Olivia Drage

Olivia Drage

Herbologist | Olivia's Greenhouse Owner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12.75" Chestnut with Essence of Belladonna
March 27, 2024

Olivia Namina Rose Drage
Date of birth: March 27, 2024
Full birth name: Olivia Namina Rose Styx

Olivia- "Ancestor's Descendant" (English)
Namina- Unknown (Bulgarian-she was given this name after Jaken's 'mother,' which turned out to be a lie)
Rose- "Rose, the flower" (English- named after Estrella's best friend, who died in HNZ's Y1)
Drage- "Dragon" (Norwegian- Olivia's distant ancestors became experts working with this magical creature in remote northeastern Norway. More recently, Olivia's brothers Seth and Slade have made careers out of working with dragons.)
Styx- "Refers to the mythological River Styx, which was used to ferry the dead to the afterlife." (Greek- this surname comes from Olivia's paternal side of the family, and is the name Olivia was born with. Olivia's mother changed her surname to Drage in early life.)
Strengths: Down-to-earth, assertive, physically strong
Weaknesses: Absent-minded, obsessive
Likes: Plants, the outdoors, potions, animals/magical creatures (especially Wrackspurts)
Dislikes: Books, rules, meat
Physical description: Olivia is tall and broad-shouldered. She stands at 6'2" (1.88 m) and is solidly built. Her hair is medium-length, a dark brown with tight, wild curls. Her eyes are golden-brown. It's not uncommon for Olivia to be covered with leaves, dirt, slime, or other substances from magical plants.
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand (Gryffindor) for Years One, Ilvermorny (Pukwudgie) Years Two-Seven
Wand: 12.75" Chestnut with Essence of Belladonna
Profession: Self-employed Herbologist, Owner of Olivia's Greenhouse

Current status
Olivia is a "new" arrival to New Zealand as she has not visited in the past fifteen years. Her mother, Estrella Drage, recently passed away from a terminal illness and left the family's property in Obsidian Harbor to her children. Olivia decided to move to New Zealand for a fresh start and opportunity to start a herbology business. She is slightly annoyed that her siblings have decided to tag along. Despite this, she is going forward with her professional ventures. This means the house they are sharing is covered from floor-to-ceiling in magical plants.

Olivia is usually at odds with her younger sister, Lydia, due to their conflicting personalities and strengths. Olivia is closest to her younger brother, Seth, and on good terms with Slade, his twin. She has a limited friend circle, as she would honestly spend more time outside with plants and magical creatures than other wizards and witches.

Olivia had a turbulent early childhood, with the disappearance and later death of her father, Jaken Styx, at the age of two. Estrella changed the last name of her four children to Drage (her maiden name) to simplify their lives and avoid future conflict with Jaken's family. Olivia and her siblings were moved back and forth between the United States, Norway, and New Zealand. Olivia started her education at Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted into Gryffindor House. During Olivia's second year, Estrella decided to provide a stable home for her family once and for all.

The Drages moved back to the United States and Olivia was enrolled at Ilvermorny. Olivia was sorted into Pukwudgie. She was an abysmal student and barely met the requirements to graduate, which was a point of contention between Olivia and her mother. However, she did have a special fondness for herbology and magical creatures courses. Olivia was rambunctious and playful when she was younger; she has grown to become more mellow and introverted. However, she still has a temper, which shows up quickly when other people try to control her or push her around.
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Topics and summaries

