Graduation 2030: Spectators/Guests

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
OOCOut of Character:
Prefects, professors and invited guests are welcome to post here
Dannii was attending her third graduation in the past three years. She looked around the great hall longingly, wishing she could go back to being in school. Real life sucked. Why am I even here? I haven't spoken to Justin in a year... Why would he even want to see me after the ***** move I pulled? She wondered shuffling nervously in her seat. She had tried to hang out in the back hoping not to be spotted. To keep herself occupied she played with one of the blonde curls that hung in front of her face. Red was a nice colour and all, but in the end it really didn't suit her.

Soon enough the head girl was giving her speech, Too bad it's not another Hufflepuff, we had a good streak going, and then Justin stepped up to the podium. Dannii felt her stomach twist nervously. Could he see her from where she was sitting? She got her confirmation when almost half way through speaking his eyes met hers. Oh Merlin help me. she thought looking down to her hands in her lap. Of course his speech was beautiful, she expected no less. When he finished she looked up just in time to see him stare at her one last time before going to take his seat. Dannii cheered with the rest of the crowd but only half heartedly as she was also trying to figure out if she should slip away before talking to him or not.
This was the very first graduation that Lucius had ever attended in his life, well, not since his own and a buddy of his. Lucius was a year older than his buddy, but the two knew a lot and understood a lot from each other. Neither had parents that cared, or were just not around. Lucius was attending graduation now because he knew some of the seventh years, but not many. He entered with very casual clothing, wearing a muggle shirt, a hoodie, and jeans. Lucius did not want to wear his nurse uniform to a graduation. He just wanted to be able to watch the students graduate. He took a seat near a few other professors before he folded his arms across his chest and his honey eyes looked ahead to observe. The nurse thought that this was all very cool, seeing the younger ones graduate, wondering who would return and who would not. For all he knew, some could have ended up in Azkaban after becoming Death Eaters, or just other various criminals.

Lucius looked ahead as Gabriel Lloyd started up the ceremony, and his honey eyes remained up front where he would watch the ceremony without so much of speaking to anything or anyone. Lucius may have been friendly, but he was not that friendly. He only held a tight circle of friends. Lucius listened to the Head Girl's speech before he smiled softly. Such elegance that girl held, before he looked over to the Head Boy before he thought with a smirk, 'Kinda short for a seventh year.' But his speech too was very good. Lucius had no idea if he was just being generous or not. So he did not say anything still, not even in his mind. Lucius instead continued to stare ahead as he watched the graduates receive their diplomas, and Lucius was chuckling at a few of them. One of them even looked asleep. As long as no one bothered him in the audience, he wouldn't have to speak. Even if, he did want to talk more to a certain co-worker.
Nadia Mckay smiled as she sat in the audience during the Graduation. She had been alittle surprised that Justin had invited her to attend, but she wasn't all that surprised, afterall, she saw Justin as a sort of brother figure. They had both been new to the school when they had first met, though his was through transfer and hers through having turned the right age. Just the atmosphere of the hall was enough to make her feel happy and excited, yet kind of terrified at the same time. She was scared about her own Graduation in two years. She already couldn't believe she had actually made it to the fifth year. After all the crap that had happened in her life, to finally find something that actually made her feel good about herself. It was a feeling she had long ago forgotten, but was glad to rediscover.

As she watched the Graduation she smiled slightly at Kamaria's speech. She had never personally had any dealings with the Head Girl, but she had heard that she was a nice person, and did what was necessary. She though that the girl might make a good Professor. Besides, wasn't there another Zhefrovich Professor? After Kamaria's speech, it was Justin's turn. Nadia listened intently and giggled slightly when he mentioned a conversation they had once had. She smiled as she remembered how he had told her that he had no intentions of being Head Boy, she had of course replied with a comment that she thought he would make a good Head Boy and that she had a feeling he would be one. They had then simply laughed it off. But to look at him now, she would never have thought he had ever had doubts about the position. She smiled. She was glad he was happy. After everything he had been through, he deserved this. He really did. She smiled at the end of his speech. "Well Done Justin." She whispered.
Jeremy had decided to dress up a bit for the ceremony after attending last year's and seeing how the guests dressed up. He didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb. As he made his way to a seat, Jeremy looked towards all of the graduates. There were quite a few of them this year, but the two who stood out to him were the Head Boy and Girl, both of his house. Jeremy couldn't wait to hear their speeches because he knew how well spoken both students were from hearing them around the common room, the prefect's lounge and hearing Kamaria during practices. It was a shame that he hadn't gotten to know her better, though he doubted that would happen now.

