Lotsa kids need lotsa plots

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Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
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Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
New year new plots! I'm pretty shy and tend to hide in my niche (namely: RPing almost exclusively with Daphne) and I'm super keen to break out somewhat and get some more plots going with other people! Primarily I'm really keen to do stuff with my new kids, but I've got quite a few older characters who don't have a ton going on, and I'd love to plot with people I haven't before!

Ainsley Lynch
Ainsley is my ultimate fave. She's a sweet-hearted, if somewhat naive girl. She came to Hogwarts with very little experience of spending time around other people, having grown up in a cottage with just her mum and their large fiction library to keep her company. She's adjusted over the years, and though she still doesn't have a ton of friends, and can be a bit loopy at times, she at least tries to be friendly when approached, and recently she's been getting a bit lonely.

Looking for: Mostly friends. Ainsley's not been very good at making those, and she's had a particularly rough third year (a lot of which was down to her own poor handling of her feelings my sweet silly awful girl) so she could really use the company, and would benefit a lot from stepping out from her bubble. Not looking for romance or enemies!


Lizzie Taylor
Lizzie's a true Gryffindor fireball with a big heart. She's full of energy and always throws herself into things wholeheartedly (even when it's not entirely advisable...) She's a big time sports addict, and Quidditch aside she'd always be down for a game of pretty much any sport you can think of.

Looking for: Friends would be ideeeeal, especially ones who'd feed Lizzie's reckless side a bit :r I'd also maybe be interested in potential girlfriends for future years, though I prefer to RP characters together and see their dynamics before planning relationships, and Lizzie currently has a bit of a crush that's still unresolved.

October Alcott
October is a girl under pressure, and that's pretty much her most defining characteristic. Her dad has always put an extremely high emphasis on making sure she excels at everything she tries, academics in particular, and now with electives, October is about to start pushing herself to breaking point. Academia aside, October is devoted to violin and ballet, and works very hard at both.

Looking for: October's focus on her studies and blunt personality kept her from making many friends in first year, though since joining Heta Omega she's bonded with a couple of her sisters. She could still use more friends, as well as enemies if anyone's keen. She'd also be happy to tutor younger students missing their regular muggle classes in violin or ballet.


Harley Tsuji
Harley is a lot of things. A troublemaker, a goofball, an artist, and a good friend. She and her gang have spent most of the last few years flouting every rule they could, and engaging in their Very Serious war against Odette Harper and her minions. She's funloving, temperamental, and has a strong sense of justice that doesn't often align with the school rules.

Looking for: Not much, honestly, she's got a pretty close, tight-knit group of friends, but she could always use a few more people to cause havoc with, or rude characters to rub her the wrong way. (If you're involved in Odette's squad but we haven't RPed yet, we should!)


Vivian Brackenstall
Vivian is by far my quietest character. He rarely speaks aloud, even around people he's close with, finding it easier to express himself through written word than spoken. He's very soft and gentle, and slow to react to the world around him.

Looking for: Vivian could really use a couple more friends, preferably similarly quiet people who enjoy silence spent together, or more talkative sorts who like having a good listener to talk to. He's also the kind of kid who makes an easy target, so if you're looking for someone to bully, here's your guy. Not looking for relationships just yet!

Caro Taylor
Caro is Lizzie's little sister, and loathes being described that way. She's not nearly as outgoing or athletic as Lizzie, and resents how popular her sister is. Caro is more of a listener, travel stories being her favourite by far. She dreams of travelling the world, and sees her time at Hogwarts as essentially a waiting room until she's old enough to leave and never look back.

Looking for: Anything! I really haven't done much with Caro yet, she's only had a couple of threads, outside of Hogwarts Monthly stuff, so literally anything for her would be amazing. She's still a bit of a blank slate, so I'm keen for absolutely any plots!