Early life
Topic nameCharacters involvedDescription
A sweet new blossom of humanityEstrella Drage, Jaken Styx, Nicolette Styx, Professor Kalif Styx, Julie Bennett-Drage, Tristan Drage, and childrenOlivia's family visits her sometime after she is born. Except that Kalif and Tristan are none too pleased when they visit at the same time.
In this garden of fearEstrella Drage, Hades Lutrov, Jaken StyxHades shows himself into Estrella and Jaken's home, and reveals that he's been stalking their family. Olivia is too young to understand what's going on.
Blood to blood, it must be repaidJaken Styx, Hades Lutrov, Professor Kalif Styx, Tristan Drage, Estrella DrageDuring a holiday in the States, Jaken is attacked by Hades- he is maimed and has his memory wiped. Kalif brings Jaken back to a pregnant Estrella. Olivia is, again, an oblivious observer.
Violent shove into realityEstrella Drage, Jaken Styx, Professor Lydia Drage, Hades StyxHades returns Jaken to his family after months of rehabilitation; his mind and body have been all but broken.
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?Nicolette Styx, Estrella Drage, Professor Lydia DrageOlivia, Estrella, and Lydia visit Nicolette after Bothizar is born (thread incomplete)
Everything good must endJaken Styx, Chavdar Zhefarovich, Onix HenselMistaking Jaken for Hades, the infamous Onix Hensel poisons and murders Jaken in front of Chavdar. Onix is unaware that Jaken is his grandson. (Olivia is not in this thread, but it is noteworthy to her biography.)
No one loves the messengerEstrella Drage, Chavdar ZhefarovichChavdar notifies Estrella (pregnant with the twins) that Jaken has been murdered. Olivia and Lydia are at home and now fatherless.
Heaven hear me, hold them safeEstrella Drage, Lily Drage, Professor Lydia DrageA pregnant Estrella temporarily moves to Norway with Olivia and Lydia. They spend time with Estrella's best friend and now sister-in-law Lily, who has recently lost her baby in a Quidditch accident. Estrella and Lily grieve together while the girls are oblivious to what their family has lost.
Do your eyes deceive youEstrella DrageEstrella brings her young daughters to Obsidian Harbour for a morning shopping trip. They happen upon a supremacist demonstration and quickly flee the scene.
All roads lead homeEstrella Drage, Patricia StyxJaken's sister Patricia visits over the Christmas holiday. Olivia demands presents.
Baking breadEstrella Drage, Professor Lydia Drage, Lily Drage, Sumner DrageLily and Sumner visit Estrella and the four kids. They find out they're expecting a baby of their own.
Hey, little flower ladyProfessor Cyndi KingsleyCyndi, a bride-to-be, takes Olivia shopping for her flower girl dress. Olivia is rambunctious as always.
Fireworks over GeorgiaProfessor Cyndi Kingsley, Cameron Kingsley, Estrella Drage, Kiera Kingsley, many othersOlivia proudly carries out her duties as the flower girl at Cyndi and Cameron's wedding.

2051 to 2052
Olivia moves to Obsidian Harbour after Estrella's death. She is slightly annoyed when her siblings follow her, since she wants a fresh start. Olivia starts to build her new pop-up business. She fills up her house and yard with magical plants and frustrates her siblings, especially Lydia. Eventually, Olivia acquires an enchanted greenhouse, which collapses into a hand case. Olivia names her business "Olivia's Greenhouse"- her main base is Obsidian Harbour, but she is happy that the greenhouse is mobile so she can set up shop anywhere. She meets Chalcedony Michaels, an expert gardener; after he helps tend to her sick asphodel and chat, they become friends.
Julie, Olivia's stepmother, passes away in Canada. Olivia and her siblings attend the funeral. Slade invites along an unexpected attendee: Kalif Styx, their supposedly adoptive grandfather who is none too pleased to be invited to a Muggle funeral. Olivia finds out for the first time about the notebook her mother gave to Lydia, which is enchanted to share a different message and secret with each of them. Olivia finds out later that she, as the eldest child, was supposed to receive the notebook first. However, this is learned all too late at a tense meeting with Kalif Styx. The four Drage siblings, now into their late 20s, learn that Kalif Styx and Nicolette Hensel are their biological grandparents, their father Jaken was tortured and maimed for being an Auror, and that Kalif, Tristan, and their great-grandfather Valcan all have unsavory pasts as Dark Arts practitioners. Angry and hurt, Olivia insists that she does not want anything to do with the Styx family- she promises to be a thorn in Kalif's side.