As expected the speeches were terrific and Jeremy clapped loudly along with the rest of the spectators as each speech concluded. When the time came for the names to be called, Jeremy's blue eyes began to wander. He didn't know many of the 7th years (he had trouble enough getting to know his classmates). Looking around, Jeremy saw some rather surprising faces in the audience. There were some other prefects, of course, some younger students who'd he'd seen in the halls and assumed to be siblings of graduates, and there were several alumni in the group. I knew they were dating...gooo Justin Jeremy thought to himself, a bit of a smirk on his face when he spotted former Head Girl, Dannii Merrythought. He'd seen her and Justin around back when she'd been in school and he'd always wondered if they were dating. Another surprising face in the audience was that of Ariah Rowan. Jeremy couldn't see her stomach, but she certainly didn't look pregnant like the Rumor Has It said. He shook his head. He should have known better. That magazine was a load of bunk and Ariah was a nice girl even if she wanted to be with someone like Leviathan. As he made his way across the stage, Jeremy wondered what he would do once he left the school. Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Jeremy watched the rest of the ceremony, clapping his hands when the time called for it.

Jeremy couldn't wait to be waiting in anticipation for his name to be called. Crossing that stage to receive his diploma with his dad and mom watching would be the coolest.
Eliza arrived on time for her great niece graduation. She came alone and dressed casualty in a fine magenta colored dress. She wore her red hair slightly falling down and some light jewelry for this special occasion. Her niece Jaden may have not thought it was something to celebrate, though Eliza knew she had to be present today. With Jaden's parent and brother death just a few years back Jaden had nobody but Eliza and her sister Leslie. Jaden would fuss about it, Eliza however would not hear of it. In the end she got her invitation taken that as Jaden changing her mind about the whole thing. Eliza sat in one of the rows were most of the grown folks sat. Eliza looked around to see if Leslie had come, she did not see the third year Slytherin, Eliza wonder why Leslie would not come today? It's a question she would ask Jaden later, surly Leslie would know how important to support her only sister. The girls had but each other after all.

Eliza watched the ceremony unfold, she listen to each speaker clapping when it was appropriate. Eliza enjoyed both speech and gave kudos to each for having to give such a speech for their fellow graduates. Eliza smiled when they started to call out names, Jaden came practically last next to the head girl. Eliza took noticed right away that her niece has changed a lot over the past year. She had known Jaden was lesbian it was a few information Jaden shared after yelling about it when Eliza asked why she didn't have a boyfriend. At the time she question if Jaden was pulling in act, before this transformation Jaden had looked like a girl. The evidence was clear, Eliza clap for her niece. Instead of judging, she rather admired Jaden strength and courage for being what she was. It was a nice ceremony, Eliza was glad she had came.
Ariah Rowan wasn’t really all that happy to be bad inside Hogwarts. At first she was, but not even ten minute’s inside the school, she had people coming up to ask asking if she was pregnant. Where did they get that idea? Did she look fat or something. ’God I really hope not.’ Ariah wrapped her tanned arms around her thin stomach and frowned. She felt self-conscious about her body now. Even though she had been working out and training a lot the past few months, she still could’ve been getting fat. Ariah was definitely not pregnant. She knew that much. There was just no way it would be possible so how on earth could people get ideas like that into their heads? Ariah watched over the Ceremony carefully. The dress she wore clung to her thin figure in all the right places. A lot had changed since she was in this position. For one, her hair was much longer now. Before it used to frame her face and just barely went passed her shoulders. Now it fell to a little bit above her mid-back and was left in soft waves. Her hair wasn’t the only thing that had changed about Ariah. She had gained a few inches in height, and dveloped more curves. Not to mention her eyes had dimmed a bt. They were lighter than they used to be. A lot had changed in a years time. The former Slytherin appreciated her new look. It seemed others had too but she paid them little mind. They probably thought that she was pregnant. Ugh that sounded so awkward. Sitting beside, Axel Ariah bit her lip nervously. Seeing Leviathan again was something that made her even more nervous. She had not seen him in a year. Ariah missed Levi, even if he had been a jerk. But she had no right to be as mean to him as she had that day. But things couldn’t really be fixed easily either, he did, after all call her a blood traitor. Which stung quite a bit considering the fact that she had not known the boy’s blood-status, nor was she even talking to him. Only to ask for directions so she could buy Leviathan an early birthday present. The Ceremony had begun, and once Ariah was able to look at her ex-boyfriend but future husband, she wanted to cry. How was it that he looked even more handsome as ever? It wasn’t fair. Axel had tried to reassure her many times that Levi still cared, but she doubted it. But Ariah would still congratulate him on Graduating. Even if he hated her. It would be nice to hear his voice again.

