Name: Ezra Ito
Birthdate: 8/2/2046
Blood status: Mixed Blood
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hometown: Wellington NZ
School: Hogwarts NZ
House: Hufflepuff
Clubs: Brotherhood
Wand: Curved 8 Inch Sturdy Birch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Patronus: Chameleon

Eyes: Dark brown
Build: Ezra is a bit lanky, he's slightly on the tall side.
Style: Casual. Ezra likes to look like everyone else, trying to somewhat stay on top of trends. But he also likes to be comfortable.
Distinguishing Features: Ezra has dimples as he smiles.
Play by: Akaso Eiji

Personality: Ezra is a friendly, active, and social boy. He's someone who would help others and gets along with most people. Ezra is very conscious of social hierarchy, though, and always wants to make sure he fits in. He would change his behavior depending on who he is hanging out with, as he's very sensitive to social pressure. This means Ezra could be fairly easily persuaded to do things that are against his character, including laughing at others or excluding someone. He's generally a loyal person, though a part of him will always watch out for himself first. He loves being outside and can often be found on the grounds.
Weaknesses:Easily influenced
Preoccupied with what others think of him
Idolizes people he looks up to
Skills and TalentsGuitar playing
Musical knowledge
Quidditch knowledge
Hobbies:Playing guitar
Playing sports outside (soccer, Quidditch in a small group)
Watching Quidditch matches
Personality type: ESFPESFP Strengths:
Aesthetics and Showmanship
Excellent People Skills
ESFP Weaknesses:Sensitive
Easily Bored
Poor Long-Term Planners
History: Ezra grew up with his sister Elise. The two of them got along great for as long as anyone in their family can remember, barely ever fighting. Ezra was an easygoing kid, making friends easily. His mother died a few years before Ezra went to Hogwarts, which made him very sad. He became a bit quieter because of it. He has quite a few aunts and uncles, as well as a few cousins he gets along with well, and he was glad he could rely on his big family in this difficult time. Ezra's father is a music producer and his aunt is in a relatively famous band, the Ashes. As soon as Ezra became aware of this, he found it absolutely fascinating. He loves bragging to people about his famous aunt and started learning how to play guitar because of her. Ezra met his best friend Dorian through his family, as their parents were friendly. He was glad to go to Hogwarts along with his best friend. Goals:
To get passing grades that please his parents
To watch a lot of Quidditch matches
To make a lot of friends and be popular at Hogwarts
Being insignificant
Being invisible
Losing his friends
Leaving Hogwarts without having done anything remarkable
Secrets:Dorian's antisocial attitude sometimes annoys Ezra more than he lets on.
Ezra always claims to prefer watching Quidditch over playing it, but secretly he'd love to be part of the Quidditch team. He's just sure he'd be too bad to make it, and doesn't want to face that rejection.
Ezra regrets not spending a bit more time with his mother when she was alive, he wishes he had more memories to hold onto.
Ezra regrets never trying out for the Quidditch team.
Personality type from here
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