Old School Week

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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4/2015 (46)
Hi all!

Several years ago, HNZ hosted its first ever "Old School Week" based on a suggestion from site members Jesse and Ash. Due to its success, we included it in this year's White Elephant game, and Daphne, the winner of this prize, would like us to declare it "Old School Week " this week!

So, what is "Old School Week" you ask?
This is an effort to get back to roleplays more similar to when you first joined the site. Although you may have joined the site writing very long, well planned replies to posts, and kudos to you if this is or was your style (I like them too sometimes!), many of us started off with shorter, open roleplays in an effort to a)build up our skills and b) find RP partners.
So this week, we want to get back to that.

If you need more of an idea of the feel of Old School Week, feel free to check out some of these examples:
Taking a Break

We've only got a few rules for this:
1. RPs still have to comply with all board rules.
2. All "Old School Week" RPs must be open and marked with the open prefix! with the OSW prefix Nick just made.
3. Keep your replies short! This will be the only time we ever impose rules on post length. :p

That's not too bad, right?

Feel free to join Daphne's roleplay or start your own. I'm going to ask that you tag all roleplays for this as Old School Week or OSW. It'll help people to find them all more easily! Let us know if you'll be joining in below. I can't wait to read all of the fun plots! ^_^

Have fun!

(on behalf of Daphne because she can't start topics in here :p )
Thanks for posting Emzies!! I'm so excited for this ^_^
Yass!! It will help with how busy I currently am. Admittedly I’ve been waiting for this :teehee:
Very exciting!
Yaaay I always look forward to OSW!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff
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