? Am also happy to offer Sam for Simon and Quinn for Yvonne as well! If I have an ideas popping up suddenly I'll let you know hehe!
Hi! So many things!!

Indira x Valencia: I'd love for these two to try and get to know each other a bit better. I think at this point they're probably aware of each other but yeah, maybe they end up studying at the same desk and helping each other out.

Caleb x Nolan/Charle: Charlie and Caleb have interacted like once but I think that was before they even got to school haha. But I'm down for both combos. Caleb has casually been teaching himself piano which might be something for him and Nolan to connect over. I think he might be a bit too manipulative for Nolan for long term but I'd like to see how something romantic might play out. As for Charlie I think Caleb would be perfectly happy to get involved with some kind of mischief/pranks, or maybe something a bit reckless and ill advised.

Felix x Molly: These two are very fun together! Would love for them to hang out some more. I could see him getting a crush or maybe getting the idea to ask her to the Yule Ball or something?

Margo x Abby: I think these two have interacted a little bit but I think they could make good friends. Margo is going to be joining the paper this year so maybe we could do something with that?

Ethan x Josh: I'm always down to throw firsties together and see what happens! Ethan doesn't actually know all that much about the magical world but he has adopted a "fake it till you make it" mentality which if fine, except he's only about 50/50 accurate haha.

Leah x Conan: Hmm, yeah it's a bit trickly to plot with her at the moment. But I'll make note of them and maybe we can do something a bit later set when they're getting ready to go to school. Because I think she would be very interested in his box of shells haha.

I'll defiantly keep Sam x Simon and Quinn x Yvonne in mind for later. But I'm perfectly happy to focus on school kids for now.

h my gosh I have so many ideas. We don't have to do all of these rn but please bare with me

Indi x Lucie
Lucie actually really likes Indi so I would really like to RP these two a little more and maybe develop a sort of friendship? They share a dorm together and are both on the team so they have plenty of similarities I think. Maybe we could have them studying together or practicing quidditch together?

Felix x Evie
These two could be interesting as friends. They can talk about how weird it is that their siblings kissed xD

Simone x Anastasie
I think these two could be really good romantically maybe after a while? Anastasie doesn't really like Quidditch so I imagine they would have a bit of a rocky start, but Ana could help her with her photography by gladly letting her take photos of her with her violin or something. It would make Ana feel like she was doing something good steering someone away from that horrible Quidditch life xD

Dominic x Dominic
I also have a character named Dominic who is due to be sorted in Y44 (He's almost 9). He could definitely do with some tutoring if your Dominic is up for it!

Leah x Ruto
Ruto is a character of mine who is due to be sorted the same year as Leah. They may have a bit of a rivalry as Ruto definitely wouldn't like her stubbornness. I would be keen to see how they get along.

Also, I plan on starting that topic for Margo and Landon once the school year gets underway. AND, I just realised how awkward it's gonna be this year for Nikko and Essie with Nikko as the head photographer. So excited for it :r

Indi x Lucie: Yes, I'd love for Indi to have a less antagonistic relationship with some of her roommates haha. I think studying and quidditch are defiantly the way to win her over, and if she asks Indi to practice with her over say, Natalia, that would also be a big plus in her book.

Felix x Evie: I hadn't even considered that. I'd have to check to see if Felix even knows what happened but either way if she's the one who breaks the news to him it would also be quite funny. But I'm also down for them to hang out more in general.

Simone x Anastasie: To be fair quidditch is something Simone kind of fell into so she's not as intense about it as some people probably are, but it has become a big part of her life. Regardless I'd love to toss them together and see what happens at least to start.

Dominic x Dominic: I'm very down for this haha. It sounds very cute. I imagine the name thing would be very distracting for a 9 year old.

Leah x Ruto: They sound like they might be an interesting pair. I might have to think a bit about how they could run into each other but I am defiantly interested.

And yes! I am very excited for those threads! I think Nikko will be a less heartbroken by the time school starts and they're finally able to talk but he can sure hold a grudge so he's defiantly going to be keeping his distance when he can.

*cracks knuckles* okay

Nikko + Flynn - We haven't really had a thread with these two in a little while now, so maybe it's time to have another one? Especially now with Nikko being named as captain. Flynn's not bitter about it or anything so that's good, but he is still probably curious to see how Nikko's coping with it all.