Kamaria’s speech was beautiful. Ariah clapped happily after it was made. The Head Boy, Ariah had never really been fond of as she thought he was a bit of a wimp, had a pretty good speech himself. Both of them did a really nice job on their speeches. She wondered if they were nervous. Of course it was just like Kara to get the position of Head Girl. Even if Ariah adored the girl, she still considered to be huge overachiever. When it was Levi’s turn to get his diploma, she noticed that he was asleep and grinned. He hadn’t really changed had he? Luckily Kara woke him up so he could actually get his diploma. Ariah clapped for him too. When the Ceremony was finished, Ariah stood up and make quick work of being less noticeable. It would buy her time from seeing Levi. Yes she did want to see him. But, She was teriffied. So perhaps she would just congratulate Kara and avoid running into Levi. Theodore was here too. But he didn’t seem like he was in the mood to talk at all. Ariah headed out of the Great Hall. She felt sick to her stomach now. There was no way she could do this.
Graduations were not the best days for Professor Styx. They were long and often the same thing over and over. He had been here with these kids since they were first years. Professor Styx had not been the Slytherin Head of House for as long as he had been a professor either, but long enough. He had seated with his brother, Axel (though not beside him) that had been invited by one of his kids. On the other side was one of his children or something and then there was Ariah. Professor Styx hadn't greeted any of them, but he merely looked ahead. On the other side of him there was Professor Zhefarovich. The entire family normally sat together, as they were normally tight as could be. Professor Styx looked ahead as Professor Kingsley started up the ceremony, and then the Head Girl presented the speech, as well as the Head Boy. Professor Styx didn't clap so much as just sit there, looking as cold and bleak as he could. The students were receiving their diplomas, and there were a few Slytherins that he knew that were graduating. Quite a few. None of them had been worthy enough to have the Head Boy or Head Girl title. He would have to agree with the Headmaster that had chosen them. Professor Styx watched as they all soon had their diplomas, and one of his Prefects had fallen asleep during the ceremony. Rolling his eyes, he took in a notice of some of the people in the crowd. Theodore Snow was here, and Professor Styx knew about that one. He had chosen him as a prefect, and then Ariah, he had also chosen. As soon as the ceremony ended, he would go converse with some important matters especially with his father's disappearance.
Prodan had another feeling with graduation. He had been here with these kids since they were the first group that he had seen enter the school and graduate. That alone told him how long he had been here for. And he still loved every moment. Getting to know these kids were something else. Some were trouble makers, others were good peers to others. Some struggled with their grades, others did not. Prodan could see who would have struggled and who didn't. He clapped for the Head Girl and Head Boy after they had finished their speeches, both of them that would be more memorable than the others he had heard. Although, he didn't know of the first ever Head Boy's speech that included either a poem or a song, he couldn't remember which. After the speeches, the graduates would now receive their diplomas. That would be something that all graduates would be remembered for. Of course, Prodan clapped for those that received, some with more enthusiasm than others because he knew them from his own class for a limited time, some others from subbing for the other professor. After the ceremony, his silvery eyes landed on his brothers to see that neither of them looked too impressed. Axel was only proud to see his children graduate, but Prodan didn't press the issue with his oldest brother Kalif. The family would make sure that they were congratulated, even if they were expected to graduate. Prodan was just proud of the seventh years, they had done so well.
All Prefects were invited to go to the Graduation, and Isabella Romanes was no different. Rather than dressing up in a dress, which she hated, she wore jeans and a green shirt that seemed classier than what she normally wore. She entered the Great Hall to see quite a few people, graduates that she recognized, not enough that she knew, and there were professors, staff, prefects and family and friends of the graduates. She couldn't wait to graduate as well. She had come to terms that she was in a good school, and her urge to go to Beauxbatons back when she was a first year had long since been snuffed out. Isabella needed to find her sister in the crowd, but her magenta eyes fell on Ariah, and seeing that she wasn't pregnant. Then again, if they had done something in school, she would have given birth by now, even so, she looked different but not in the since of she was a mother different. Letting out a sigh, Isabella went up to sit kind of close to her, but not next to her because she was surrounded by intimidating people. 'And I thought that Uncle Collineus was intimidating,' thought Isabella with a shake of her head. She sat down and her eyes looked over at Damian Metzger, perhaps her future brother-in-law. He wasn't pure-blood, but part-veela. Blood status didn't matter so much with Isabella. Sure, she wouldn't mind being with someone that was half-blood, mixed-blood, or even another male part-veela. All didn't matter to her. She was just happy that her sister was with someone good to her. Isabella listened to the speeches, which she liked the Head Girl's better but she kept that to herself. She clapped for them, and she clapped more so for the sleeping Prefect, and Damian out of respect for her sister.
After having Ariah in the Zhefarovich Manor for some time now, Axel was quite proud to have her as an addition to the Zhefarovich family, once her and his son make that first step. After graduation, they had three months to get married, and then a year after that to bear a child. It was law, and Aleyha had done so with her husband. Axel was sure that eventually, when Leviathan was introduced to the world of sexual pleasures, he would be able to bear a child easily. However the two of them were going through issues. Levi thought that Ariah hated him, and Ariah thought that he hated her. He knew for a fact that they truthfully loved each other. He knew from the letters that Kamaria had wrote to him on how he locked himself up in his dorm all year. Also on how he managed to curse a few first years... Regardless, he had a mess to clean up. Sitting next to Athena and Ariah, Axel looked up toward the front to see his sweet girl give out a speech. It did not surprise him that she managed to receive Head Girl. After all, she was a model after him. He was Head Boy, and once a Ravenclaw. Axel was still proud of his daughter, and proud of his son for graduating to say the least. Sometimes it was a toss up between the pair on who resembled the Zhefarovich's more. Axel shrugged, and he tuned out the rest of the words that the others were saying. He was only here for two people and that was all. No one else mattered to him. The Death Eater looked over toward Ariah and he smirked slightly, before placing his hand upon her shoulder. Sure, he wasn't like a father to her yet, since he hadn't been at the manor much for the past year, but that would change.

