Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

Milo couldn't believe that not only had someone else managed to hit Teddy first, but he'd already managed to catch the snitch! Gripping his bat, Milo tried to shut down the part of his head that was obsessing about what the other players were doing and focus on himself. Things really were different being on the pitch compared to in the stands.
Josh got a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back into the pitch, circling around the pitch to make his way back to the hoops.
Aurora didn't hit anything.
Teddy just needed encouragement. He kept his eyes sharp as he scoured the sky for the snitch. His heart pounded when he saw it glinting in the sunlight. With a burst of speed, he darted toward it, arm outstretched once again. He made the catch, fingers closing around the snitch. A triumphant grin spread across his face. "Got it again!" Teddy 2, Rāwhiti 1.
Rāwhiti was still aching from the second bludger when he saw Teddy manage another catch. He pushed down the twinge of jealousy and gave the boy a thumbs up, remembering how he had done the same in his first practice. He had been so proud to beat the actual seeker, and he wasn't going to let his jealousy take away Teddy's accomplishment.
Bas was disappointed at himself when another chaser got the quaffle but kept on. He did a loop around the pitch quickly and kept close to Joshua when he had caught it again.
Milo could only gawp when Teddy managed to catch the snitch again almost immediately. Did they confund the practice snitch or something? Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea, for morale or some such reason. Still. "Wow, maybe we should have you playing next game," he said slyly to Teddy, pulling up near him for a moment before spotting a bludger and shooting after it hopefully.
When Josh was close to the hoops, it had managed to go through and he was grinning ear to ear.
Despite doing his best to be pleased by the enthusiasm, Rāwhiti was struggling a bit to tune Milo out, trying his best to focus on the search for the snitch.
Milo finally managed to square up on one of the bludgers, winding up to take a swing only for it to move too quickly, causing Milo to whiff dramatically. Hopefully no one saw that.
Rāwhiti kept up the search, circling the pitch as he looked for the snitch.
Soren grabbed the quaffle as it came back into play, and flew back around, making sure to fly near Aurora long enough to give her a playful wink before taking off again.
Milo squinted as one of the chasers flew past. Did he have something in his eye? Huffing, he set after another bludger, determined to pull his weight this practice.
Josh quickly followed closely behind the other chaser as he had the possession of the quaffle.
Rāwhiti flew lower, hoping he'd find the snitch closer to the ground.
Milo felt like his brain was working overtime as he tried to triangulate his position with the other players and get a bludger between the two to hit. This all seemed a lot easier when he'd been planning out plays in his notes from the stands.
Basquiat followed quickly and although he was nearby Joshua he wasn't fast enough. Perhaps it was good he was made alternate. This thought did frustrate the boy and he continued on getting madder at himself for this practice. It seems all of his "practice" at home with his kid sister did nothing for him in this situation and it wasn't even a real game. He closely followed Soren.
Teddy didn't want to call it beginner's luck because he had worked hard on his skills, but he wasn't so sure about jumping straight into a game. He offered a non-committal shrug in response to Milo's comment then flew off in the opposite direction. Rāwhiti didn't seem to mind about catching the snitch less times, which was the complete opposite of how Teddy would feel if their roles were reversed.
Milo wasn't having much lucky trying to chase down bludgers, so maybe it would work better if he just waited to see if one would fly close to him.
Santiago swerved as Rāwhiti came at him and raised his bat just in case he got too close. Thankfully he stopped before he swung. Annoyed, he flew in the other direction for a while only to find another bludger and aimed it at their captain again. He grinned as it made contact. @Raawhiti Te Rangi
Milo might have had his opinions about how the Gryffindor team was run, but he had to wonder how the team got anything done if their beaters were going to be solely focused on knocking their starting seeker senseless. If Milo ever actually managed to catch a bludger, he decided he'd give Raawhiti a break; Merlin knew he probably needed all the help he could get to save his braincells after today.
Santiago saw another bludger and swung his bat. He considered going after their captain again but he decided to give him a break and go for their new seeker instead. @Teddy Pirrip

Joshua - 1
Teddy - 2
Rāwhiti - 3
Milo raised his hands in exasperation as Santiago hit another bludger. "How are you doing that?" He asked, aggrieved, tailing after the bludger that had just hit Teddy and taking an irritated swing at it. To his surprise, it swung right back in an arc, hitting @Santiago Torres cleanly. "Oh. Like that," Milo said simply, hoping everyone thought he'd done that on purpose.
Joshua - 1
Teddy - 2
Rāwhiti - 3
Santiago - 1
The pain from the first bludger was still throbbing in Teddy's side but he'd carried on. Then another bludger came hurtling toward him, striking him on the same side, almost in the same spot. "Oof!" Teddy winced at the pain, knowing that he'd have a nasty bruise to show for it later in the day. Bludgers were already, by far, his least favourite aspect of Quidditch.
Aurora continued to just focus on trying to hit bludgers.

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