Delilah + Flynn - I don't really know with this one, I just want a thread with them. Maybe something over the holiday as they're both working at Ollivanders or something. I'm running low on ideas maybe you have something lol

Caleb + Rhys - I think these boys have interacted basically once and that was the first night in the castle. That probably needs to change. Maybe as Caleb doesn't care much for school and Rhys kinda does, it could be some kind of forced tutoring deal or they get partnered up for a project in class and have to work together and Rhys ends up annoyed by it all.

Felix + Jingyi - I could see these two being friends, even if Jingyi was being a little weird about hiding the fact he was causing trouble last year XD But he's just slow to trust people at first but he'll eventually open up and I could see the two of them getting along, especially as they do have similar interests.

Margot + Zagreus - Another two I could see potentially getting along. Zag is very shy and awkward but he is also trying to be less shy and awkward so maybe the two of them could be try and be less shy together and be friends.

Ethan + Mischa - I can see these two investigating things together at some point. He's also pretty curious about the ghosts, so maybe they decide to team up to try and interrogate every ghost they seem in a very annoying way

Micha + Hyun - Though he has graduated, Hyun still cares about the team, so I imagine him trying to check in at a later date with Micha to see how things are going, mostly just to be incredibly nosy about it all.
Hello hello! This all sounds great!

Nikko + Flynn: Yes! I'm very down for them to talk some quidditch shop. I think Nikko is a bit anxious about being captain unsurprisingly. And since Flynn is the next most senior player he'd most likely go to him to vent.

Delilah + Flynn: I'm really interested in exploring these two a lot. They run in a lot of the same circles with prefect duties, Ollivander's, and Ivy lol. I think something at the shop could be fun. I think in the past she would have tried very hard to play nice with him but I think she's lost a lot of that filter recently and gets the sense he doesn't take things very seriously which wouldn't sit well with her now that he's dating her friend. So some passive aggressive conversation while restocking shelves could be fun.

Caleb + Rhys; Caleb has definitely written off most of his roommates as "boring", sorry Rhys. I think working together on a project could be fun but I've also had the thought that Caleb trying to convince him to go to the ball or a dance could be fun too. He feels like he needs to be the one to get Rhys out of his shell or something. Maybe we can smush those ideas together?

Felix + Jingyi: After last year I think Felix is a bit wary of Jingyi now too haha. Which could be a fun angle. Maybe this time Jingyi runs into Felix doing something questionable and are forced to work together?

Margo + Zagreus: I think these two would be nice together. Maybe they decide to sit with a "stranger" during a meal or something? And by stranger I mean as much of a stranger as someone in the same year and house can be haha

Ethan + Mishca: This could be really fun. From what I've seen I think Mischa might be a bit overwhelming for him and since he's only ever done his "supernatural" research on his own it's going to be a bit of an adjustment to have someone helping out. Which I think is a good thing and could lead to some fun stuff!

Micha + Hyun: Maybe Hyun keeps sending Micha very insistent letters asking for updates?
Hi! So many things!!

Indira x Valencia: I'd love for these two to try and get to know each other a bit better. I think at this point they're probably aware of each other but yeah, maybe they end up studying at the same desk and helping each other out.

Caleb x Nolan/Charle: Charlie and Caleb have interacted like once but I think that was before they even got to school haha. But I'm down for both combos. Caleb has casually been teaching himself piano which might be something for him and Nolan to connect over. I think he might be a bit too manipulative for Nolan for long term but I'd like to see how something romantic might play out. As for Charlie I think Caleb would be perfectly happy to get involved with some kind of mischief/pranks, or maybe something a bit reckless and ill advised.

Felix x Molly: These two are very fun together! Would love for them to hang out some more. I could see him getting a crush or maybe getting the idea to ask her to the Yule Ball or something?

Margo x Abby: I think these two have interacted a little bit but I think they could make good friends. Margo is going to be joining the paper this year so maybe we could do something with that?

Ethan x Josh: I'm always down to throw firsties together and see what happens! Ethan doesn't actually know all that much about the magical world but he has adopted a "fake it till you make it" mentality which if fine, except he's only about 50/50 accurate haha.

Leah x Conan: Hmm, yeah it's a bit trickly to plot with her at the moment. But I'll make note of them and maybe we can do something a bit later set when they're getting ready to go to school. Because I think she would be very interested in his box of shells haha.

