Just a wacky amount of kids

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Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
Hey hey! I've got an increasingly large amount of characters & some are more in need of friends/plots than others, so rather than listing everyone like I did last year I'm posting here looking for friends/enemies/relationships etc for my neediest kids, but if you want to get anything going with characters I didn't list feel free to bring it up anyway, there are bio links etc in each section & also in my character tracker :) Here is my slew of kids listed by the year they're about to move into!

Lizzie Taylor
Lizzie is my Gryffindor firecracker darling. Plots I make for her keep falling through, and as a result she hasn't wound up with many close friends, and as she's getting older I'd really like for her to have a first girlfriend soon. (Daphne & I maybe have something in the works, but I'm really keen to branch out a bit and RP with other people) More than anything though Lizzie just really needs some buddies to hang out with on the regular and have adventures with, instead of just sort of bouncing from friend to friend.

Other students: Ainsley Lynch

October Alcott
October has a couple of friends, but I'd really like a few more for her, or possibly some more long-term rivalry. She's good at rubbing people the wrong way, so it'd be nice for her to have some enemies. (Or maybe even a friend who appreciates her judgemental side?) She's got a brief romance on the cards in a couple of years, but I'm open to relationship talks, with characters of any gender. October has some really rough family stuff coming up in fifth year, and more than anything else I'd really like her to have close friends she can rely on through that.


Vivian Brackenstall
I've already made a plot dev for Vivian recently and had a ton of really great responses so I'll keep this brief. Vivian is permanently available for brief romances/flings with other guys, as part of his & Tristan's open relationship. I'd also really like him to have a few more friends though, mainly quiet and/or artsy people. He doesn't do well around loud and boisterous.

Other students: Harley Tsuji

Caro Taylor
Caro is basically a blank slate. I've done very little with her so far, other than some work for Hogwarts Monthly, and a friendship with Sophie Wilson. Caro is generally very good with people, she grew up in essentially a bed and breakfast so she's used to getting along with people and quite easygoing. She's very good at hiding resentment behind politeness though, and can be a bit judgemental about others when talking with someone she trusts. I'm basically up for anything with her, I don't have any long term plots involving her on the books so friendship, romance (guys only), drama, whatever, I'm up for anything.

Other students: Kauri Tipene

Charlie Madison
Having grown up in foster care, Charlie is standoffish and slow to trust. She's good at getting along with people briefly, on a surface level, but takes a long time to trust. She could really use someone willing to put in the work to get to know her better, and ideally in a dream world I'd love for her to have a little posse of cool kids to hang out with and skateboard around the dungeons

Other students: Edmund Westwick, Zoe Tsuji

Acacia Dunn
Acacia is a Cool Kid. She's very fashion and makeup conscious, and dreams of being an instagram star or professional makeup artist. She's kindhearted and friendly, and doesn't take many things too seriously. She'd rather just have fun and be with her friends. I'd really love for her to make some close friends early on if possible, but I'm super happy with any sort of interaction.


Dominique Malone
Domi is a bit of a drama queen, to put it politely. Both literally and figuratively. She was in every play in her muggle primary school, soaking up the attention. She's friendly and tries to be kind, but often more in the interest of people loving her than out of a desire to make other people's lives better. She has, on occasion, sold people out in the interest of getting more attention for herself. She's going to become a better person over time, but she's not there yet. I'd love for her to have friends, enemies, scandals, anything spotlight grabbing!

Maria Madison
Maria is a counsellor at HNZ, and she's always available for student characters who need someone to talk to about any kind of issue. She's also a former student who had some memorable altercations, so if there's anyone around who has a character that went to school with her & would be keen for a reunion, let me know! (The same goes for Kyle Alcott!)


Kahurangi Josephs
I had a bunch of grand ideas for Kahurangi, and I've wound up doing very few threads for her. I'd really like to change that, I'd love for her to have some friends, both among her co-workers and outside Hogwarts. I'd also really like to find a long-term relationship for her, she's realising recently that she dedicated her whole life to her career, and hasn't had a proper romantic partner in a very long time. I'm a bit hesitant about choosing finals, I like characters to interact before talking about romance plots, but if anyone has a woman who'd be well matched for Kahurangi please let me know, I'm really keen for her to settle down and find some happiness.


Cedar Dunn
Cedar is Acacia's older brother, about to enter his sixth year at Ilvermorny. His parents don't think he takes anything seriously, and think Ilvermorny isn't strict enough to encourage him, which is why Acacia's being sent to a different school. He's going to be pretty upset not to have his little sister around, and I'd love for him to have a few friends to hang out with. He's romantically spoken for though!


Naoko Maeda
Naoko I'm still working out somewhat, but I may as well include her. She's 20 and hasn't figured out what she wants to do with her life yet. She's very style-focused, and is thinking of going to university to study fashion design, but right now she's more interested in partying and having a good time. I don't have anything for her at all but she's currently staying in NZ, so any plots in the area for her would be great!

