Charlotte did not actually want to dance, so she was quite happy to watch as a few of the other girls walked away to dance to a song, Charlotte Edwina had never heard before. She didn't listen to much normal, mainstream music. Charlotte found she just did not have the time. A small smile was on the young hufflepuff's face as she watched the other girls dance. There were quite a number of them, and this made it somewhat difficult to even have a normal conversation, but it didn't bother Charlotte, she was alright with having no one to talk to. She was happy to just watch. Her eyes however were greeted with another familiar girl. Amanda, or Mandy. Someone that she had met before school, just like how she had met Shiloh. "Miss Amanda, it is wonderful to see you again. And, the colour of that dress is amazing. I trust you have been doing well in school?" As Charlotte's memory served her, Amanda was smart, and of course she had curtsied. An odd habit she found the rest doing, as she did. She wasn't sure if the others around them, even liked to do such a thing as curtsey. It was overly formal, that Charlotte knew. But she was used to it. In her household, her father would've said it was incredibly disrespectful for her to not do it, even if the other person did not do it in return. Charlotte had always been curious, but not curious enough. She did not however press the subject with her, as Charlotte was a) waiting for a reply and b) unsure as to if they were still friends. What also occured to her, was the girl who spoke with an odd accent, also said Miss, but then the second name. It was more formal, than first name, but Charlotte had learnt that when addressing her peers, she was better to say the first name rather than second, as that really was too formal. She ignored it however, realising that others might be like her, and even more formal.
Charlotte Edwina Williams' attention was drawn away from that, as a girl, who looked exactly like the one that had just spoken approached the people left standing at the edge. Charlotte gave a small curtsey as the girl introduced herself, and seemed to know who she was. "Lady Charlotte Edwina Williams, that is me. But, Charlotte, is fine. Lady, makes me sound old." Charlotte said with a polite smile. "I Must however confess, my father rarely speaks of his work and whom he meets, so, I ask your name? My father may have mentioned your family, but putting names and faces together has never been a Williams strong point."