I'll defiantly keep Sam x Simon and Quinn x Yvonne in mind for later. But I'm perfectly happy to focus on school kids for now.
Indira + Valencia - Ooo yes sounds great! Yeah, I think they'd be aware of each other too! I'm great with any sort of study threads as I can see Valencia just studying most of the time this year ahaha

Caleb + Nolan/Charlie - Yesss, I think its been a bit since Charlie and Caleb have interacted. Some pranks and mischief does sound great - Ive been trying to have Charlie do prank threads, but prank ideas are not my forte ahaha - So I'm defs keen for those threads!

Yeah, I don't think I see them working out long term, but I too would like to see how the romantic route will play out - I can defs see them bonding or connecting over the piano! Nolan's going through a lot at the moment with his mum and his sexuality as well so that may take a toll on things hehe

Felix + Molly - I always love doing threads between these two, they're quite enjoyable and I think they're just funny when together sometimes ahaha - But yesss that sounds good to me! She'll defs agree to it, she doesn't like turning up to the events alone, so defs keen!

Margo + Abby - Oh yes!! I'd like that! Abby doesn't have many or any friends at all, since she was always to herself last year, and she's hoping to be somewhat social and open up a little this year, so I think her and Margo doing or talking about something related to the paper will open her up a bit.

Ethan + Josh - I think this would be an interesting dynamic and thread that may happen. Josh will 100% believe Ethan even if he might not be right on a few things. He's still surprised that ghosts exist and are real, so he probably going to be around trying to learn as much as he can about them. He's quite gullible ahaha - So I'm interested to see where this leads!

Leah + Conan - That's no worries at all! I'm in no rush with these two at all - So I'm completely fine with this pairing whenever.

Yay! I feel like we might wanna spread these out? maybe? Maybe a few in one semester and the rest on the other? Unless you have any other ideas? I'm totally cool whenever to do these. What ones would you be keen on starting? I can start the rest :)

Indi x Lucie: Yes, I'd love for Indi to have a less antagonistic relationship with some of her roommates haha. I think studying and quidditch are defiantly the way to win her over, and if she asks Indi to practice with her over say, Natalia, that would also be a big plus in her book.

Felix x Evie: I hadn't even considered that. I'd have to check to see if Felix even knows what happened but either way if she's the one who breaks the news to him it would also be quite funny. But I'm also down for them to hang out more in general.

Simone x Anastasie: To be fair quidditch is something Simone kind of fell into so she's not as intense about it as some people probably are, but it has become a big part of her life. Regardless I'd love to toss them together and see what happens at least to start.

Dominic x Dominic: I'm very down for this haha. It sounds very cute. I imagine the name thing would be very distracting for a 9 year old.

Leah x Ruto: They sound like they might be an interesting pair. I might have to think a bit about how they could run into each other but I am defiantly interested.

And yes! I am very excited for those threads! I think Nikko will be a less heartbroken by the time school starts and they're finally able to talk but he can sure hold a grudge so he's defiantly going to be keeping his distance when he can.

Indi x Lucie
Yay, I'm so glad that you're down for this! I can start a thread for them and Lucie can ask to practice together and we can do another thread? Or should we just do one thread where they practice together?

Felix x Evie
Yay for this as well! I can start something for them when the new year starts up? It would be hella funny if Evie tells Felix because it will be more sister drama for them too :r

Simone x Anastasie
Yeah for sure! Do you mind starting this one?

Dominic x Dominic
I can start this one! Does Dominic do lessons at his house or at the student's house?

Leah x Ruto
This works! Otherwise if you can't think of anything we can just save them for next year to meet at Hogwarts? Or maybe they can meet while shopping for their school supplies?

That reminds me, we were going to do a thread with Nikko and Essie at the start of the year where they sort of get some closure. Did you still want to do this? Perhaps they can awkwardly bump into each other or something.
Hey Kadi!

Lucas and Nikko could hang out, I think he's alienating a lot of his other friends this year.

I also think Caleb and Louis should kick things up a notch with their flirt game :r

I could also offer Gwen for Felix to be friends with, I think they already know each other a bit. Could also do some romance with them later on perhaps?
Hey Kadi.
I have a few things I can offer.