Others: Kyle Alcott, Ruby Folsom, Adelia Kolter

I'd like to apologise to and congratulate anyone who actually read all that :p
Ainsley Lynch said:

Dominique Malone
Domi is a bit of a drama queen, to put it politely. Both literally and figuratively. She was in every play in her muggle primary school, soaking up the attention. She's friendly and tries to be kind, but often more in the interest of people loving her than out of a desire to make other people's lives better. She has, on occasion, sold people out in the interest of getting more attention for herself. She's going to become a better person over time, but she's not there yet. I'd love for her to have friends, enemies, scandals, anything spotlight grabbing!
Oh my gosh okay so I have an upcoming first year named Winnie Marsh who's the daughter of a veterinarian mother and a small time playright/drama teacher father. She often helps out with her father's plays, is really well aquainted with the children her dad teaches, and has grown up around dramatic stories. This means she is very dramatic herself and her dramatic upbringing mixed with how imaginative and creative she is has turned her into the kind of person that is often lost in thought and is never against making stuff up to keep her life 'interesting' to the standards she is used to.

So, basically, what I see for Domi and Winnie could be an initial friendship/bonding over their shared love of drama and plays etc, that sort of turns into frenemies when they begin to compete for the spotlight and/or don't agree on things, as Winnie is genuinely kind and usually accepting of others for who they are, and Domi using people for the sake of getting them to like her definitely won't sit well with Winnie. I'm not sure if this makes sense exactly but I'm super into this idea so let me know your thoughts!!

Also we gotta get Velma and Cedar to be friends haha I keep forgetting about that!!
Annaaa :hug: I already told you but I lovelovelove this! I think they'd have a super interesting dynamic and I love the idea of them starting out as friends and Domi's twofacedness tearing them apart. They could meet early on on the train, or depending on where they're from (I haven't decided for Domi yet) if you're into the idea they could even know each other from before Hogwarts, maybe Domi could have been in a couple of Winnie's dad's plays or something?

And yessss, we should do a thread with Velma and Cedar soon!!
Okay, so I have a few possible things, for Acacia Dunn, I have Mazikeen Roe, who while not as interested in make up, does really love fun, she's a loyal friend and would support her in her hobby i.e be willing to have make up put on her in the name of fun and for her friend. She's a bold and driven person, she'll occasionally jump into things without thinking, so she might drag Acacia with her. I could certainly see them be friends.

I also have Derek Tahana for Dominique Malone, I don't think they'd get along particularly well, he'd probably find her a little odd and I don't know how much he would enjoy her drama, but it could be an interesting dynamic, he's a motivated, energetic guy, he believes firmly in tradition and wants to be a great wizard. He's unlikely to sell out friends, but he's also had limited experience with friends, so that could change. I'll admit that Derek is a little under developed currently, but I think they'd make an interesting pair, for better or for worse.

And lastly, for October Alcott, I have Jerara Tapsell, they're in the same year, same house and both strive to do pretty well. Jerara is far more focused on learning everything about the magical world because he's new to it than he is to getting good grades, though he does well. I don't think he'd ever be outright competitive with her unless she egged him on, or showed off about a grade. If she didn't do that, they could end up just being friends. Jerara gets easily focused on tasks and they can consume him, so it might be good if he had a friend, or even rival that could draw him out of it.

If any of these peak your interest just let me know!
Oooh, Acacia and Mazikeen could have a really fun dynamic! I like the idea of them supporting each other in their different interests. I think they'd be good friends!

Derek and Domi could have some interesting interactions, I think. She's not traditional in the slightest, so she could potentially rub him the wrong way if that's important to him? I dunno haha, but it's definitely worth seeing how they interact :)

I'd actually be really really keen for October and Jerara to meet haha... I feel like they'd make good study buddies, though there could possibly be an element of competition, October can get into one-upsmanship without even intending to. I know Jerara is friends with Tristan and October's recently struck up a friendvalry with him so that could be a connection, the three of them could maybe even form a little study squad (though then Jerara would have to put up with Tristan and October's bicker-flirting and eventual falling out so if that'd be offputting we could keep the friendships separate haha)
For the first years, I could start one and you can start the other, if you have a preference for which, I can just do the other, if not I can take the Derek and Dominique.

Yeah, I've been pretty keen for them to meet to, because they're always in classes together, and they share a house, plus if they now also kinda have mutual friends, that adds a dynamic to it. Definitely keen, would you want to start something or shall I?
Aaah nice! I'm happy to start Acacia & Mazikeen, do you mind doing both of the others? I'm out of town with family at the moment so I might be a bit slow on things x_x
Ainsley Lynch said:
Annaaa :hug: I already told you but I lovelovelove this! I think they'd have a super interesting dynamic and I love the idea of them starting out as friends and Domi's twofacedness tearing them apart. They could meet early on on the train, or depending on where they're from (I haven't decided for Domi yet) if you're into the idea they could even know each other from before Hogwarts, maybe Domi could have been in a couple of Winnie's dad's plays or something?

