Happy Holidays!

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays!!! :party: :hug:

What are your plans? Any family traditions? What did you get? Are there any presents you're excited to give to someone else?

Share! ^_^
Its only Christmas Eve Cyn, calm down :r
I won't be on tomorrow, so figured I'd do it early so it'd get done. ;)
I have no idea what I want for Christmas so I'm not expecting anything. But I'm excited to give my 7 year old niece her makeup kit ( :tut: ) and my 3 year old niece her puzzles! ^_^
All I want for Christmas is to be caught up on replies.
Merry Christmas everyone! :)
James Cade said:
All I want for Christmas is to be caught up on replies.
This is likely something that will never happen for me lol

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! (and happy holidays to those who don't celebrate christmas :wub: )
Happy Holidays everyone! :santa:
Merry Christmas all!

I've had my eye on a new watch for a while, so I'm hoping that I've given enough hints for the last few months :p
Well I'm not expecting much but I know I did get a membership to my local theatre - so discounts and priority bookings etc and I'm so excited ^_^
People have been asking my brother for my shoe size. That is all I know regarding gifts, thankfully he got it right.

Merry Christmas (happy holidays) :santa: :santa: :elf:
I got an entire box of pineapple stuff! Pineapple sippy cup, pineapple pyjamas, pineapple shirt - it's amazing :wub:
We also last week bought a kitten, whom my little sister has taken a strong liking to (which is odd, seeing as she claims she hates cats :drat: ) and overall, she's overall super excited for this Christmas with is awesome.
I also got Pokemon stuff, and chocolates that'll make me horrendously sick (but will be so worth it), hiking gear and if my memory serves that is it for now!
Bella (my indoor dog) got some turkey, which she is chuffed about (and getting very fat off of it, my poor tubby)

Later today there will be family members popping in and out, eating our food along the way, catching up, causing mischief for my mum, etc. My uncle should be bringing his cake which will be awesome! And with that, I hope everyone here has a great holiday season. Merry Christmas!
Joyeux Noël!!
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, all :wub:

I feel so lucky to have you guys as my friends :cry: you mean so much to me!

Hope you all have a wonderful day :hug: (or if not poke me on Skype because I'm around all day) <3
I got a lot of nice gifts and messages, but the best part had to be my brother surprising us on Christmas because he was granted leave. ^_^

I hope you all have been having great days.
I went to a pool party for Boxing Day. That was more fun than i thought it was going to be seeing as I knew only a couple of the people there. But I was really comfortable with everyone so it was fun. It was my BFF's work colleagues, so it was a little weird, but still good =))
I'm now at an age where I receive small kitchen appliances and mixing/measuring sets from family for Christmas.
I suppose that means instead of buying those things myself I can buy things I want but would normally avoid?
That's pretty much it. I got a kettle and toaster and towels (among other things) and I'm very happy with them xD

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