Kauri Tipene
Kauri is probably the most positive person in any given room. Before discovering he was a wizard his life goal was to become a kids tv host, and at Hogwarts his goals to be inspiring, positive, and uplifting haven't changed at all! He tries to be a role model like his own role models growing up, and loves to take care of and support other people. Kauri has never had a negative emotion, ever, in his life, and he'll swear that to the grave :))))

Looking for: Friends friends friends friends! Kauri is literally always looking for more friends! Not being one of the youngest people at school anymore, he'll also probably be lurking around for just about anyone to mentor (muggleborns struggling to adjust like he did especially) so if your student's feeling a bit lost Kauri could be just the guy to help them feel at ease!


Lourdes Brackenstall
Confession, I sort of burned out on writing Lourdes very very shortly after I started (whoops) but I'm keen to give her another go and try to get back into that mindset. Lourdes is VERY uptight and old-fashioned, having been raised under extremely restrictive circumstances. She sees herself as unquestionably better than everyone around her, and views The Old Way of doing things as The Correct Way. She's unapologetically passive-aggressive, and very used to getting her own way at all times.

Looking for: "Friends" are always good (big quote marks there) but Lourdes is definitely better at making enemies. If you're looking for a bully, she's definitely my meanest character.

Zoe Tsuji
Zoe, my GIRL!!!! I've been excited about Zoe since I started planning Harley's family, I'm very excited that she's finally here. Zoe is Harley's little sister, and the forgotten member of the Tsuji family. With her older brother being a squib and her older sister being Harley, there's never been much attention for Zoe. Zoe's response was to bury herself deep in quirky and unusual hobbies and interests both to interest herself and in the hopes that people would have to pay attention to her. She's a big conspiracy theorist with a deep interest in aliens and cryptids, and folklore of all kinds. Zoe tries to be as bright and unusual as possible in the hopes that people will actually have to pay attention to her, whether or not it actually works.

Looking for: ANYTHING! Friends especially, but again, Zoe's a bit of a bully-magnet type of kid, so enemies would be welcome. Plots of all kind are super welcome!


Edmund Westwick
The first thing to know about Edmund is that he's part of a package deal. Edmund is pretty much inseperable from his twin brother, Theodore Westwick, so any plotting involving him will probably also have to involve Daphne. He's another odd one (I'm having a year of eccentrics :r ) with a deep fascination for horror and the bizarre. He collects insects, has a pet tarantula, and finds other people curious experiment subjects.

Looking for: The twins have relatively abrasive personalities, so they're much more likely to rub people the wrong way than make friends, especially early on. Edmund is the more manipulative twin, so if you've got any ideas involving a character being deceived and/or tricked into doing something, Ed just might be your guy.


Charlie Madison
Charlie can also be a bit abrasive, but in a different way, and for different reasons. She's spent most of her life in foster care, only adopted by her mum Maria a few years ago, so she's spent most of her life around strangers, none of whom she knew whether she could trust or not. She's softened a bit over the years of stability, but being back in a new, unfamiliar place, surrounded by unfamiliar people, has thrown her back into old habits of mistrustfulness. A good friend and rad skateboard buddy once she's comfortable, but it might take a while to crack that shell.

Looking for:
Friends, enemies, anything anything anything!
Boy oh boy that's a buncha sweet children. If you wanna know more about any of them, their names are links to their biographies. Kudos if you actually read this entire post lmao anyway uuuh yes there are my kids does anyone want to be their friend
First Years
For Zoe, I can offer Lenore Harvelle. She is a first year Gryffindor and I plan her for being Part Goblin. With the interest that Zoe has in folklore it might be funny to let her be friends with a part goblin. At first she will hide her heritage, but along the way she can learn the secret.

Second Years
For Caro I could offer Elizabeth Chatwin. Elizabeth kind of likes everyone except for the creepy types. She hates dead things and gore. I think with Elly being a bit of a day dreamer sometimes she could fit with Caro her personality. They could talk about travelling, since Elly has seen so much of the world. With having to switch between her parents each year.

For Kauri, I have Perry Wyatt. He is my only muggle born and he misses the Muggle world. He loves soccer and games and is just a run in the mill boy. Recently he found a new love in Quidditch, that will be developed in the years. Perry is just enthusiastic and wants to do things. He can't really sit still and his concentration is all over the place.

