Open Thinking of Halloween soon.

Evianna Angel

📙Bookworm, Happy, Cute Nelson kid😇
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11 (21, march 2049.)
She didn't want to go alone to the hall ball, which is sure to be in October, but she didn't want to ask anyone either, because she was accused of not being able to go alone. It was rooted as a small complex and didn't ask its friends. She had lunch at her desk and hoped she should get ready to study, because there might have been a chance to get through the prefect from a third course.
Ezra was sitting at the Hufflepuff table for lunch, grabbing a few of his favorite things to eat. He had been enjoying the semester so far, and he was really looking forward to the upcoming Quidditch match, even if Hufflepuff wasn't playing. He spotted a younger girl nearby and shot her a smile. "Hey, do you mind passing the butter?" He asked her in a friendly tone.
She was her thought and her a little older boys voice. She take the butter and give him right away. Then she go back to eat.
Ezra thanked the girl before happily spreading the butter on his toast. He wasn't sure if maybe the girl didn't feel like talking, but he guessed he could try to have a conversation. He didn't see any of his roommates nearby. "Are you a second year?" He asked her.
''I am a second girl and you?'' She answered warmly and a little shy voice. She eat her lucnh and enyoi the time here. Mayby she will got a new friend?

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