New Friends

"no it's fine, besides i'm helping you study!"
Shaylah giggled "Yeah, good point" Sasha jumped up on the bed "Sash, get my history book." The dog jumped off the bed got the book from the desk on the other side of the room and gave it to Shaylah "and that's what 3 years of training does. I just have to make sure I put everything in the exact same place so she knows what's what." She opened the book to a page near the middle and said "This is the page I'm on but I have no idea what I'm meant to do."
"Okay, what's the chapter on. Which war or something as in?" she watched the dog get the book. "Oh that's so cool."
"It's World War 2. Boring!" Shaylah looked at Angela's face. "Do you have any idea what it's about??"
"Yeah. The main thing about world war two was the Holocaust. When Adolf Hitler killed the Jews." She hoped that Shaylah would get it.
"I've learnt that-not that I understood most of it. Although, I do remember taking the mik out of the ferret under Hitlers nose. If you can't do it then it's alright. I can just nag my tutor and tell him to give me a hand"
"What, the mik of the ferret under hitler's nose. his mustache?" Shaylah had confused Angela a lot.

((no seriously what?))
"Yeah. It's a me thing. I say that sort of stuff quite alot." An owl then flew through the window with an envelope in it's claw. "That's Flake" Shaylah walked over to Flake and took the envelope. "God help me. It's from my gran. I haven't met her very many times but the only times I did, she just repeated the same things over and over. It's enough to drive you crazy after a while." She then chucked the envelopen her bedside table and sat back down on her bed.
"Okay, um well what's it say?" She asked. "i mean if it's not to personal."
"It's probably nothing. She always sends me mail asking how I am and stuff. Last time I had a two page letter about how she disagreed with the new buildings being put up near her house." Shaylah grabbed the envelope and opened it "Aparently she's devestated because my great aunt-of which I have never met-died of a stroke. I would be sad if I'd actually met the woman but all I know of her is what my dad's told me about her."
"Aww that's sad. I know how crushed she must be to loose someone who she's close to," Angela said.
The front door opened and Jay walked through. He could hear the girls talking upstairs. After putting his guitar down by the front door, he walked up to the room. "Hey girls, hows it going??"
Angela still was unable to answr the man very directly, so she just looked at Shaylah.
"Well... we were okay...but then you got back." Shaylah smiled at her dad with her cheeky smile again. "Oh yh. Gran sent a letter which you probably want to read." She grabbed the letter and held it up for him.
Angela smiled and looked between the two.
"Uh, if it's no trouble for you. But i know how to cook already, if you want i can make something so that you don't have to trouble yourself with it." Angela said quickly. she was a nice girl, but she was always too helpful.
"Well i'd love to. Let me raid your fidge and i'll see what i can make. Anything anybody wants?"
Shaylah stared at her father then looked at Angela and replied "No, thanks"
"Okay let's see, where's the kitchen?" Angela loved cooking. She was great at it, even beter than her mom. But she was a bit clumsy too so she would need help.
Jay turned around and said "Follow me and I'l show you where everything is." He led down the stairs into the kitchen and showed Angela where the fridge was. "Here's the fridge." He said opening the door for it. "If you need anything else just ask me." And with that he sat down at the table in the middle of the kitchen
"Okay, i hope you guys like sweets," she said getting out some of the ingredients she needed.
"Yeah. I love them. I'd eathem everyday if they weren't unhealthy." Jay was now curious of what Angela was going to make as he wasn't exactly a great cook. He couldn't wait to see the finishing piece.
She looked through the cupboard and found chocolate chips. "Do you have any, you know, vanilla extract?" She asked smiling.

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