I don't think we ever really roleplayed with each other, so I think this might be lots of fun.
Hello hello! ^_^
So, this year I'm sticking to sorting one student, Wilfred here. I just went and did the responsible thing of updating his bio (slightly, there's still a lot of information missing, but there's at least enough there for it to not be entirely embarrassing. Still need to catch up the history.) if you'd like to do a spot of light reading. Otherwise, I'll just give a small synopsis:
Wilfred is very tolerant, has endless amounts of patience, and is generally quite genial. He's basically a sweet kid, and whilst I could see him attracting bullies, I don't think he'd find them to be much of a problem. Wilfred's very stubborn, self-assured and resilient, so the greater majority of negative interactions would wash right over him. He seeks to keep the peace, so he tends to change his behaviour to best suit the situation as he isn't a fan of conflict, but not quite to the point of compromising his ideals as, whilst he doesn't overtly fear punishments by professors, he's incredibly terrified of disappointing his parents, and since he's very honest, he wouldn't be able to hide anything from them. xD Unfortunately, he's currently tackling a lot of loneliness right now, as he's never been so far from his family for so long before, and he's kind of at odds with the whole 'go to boarding school for months on end' thing. I don't see him struggling to make friends, but I do see him struggling to appreciate them as much as he otherwise would. I'm basically offering him for any of your firsties. :lol:
I can also offer my first year here for any of yours. I could see he and Charlie getting quite well, they both come from the system so they could potentially bond over that, though Brad is still stuck in the system >-< But yeah, he could be a potential friend for her, plus he's into skateboarding as well, so that's something else!
:O so many replies!

Tamara: All of those sound really good! Zoe would definitely be happy to be friend with Lenore, though I'd want to be careful to avoid scenarios where Zoe treated her like an oddity to study at any point. (Conversely, that could be an interesting conflict between them, but I'd want to plan it out in more detail first if it was going to happen.)

Caro and Elizabeth would definitely be well matched! Caro can pretty much never get enough of other people's travel stories, so she'd listen to Elizabeth happily for hours.

And I think Kauri and Perry met briefly last year, but I'd definitely be keen for them to become friends! He's trying to make the best of things here, but there's definitely a lot about the muggle world that Kauri misses too, so they'd have a lot to bond over I imagine.

Tenile: WOW that's a detailed bio form lol, I'm impressed! I could see him possibly making friends with Charlie or, bizarrely, I actually think he'd have an interesting interaction with the twins. They also have a tendency to sneak around places they shouldn't be, Wilfred and the twins could easily wind up attempting to claim the same secret place as a hideaway, or bumping into each other on a sneaky excursion. I don't know if they'd call anyone friend, but I can see them (Edmund, at least) developing a grudging respect for his exploratory skills.

Charlie: Oooh, I like that a lot! I think Bradley and Charlie (oops!) could wind up pretty good friends, for sure!
If you're looking for someone to get tricked or deceived I can offer Oliver. He's always trying to befriend others, and would probably attempt to reach out to Edmund, seeing his eccentric personality. Oliver is susceptible and naive as of now, never have been bullied or deceived by anyone, so that could actually turn out to be a valuable experience for him if it happened
Charlie (Lol) & Brad: WELL, I say 'friend', he'd never call her a friend because he doesn't have those. But I can still see them being close, as close as he will let her get anyway and he would enjoy hanging around with her all the same. Which could be interesting, because he is stubborn and would never say she was a friend, just an 'acquaintance', which could either make their 'friendship' harder or weird because he does tend to do that with people.
Ohhhh, Oliver and Edmund could be really fun! Edmund would definitely try to mess with him, that would work really well!

