
Vivienne laughed, "Aww don't be mean to Ari, I used to think the mermaids were those creepy ones they have in some weird muggle movies! But apparently they don't look creepy at all." Vivienne said, then switching back into planning mode. "Hey guys, for our weekly party things or whatever, should we invite everyone, even strangers, like today? That way we can get to know heaps more people. Or, should we make it more exclusive, and only invite proper friends? Ahh! I'm doing it again, I'm doing my plan-rambling!" Vivienne blushed, she was such a weird perfectionist at times.
"Rambling is good" Arianna said, wishing that she was able to plan "Well, I think we basically know all the first years, so I don't know, maybe just invite friends, which is basically everyone anyway" she suggested.

Rhianne smiled at all of them and mentioned about agreeing on the swim.."Thanks for the food..I could come and then you can meet Jeeyan.."

((maybe i could not since i am jeeyan))
"Jeeyan..I'd rather she wasn't there." Aeon scowled, unhappy again and eating his food more slightly. She wasn't very nice that mermaid.
" :huh: ? Who's Jeeyan, and what's wrong with her?" Vivienne asked, confused.
((Sorry, I have to go, I'm really tired, need to go to sleep, even though there's no school tommorrow, I'll be horsing around, so want to be awake for that))
Arianna sighed, and checked her watch "Oops, I have to go" she said remembering that she needed to post a letter to her parents. She jumped up and waved at everyone, a little more tentativley at Aeon, hoping that he'd forgiven her for her comment. "Bye guys! It was an awesome party! I'm looking forward to the next one!" she told Vivienne and Arisa, and hurried back up to the castle.
(( k, cya :-h ))

"Aww, bye Arianna, thanks for coming! It was great that you came," Vivienne said enthusiasticly. "Guys, what are you doing standing around? We can't let this food go to waste!"
Elvera listened as the others talked about mermaids. she hadnt known that there were mermaids but she wasn't surprised, she felt like nothing here could surprise her, what with talking paintings and ghosts. Elvera took a pice of the cake that the boy who she gathered was called Aeon was devouring, she took a bite "mmm this is really good" she said with her mouth full so that crumbs came spilling out.

Kida Punched Aeon in the arm, She hit him square, "I am a Muggle you oaf" she smirked, she hated it how her cousin just past off muggles as some outcast, she smiled back to everyone. Kida laughed slightly at Elvera "Everyone says that"
Aeon glared at Kida and punched her back on the arm too, using a little more force than intended.
'Don't make me get Deo on you." He growled.
Kida Scowled, "Don't make me set Gufo and Nerezza on you" She snarled, She watched as gufo flapped his wings defensivly hooting, "see he said he's ready for you" She laughed
(( :o Aeon, you actually did it! :lol: Oh well, if you get Avada Kedavra-ed, you have no one to blame but yourself! :p ))

Vivienne laughed as she watched Aeon and Kida fighting, and the animals playing. "This day has been so fun. I met like fifty new people. And this food is pretty good, if I may say so myself :D "
Kida laughed "I agree, and i agree even more with a swim" She said grinning
"I'll clip that birds wings." Aeon mumbled, so only Gufo and Kida could hear. "And put that cat in water."
"Hmm, me too. Should we go down to the lake later? We might see those mermaids you talked about. Oh wait, how do you communicate with them? They speak a different language don't they. And it's hard for humans to speak underwater.." Vivienne asked curiously.
Aeon's attention snapped back to Viv. "I've heard them singing while I was above water, So I'm sure they can hear you, butt hey have to remain underwater, Otherwise it's a loud screech." Aeon said, He knew a lot about the mermaids, since he befriended one
Kida Scowled at Aeon, She lowered her voice so no one could hear "I'll shave them puffy things" she smirked to herself
"Well..this has been fun. But I must get going now, Tell me whenever we get to go to the lake." Aeon said, getting up and brushing the crumbs off. "Come here Deo." He called, holding out his hand so that his pet could jump onto it.
"See ya's" Aeon said once Deo was happily sitting in his hand. Aeon slipped his free hand into the basket and took the rest of the cake and hid it in his bag, wrapped up in a cloth, before leaving to the castle. Aeon went to kick Kida hard in the back when he left.
Kida continued to pat Nerezza and watched her cousin walk towards her, she knew he wasnt going to hug her, Kida quickly stood up and jumped over the other side of the rug, completely dodging his attack, she sat down again, and continued to pet Nerezza,
(( Wrong Kida, I didn't come back, I did it as I walked behind you so you wouldn't exactly expect it. ))
((i dont care, and she still dodged it, cause you did it for no IC Reason))
"Oh, leave no cake for the rest of us, real nice, Aeon!" Vivienne laughed again, as she spotted Aeon steal the rest of the cake. "Yeah, I'll send you an owl if we arrange anything."

(( Hey, I've got to go to bed now, I guess we can just leave this and maybe continue another day, incase some other people come back.. Anyway bye :-h ))
(( yes, He's angry at you still, when you punched him, kkthx ))
((Thats not a good enough reason to Punch her, and you and i both know its not cause of that, besides Aeon is gone now, it doesnt matter))
((Cya, We'll go to the lake next post ^^, Owl everyone BAHA sounds funny))

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