Hot or Not

too thin/10
you need a few good meals. but it's good to hear that you are better from whatever was wrong.
You're waaaay too old for me, what more can I say?
likes divination/10
that was my best subject, and trot was my favourite branch of the subject as well.
How can that be?I mean something like that happened to me but you don't seem like the sort of person to drift away from you're twin

You're still hug-able ^_^
That's just adorable! Maybe we should meet
some time and talk about our happiness!
confused /10
if you ever need to talk again , you know where my office is

you seem like the kind of girl who would be popular without trying.

Thankyou for letting me randomly enter your office, you're really nice!
no family/10
you should keep your family close, especially your twin. life without your twin feels lonely.
You better eat up to gain a much
more normal weight, sweetheart.
You're a Quidditch player, better yet eat
some more to gain energy during matches.
You hardly look eleven and it's pretty creepy, but even if you did look your age it wouldn't make you any less annoying.

Pretty and kind there can be no hotter. You make it unfair to be a girl in your presence :D
So/ Out of Ten

I heard you and my sister talked. Any news about Kennedy?

You should be happy in your own house, it's where you belong.
Hufflepuff/ Out of Ten

I am so jealous! I want to be a Hufflepuff!
Urgh, gross. Now that brings a whole new meaning to the closeness of twins.

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