Hufflepuff Practice Y43 S1

Finley was feeling a little annoyed after missing so many times, so lost in thought about it he wasn't paying attention. He didn't hear the warning, only looking up in time to see the bludger seconds before it smacked into him. He was still sore from the last one, gritting his teeth as he tried to shake it off.
Leonardo approached the hoops quickly, but missed entirely.
They could probably keep going fine but Rene wondered if he should call a timeout just so the team could catch their breath for a moment and stop looking so sad.
Chase did not hit a bludger.
Felix kept flying.
Renata would've sang something to be more cheerful but considering how tonedeaf she was it would just make everyone feel worse. So she just grabbed the quaffle instead.
Chase really wanted to hit something.
Rene swerved to get ready for a bludger, distracted by something that might have been snitch shaped zipping past his head. He barely managed to connect with the bludger after looking back, watching it shoot of course and into @Chase Campbell
Bludger Hits said:
Chase x2
Felix x2
Finley x2
Jordie x2
Leo x2
Penelope x1
Renata x2
Rene x1
Veronique x1
Zagreus x1
Renata gave a little cheer as her shot went through the goals.
It probably wasn't the encouragement they wanted but Rene wondered if he could cheer up the seekers with more bludgers, knocking one into @Penelope Marshall.
Bludger Hits said:
Chase x2
Felix x2
Finley x2
Jordie x2
Leo x2
Penelope x2
Renata x2
Rene x1
Veronique x1
Zagreus x1
Veronique tried to keep going, seeing Leonardo come towards her hoops but watched it out of her reach but not through the hoops. Grabbing it, she tossed it back and didn't focus quickly enough before Renata threw it right past her. Sighing, she grabbed the quaffle and threw it back out to the chasers a little hard.
Sigh. Felix kept flying in circles hoping to find the snitch someday.
Rene watched Felix circle, wondering if he could knock a bludger into his path. His guess had been a bit off however, and Rene winced as the bludger shot past the seeker and into @Zagreus Kohler instead.

Bludger Hits said:
Chase x2
Felix x2
Finley x2
Jordie x2
Leo x2
Penelope x2
Renata x2
Rene x1
Veronique x1
Zagreus x2
And Felix’s search continued.
The team looking bedraggled and the rain starting to pick up, Rene blew his whistle, beckoning everyone back to the ground for a breather as he threw up a shield charm to try and hold off the worst of the rain while they got some water. "Hey, I know it's not ideal, but good job out there, especially you, chasers. If we can handle this I'm sure we can handle whatever Slytherin throws at us," he said, aware what they would be throwing was likely bludgers not rain but feeling a little better for being out of the wet for a moment. "Let's get back in the air and keep going a bit longer," he said, taking a moment to charm some of the rain off his robes before blowing his whistle and kicking back into the air.

OOCOut of Character:
Bludger hits reset, carry on! :)
Penelope had been feeling miserable after the second bludher hit. The break helped a little, but the rain wasn't lifting her mood. She took to the air once the break was over, feeling slightly better.
Chase grimaced when he got hit with another bludger, glad when Rene offered them a breather.
Veronique was thankful when Rene called a break, quickly finding a spot on the ground so she could run to grab her water. Thankfully, she had only been hit once so far. When their timeout was over, Veronique made her way back to the hoops.
Felix was great fun for a little break and getting to stretch his legs. He was still feeling defeated as he took to the air again to keep looking.
Zagreus was equally thankful for the break, trying to rub away from the soreness from the bludgers. This was the one part he rather hated about Quidditch. But he was quickly back up in the air again, settling in front of the hoops once more and preparing for the first chaser to come at him.
Fin was thankful for a chance to get some water, quietly sitting off to the side of everyone else. He wasn't really in the mood for conversation or actually getting to know any of the team. Once everyone else took off, Finley was one of the last to follow into the air, circling around before deciding to go for the quaffle seeing as no one else was, tucking it under his arm and heading for the hoop.
Felix kept looking 🥲

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