Felix and Niamh: they could be friends. they probably are somewhat as they are in the same house and year. I am open for suggestions. friends, I can't see a relationship between them but I am open to suggestions.

Margo and Niamh. Sky is a bit of an oddball she isn't particularly shy but isn't that social, especially to people she doesn't know. she loves her music. I can see them being friends.

Yvonne and Elvera. they are always open for chats and cups of tea. or breakfast. or complaining about how far it is to get anywhere.
Nikko + Flynn: Yes! I'm very down for them to talk some quidditch shop. I think Nikko is a bit anxious about being captain unsurprisingly. And since Flynn is the next most senior player he'd most likely go to him to vent.

Delilah + Flynn: I'm really interested in exploring these two a lot. They run in a lot of the same circles with prefect duties, Ollivander's, and Ivy lol. I think something at the shop could be fun. I think in the past she would have tried very hard to play nice with him but I think she's lost a lot of that filter recently and gets the sense he doesn't take things very seriously which wouldn't sit well with her now that he's dating her friend. So some passive aggressive conversation while restocking shelves could be fun.

Caleb + Rhys; Caleb has definitely written off most of his roommates as "boring", sorry Rhys. I think working together on a project could be fun but I've also had the thought that Caleb trying to convince him to go to the ball or a dance could be fun too. He feels like he needs to be the one to get Rhys out of his shell or something. Maybe we can smush those ideas together?

Felix + Jingyi: After last year I think Felix is a bit wary of Jingyi now too haha. Which could be a fun angle. Maybe this time Jingyi runs into Felix doing something questionable and are forced to work together?

Margo + Zagreus: I think these two would be nice together. Maybe they decide to sit with a "stranger" during a meal or something? And by stranger I mean as much of a stranger as someone in the same year and house can be haha

Ethan + Mishca: This could be really fun. From what I've seen I think Mischa might be a bit overwhelming for him and since he's only ever done his "supernatural" research on his own it's going to be a bit of an adjustment to have someone helping out. Which I think is a good thing and could lead to some fun stuff!

Micha + Hyun: Maybe Hyun keeps sending Micha very insistent letters asking for updates?

Nikko + Flynn: Flynn is always up for listening to venting and probably has issues of his own he wants to complain vent about as well. Maybe just both hanging in the common room and start chatting about stuff?

Delilah + Flynn: For people who run in the same circles they really haven't interacted all that much really :teehee: I'm all down for Delilah trying to call him out on the fact he doesn't take things very seriously at some point. Maybe it's a bit late for a shop thread seeing as school break is ending in a week, but we could still do something at Hoggies or something. I'm down for it either way though!

Caleb + Rhys: I mean, he's not wrong Rhys is boring. But someone probably does need to get this kid out of his shell and make him more interesting. He hasn't attended the Yule or Valentine's dance or anything even once, so he's more than welcome to try and convince him he might actually be fun and stop being such a stick in the mud.

Felix + Jingyi: Yess I like the idea of changing things around so it's Jingyi coming across Felix doing something. I think that would help with Jingyi opening up more and trust him a little more and that's he is not just a secret tattletale or something.

Margo + Zag: Everyone is a stranger unless you really know them so it counts. It could be cute, and I would like them to be friends and break them out of their little shy shells a little.

Ethan + Mish: I mean, this is fair Mischa is 'a lot'. The kid is all over the place tbh. But he is the sort just to barge his way into things without even really asking for permission, so maybe he comes across Ethan doing a bit of research on the ghosts and just decides that he wants in on this as well.

Micha + Hyun: We could push this one back until the xmas break or something. Maybe say they have been exchanging a couple of letters and meet up over the break or something like that.
I'm just throwing out some general ideas here so feel free to focus on what sounds good to you :r

Nikko x Isaiah: would be up for anything to do with quidditch! Zay might also want to befriend the other players on the team some more because he wants them all to be a tight bunch

Delilah x Ana Sofia: I don’t think we’ve done a lot with them but Ana could happily use some more friends (she’d also definitely be impressed with Delilah being musical). I could perhaps also offer her up for some romance if you’re up for that

Indi x Isaiah: if she’s looking for mischief then she’s very welcome to hit him up lol

Caleb x Ivelisse: I feel like they got along before and since Ive can be really smug if she wants to they might be a good match

Felix x Kiara: I honestly enjoyed their little interaction during the yule ball so would be keen to do some more with them! She might also develop a crush on him at some point if they do hang out more but that could very well be unrequited

Ethan x Senna: no idea how these two would get along but it could be interesting? (if he keeps bothering people with questions than I guess it could be a prepare for trouble and make it double situation?)