Charlie: lol, I actually think Bradley being a bit reserved would make Charlie trust him more, in an odd way. She tends to be distrusting a lot of the time, so someone else who's stubborn about keeping people at a certain distance would be oddly comforting to her haha
Charlie & Brad: Hey, even better then! I think it would be interesting just to put these two together, really. Brad keeping her at a distance which only makes her trust him more is an interesting concept. And it would be fun to play it out and see where it goes when it gets further on and he managed to get her complete trust in the future, or something, without even really trying. Lol
Woot Rowan :woot:

Okokok so we should totally rp Ainsley and Flavio again! I would love if they kind of got to know each other more now that they're older and because they are both part of the wild patch (if I remember correctly?) and they already have a mutual friend in Amber!I'm happy to start a roleplay for them any time but I do have a wee idea that I'll be pming you about soon so stay tuned ;)

Also Archie will 100% bring out Lizzie's reckless side and I need to get cracking and start a thread where they go to pride together away from hogwarts!

I also wanna start another thread with Kauri and Xavier cause they're my faves (and cause I'm annoyed at myself for being useless with them :doh: )

That's all I can think of for now but I may return with firstie plot ideas later!
Hi, I have Lia here. She's quite adventurous and can usually be found outdoors. She is also pretty friendly and can usually get along with most people. You can read more about her personality in her bio (linked in the signature).

I don't see why Kauri and Lia couldn't be friends, and she could definitely use a mentor. Although she's a half blood, she grew up in a muggle community, and magic was rarely used in her household. As a result, she's not too familiar with the magical world. She's gotten some details from her father, but owling can be a pain and having someone like Kauri who she could go to for immediate answers would be nice.

I already posted in Daphne's plotter saying that Lia could be Theodore's enemy, so I guess she could also be Edmund's enemy. She'd be horrified to find out that he kills and collects insects (she's an animal lover), so that could definitely lead to some animosity on her part.

I can see Lia possibly being a skateboard buddy for Charlie. She wouldn't have the patience or desire to try to crack Charlie's shell though, so becoming good friends might not happen. But under the right circumstances, I can see them at the very least maybe meeting occasionally just to practice skateboard tricks.

Let me know if any of those ideas sound good to you or if you have any other ideas!
Ainsley Lynch said:
Tenile: WOW that's a detailed bio form lol, I'm impressed! I could see him possibly making friends with Charlie or, bizarrely, I actually think he'd have an interesting interaction with the twins. They also have a tendency to sneak around places they shouldn't be, Wilfred and the twins could easily wind up attempting to claim the same secret place as a hideaway, or bumping into each other on a sneaky excursion. I don't know if they'd call anyone friend, but I can see them (Edmund, at least) developing a grudging respect for his exploratory skills.
Thank you. ^_^
I'm happy for Wilfred to run into the twins whilst sneaking around. How well the get acquainted will probably rest in the twins' reaction to him, as generally Wilfred is difficult to faze (I suspect he wouldn't even mind Theodore's pet spider :cyndi: ) because he genuinely desires to find the very best in others and is a team player (typical ENFJ, which may compliment or completely grate against the twins' INTJ personalities). Sooo, I expect that in most plausible situations, Wilfred will at least be trying to be their friend, but ultimately their interaction will tell. :lol:
Just popping in to say I approve of the twin plots :wub:
Hey Rowan!

Fourth Years

So I can offer Aaron Walden for Ainsley, they met in First Year and kind of got on? xD I'd like for them to be friends though, Aaron is really friendly and just likes to have fun. He's a bit older now and littttle bit more mature so they might get on a bit better :p

I can also offer him for Lizzie, he can be quite reckless and would do anything for a good story. He loves having fun, meeting new people and going on adventures. He isn't that sporty but he does like the outdoors. He's also the person to take more of a backseat in plans and prefers to add to the fun rather than create the plans so I think that they could really bounce off each other and encourage other to get into some mischief :D

Second Years
For Caro, I have Heather Lockwood. Heather is deeply impatient always unimpressed and quite entitled. She's not particularly easy to get on with but then again she's not out to make enemies. She's a take it or leave it kind of person and is more than happy to just sit in silence with someone and think that they have spent quality time together xD I have no idea if they would get on but we could always see where an RP takes us?