After the two received their diplomas, his dark, stormy eyes narrowed to see that Levi had fallen asleep, and he had missed Ariah. 'Oh for the love of Merlin,' thought Axel. These two would have to take some trickery to get them back together. Axel knew a thing about trickery. He was a good Death Eater for a reason. He clapped for the two of them, before he stood up, towering over many. However he looked down to see that Ariah had vanished. Axel rolled his eyes and he looked to see that she was heading out of the Great Hall. 'Women, so dramatic.' Axel managed to catch up with her, but when his head turned, Leviathan was no where in sight. Axel said firmly to Ariah, "I know you don't want to be here, but too bad, neither do I." Axel wasn't too fond of ceremonies either, and then it clicked in his mind. Levi hated things like this, so the first moment he had seen to get away, he took the chance. It was going to take a lot for the two to lay eyes on one another again. And then that would solve everything. But when Levi got home, Axel was not going to go easy on him at all.
Dietrich Metzger was dressed in a good muggle outfit. He had not shaved in a little while, and it was showing on his face. His blonde hair was in a mess too, but that was his style. Right now, he was here for Damian Metzger, his little brother, or half-brother rather, and watching him graduate. Dietrich had never graduated from a school, having dropped out and just finished his grades at home so he could play Quidditch. He was seeker for the Thundera Thunderer's now going on three years, but he was chaser for four. That was seven years dedicated to the team, and he never regretted a bit of them. Of course, the media had been all over his love life ending, but Dietrich didn't care. He loved to play, and he would continue to play. For what it was worth, he hoped that no one would really run up to him while he was here. He was pretty known to those that followed the team. Dietrich looked down as he thought about his friends before he remembered that he had his children being watched by their mother so that he could attend the graduation. He was seated near Ostensia Romanes because that was who was dating his little brother, and he flashed the girl a charming smile before he looked back toward the front. The Head people gave off their speeches, both were well written out. But the moment came at last when every seventh year was getting their diplomas, and they had to walk to the stage. He watched as his brother graduated, and Dietrich clapped rather loudly before he waved as well, probably drawing attention to himself but he didn't care. Dietrich had wisely kept his mouth shut though, and did not shout or anything to draw even more attention. Like standing and waving didn't do enough. He sat back down and waited for the others to graduate. It was concluded, so the big brother would search out his little brother, and give him his present, which was a house of his very own.
Ostensia Romanes felt like crying right now. As proud as she was of Damian, she feared being separated from him. She would give everything right now to be up there Graduating with him. Or have him stay back and Graduate with her. It wasn't fair that she had to stay here all alone. Damian had become an anchor of sorts for her. Whenever she needed someone to turn to, he was always there. He made her days bright and cheerful. 'What sucks even more is that I don't really have any friends at this school either.' Other than her sister and Damian, Ostensia didn't really do much other than focus on her school. Ostensia could be rather shy when it came to making new friends. Damian was the one who often got her out of her shell and willing to talk to others. He was so friendly and good with social things. Now that he was leaving school she wasn't going to have him around to help her out anymore. It was heartbreaking to think that he would no longer be there to walk her to class in the morning. That was the best part of her morning! Things were going to be so different. Ostensia told Dietrich earlier than he had to be sure to scare off any girls that tried to steal Damian from her. She trusted him, but he was so damn cute, it was the girls she didn't trust. Ostensia only had to wait two years and then she would be free to be with Damian whenever she wanted again. Within that time she could only hope and pray that he wouldn't find something better to do. Ostensia wanted to think of an amazing Graduation present for him. So far she had no ideas but she was working on it. His present had to be amazing. Something he wouldn't expect to get from her. At first Ostensia thought he would like a new broom or something. But then she realized it would probably be too typical. Ostensia needed to think outside of the box. It would take some thinking, but she figured sooner or later she would come up with something.

