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October Alcott

✨perfectionist ✨ french ✨ ✨ RNZB ballerina ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Sia) (Bisexual
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
10/2030 (32)
Yayyy firsties :wub: I'm basking in this blue title right now my acne is clearing as I speak birds are flying into my house to serenade me (I just might be happy about having a Ravenclaw :r )

Plots are fun and friends are good and all of that so I'm just gonna go ahead and list all my characters 'cause I'm keen to plot with all of them!
October Alcott

October is a stressed out kid, on her own for the first time. Her dad never achieved his Broadway goals and raising October solo, put all his hopes and dreams and expectations on her. She's been pushed to work hard in school for good grades, and excel at her after-school hobbies (Ballet, singing, and violin.) She holds herself to a very high standard, and is really worried that the change in schedule and living situation will be too much to handle. She's stressed about everything, and could definitely use a few friends, and (sorry October baby :C ) could also potentially be a target for bullies?

Harley Tsuji

Harley is a kid with a bad attitude. She massively resents her parents for the way they acted when they found out her older brother was a squib, and she's torn between being relieved to be away from them and bitter that she's living up to expectations her brother couldn't through no fault of his own. She's not a dedicated student at all, preferring to skip class and cause mayhem, or when she's by herself just paint. (Be it on canvases or walls...) She's a troublemaker, so could use both a posse of rowdy friends, and a few fun enemies.

Vivian Brackenstall

Vivian is a shy lil loner kid. He's the child of an affair, raised by a poor solo working mum. Despite growing up in a crowded city he's never really known how to be around people, spending most of his time by himself writing poetry. His talent with words doesn't translate to speech though and he's quite quiet, never really knowing how to open up. He's extremely fond of animals though, and can happily chat to them for hours. He could really use a friend/some kindness, though again I can see bullies being drawn to him....

Ainsley Lynch

Ainsley is a second year with her head in the clouds and her nose in the books. She's a huge reader, and spends most of her time buried in fantasy books, or making fun little craft projects. Her first year was really shaky and a difficult adjustment for someone so unused to being around a lot of people her own age, but she found her feet, and is much more settled in at Hogwarts this time around. She's always looking for friends, and could also be something of a mentor to any young firsties struggling with adjusting to life at Hogwarts. (Assuming they don't mind their mentor being somewhat eccentric!)

Lizzie Taylor

Lizzie is a sporty second year with more energy than she knows what to do with. She can usually be found out jogging around the grounds or up away on a broom, never sitting still for too long. When she does manage to sit still she's a bit of a social butterfly, always eager to make friends and have adventures together. After events over the holidays she's going to be going back to Hogwarts a bit more introspective than usual, figuring some things out about herself as she realises she's growing up. She's still always looking for friends and fun though, the more the merrier!

Kahurangi Josephs

Kahurangi is a Professor beginning a whole new stage of her life. She spent her entire twenties devoted to getting her teaching degree after an initial failure, and after years of hard work she pulled it off and graduated. Almost overnight she's packed up and moved her whole life into Hogwarts to begin teaching, and as well as adjusting to her new home and schedule, she's starting to realise that life is passing her by, and she's not as young as she used to be. She could really use some new friends to help her feel more settled, and a romance could be interesting! (Ladies only please)

Kyle Alcott

Kyle is October's dad, and an old student character of mine from 2009 or so. He left Hogwarts with big dreams of broadway, and while he was able to get involved with a few small off-broadway productions shortly after school, his dream was cut short by his lycanthropy. Not able to work show schedules around the full moon, he had to give up, and moved in with his family in France for a while. A disasterously failed romance later, he was left with a young daughter to raise, and with his family helping him financially he moved back to NZ to raise her, throwing all of his time and energy into making sure October worked hard and got all the opportunities she could, so nothing would hold her back. Now with his nest empty he could really use some new friends, or some old ones (any HNZ alums he'd know from back in the day?)

(This post is so long I'm so sorry congrats if you read all that :lol: )
Hi Rowan!

Yayy firsties indeed! And I've got two of them. But I guess that Beaubelle is a better option for your chars. I've got Beaubelle Waldgrave she is just sorted into Ravenclaw (yeah!) She is very very shy and does her very best for good grades. She is intelligent but also very influenceable, so her biggest fear are bullies. She isn't really social because she is just too afraid of going to somebody, but that will change in the upcoming seven years. She could really use friends were she feels safe and that have kinda the same hobby's as she has. She loves to read, write and draw and also playing on the guitar, and as secret she likes to sing but nobody can't hear that. I think that October and Beaubelle could be an option because they are in the same house so that is more easier to see eachother.