The same for Lourdes and Heather. I think they could either be good friends or really rub each other up the wrong way xD Depends on how they are both feeling that day I guess :p

I also have Leila Walden who is pretty much always happy. She's very hyper, very enthusiastic, very friendly and absolutely loves chatting and meeting new people. She's quite reckless and doesn't really think about things before she does them. She's very emotional and is often guided by her emotions which can get her in trouble sometimes. If you think she would fit with any of your characters i'm more than happy to discuss plots :D

First Years

I reeeeeeally want to plot the Westwick twins with Jasmine and Grayson Wolfe again. Maybe you, Daphne, Dan and I could plot and get the two pairs of twins together again and have a painfully awkward and negative encounter because I really don't think they will ever get on xD
Hey hey hey Rowan I have some thoughts

We kinda meant Hayley and Ainsley to make friends and then that . . . didn't really happen. We should give them a more positive interaction.

I'd also be keen to get Lourdes/Hayley as enemies started again.

And, as already discussed, Stella and Zoe could be good friends, and I definitely want her to meet the twins.
Charlie: That sounds great! Do you want to start a thread soonish for the two of them to meet?

Anna: :wub: Ainsley & Flavio and Kauri & Xavier should happen for sure! I'm gonna try to start the Lizzie & Archie pride thread today :D

Ana: Oooh, I love all those ideas!

Kauri and Lia would get along really well I think, and he'd be happy to help her acclimate to the castle!

I definitely like the idea of Lia being put off by the twins insect collecting, that could be a really fun interaction ^_^

And I like the idea of Lia and Charlie being casual skateboard buddies too, she's the type to have plenty of casual friends, so that would suit well!

Tenile: That sounds great! It'll doubtless turn out to be an interesting interaction haha

Lauren: Aaaaah so many characters!

I love both plans with Aaron, it'd be nice for him and Ainsley to meet again on nicer terms :lol: she's more mature (and less gullible) now too, so they'd be on a slightly more even playing field. And I'd love for Aaron and Lizzie to meet, I think they'd get along really well! I actually have an idea for a mini plotline for Lizzie this year that Aaron could be involved in (though I'll probably have to ask for approval for it first)

I'm not sure how well Caro and Heather would get along, but it's worth a thread to see! Caro tends to be the type who knows well enough how to make friends with just about anyone (growing up in essentially a B&B you sorta have to) but is a bit more selective about who she chooses to apply that to. Lourdes and Heather could be interesting, I can see them either clashing horribly, or getting along really well, depending on circumstances.

For Leila, I think she'd be best matched with Kauri as friends. He'd go along with some of her recklessness, but he's a bit of a goody-goody and probably try to reign her in somewhat.

As for the twins, that could be interesting? I'm curious what sort of ideas you have haha :)

Jasmine: YES I've been meaning to talk to you about Ainsley & Hayley, I'll message you asap (or it can wait til Monday if you're coming over before D&D) I have plans n I want to discuss more in depth >:)

Another Lourdes & Hayley thread would be good for sure!

And YESS I'm very keen on both Stella and Zoe, and Stella meeting the twins. We've already got the dorm thread for Stella and Zoe, but we should talk to Daph about a thread with the twins soon :hug:
Kauri & Lia- Sounds good! She already has plenty of questions (and quite a few complaints, haha). Also, she's tired of getting lost and low-key still needs a proper tour of the place, so if he's the type to do that, that could be cool.

Edmund & Lia- Yes, this could definitely be a lot of fun. I posted this in Daphne's plotting thread: "Maybe she could stumble across them trying to catch an insect? Or maybe they try to show her a specimen to scare her?" so if any of that sounds good to you, let me know.

Charlie & Lia- Imagine all of the fun (and trouble) to be had in skating down one of the castle's long corridors. I'm definitely looking forward to their friendship.

