- Messages
- 359
- OOC First Name
- Amanda
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Ernie
- Wand
- 12.75" Chestnut with Essence of Belladonna
- Age
- March 27, 2024

Olivia Namina Rose Drage
Full birth name: Olivia Namina Rose Styx
Olivia- "Ancestor's Descendant" (English)
Namina- Unknown (Bulgarian-she was given this name after Jaken's 'mother,' which turned out to be a lie)
Rose- "Rose, the flower" (English- named after Estrella's best friend, who died in HNZ's Y1)
Drage- "Dragon" (Norwegian- Olivia's distant ancestors became experts working with this magical creature in remote northeastern Norway. More recently, Olivia's brothers Seth and Slade have made careers out of working with dragons.)
Styx- "Refers to the mythological River Styx, which was used to ferry the dead to the afterlife." (Greek- this surname comes from Olivia's paternal side of the family, and is the name Olivia was born with. Olivia's mother changed her surname to Drage in early life.)
Strengths: Down-to-earth, assertive, physically strongWeaknesses: Absent-minded, obsessive
Likes: Plants, the outdoors, potions, animals/magical creatures (especially Wrackspurts)
Dislikes: Books, rules, meat
Physical description: Olivia is tall and broad-shouldered. She stands at 6'2" (1.88 m) and is solidly built. Her hair is medium-length, a dark brown with tight, wild curls. Her eyes are golden-brown. It's not uncommon for Olivia to be covered with leaves, dirt, slime, or other substances from magical plants.
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand (Gryffindor) for Years One, Ilvermorny (Pukwudgie) Years Two-Seven
Wand: 12.75" Chestnut with Essence of Belladonna
Profession: Self-employed Herbologist, Owner of Olivia's Greenhouse
Current status
Olivia is a "new" arrival to New Zealand as she has not visited in the past fifteen years. Her mother, Estrella Drage, recently passed away from a terminal illness and left the family's property in Obsidian Harbor to her children. Olivia decided to move to New Zealand for a fresh start and opportunity to start a herbology business. She is slightly annoyed that her siblings have decided to tag along. Despite this, she is going forward with her professional ventures. This means the house they are sharing is covered from floor-to-ceiling in magical plants.
Olivia is usually at odds with her younger sister, Lydia, due to their conflicting personalities and strengths. Olivia is closest to her younger brother, Seth, and on good terms with Slade, his twin. She has a limited friend circle, as she would honestly spend more time outside with plants and magical creatures than other wizards and witches.
Olivia had a turbulent early childhood, with the disappearance and later death of her father, Jaken Styx, at the age of two. Estrella changed the last name of her four children to Drage (her maiden name) to simplify their lives and avoid future conflict with Jaken's family. Olivia and her siblings were moved back and forth between the United States, Norway, and New Zealand. Olivia started her education at Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted into Gryffindor House. During Olivia's second year, Estrella decided to provide a stable home for her family once and for all.
The Drages moved back to the United States and Olivia was enrolled at Ilvermorny. Olivia was sorted into Pukwudgie. She was an abysmal student and barely met the requirements to graduate, which was a point of contention between Olivia and her mother. However, she did have a special fondness for herbology and magical creatures courses. Olivia was rambunctious and playful when she was younger; she has grown to become more mellow and introverted. However, she still has a temper, which shows up quickly when other people try to control her or push her around.
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