And yessss, we should do a thread with Velma and Cedar soon!!
I like the idea of Winnie and Domi meeting on the train! Maybe they sort of know each other by face but not by name, since I imagine they might have run into each other at least once before, and them being in the same train cabin thingy is what gets them talking? I am happy to start this if you want but it will take at least a few days because of work!

Also another idea I had was for us to rp Ainsley and Flavio away from Amber and November since I'm real game for the wee friendship they develop over the years and there is no reason to not start it now!
Aaah that sounds great! I don't mind it taking a few days to start haha I'm slow on everything while I'm away so no stress at all :)

And yesssssssssss I'm so keen for an Ainsley and Flavio thread! Maybe they could be working on a project together in the Wild Patch or something?
Ainsley Lynch said:
Aaah nice! I'm happy to start Acacia & Mazikeen, do you mind doing both of the others? I'm out of town with family at the moment so I might be a bit slow on things x_x
For Jerara and October: http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30436799/1/
I'm sorry this took so long xD
Jerara Tapsell said:
Ainsley Lynch said:
Aaah nice! I'm happy to start Acacia & Mazikeen, do you mind doing both of the others? I'm out of town with family at the moment so I might be a bit slow on things x_x
For Jerara and October: http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30436799/1/
I'm sorry this took so long xD
And for Derek and Dominique, http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30436827/1/
It's a little ehhh in terms of start, she could be doing something utterly mundane and he'd still be like, oh that's weird, so I'm sorry it's not a great start and also super late
Hey Rowan :)

I remember we talked about Vivian and Matt Rosemary, but I don't think we decided when they were going to have a fling. He's in third year this year, and in Gryffindor. I'd like for Matt to figure out he isn't straight this way, if that's okay, as he's doubting atm.

Then as a friend to Lizzie, I can offer my Ravenclaw 5th Year Kaia who I don't use nearly as often as I'd like. I have a bio for her too if you want to see what she's like.

For October I can offer Sara Benivieni as a friend, though she's a year younger (same grade as Matt) and in Slytherin. Sara doesn't make enemies easily and she's rather friendly to many people, unless she's had a bad experience with them.

Let me know what you think ^_^
Emzies: Aaargh sorry to get back to you so late, I haven't had much time for the site recently. I'll try to reply to both of those later today, here's the thread for Mazikeen & Acacia :) http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30443284/1/

Clara: Hi!

Vivian has a couple of flirtations on the go at the moment, but we can start them off getting to know each other any time & maybe start their fling midyear or so? I really need to make a chart of all his future relationships

I'd love for Lizzie and Kaia to be friends :) maybe they could run into each other mid-adventure, like both going on a kitchen trip or exploring the halls or something?

October and Sara could get along quite well! October can be a bit standoffish but I think it'd benefit her to meet someone who's friendly & not trying to play games.
Vivian & Matt: sure, I'd love that. They could meet on the grounds maybe, or something? Unless Vivian has somewhere he goes daily. Matt could potentially run into him there since I can imagine him walking around without a real purpose xD

Kaia & Lizzie: ooh yes Kaia hasn't explored much recently, I would like to do something fun with her. Would you like me to start this one?

October & Sara: Sara has grown up with many older cousins and siblings and therefore she wouldn't really become upset if October says or does something Sara doesn't expect her to. I can defs see Sara trying to befriend October and not giving up until the challenge is overcome :p
Vivian & Matt: That sounds good! Vivian I think has a variety of quiet isolated places in the school he goes to be alone, so Matt could run into him sort of hiding in a corner somewhere maybe? I can start this one if you like :)

Kaia & Lizzie: That would be awesome! Thank you :D

October & Sara: Awww, nice! I think they would be cute friends :) Do you have any ideas for how they could meet?
Vivian & Matt: Sure! That's likely to happen, Matt approaches anyone quite literally so he wouldn't have a problem initiating a conversation with Vivian. Yes, please :)

Kaia & Lizzie: Great, I'll either post the link here or send it to you on Skype, as soon as it's up!

October & Sara: so Sara is an alternate on the Quidditch team, same as October - maybe they can meet while both wanting to practice their positions? And Sara could offer to help October practice (though I am not 100% sure how that'd work considering their positions are entirely different :p )
Vivian & Matt: http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30452804/1/ Sorry it's a bit weak, I thought I had an idea and realised halfway through that it wasn't really anything :lol:

Kaia & Lizzie: Awesome :D

October & Sara: Ohhhh, that would be fun! October's still not very confident in her Quidditch skills so it could be good for her self esteem to have someone nice to practice with :)
=)) That's okay, thanks for the link! I'll reply ASAP.

Here's the one for Kaia & Lizzie:

October & Sara: sweet. Do you want to start something for them or do you want me to?
Hi Rowan! I figured it would be really fun to let Evelyn and Ainsley meet, since they are both very close to Amber. I'm curious how they would match and how Evelyn would react on Ainsley. I was wondering if you are up for this?
Oh that would be interesting! I don't think they would have much in common other than Amber, but it could be fun to see how they would interact haha
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