Let me know if you want me to start up thread for any of them!
That all sounds great! Daph & I both love the idea of Lia being spooked by their insect collecting, the twins will probably be delighted to finally actually offput someone with their weird hobbies :lol:

I reckon Kauri and Lia seems like it would work best as early in the semester as possible, so it's probably a good first one to start off? You can start it if you like, or if you'd prefer me to just let me know :D
I can start it! I'll PM you once it's up. :)
I don't recall ever RPing with you, but figured that should be fixed, if anything I have is interesting. xD

Fourth Years:
For Ainsley, I have Zoe Katsaros that could be a good friend for her. She might be a bit insecure, blunt and whatnot, but she is a good listener and will hear anyone out. Zoe could definitely help her get out of her bubble, since Zoe is managing to get out of her own. xD

Third Years:
For Vivian, I can offer Estelle Styx. She is a very quiet girl that tends to be a bit icy to those that she doesn't really like. She isn't interested in making enemies or flirting since she is destined to marry Noah Warland. So, she needs some friends that she doesn't need to talk to a lot, or deal with someone yapping in her ear.

Second Years:
For Kauri, I can offer Brooklyn Vacarius. She is energetic, very much a science and math nerd, and also loves sports. She despises anything girly, but she is overall a friendly person. I think she needs to have a guy friend.

First Years:
For Edmund, well, I'll need to talk to Kelsey first, but it would be fun to have the Westwick twins RP with Nerine and Achlys. They weren't able to stay together, but the girls aren't that different but it could be fun if Kelsey is up to it, as well as Edmund's twin's RPer.
Aaaah yes, I don't think we've ever RPed! Definitely keen to fix that :)

Ainsley and Zoe could be interesting... I don't think Ainsley's ever really been exposed to someone who was a bit blunt, it'd be interesting to see how she'd interpret it. It'd be nice for her to have a friend like that.

Vivian and Estelle I'm very much into... one of the things I was hoping to find for Vivian was a quiet friend, and Estelle would be great for that - someone he can spend time with without them having to be talking constantly. Do you have any thoughts on how they could meet?

Kauri and Brooklyn I think would get along really well, Kauri is super friendly & would love to have more sporty friends.

And I definitely like the idea of our twins meeting yours (Daph will probably be on board too) I'm really curious about how that would go haha
For these two, it would make sense if they knew each other by name since Zoe has been back a year. Maybe they can start talking and stuff in the dorms? I don't know how much Zoe will talk, but she would be more like a tough love friend. xD

Estelle is normally found in solitary places, so places like where she'd be alone and left alone. So, probably the student lounge, abandoned areas, and especially the dungeons. If she finds him in one of those places while she is out and about, she'd likely join him or something.

Well, should we have them meet out on the lawns? I think she would bring her ball and start kicking it around and stuff. Bound to be noticed. xD

I talked to Kelsey and she's up for it. I think it would be fun. ^_^
That sounds good! It'd definitely make sense for them to know each other vaguely, and the dorm seems like a good place for them to start talking. We can just start things off and see how they bounce off one another.

That sounds perfect for Estelle and Vivian, solitary places suit him pretty well too. If you'd like I can start that thread soon?

And I love that for Brooklyn and Kauri, he'd definitely approach her if she was out doing sports stuff on the field.

And yess, Daph is in to do stuff with the twins too, should we just throw them all at each other and see what happens? :lol:
Ainsley Lynch said:
That sounds good! It'd definitely make sense for them to know each other vaguely, and the dorm seems like a good place for them to start talking. We can just start things off and see how they bounce off one another.

That sounds perfect for Estelle and Vivian, solitary places suit him pretty well too. If you'd like I can start that thread soon?

And I love that for Brooklyn and Kauri, he'd definitely approach her if she was out doing sports stuff on the field.

And yess, Daph is in to do stuff with the twins too, should we just throw them all at each other and see what happens? :lol:
I can start the one in the dorms. ^_^ I have a list I will put it on. I do have a couple of Zoe RPs, and starting rps with one character, multiple ones, is easier for me. xD

That would be lovely. ^_^

I can start the one for Brooklyn and Kauri as well. I can leave it open for others to come in as well, if they so wish.

I talked to Kelsey, and she is up for the twins x twins rp, so I'll get that ready too. ^_^
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