Open Future Efforts

Zennon Baros

Finley's dad; healer
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Though Zennon knew he wanted to be a Healer, he also knew he wanted to be a Healer who worked with creatures, perhaps working in the creature ward? He wasn't entirely sure, but knowing that, Zennon had headed down to the area of the castle just after breakfast. He wanted to talk to the Professor as he had things he knew he wanted to know. He thought all of this stuff would be so interesting, and really, he couldn't wait to be able to work with creatures and with people. This would be a good way to combine the kind of work he wanted to do with other things that he enjoyed. As he approached the class, he passed some of the penned creatures. Looking around to see if the Professor was around, he carefully moved closer to the pen, sitting down and watching the creatures as they moved around. He liked the calm that went with it. It was nice.​
Care of Magical Creatures was a subject Lysander wasn't allowed to take yet, not for another year and a half at the very least, but that didn't mean he couldn't watch. With nothing on the agenda for that morning, the boy made his way across the lawn and toward the pens with his own familiar in tow. Fuzzfeathers flew overhead, the owl beating him to the finish by a mile, and perched on one of the corner posts. Lysander eventually caught up, jogging the rest of the way down the hill until he could make out the different creatures from the class, as well as a much older boy who seemed to be there to see them, too. There was something familiar about him, but he couldn't recall where he'd seen him before. "Hello!" Sander started in a chipper tone. "Can I join you?" He asked. There was a lot to see in the area, even compared to the smaller creatures he was used to in the Menagerie. The CoMC area reminded him somewhat of the Aotearoa Sanctuary, though with far less dragons.​
It was Aspen's favorite part of day, no classes to teach, no papers to mark, just spending time with each creature, going around and checking up on them, giving them the love they needed and any food they needed. It had taken her awhile to learn to not over-feed the animals, it was an easy way to show them love, but it wasn't really love to over feed them. Giving the hippogriff a pat before she left, Aspen noticed a couple of students heading over. With a smile, she approached them. "Mind if I join too?" The Professor asked, taking a seat next to them.
Though Zennon's entire purpose for being here had been to look for Professor Faye, he hadn't been expecting to actually find her, or anyone else for that matter. Being approached at the same time by not only Professor Faye, but a first year as well, one he was pretty sure had been in the forest before too. One of the first years Elsie had tried to protect with that Slytherin girl, though he wasn't too sure how successful that was going to be. He looked between both of them. "Yeah, sure, I like to watch the animals sometimes, because it calms me down... it's actually something I wanted to talk to you about, Professor." he said, nodding at the young Gryffindor. "I'm Zennon by the way," he told the boy. "That sword you had before," he referenced the Forbidden Forest, but didn't want Faye to catch on, "it was pretty cool."
I'm sorry this is so lame -_-​
Despite this literally being where Care of Magical Creatures was taught, Lysander had not expected to run into the professor of the subject. He had thought she would probably be too busy with some super important adult stuff to just be hanging around. He visibly perked up when she joined him and the other boy, and though she wasn't anywhere near famous like Professor Holland, it was exciting to get to meet someone who spent so much time around such awesome magical creatures. When the older boy introduced himself and mentioned the forest, Sander flashed him a conspiratorial grin, his eyes flickering briefly to the adult beside them. "Right? It's so cool. I really want a real one like Godric had. I tried to lift one that a suit of armour in one of the corridors was holding, but they're so heavy! I don't think they're real anyway." The boy responded, only thinking after the fact that it was probably not a good idea to admit to having tried to steal a knights sword, but he hadn't succeeded so surely he couldn't get into trouble. "I'm Lysander." He took the opportunity to introduce himself to the boy as well, and leaned forward to better look at the professor. "I'm going to be in your class when I'm older, by the way! Do you let anyone fly on the hippogriffs?" He asked. It was a very important question, and one he had burning at the back of his mind ever since he'd learned it was a subject.​
Aspen listened and nodded her head as the boy she recognized as Zennon said he wanted to talk about watching the animals...or being calm...But he continued to speak to the other, younger boy that Aspen didn't know, and they spoke about swords, surprised to hear that the younger boy had had a sword, wondering where he had gotten it from. She laughed when he said he tried to lift one from the suits, wondering how far he would have gotten if he did manage to lift it. Aspen grinned at the boy as he introduced himself. "Aspen Faye, at your service!" She replied, laughing again at his comment. "Only people who behave." She teased with a wink, before adding. "And tell really, really good jokes. Also, Zennon...feel free to come chat whenever. I'm always looking for excuses to not do work."
Zennon must have happened upon a second bottle of Felix Felicis, he thought, given how well his day seemed to be going, it was really quite ridiculous. He chuckled lightly at the Gryffindors story about trying to take a sword from the suits of armour, that couldn’t have been very easy, given those big metal suits weighed way more than Zennon did, he was sure even a full grown adult would have a hard time moving one. He couldn’t believe knights would ever have worn anything like that and still been able to move around, it was impossible surely. “Nice to meet you, Lysander, we should hang out some time, you seem pretty cool.” For a first year, any way. Zennon didn’t often talk to first years because they were annoying, but he liked Lysander so far, which was probably both a good thing and a bad thing. He refused to be held responsible for any future mischief the young lion got into whilst Zennon was around. Faye seemed cool too and she didn’t seem much older than him either. Most of the professors were really old though, so he trusted Faye on that right off the bat. He’d never been good with figures of authority and though Faye was indeed a professor, he didn’t think she seemed the type to be all stingy like some of the others. “I wish I had that excuse,” he said, knowing he had to work hard if he wanted to continue down his career path of choice. “Speaking of which, and Lysander this may interest you, if you’re keen to stay, but I’ve decided I want to work with animals when I graduate,” he said, shrugging. “But I also want to be a healer, so I was thinking maybe in the creature induced injuries now department where specific knowledge on Creatures and stuff, might be out to good use?” He asked, though he didn’t actually want them to disagree even though he’d framed it as if he were asking her personal opinion. “Or like a magical pet healer, like a vet of some sort, though healing people is probably my goal.” He said looking over at Lysander and just wondering whether Lysander has any ideas of his own yet, since Zennon has cycled through three or four different paths before ultimately landing on this one, which almost would have been disastrous given he was already a fifth year.​
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To be told he seemed pretty cool, especially by an older student, was probably one of the best compliments Lysander had ever received in his time at the castle. "I am!" He agreed with a small chuckle to himself. He liked the idea of getting to hang out with Zennon. If the forest was anything to go by, it would likely be a lot of fun. Professor Faye also turned out to be way more awesome than the boy could have expected, and he found himself looking forward to her class even more, if that were a possibility given his eagerness so far. The boy's brows knitted together in concentration, his brain trying its best to think of a good joke on the spot, in the hopes of boosting his chances of getting to fly an actual hippogriff, though try as he might, nothing came to him in the moment. It didn't matter, he'd just have to make sure to find some really good ones and write them down later. For now, he listened to Zennon talk about his aspirations for the future. The topic of healing creatures captured Sander's complete attention. Helping his father take care of some of the Menagerie animals was one of his favourite things to do, and though he wasn't entirely sure what he wanted to be when he grew up, Zennon's idea was appealing. "That's so awesome! My dad runs the Magical Menagerie you know, you should ask him if you can help out! We could hang out and play with all the crups and the puffskeins and stuff." He suggested, though he wasn't sure how often his father allowed for people to work for him. There were already a couple of newer girls at the shop that he'd seen around. "Are there many creature healers?" Lysander queried the professor. He'd been to St Mungos a couple of times, but that was always because people needed healing. He hadn't had a chance to see any of the healers treating sick or injured creatures yet.​

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