Hot or Not

TesMagnifique/ 10

You are so beautiful by why in such a masculine role?
<FONT font="Lucida">WhatTheHell?/OutofTen
You have a dragon?

Why aim for the prince when the dragon will take better care of you?
I am in 'such a masculine role' because my other half seems to think that people would actually believe we were married if it said I was the wife. Hence, Husband is my title.
Interesting/ Out of Ten

That is a very different way of going at it, but I guess it's okay.

I will be taking to Beauxbaton with me if only in my heart.
BeforeYouGo/ Out of Ten

We have to see each other often.
Like your brother for example. Yuk...
GoKate! :frantics: /OutOfTen

Win the Quidditch Match Kate! :woot:
Aren't you just all peaches and cream then?

That's not very good.

I'll be cheering for you, just don't hurt your hands we still have a ball to prepare for.
<FONT font="Georgia">Unknownbloodstatus?outoften
Hope your not a Pureblood, but then, I'm sure theres no risk of that happening anyway.​

I have always been scared of you, even before you became a Deatheater.
The only link you had to me is dead. I am no longer your father, nor do I wish to be. The death of your mother severed our ties, whether we be bound by blood or not. You are no daughter of mine Nadia Kaster.
So much for being my father. You left me in my time of need. But that doesn't matter anymore. I have the Kaster's now. You are so stereotypical, you arsehole!

What is an Angry Jigglypuff?
Oh I remember you. You were the one who used to run and hide from me when I came outside to talk to your father and mother. Well, well, well, isn't this interesting...​

Which means you have no business coming to my house ever again :unsure:
Iwouldn'tbesosurelittleman outoften

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