When it was Damian's turn to step up and receive his diploma, Ostensia clapped loudly and cheered for him. He looked as cheerful as ever. She couldn't wait till the Ceremony was over so she could congratulate him with a hug. Hopefully Dietrich wouldn't mind seeing the affection, but Ostensia loved her boyfriend and wanted to be with him as much as possible before they were separated for awhile. Hopefully Damian understood that too.​
Dressed in a simple dress and a pair of low heels, Athena sat beside her father. On the other side of the tall man was her soon-to-be sister-in-law, if Ariah and Leviathan could finally figure out that they were being idiots. She had the feeling that her father would be helping them with that. The third year crossed her legs and settled in to listen to the speeches. The only one she was truly interested in listening to was Kamaria's and when her sister took to the stage, Athena smiled and listened intently. Her silver eyes stayed on her sister, listening to her words and she clapped when Kara finished. Athena looked up to her sister a lot even though she knew that there was no way she could ever achieve what she did. She hoped that her dad wasn't expecting her to be a Head Girl as well because she didn't see that happening. It was finally hitting the young girl that starting next year she wouldn't have Kamaria or Leviathan in the school with her. She didn't know whether she should be happy or sad about that.

Athena's attention wavered after Kamaria's speech and she didn't truly pay attention again until the students began to cross the stage to receive their diplomas. When the twins headed up to the stage to receive their diplomas, Athena clapped her hands once again. She rolled her eyes as Kara had to nudge Levi awake in time. What an idiot, she thought to herself. She knew that their father would not be pleased about that, but it really wasn't all that much of a surprise. The Slytherin's eyes widened as Ariah practically fled the Great Hall. Surely, she had come to graduation to see Levi, so the young girl couldn't figure out what was up with her. As her father left the Great Hall after the woman, Athena hesitated a moment, wondering if she should stay and wait for Kamaria and Leviathan to come to her or if she should go after her father and Ariah. Curiosity getting the better of her, Athena left the Great Hall and went after them. "You didn't come all this way for nothing, did you Ariah?" Athena asked as she crossed her arms. The dress that Ariah was wearing seemed to make it clear to Athena that she'd come to see Levi. She looked around, but she didn't spot Levi anywhere.
Nora knew that Clara was probably a little disappointed that she never made it to being Head Girl she was proud of her cousin, like most of their family, so she found herself walking down to the Great Hall with a present for her cousin under her arm to give to her after she received her diploma because she thought that graduating Hogwarts was deserving of a gift and had even gotten her parents to help pay for the ring she had picked out for Clarice. Nora genuinely hoped that her cousin liked it all despite being somewhat distanced from her because of a true attempt to study for her OWLs so she would not be forced back to Durmstrang. Pushing this out of her mind she glanced around the room and noticed Jeremy, the boy she had met at the Yule Ball, and sat by him, nodding quietly in his direction before the ceremony began.

