Opaleye Assault II

"Opaleye Assult. Future quidditch champions!!" Lily said with a grin.
Ryan saw three of his teammates hovering in the center of the pitch and decied to show Bruin a bit of what he had learned in a few "Secret Flying Lessons". He started to stand on his broom while still moving towards them and just as he was about to hit them he pushed down on his broom so that i went lower, then he jumped over Bruin landing back on his broom. He had done a little more than he was expecting to but it had looked good, so it wasent that big a deal. He turned around and stoped beside Lily.
Bruin shrugged his shoulders and braced himself for impact as Ryan had approached only to have him leap over him and land back on his broom.

"Whoa!!! That was impressive Ryan!!! What do you call that move???"
Ryan gave a little laugh and said with a smile " Leap Frog!, You like it?" he asked
"Oh yeah...just don't do it again!!! At least not at me!!!", Bruin said with a grin.
"OK then ruin my fun!" Ryan said with a laugh " Oh well at least i got to do it once, and maybe i'll get to try it in a game somtime" he said with a smile

(( And um.. i'm really confused in how the quidditch points work in the games))
(((OOC-so am I...so that's why we are going to try an exhibition game to sort it out...Alicia assures me that it works well, but I think it requires everyone to be online at once which may be impossible)))
(( Yeah thats not goin to work very well :(, oh well we can try right))
"Ryan that was impressive! Definately keep the practiced for games. That could come in really handy!" Lily said looking at Ryan.

(((i agree, we are really gonna need practice with the whole points thing. I am really confused on it lol)))
"Thanks Lily" Ryan said with a grin "So what are we going to do now?, more follow the leader, or should we get a bit of stuff with the balls going?" Ryan asked
((yeah hopfully it works out))
Murtagh smiled he loved quidditch but he had been fairly quiet and had held back a little in follow the leader not wanting to draw attention to himself because he didn't know many of these people.

((Im very confused about them to. How do they were at all does anyone know the basics?))
((the general rules appear as a pinned topic "Quidditch" in the Quidditch Pitch forum, but will probably only make sense once we actually try it and get some feedback on how we are doing. Essentially, the more Quidditch Points you have, the more positive moves you can do and if you have less, you might have to take some negative things happening to you until you can help again. We earn quidditch points through our practices, the more posts = more points, plus you get 200 when you pass your first year Flying Lessons))))
(((OOC: sorry ive been gone for a while)))

Zoe flew around a little bit, thinking about their first game, and who it would be against. then asked, "Does anybody know what the other teams are called?" and flew down towards everyone else.
"I think Liz's team is going to be called the Valkyries, but Kaela's team was still trying to come up with a name last time I heard.", Bruin answered.
(((lets hope our first game isn't until us first years have finished up our flying lessons! i won't be much help with only a handful of points.)))

Lily was still hovering by the rest of the team.

"So, now what are we going to do?" she asked.

(((oh, and i will be out this afternoon so i will catch up tonight again.)
Bruin thought for a few moments, he was becoming a little anxious about the practices. They were hard to do with no opposition and seemed a little pointless without the Bludgers and Snitch involved. Suddenly, he had a brief flashback to hockey practices and tirelessly practicing breakout plays to quickly change from defense to offense.

"Alright, gather around and I'll explain the next drill...we are going to line up as if it were the start of the game, everyone on our side of the pitch except for Estrella who will be in the position of the other team's keeper. I'm going to release one Bludger, one Quaffle and the Snitch and then we are going to go down and try and score on Estrella. If we score, great, we'll start again from centre, but...if Estrella makes the save as we know she will most of the time" Bruin said with a grin, "We will switch directions, as if we are now on Estrella's team and trying to score on the far hoops. As soon as she has the Quaffle, I want the nearest Chaser to immediately drop 10 feet and prepare to receive her pass, the second nearest Chaser should head out wide on the same side of the pitch as that Chaser and be prepared for an outlet pass. The third chaser can start streaking up the middle looking for a quick strike pass from either of the first two. We can call this breakout number one for now, but can come up with a codename for it for use in games...I'd like us to get to the point where we just know where each other will be and don't have to think too much before going on the offensive.

While all this is happening, Zoe-Hope will be trying to capture the Snitch and Murtagh and I will be keeping the Bludgers out of her way and yours" Bruin added, indicating the Chasers with a quick sweep of his arm. "In games, we will also run interference to open up the passing lanes for the breakout."

Bruin took a breath and looked at his teammates, not knowing whether they had understood.... "Did that make any sense or do you want to walk through it with just the Quaffle first?"
Zoe was a bit confused about it, but it didn't matter whether she understood or not, for she was just going for the snitch, as usual, which she liked. She went into position, "Ok, that sounds like a great drill." And waited for the 'Ok' from Bruin.
"Awesome! That's a great idea!" Estrella laughed. Zooming down to the other end of the pitch on her broom, she waited with determination for her teammates to attempt to get past her.
Bruin assumed that if Zoe-Hope and Estrella were okay with it then the rest probably understood the main idea as well. When Estrella, Zoe-Hope and the others had lined up in their positions, he fired a Quaffle into the air amongst the Chasers, watching how they responded for a moment before releasing a Bludger and the Snitch. The breakout drill had begun...
Murtagh smiled he understood for the most part, and he thought the drill would work well. A moment after Bruin released the quaffle and the bludger he let out a shout of happiness.
Lily watched as Bruin released the bludger, quaffle and snitch. She was ready to make a dive for the quaffle and start it twords the end where Estrella was standing guard. She watched as the quaffle made an arc up into the air before she made her move on her Firebolt. Lily swooped around in a circle and grabbed the quaffle with her left hand and craddled it, much like a football, while holding onto her broom with her right. She headed off twords Estrella, waiting to see what her team would do next.
Estrella watched the quaffle with the stalking alertness of a cat hunting a mouse; there was no way she was going to let the quaffle in past her.
(((OOC - Just for clarification, Estrella has no team during this drill...basically, Lily, Ryan and Heath should be charging in and trying to score on her.... Murtagh and I will go bash some bludgers if they are after you or Zoe-Hope, so feel free to let us know if one is on your tail...and Zoe-Hope is off chasing the snitch.... If the Chasers score, we'll start at centre again with the Quaffle going in to shoot on Estrella...if Estrella makes the save, then the Chasers switch direction and look to take a pass from Estrella and start the breakout play I tried to describe earlier)))
Murtagh was watching the bludger to make sure it did not get to close to his teamates before he could get to it but it was safely flying around the inside wall of the stands.

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