Poppy x Gaby: if you're looking for anything romantic for Poppy I could perhaps offer Gaby? She's not in New Zealand a lot but has plenty of reason to visit every now and then so they could just meet at a lucky moment or something
Hello hello! Sorry it's taken me a while to circle back to this but work has become Very Busy lately so I might be a bit slower than intended. But things are calm-ish for the moment so hopefully I can get some things started!

Indira + Valencia - Ooo yes sounds great! Yeah, I think they'd be aware of each other too! I'm great with any sort of study threads as I can see Valencia just studying most of the time this year ahaha

Caleb + Nolan/Charlie - Yesss, I think its been a bit since Charlie and Caleb have interacted. Some pranks and mischief does sound great - Ive been trying to have Charlie do prank threads, but prank ideas are not my forte ahaha - So I'm defs keen for those threads!

Yeah, I don't think I see them working out long term, but I too would like to see how the romantic route will play out - I can defs see them bonding or connecting over the piano! Nolan's going through a lot at the moment with his mum and his sexuality as well so that may take a toll on things hehe

Felix + Molly - I always love doing threads between these two, they're quite enjoyable and I think they're just funny when together sometimes ahaha - But yesss that sounds good to me! She'll defs agree to it, she doesn't like turning up to the events alone, so defs keen!

Margo + Abby - Oh yes!! I'd like that! Abby doesn't have many or any friends at all, since she was always to herself last year, and she's hoping to be somewhat social and open up a little this year, so I think her and Margo doing or talking about something related to the paper will open her up a bit.

Ethan + Josh - I think this would be an interesting dynamic and thread that may happen. Josh will 100% believe Ethan even if he might not be right on a few things. He's still surprised that ghosts exist and are real, so he probably going to be around trying to learn as much as he can about them. He's quite gullible ahaha - So I'm interested to see where this leads!

Leah + Conan - That's no worries at all! I'm in no rush with these two at all - So I'm completely fine with this pairing whenever.

Yay! I feel like we might wanna spread these out? maybe? Maybe a few in one semester and the rest on the other? Unless you have any other ideas? I'm totally cool whenever to do these. What ones would you be keen on starting? I can start the rest :)
Indira + Valencia: Cool, I think I might push off a study thread with these two for a little bit since classes have technically just started.

Caleb + Charlie: Same haha. Pranks sound so fun but are hard to think of. I'll think on this one a bit more and we can come back to it.

Caleb + Nolan: Cool! I think the art's club has a piano so maybe they can run into each other there and see how it goes?

Felix + Molly: Yay, that sounds good. Maybe we we can do a thread a bit later in the semester and they talk about the dance and agree to go together?

Margo + Abby: That sounds good! I think having something in common will make it a bit easier for them to open up/feel comfortable.

Ethan + Josh: Haha Ethan will appreciate someone who believes him. Maybe they both get a bit lost around the castle and have to try and find their way around?

Leah + Conan: Cool, I'll make note of them and bring it up later.

So I think Caleb x Noland, Margo x Abby, and Ethan x Josh could be fun to start with. I can start something for the boys if you want to start a thread for the girls??

Indi x Lucie
Yay, I'm so glad that you're down for this! I can start a thread for them and Lucie can ask to practice together and we can do another thread? Or should we just do one thread where they practice together?

Felix x Evie
Yay for this as well! I can start something for them when the new year starts up? It would be hella funny if Evie tells Felix because it will be more sister drama for them too :r

Simone x Anastasie
Yeah for sure! Do you mind starting this one?

Dominic x Dominic
I can start this one! Does Dominic do lessons at his house or at the student's house?

Leah x Ruto
This works! Otherwise if you can't think of anything we can just save them for next year to meet at Hogwarts? Or maybe they can meet while shopping for their school supplies?

That reminds me, we were going to do a thread with Nikko and Essie at the start of the year where they sort of get some closure. Did you still want to do this? Perhaps they can awkwardly bump into each other or something.
Indi and Lucie: If you could start something that would be great! I think maybe bumping into each other on the pitch and agreeing to practice together would be fun. Both trying to put in extra work and both appreciating that about each other could be a place to start.

