O Oona Tuuri Active Member Messages 29 OOC First Name A Wild Tenilee Age 7/2030 Jun 12, 2016 #8,376 MedicalStudent/OutOfTen That sounds pretty cool! Have you seen a real heart?!
Daisy Parker-Taylor Meow Meow Meow 🐶 Messages 5,052 OOC First Name Donna Blood Status Half Blood Relationship Status Engaged Sexual Orientation Pansexual (Lizzie) Wand Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Boomslang venom Core Age 6/2029 Jun 13, 2016 #8,377 PartGoblinOutOfTen WAIT Goblins are real?! THIS IS SO COOL
Calum Lloyd duelist | coping Messages 141 OOC First Name Kaye Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Wand Curved 14 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core Age 2/2025 Jun 13, 2016 #8,378 Cheeky/OutOfTen It's usually not wise to be cheeky in many circumstances. I'd watch out if I were you.
Cheeky/OutOfTen It's usually not wise to be cheeky in many circumstances. I'd watch out if I were you.
Kennedy Pratt Hogwarts Scotland Divination Professor Messages 467 OOC First Name Abby Blood Status Mixed Blood Relationship Status Single Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Wand Curly 13 Inch Sturdy Wenge Wand with Veela Hair Core Age 4/2013 (34) Jun 13, 2016 #8,379 S T U B B O R N outoften Maybe someone so stuck in their ways shouldn't be giving out advice...
E Eduardo Orbon Well-Known Member Messages 245 OOC First Name Alexis Age 11/2008 Jun 13, 2016 #8,380 runawayprofessor o u t o f t e n we have more in common than i might have thought professor pratt
Rory Fergusson moutohora macaws chaser Messages 1,007 OOC First Name Emzies Blood Status Pure Blood Relationship Status Married Wand Curly 16" Sturdy Vine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core Age 7/2030 (31) Jun 14, 2016 #8,381 Professor OutOfTen Are you going to give much homework?<i></i><i></i>
Rama Mowry erica's mommy Messages 1,975 OOC First Name Lovi Blood Status Mixed Blood Relationship Status Seeing Somebody Sexual Orientation bi (syrus) Wand Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core Age 6/2030 (25) Jun 14, 2016 #8,382 clueless/ out of ten Well...you can't be that bad. You've lived this long?
Victoire Fontaine serving the people | mama of two Messages 978 OOC First Name Emzies Blood Status Muggleborn Relationship Status Married Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Wand Curly 12 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core Age 5/2024 (37) Jun 19, 2016 #8,383 Generous OutOfTen That's the best thing to be!<i></i><i></i>
S Sanne Langbroek Member Messages 23 OOC First Name Alexis Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Wand Straight 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Sycamore Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core Age 7/2023 Jun 27, 2016 #8,384 headgirl o u t o f t e n and pretty too! i'm not envious at all
Selene Le Fey Twin, Seer, Teacher Messages 1,541 OOC First Name Mia Blood Status Unknown Relationship Status Interested in Somebody Sexual Orientation undefined Wand Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash Age 27 (31/12/2035) Jun 27, 2016 #8,385 nice/10 you look happy, has someone just told you a joke?
Zenia Katsaros Well-Known Member Messages 102 Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Wand Curly 9 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core Age 5/2030 Jun 27, 2016 #8,386 ThemCurlsOutOfTen You're SO cute and your hair is amazing!
Marisol Woods latina • lone wolf • st. mungo's receptionist Messages 1,822 OOC First Name Abby Blood Status Muggleborn Relationship Status Single Sexual Orientation Bisexual Wand Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core Age 2/2029 (24) Jun 28, 2016 #8,387 twin/OUTOFTEN There's definitely something in the water at Hogwarts. Wizards reproduce in multiples!
twin/OUTOFTEN There's definitely something in the water at Hogwarts. Wizards reproduce in multiples!
A Amoretta Macksimov Active Member Messages 42 OOC First Name Cole Age 6/2023 Jun 29, 2016 #8,388 Conquering // out of ten You can do it! Never fear amgic! Even if it makes loud noises...
