Bruin thought for a few moments, he was becoming a little anxious about the practices. They were hard to do with no opposition and seemed a little pointless without the Bludgers and Snitch involved. Suddenly, he had a brief flashback to hockey practices and tirelessly practicing breakout plays to quickly change from defense to offense.
"Alright, gather around and I'll explain the next drill...we are going to line up as if it were the start of the game, everyone on our side of the pitch except for Estrella who will be in the position of the other team's keeper. I'm going to release one Bludger, one Quaffle and the Snitch and then we are going to go down and try and score on Estrella. If we score, great, we'll start again from centre, but...if Estrella makes the save as we know she will most of the time" Bruin said with a grin, "We will switch directions, as if we are now on Estrella's team and trying to score on the far hoops. As soon as she has the Quaffle, I want the nearest Chaser to immediately drop 10 feet and prepare to receive her pass, the second nearest Chaser should head out wide on the same side of the pitch as that Chaser and be prepared for an outlet pass. The third chaser can start streaking up the middle looking for a quick strike pass from either of the first two. We can call this breakout number one for now, but can come up with a codename for it for use in games...I'd like us to get to the point where we just know where each other will be and don't have to think too much before going on the offensive.
While all this is happening, Zoe-Hope will be trying to capture the Snitch and Murtagh and I will be keeping the Bludgers out of her way and yours" Bruin added, indicating the Chasers with a quick sweep of his arm. "In games, we will also run interference to open up the passing lanes for the breakout."
Bruin took a breath and looked at his teammates, not knowing whether they had understood.... "Did that make any sense or do you want to walk through it with just the Quaffle first?"