Felix and Evie: I think that sounds fantastic. Maybe I can start something where he's just hanging out and she spots him and wants to talk about it??

Simone and Anastasie: Yes, I can totally start something but it might just be a while before I get to it.

Dominic and Dominic: Yeah I imagine he makes house calls. If you start that one it would be great!

Leah and Ruto: I'll make note of this and come back to it a bit later.

Nikko and Estella: I think maybe Nikko tries to grab something from the Monthly room and runs into her on accident could be a fun. I can start that one if you'd like??

And if you wanted to start something with Margo and Landon that would be great 👍

Hey Kadi!

Lucas and Nikko could hang out, I think he's alienating a lot of his other friends this year.

I also think Caleb and Louis should kick things up a notch with their flirt game :r

I could also offer Gwen for Felix to be friends with, I think they already know each other a bit. Could also do some romance with them later on perhaps?

Nikko and Lucas: Agreed. I think the two of them should hang out more and talk about captain things.

Caleb and Louis: Yes yes yes. Also Caleb is not above going out of his way to maybe sabotage other people Louis has his eye on because he can't quite admit his feelings yet.

Felix and Gwen: I'd love for them to hang out more. I think he might be a bit wary of too much attention from Gwen after talking with Rene during the Valentine's dance. But he is also not that bright and could fall for her flattery quite easily.

Hey Kadi.
I have a few things I can offer.

Felix and Niamh: they could be friends. they probably are somewhat as they are in the same house and year. I am open for suggestions. friends, I can't see a relationship between them but I am open to suggestions.

Margo and Niamh. Sky is a bit of an oddball she isn't particularly shy but isn't that social, especially to people she doesn't know. she loves her music. I can see them being friends.

Yvonne and Elvera. they are always open for chats and cups of tea. or breakfast. or complaining about how far it is to get anywhere.
Hi Mia!

Felix and Niamh: These two have hung out at least once I think and he generally thinks she's cool. I'll have to maybe think of something for them to do but I'd like for them to be friends. He probably knows she likes music and his mother, and most of his siblings are musical too. It's something he's kind of avoided so maybe we can do something with that? Does she play any instruments?

Margo and Niamh: Yes I can see these two getting along. I'm not sure what they would do together yet but I can think about it!

Yvonne and Elvera: Yess!! I'd love for them to be closer and gab about school and everything going on. Maybe Yvonne stops by for a snack after her lessons and they have a chat?? I can maybe start that if you would like?

Nikko + Flynn: Flynn is always up for listening to venting and probably has issues of his own he wants to complain vent about as well. Maybe just both hanging in the common room and start chatting about stuff?

Delilah + Flynn: For people who run in the same circles they really haven't interacted all that much really :teehee: I'm all down for Delilah trying to call him out on the fact he doesn't take things very seriously at some point. Maybe it's a bit late for a shop thread seeing as school break is ending in a week, but we could still do something at Hoggies or something. I'm down for it either way though!

Caleb + Rhys: I mean, he's not wrong Rhys is boring. But someone probably does need to get this kid out of his shell and make him more interesting. He hasn't attended the Yule or Valentine's dance or anything even once, so he's more than welcome to try and convince him he might actually be fun and stop being such a stick in the mud.

Felix + Jingyi: Yess I like the idea of changing things around so it's Jingyi coming across Felix doing something. I think that would help with Jingyi opening up more and trust him a little more and that's he is not just a secret tattletale or something.

Margo + Zag: Everyone is a stranger unless you really know them so it counts. It could be cute, and I would like them to be friends and break them out of their little shy shells a little.

Ethan + Mish: I mean, this is fair Mischa is 'a lot'. The kid is all over the place tbh. But he is the sort just to barge his way into things without even really asking for permission, so maybe he comes across Ethan doing a bit of research on the ghosts and just decides that he wants in on this as well.

Micha + Hyun: We could push this one back until the xmas break or something. Maybe say they have been exchanging a couple of letters and meet up over the break or something like that.
Nikko + Flynn: That sounds good. Maybe after he posts the new line up they can chat about it?? (which will be soon)

Delilah + Flynn: Def too late for shop thread but thats cause my brain died for a second there. Maybe in the prefects common room they could rub each other the wrong way??

