Open Harmless Fun

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Teddy, a playful first year, had found the perfect hiding spot behind a slightly ajar door. He couldn't contain his excitement as he waited for someone unsuspecting to pass by. Time seemed to slow down as he listened intently to the approaching footsteps. He suppressed his laughter, building up the anticipation. As the person drew nearer, Teddy could barely contain his excitement any longer. With a burst of energy, he sprang forward, his small frame propelled by a mix of adrenaline and pure childish glee. "Boo!" Teddy shouted, his voice filled with a blend of surprise and triumph.
Lucy didn't have a good reason to be on the seventh floor - she had no classes there after all - but she was exploring for the sake of, well, exploring. She didn't have class at that moment so she had all the time in the world to simply look around. She eyed the portraits on the wall, strolling by without a care in the world when suddenly, just as she passed through a doorway someone jumped out at her with a 'boo!'. "Ah!" Lucy shrieked loudly, hands coming up to her face. Her heart was racing as she slowly realised the prank - she'd been scared on purpose. Her body untensed, and she smiled as she looked at the boy. "Oh my god, you frightened me half to death!" Lucy exclaimed, relief in her voice.
Twas just a silly prank for Teddy, he couldn't help himself. However he did notice the look of fear on the girl's face. A pang of guilt tugged at him. Yet, as laughter bubbled within him, he couldn't deny the amusement he found in the situation. However, Teddy quickly realised the importance of empathy. "Oops, sorry about that! Consider it a free pass to get me back sometime!" His mischievous grin softened into a kind smile. "Are you alright?"
Lucy relaxed when she saw that the other student was being thoughtful. She wondered if she'd take him up on his offer, not sure if she had a prankster deep within her or not. "I'm fine, I'm fine," she replied easily. "You just gave me a really good fright!" Lucy laughed, now seeing the humour in it. "Were you waiting for long?"
Teddy shrugged and replied, "Not too long, just a few minutes. I heard you coming." He gestured to the spot where he had hidden, emphasising the spontaneity of the moment. "Stops me getting bored." He laughed, "What are you doing on this floor anyway, is the Ravenclaw Common Room around here?" Teddy did wonder where the other houses lived, he knew Slytherin were in the dungeons because a Slytherin girl had complained about it on the first day.
Lucy nodded, impressed at how quickly this boy had decided to commit to scaring her. She wished she had a bit of that level of spontaneity. It was probably thrilling. "Oh, I was just exploring. The castle is so huge, it's fun to just wander around and get lost," Lucy explained. "Ravenclaw common room is in one of the towers. It means we have to do so much walking up and down stairs." It was Lucy's favourite thing to complain about, but she decided not to launch into her usual rant about the unfairness of it. She'd just met this boy and she wanted to make a good impression.

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