Hilton Tiwari police officer • dedicated sister Messages 152 OOC First Name L O V I Blood Status Muggleborn Relationship Status Single (Looking) Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Wand Curved 16 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core Age 8/2028 (27) Jul 7, 2016 #8,389 afraid/ out of ten There are many things in this world to be afraid of, but don't let it stop you from living!
afraid/ out of ten There are many things in this world to be afraid of, but don't let it stop you from living!
Stefan Archer head librarian Messages 19,111 OOC First Name Emzies Blood Status Muggleborn Relationship Status Married Sexual Orientation hetrosexual Wand Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core Age 4/2015 (46) Jul 10, 2016 #8,390 </SIZE>Forgetful OutOfTen That's not great, maybe you should get a rememberall<SIZE size="50">
Saveli Pendleton Mother of Two // Ded Messages 922 OOC First Name Cole Blood Status Mixed Blood Relationship Status Married Sexual Orientation Reuben <3 Age 6/2026 Jul 13, 2016 #8,391 Happy // out of ten Isn't it great? Everyone deserves happiness.
E Eilidh Evans Well-Known Member Messages 49 OOC First Name Emzies Sexual Orientation Myself Wand Curved 10 1/2" Sturdy Elm Wand with Mermaid Scale Core Age 9/2027 Jul 14, 2016 #8,392 Prefect OutofTen Congrats on that, perhaps you're not as unwanted as you think.<i></i><i></i>
M Madeline Walden Well-Known Member Messages 1,493 OOC First Name Lauren Sexual Orientation James Wand Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core Age 10/2027 Jul 17, 2016 #8,393 Self centred//OutOfTen There are many interesting people around you, maybe you should redirect your focus from yourself onto others.
Self centred//OutOfTen There are many interesting people around you, maybe you should redirect your focus from yourself onto others.
Keeva Fitzgerald Pride of Portree Beater // Stubborn // Foodie Messages 149 OOC First Name Nichole Relationship Status Seeing Somebody Age 11/2025 Jul 17, 2016 #8,394 Emotional // out of ten What's the point. You'll never be able to do anything good if you're always whining.
Emotional // out of ten What's the point. You'll never be able to do anything good if you're always whining.
Kengi Smile gig worker Messages 196 OOC First Name Lovi Blood Status Half Blood Relationship Status Single Sexual Orientation bisexual Wand Curly 17 Inch Whippy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core Age 6/2034 Jul 21, 2016 #8,395 unforgiving/ out of ten what? does that mean you don't like dragons?
Raylee Lagowski Well-Known Member Messages 176 OOC First Name Claire Relationship Status Single Sexual Orientation Bisexual Wand Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Acacia Wand with Veela Hair Core Age 4/2029 (28) Jul 21, 2016 #8,396 Smile/OutofTen What a horrible surname.
K Karah Love Well-Known Member Messages 460 OOC First Name Alexis Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Wand Curly 16 Inch Sturdy Rowan Wand with Meteorite Dust Core Age 3/2015 Jul 24, 2016 #8,397 rude o u t o f t e n it's just a surname, calm down.
K Khalil Ghannam Member Messages 24 OOC First Name Cole Age 3/2018 Jul 24, 2016 #8,398 Interior designer // out of ten Pretty and creative. You and I would get along nicely
A Allisan Sekibo-Iwu Member Messages 6 OOC First Name L O V I Sexual Orientation x x x Wand Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core Age 11/2028 Jul 29, 2016 #8,399 Perfectionist/ Out of Ten You have a great job then! The school grounds must look beautiful!
Rory Fergusson moutohora macaws chaser Messages 1,007 OOC First Name Emzies Blood Status Pure Blood Relationship Status Married Wand Curly 16" Sturdy Vine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core Age 7/2030 (31) Jul 30, 2016 #8,400 </SIZE></FONT>Brave OutOfTen Good for you, we've got an entire house filled with brave people, personally I think they are all useless, just like you.<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">
</SIZE></FONT>Brave OutOfTen Good for you, we've got an entire house filled with brave people, personally I think they are all useless, just like you.<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">