The same as for Vivian and Beaubelle they are both not very the talkers, but perhaps they could enjoy those things about eachother?

For Kyle I have an option, but I'm not really sure. I have a adult too and don't really know what to do with it. I've got Cathryn Holmgaard she is the aunt of Evelyn Manning and is the owner of a famous fashionbrand from Denmark. She is now living in London to promote her brand more in Europe. She was a student at Durmstrang but perhaps they know each other from school trips or whatever? Or about the time at broadway, because she was costume designer or something whatever. I'd love to rp with Cathryn but maybe we could work something out, let me know!

Aaaah yes, I think October and Beaubelle could be good friends! :) October's also pretty musical, so they could bond over their instruments or something like that...

For Cathryn I don't know if Kyle would really remember anyone from his theatre days, he only acted for a couple of months when he was 18 and he's in his 30s now. Kyle's lived in and around France in his childhood and early 20s though, so if Cathryn's spent any time in France they could have met there?
I had a thought for Kahurangi. She met my character Daisy at speed dating and they both work at Hogwarts. What would you think about a little romance between the two? Can do short term, long term, what ever you're up for.
Aaah yes, that could be interesting! I think maybe it could be a short-term thing, depending on how stuff between them plays out (They didn't talk for too long, so I don't want to make any assumptions just yet haha)
We can have them bump into each other at school and play it by ear?
Sounds good! :) Do you want to start that now or wait until stuff's calmed down a little from Sorting haha
I can start it in the few days or so.
Awesome :D Can't wait!
I love that idea. It will take time for Beaubelle to feel comfertable with anyone, so it will go slowly, because she would not be the person to start conversations, only if she wants to know something very bad. When the year starts I can try to start something? Or perhaps they could meet in the common room with others?

As for Cathryn It could be that they have met in France. It is possible that she has been there, I like that thought. I don't really know yet how and why but we could figure something out. Would you like to try and start something? There is no haste really :)
Aaah I was thinking maybe the dorm, their instrument cases could catch each other's eye? Or we could wait a little until things are more settled and there's less going on haha things are pretty hectic right now.

We could definitely start something for Kyle & Cathryn if you want! Do you have any ideas about specifics? (Should they have been close friends or just distant acquaintances bumping into each other again, etc)
Aurelia could be a good match for Vivian, they're in the same house and both rather quiet. Plus, Aurelia hates bullies, so would definitely fight his corner if it came to it ^_^
October Alcott said:
Aaah I was thinking maybe the dorm, their instrument cases could catch each other's eye? Or we could wait a little until things are more settled and there's less going on haha things are pretty hectic right now.

We could definitely start something for Kyle & Cathryn if you want! Do you have any ideas about specifics? (Should they have been close friends or just distant acquaintances bumping into each other again, etc)
I guess it is better to wait when things are more settled. But I'm happy about this, I think it will be nice to see where this goes.

Uhm about Kyle and Cathryn I guess distant acquaintances bumping into each other? Perhaps we could discuss this more what we are gonna plot.
Aurelia Jameson said:
Aurelia could be a good match for Vivian, they're in the same house and both rather quiet. Plus, Aurelia hates bullies, so would definitely fight his corner if it came to it ^_^
Aaah nice! They could definitely be friends :D what sorts of things is Aurelia interested in?
She loves reading - I'm sure that once she finds the school library she may way just pass out with excitment at all those books :p Also photography is becoming a passion of hers. She likes to play chess too, but isn't very good at it.

So I was looking at Harley, and I suddenly thought, man, she could probably get Rory in a heap of trouble. Rory is the type to want to do anything if it looks like fun, and trouble usually tends to start out as looking that way. Also, it could be interesting to explore what kind of influence Harley would have on Rory. What do you think?
@Jodie: Awww sounds nice :) Maybe they could bond over books or something?

@Kathy: Ooooh, that would definitely be fun! Harley would probably be a TERRIBLE influence hehhe
Yeah that sounds good. Aurelia is totally going to freak when she makes it to the library! xD
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