Nora found the Head Girl's speech to be a bit long and wished that it would just end and found the same with the Head Boy's but spoke nothing of it, instead rolling her eyes internally as she decided that she would not go to her graduation ceremony and would prefer to have it mailed to her. It wasn't as if she really knew anyone in her year. When all was said and done she waited for names to be called and clapped loudly when Clara's name was and smiled in the direction of Josh who was clapping just as loudly as she.
Briar was attending graduation again this year. there wasn't a particular person who she wanted to see graduate, or anything like that it was more because she was a prefect and was expected to go. also. she was dressed in a rather smart outfit (for her) her usual wolf based top had been replaced with a plain black singlet, and her normal shorts or leggings or joggers had been replaced with smart jeans, however she kept on her red converse. She entered the great hall and took a seat near the back with the other prefects. looking around the ground she saw quite a few faces that she recognised as former students, there was even someone who she was sure was Dietrich Metzger the seeker from the thunderers her favourite team. how come she had never linked Damian with him?
once the ceremony started she listened to the head boy and head girls speeches they were both good and she applauded them in turn when they had finished. however when the time came for each of the graduates to come on stage to receive their diploma her mind started to wander. she thought back to last years graduation, and the events that had come around the same time. not happy events at all, the death of her step-farther, madlyns farther. she then thought of what her summer held for her. she would be staying a few extra nights at the castle so she could use the cavern for the full moon, then she would apparate to australia and make amends with the Margeras and spend half of the break there and whilst there she had quidditch tryout for the thunderers. then it was over to europe where she would spend a few nights where she had grown up (though that may have to be cut short if she ran into her family, then it was a couple of weeks with her boyfriend.
she looked up at the stage, by now almost everyone had gone. in fact she was just in time to see the one person who she disliked in the whole school cross the stage Jaden West. she was glad that the girl was going, she would hopefully manage to have a peaceful year next year without the snake bugging her with her vicious rumours. next came the head girl and then the ceremony was over. she hug around for a few minutes but seeing as she didn't know many of the graduates that well she soon left to do some more packing as although she was staying longer she wouldn't be in the mod to pack then.
James was dressed in a simple shirt and tie hoping he was not entirely under dressed for such a lavish affair sine he had traveled all the way from France to show his best friend his support. James had met Samuel this past year over break in what is now considered their favorite little coffee shop in all New Zealand and ever since then they had shared a bond that few if any could break or destroy. He cared deeply for Samuel and would go against an army of Death eaters to make him happy, the same could be said if the circumstance was switch he was confident in that belief. The two of them were kindred spirits though not destined to be lover but rather friends of the deepest kind in this life at least. Jamie could not help but smile as he remember one of the many letters shared between the two of them in which Sammy called him his spirit animal which made him laugh for days. James could not wait to see his personal Superman and to cheer him on in the most embarrassing way possible when the man took his famous walk across the stage.

However as he waited for all the less important people to say their speeches and go through the most boring parts of the whole ceremony he could not help but think of another man in his life. Alex. Alexander was a boy that he met at Beauxbaton just a few weeks ago who seem like another pillar of strength in his sad existence in the famed halls of their french academy. Since meeting the too had been spending a great deal of time together much to Jamie's surprise since he never thought a guy as impressive as Alex would be remotely interested in someone like him at any length of time. Yet he was and it made his heart race when ever the guy looked him in the eyes in that kind way that showed the depth of his affection toward James, which he hoped was not some cruel figment of his wild imagination because if it was he would be crushed beyond repair. He had been devastated before by another though they would never know it in its raw form the guy would never love him anymore than just a friend for another had his heart forever and always. It was then that Jamie looked up and met the eyes of the boy he could never had and gave the biggest smile that he could muster as he could sense the chaotic torrents of emotion behind those golden brown eyes.