Caleb + Rhys: Cool, down to do something a bit closer to a dance then. 👍

Felix + Jingyi: That sounds good, I just need to come up with a prank haha.

Margo + Zag: Sounds good, we can probably start this one soon.

Ethan + Mish: Excellent, this one should be an easy one to start too.

Micha + Hyun: Sounds good, and if it's after the other schools game they'll have more to talk about too.

So it looks like Nikko + Flynn, Delilah + Flynn, Margo x Zag, and Ethan + Mish could all start any time. Are there any you want to focus on first or one's you'd prefer to start??

I'm just throwing out some general ideas here so feel free to focus on what sounds good to you :r

Nikko x Isaiah: would be up for anything to do with quidditch! Zay might also want to befriend the other players on the team some more because he wants them all to be a tight bunch

Delilah x Ana Sofia: I don’t think we’ve done a lot with them but Ana could happily use some more friends (she’d also definitely be impressed with Delilah being musical). I could perhaps also offer her up for some romance if you’re up for that

Indi x Isaiah: if she’s looking for mischief then she’s very welcome to hit him up lol

Caleb x Ivelisse: I feel like they got along before and since Ive can be really smug if she wants to they might be a good match

Felix x Kiara: I honestly enjoyed their little interaction during the yule ball so would be keen to do some more with them! She might also develop a crush on him at some point if they do hang out more but that could very well be unrequited

Ethan x Senna: no idea how these two would get along but it could be interesting? (if he keeps bothering people with questions than I guess it could be a prepare for trouble and make it double situation?)

Poppy x Gaby: if you're looking for anything romantic for Poppy I could perhaps offer Gaby? She's not in New Zealand a lot but has plenty of reason to visit every now and then so they could just meet at a lucky moment or something

Nikko x Isaiah: That sounds cute! Maybe he can come to Nikko with ideas for like team building exercises?

Delilah x Ana Sophia: Oh interesting! These two haven't really hung out before but they've both been in Heta from the start so they are probably at least aware of each other. I think some romance would be interesting but might take some time on Delilah's part. But I'd be happy to throw them together as a start.

Indi x Isaiah: Hmm, I might have to take some time to think of something specific but if she hatches a plan she might tag him in to help out.

Caleb x Ivelisse: I think I saw on your PD that she's not a fan of Celia and he isn't either so maybe we can do something with that?? I think them just sitting around being maybe doing a little gossiping could be fun too.

Felix x Kiara: That could be fun! He's such a kind person I can see him just being himself and giving people ideas on accident.

Ethan x Senna: I think he would be overwhelmed by her but I don't think it's hard to overwhelm him. Maybe he keeps trying to bother a portrait and she joins in?? haha

Poppy x Gaby: Hmm, I think that could be interesting but I think I might put that on hold for a bit.

thank u all for ur patience i am so sorry this took forever!
Yay, all sounds good to me! ^_^ I will start those topics soon.
all of that sounds great to me! Yeah, I can start something with the girls! I'll link you up once I've posted it! :D
Hi Mia!

Felix and Niamh: These two have hung out at least once I think and he generally thinks she's cool. I'll have to maybe think of something for them to do but I'd like for them to be friends. He probably knows she likes music and his mother, and most of his siblings are musical too. It's something he's kind of avoided so maybe we can do something with that? Does she play any instruments?

Margo and Niamh: Yes I can see these two getting along. I'm not sure what they would do together yet but I can think about it!

Yvonne and Elvera: Yess!! I'd love for them to be closer and gab about school and everything going on. Maybe Yvonne stops by for a snack after her lessons and they have a chat?? I can maybe start that if you would like?
Felix and Niamh: Niamh's instrument of choice id her viola. however she can play violin, guitar and whistle and is learning the harp and flute (her mum is a music teacher from a rather folk background) if that gives you any ideas.

Margo and Niamh: I can't think of anything specific. but if you want I start a general bumping into each other thread.

Yvonne and Elvera: that sounds great. let me know when you have it up. and I am happy to say this is a somewhat common occurrence.
Nikko x Isaiah: That sounds cute! Maybe he can come to Nikko with ideas for like team building exercises?