Topic nameCharacters involvedDescription
Down-to-earthOwen RiversOlivia stops at the Leaky Cauldron with an obnoxious number of plants in tow. She meets Owen Rivers. (thread incomplete)
RootsSeth Drage, Professor Lydia Drage, Tristan Drage, Christian Drage-DolohovOlivia and two of her siblings reconnect at their old family home in Obsidian Harbour, a few months after Estrella's death. Tristan and Christian stop by to visit. The house is overrun with Olivia's plants.
Slow growthIoan FinchOlivia sets up a makeshift stand in Obsidian Harbour. She meets her first customer.
How lovely, the silence of growing thingsChalcedony MichaelsOlivia seeks out Chalcedony, and eccentric and expert gardener, for assistance with her sick asphodel. The two bond and become friends.
I'm slipping under Julie Bennett-Drage, Tristan Drage, Joshua Hanson, Lily Drage, Sumner Drage, Professor Kalif Styx, Slade Drage, many othersOlivia's step-grandmother Julie passes away in her sleep. Both muggles and wizarding family gather to grieve her death and celebrate her life. The impulsive Slade drags a bewildered Kalif to the festivities, claiming he has "found" him. Olivia learns about Estrella's notebook, which she has never seen before and contains a letter to each of the children. Slade snatches up the notebook. Kalif invites them to a future meeting at the Styx Manor to clear things up, but threatens Slade for inviting him to a Muggle funeral.
Be whooo you areErnie WilderOlivia decides, after years, to replace the family owl. With the assistance of Ernie, the shopkeeper, Olivia meets Arty the palau owl. She and Ernie find out that they were in the same house at Ilvermorny, although they are several years apart.
Special meetupProfessor Lydia Drage, Seth Drage, Slade Drage, Professor Kalif Styx, Radoul Antoaneta, Hades LutrovOlivia and her siblings visit the Styx Manor. They learn disturbing secrets from Kalif, and question their mother's intentions.
Nature and nurtureRosemarie Chatwin, Tilly DrageOlivia agrees to take in Tilly (her cousin) and Rosemarie for a few hours after they shop in Obsidian Harbour. Olivia and Rosemarie bond over their love for all things botanical.
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Jaken Larmyne Styx
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Retired Auror, Former Unspeakable
Education: Durmstrang, HNZ (Slytherin)
Birthdate: September 13, 2004
Death date: April 26, 2026
Estrella Dorothea Drage
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Profession: Obliviator
Education: HNZ (Ravenclaw)
Birthdate: February 18, 2005
Death date: December 27, 2050

Lydia Lorelei Drage
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Profession: Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, amateur duellist
Education: Ilvermorny (Wampus)
Relationship: Single
Birthdate: September 13, 2025
Seth Jaken Larmyne Drage
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Profession: Dragonologist
Education: Ilvermorny (Horned Serpent)
Relationship: Imogen Von Klampenverb-Popple
Birthdate: September 1, 2026
Slade Jaken Larmyne Drage
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Profession: Dragon Tamer, Scitorari (Anarcho-Magic)
Education: Ilvermorny (Thunderbird)
Relationship: Single
Birthdate: September 1, 2026

Paternal Grandparents
Kalif Ivaylo Styx (formerly Zhefarovich)
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Defense Against the Dark Arts professor (HNZ,) Zhefarovich family Patriarch, former Death Eater

Education: HS (Slytherin)
Relationship: Married to Jacqueline (Burke) Styx
Birthdate: October 31, 1972
Nicolette Arin (Hensel) Styx
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Dark Arts practitioner, former Death Eater
Relationship: Married to Kalif Styx (until death)
Education: HS (Slytherin)
Birthdate: February 2, 1973
Death Date:

Maternal Grandparents
Tristan Wolfgang Drage
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Healer, reformed Dark Arts practitioner
Education: HS (Ravenclaw), Durmstrang
Relationship: Widowed (Julie Bennett-Drage)
Birthdate: August 9, 1978
Lorelei Esther Bennett
Blood Status: Muggle
Profession: Astrophysicist, University professor
Education: Muggle, PhD in Astrophysics
Relationship: Single
Birthdate: December 19, 1981
Death date: December 23, 2010
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