Today was the first day of the rest of Samuel's life and Jamie could only hope that as the guy grew on to be the man that Jamie could only dream of that he would always have room enough in his life for his Spiderman. "WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO GO SUPERMAN !" Jamie roared as the boy walked across the stage and shook hands with the professor presenting the diploma much to the outrage of several people around him. He did not care if every one was staring because in this moment in time the only person that matter was his best friend... Samuel Philips the third.
Olive Mayfield took a steadying breath before she entered the Great Hall; this year's graduation was going to be painful to watch. The girl's cousin should have been there, she knew, and despite her death being three or four years ago now Olive found the idea of watching her cousin's classmates finish school rather disheartening. She wore a simple black sundress, accentuated with a bright green belt, and her battered old Converses. They would require replacement soon enough, but for now they were comfortable. It wasn't like her feet were on display to the world or anything.

Olive followed her fellow prefects; the people who, like her, didn't know the graduates, and who were only required to be there because of their badges. Seats were being filled rapidly, yet half the crowd were friends and family as opposed to other students.

A pit of anxiety stirring in her stomach, Olive fixated her eyes on the head table. She scrutinized every person's every move as she saw them, dragging her focus from more anxiety-inducing objects. There were a lot of people in the hall; if only her prefect duties didn't imply her compulsory attendance Olive would have escaped long beforehand.

A hush seemed to fall over the crowd, their attentions drawn to the beginning of the ceremony. Olive sat pretending to be transfixed, but instead considered what the event would be like with Aroha still alive. One could always imagine.

Makaylah settle for a seat in the back of the great hall. This would be her first attendance toe graduation and was fair to say she was interested in how the whole graduation ceremony went down. Since she was the sixth born of all her siblings, Seth and her were the only ones in the bunch to have gone to wizarding school. Seth graduated a few years back and soon it will be Makaylah turn to take the stage in two more years she would be done with school. Makaylah was not really counting down her days like many she was trying preserve the ones she had left. Being here should have been the last thing she wanted to see today, but she was not worried. She would try to make as much memories for the next two years and finished her years in the best and more awesome way then ever.

Makaylah applaud when the speeches were given, she liked them both. They were great in their own ways and she could see the person behind all that was being said. She stayed for the rest of the ceremony getting ahead from the rest of the fifth years to know what it's like graduating. Some of the seventh years were happy, others were not so much. It was like a whole bomb of different emotions in the air, their families were here for support and that was great. She admired the support in families, she loved her own but it sad to say she didn't get to see enough of them that much. Overall the presentation of the graduation was well put and it look incredible.
Elvera headed into the great hall for the graduation ceromany. it was the second one she had ever attened, the first obviously veing her own, it was surprising to think that it was only two years ago when she had stood on that stage. which meant it was only two years ago that she had discovered that Eden was her twin, and that she had a little sister, only twoyears ago when she had recieved her seers gift. yes graduation was a memorable day for her, though surprisingly the graduating part was the least significant. she hadn't even left the school properly as she was bach again, and truth be told she was loving her teaching job. she took a seat with the other professors and chatted a little before the ceremony started. anyone who knew her would notice tht there was one thing different to her than normal, one thing missing from her outfit. her gloves, which were usually perminantly on her hands were not there, she had gotten a lot more control on her gift and was trying to see if she could keep a grip on it through the graduation.
a quiet fell over the hall and te proceadings started. her attention turned towards the stage. she listened to the head boy and head girl give their speeches, and smiled. although she hadn't taught any of this year group she had known them when she was a student. although she hadn't been close to any of them it was still nice to see them graduating, and growing up. she clapped each of them when they had each given their speech, they were good speeches. then she watched as each of them crossed the stage and received their diplomas. they had got to the M's before she even got an inkling of her mind trying to see one of the students futures but she quickly pushed it down. the rest of the students crossed with only a couple of others attracting visions that she was able to suppress. when the ceremony was over she got up and mingles with the students trying to congratulate each of them before they left the castle. once it was all over she helped pack up before heading to her tower to pack her things ready to return home for the holiday.
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