Delilah x Ana Sophia: Oh interesting! These two haven't really hung out before but they've both been in Heta from the start so they are probably at least aware of each other. I think some romance would be interesting but might take some time on Delilah's part. But I'd be happy to throw them together as a start.

Indi x Isaiah: Hmm, I might have to take some time to think of something specific but if she hatches a plan she might tag him in to help out.

Caleb x Ivelisse: I think I saw on your PD that she's not a fan of Celia and he isn't either so maybe we can do something with that?? I think them just sitting around being maybe doing a little gossiping could be fun too.

Felix x Kiara: That could be fun! He's such a kind person I can see him just being himself and giving people ideas on accident.

Ethan x Senna: I think he would be overwhelmed by her but I don't think it's hard to overwhelm him. Maybe he keeps trying to bother a portrait and she joins in?? haha

Poppy x Gaby: Hmm, I think that could be interesting but I think I might put that on hold for a bit.

Nikko x Isaiah: that's for sure something he would do so I'm up for that

Delilah x Ana Sofia: sounds good!

Indi x Isaiah: yesss, he'd be happy to join in if she comes up with anything at some point in the year.

Caleb x Ivelisse: not a fan might be an understatement in Ive's case but oh man she would love to find out he doesn't really like Celia either :r

Felix x Kiara: Right? I think it would be a mix between him being so kind he doesn't notice and her just being young and naive (she also definitely won't have the confident to admit to it anyways so he could very well remain oblivious about it if she does end up developing a crush)

Ethan x Senna: she would happily join in! i reckon that could be very interesting

Poppy x Gaby: no worries!

I think Nikko & Isaiah would for sure be fun to start with (I'd be happy to get something going for them) and then perhaps one or two more? I'm up for anything really so whatever you want to do is cool

Nikko and Lucas: Agreed. I think the two of them should hang out more and talk about captain things.

Caleb and Louis: Yes yes yes. Also Caleb is not above going out of his way to maybe sabotage other people Louis has his eye on because he can't quite admit his feelings yet.

Felix and Gwen: I'd love for them to hang out more. I think he might be a bit wary of too much attention from Gwen after talking with Rene during the Valentine's dance. But he is also not that bright and could fall for her flattery quite easily.

I'm really keen to do some Caleb and Louis, should we pick one of the other ideas and do two for now?
Hello! I'm alive I promise!
Felix and Niamh: Niamh's instrument of choice id her viola. however she can play violin, guitar and whistle and is learning the harp and flute (her mum is a music teacher from a rather folk background) if that gives you any ideas.

Margo and Niamh: I can't think of anything specific. but if you want I start a general bumping into each other thread.

Yvonne and Elvera: that sounds great. let me know when you have it up. and I am happy to say this is a somewhat common occurrence.
Hmm, that all sounds good. Might have to think a bit more about Margo x Niamh. But I'd love to do the other two soon.

Maybe Felix can hear her playing the violin or something and ask her about it? His mother who passed away was a musician but it's something he's really avoided so it might be interesting for him talk to someone not in his family about music.

I can start something for Elvera and Yvonne if you'd start the one for Felix and Niamh? Unless you'd like to swap! Either way is fine for me.

Nikko x Isaiah: that's for sure something he would do so I'm up for that

Delilah x Ana Sofia: sounds good!

Indi x Isaiah: yesss, he'd be happy to join in if she comes up with anything at some point in the year.

Caleb x Ivelisse: not a fan might be an understatement in Ive's case but oh man she would love to find out he doesn't really like Celia either :r

Felix x Kiara: Right? I think it would be a mix between him being so kind he doesn't notice and her just being young and naive (she also definitely won't have the confident to admit to it anyways so he could very well remain oblivious about it if she does end up developing a crush)

Ethan x Senna: she would happily join in! i reckon that could be very interesting

Poppy x Gaby: no worries!

I think Nikko & Isaiah would for sure be fun to start with (I'd be happy to get something going for them) and then perhaps one or two more? I'm up for anything really so whatever you want to do is cool
Yes that all sounds great! I have all of these noted but yes I'm totally down for Nikko and Isaiah. Maybe I can start something for Delilah and Ana Sofia to start??
Yes that all sounds great! I have all of these noted but yes I'm totally down for Nikko and Isaiah. Maybe I can start something for Delilah and Ana Sofia to start??
Sounds like a plan!

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