
"Hey Im arisa" Arisa said removing her hand from her face to shake the girls hand she hoped no one noticed
"Hey, are you Elvera? Glad you could make it!" Vivienne asked politely. "I wanted to invite everyone so we could all get to know each other better, so sorry if you think this is all so random." She laughed, taking another sip of butterbeer.
Arianna watched as a girl she hadn't met before left "bye" she said, trying to be polite. She watched as a boy she vaguley recognised as a Gryffindor took yet another piece of cake "Good cake?" she asked him, grinning "I might have to sample it myself" she said, taking a piece.
"So how was school beem for eveyone?" Arisa asked watching the pets play on the grass.
Kida kept on restraining Nerezza from Diving at the food and ruining everything smiled "It has been Great, I love going to the lake front and talking with the mermaids, has anyone else talked to them?" Kida Asked
Elvera saw that everyone else was eating, so she knelt down and took a sandwich. when a girl introduced herself Elvera thought that she must try to remember her name, Arisa. she took arisa's hand and shook it. another girl came over and she presumed that it w vianne as and she had organized the party, and arisa had introduced herself. "yes thats me, and no i think that it is a lovely idea, i wouldn't have the guts to invite loads of strangers to a party" elvera laughed slightly at this comment.
"no i havnt met any mermaids yet" Arisa said she had been to the lake but just to catch up on her reading.
"Yeah, school has been pretty fun I must say. And no, I haven't seen the mermaids," Vivienne said, then turning to Elvera. "Oh yay, I'm pleased you're enjoying yourself!" she said with a smile.
"Oh the mermaids are Great, I'm sure if we all go down for a late night swim we will meet lots," Kida said with a grin
"The mermaids are great, Except there's one I don't like that much." Aeon said with a smile, He'd been swimming with them countless times. Aeon took another bite of his cake and beamed happily
Kida Nodded in agreement, "But we dont want to bring that up now do we" Kida Laughed
"Wait, there are mermaids here?!" Arianna exclaimed "I had no idea! Wow!" she said, jumping up, and craning her neck to get a view of lake. "Would someone come down there for a second with me? Then come straight back" she asked.
Kida Laughed, "How about we all go down a bit later, the Mermaids are proberly having lunch just like us" Kida said chuckeling slightly
"Ooh we should all go down there one day, that would be so fun," Vivienne said. "We should make this party like a weekly thing, don't you guys think? Or is it better just to have it every once in a while. I guess it's more special like that.."
"Weekly for sure" Kida Said, "we'll have a picnic, and then go for a swim once a week, and on birthdays we gather for a celebration" kida Grinned
"A' agree, Ith would beh fun to go down ash a groupth" Aeon mumbled with food still in his mouth, then he quickly swallowed and tried again. "Yeah, It would be fun to go down together."
"Well, birthdays sound good, it's mine on the coming Wednesday, I'm turning twelve" she said proudly.
"We should definetley go down, and bring memaid food, or bait, or something" she said.
Arianna turned to the boy who had just spoken and smiled "Hi, I'm Arianna, or Ari" she introduced herself

((Vivienne, I know you know I'm actually turning foutreen, but Arianna has the same birthday as me, lol))
"It's your birthday? Really? Wow, we have to celebrate. I'll bake you a cake! Should I use the same recipe I did for the one Aeon's destroying, or is it not very good?" Vivienne said, making plans in her head - She always wanted to do things for other people's birthdays. "Ughh sorry, I'm ranting again aren't I.." She said, laughing.
"Hi I'm Aeo-" Aeon said, suddenly stopping. "Bait? Are you serious? They are part human, People think their just fish, Their not." He said, folding his arms across his chest unhappily.
Kida's smile faded "Sorry Ari, but i have to agree with aeon, The Mermaids are part human aswell, We dont bait humans, we dont need to bait mermaids"
Arianna gasped "I'm sorry! I had no idea, I thought they were like those fairy tale fish creatures I read about when I was younger" she looked around at the people frowning at her, and wanted to sink into the ground. Because that couldn't happen, she just turned scarlett, and hid her face.
Kida Smiled again "Thats Ok Ari, sorry about the sudden Attitude Change, Its just Aeon and I know the Mermaids Really well, its kinda a Offence to them, You will love them" Kida Grinned

((BRB guys i gotta go have a shower now ^^))
Aeon's palm went to his face and made a loud sound as it hit. ((Facepalm xD))
"Muggles aren't good at getting magic correct." He said, giggling to himself.
Arianna gave Kida a small smile "Yeah, I really want to get to know them"
"Well, I'm actually half blood, which is even worse, I SHOULD know about them"

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