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Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
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Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hello sweet people on HNZ, :hug:

I just wanted to let you know that I'm not very active for a while. I'm having an full time internship at a hospital. For the people that are interested in what I do: I'm working on the children's department. I'm not a nurse, but I guide children and their parents in the process of a hospital visit/stay/operation and lots of more. I'm pretty busy with it and feel very tired. Mostly I tried to catch up with rp's and lessons in the weekends. But I'm having my homework and assignments to write also.

So sorry to the people that wait on me for stuff. I'm not disappearing from the radar, but just taking a slow down.


Good luck with your internship Jamie, that sounds very interesting and you do good work :hug: take your time!
Good luck with the internship!
Take all the time you need.
All the best for your internship! Our plots can always wait :hug:
This is active again. The holiday was great, but now it is realistic again. I am very busy for my school and internship right now. Sorry for people that wait on me, but I will go slowly.
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