Perfect Match

Avie and a mother who isn't dead
Soren and a friend

Is it just me or are the "perfect matches" seemingly a bit harsh today? xD
Indiana and Tybalt of course. Shipper since day one!!
In that case. Sam and Mariposa Toviniski
James and Charlotte Owens :D
Marisol and Wyatt Finch.

I'm a shameless Myatt shipper :r
Bryony and Viviana, good lord that'd be a riot
Sloane Stark and Monty Pendleton, for the lolz
Also for like staff romance!
Anna and Isaac Ashworth if they were in the same age group.
Belladonna and Vladimir - even though he's a butt >.>
Why, Pericles and Teddy, of course!
Wren and Atreus, they both have majestic hair!
I'm mad at you and I want to put an Emily with a Stephen, but alas, this is impossible, so I will instead put her with... a seer of any kind because I think she would enjoy that greatly.
Ellington and Lucas bc they'll make super mega wolfie children? IDK
November and no one! She's too young!
Kennedy and Adam Winters :r
Troye and time. She's too young to even think about seeing someone!

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