Eternally Smitten

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Eternally Smitten)
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Onyx couldn't believe it. After all the planning, the prep, the waiting, they'd finally done it. They'd gotten married (again). Onyx wasn't sure how much more he could cry today. The entire thing had been a whirlwind, breathtaking, an absolute dream. He'd spent all of that morning and most of the afternoon with Tyra, getting ready. He'd been growing his hair out especially for this. It had taken almost an hour but they'd braided his hair, leaving thick wisps out to frame his face, the braid wrapping around, the rest of his ebony hair tucked up and all brought together into a bun. His makeup had taken another hour. The winged eyeliner was resting on a celestial mask, a soft pink and purple hued galaxy that shimmered when he moved. His lips were glimmering, outlined and layered in beautifully blended shades of purple.

And his dress. Merlin, his dress. He'd spent a month designing it and getting it right. It was soft- so soft. The fabric was purple, starting lighter at the top and falling into an inky, almost black at his feet. The softer shaded purple was wrapped in a swath of fabric, resting on the edge of his shoulders, just wide enough to cover the top of his arm and dipping down to trace his collar bone, the fabric light and bunched a bit. The corset was beautiful, darkening as it dipped into his navel, with galaxy swirls of purple and a line of small, petite bows tracing the curve of his spine. The skirt of the dress was smooth, slim yet loose enough to twirl, falling just above his ankles. A sheer fabric, a darker purple that gleamed and glittered with captured starlight, attached to the fabric on his shoulders and fell gently against his back, almost hugging the dress. He had elbow length fingerless gloves that were made of the same sheer fabric. His nails had been done in a matching purple swirled galaxy, studded with stars, his toes sporting the same treatment through his strappy, short black heels.

Onyx didn't get to actually see how the beach had been set up until he was walking down the aisle. He didn't register it in the moment- he was busy staring too hard at Jamie, smiling a bit shyly. Onyx hadn't held back with his appearance, designing everything he wanted, but he was a bit shy of the final product. He clutched at the bouquet in his hands, the smell of the lavender, the sunflowers, the deep purple roses in his bouquet calming him a bit and keeping his hands steady. The flowers were tied together with a lighter, star studded purple ribbon.

Before Onyx knew it he had reached the end of the sand and stepped onto the cool wood, under the floral arch that Jamie was waiting under. Arcturus must have taken the bouquet, but Onyx couldn't look away from Jamie. He walked a little closer, taking his husband's hands and smiling shyly.

He got lost just staring at his husband, and had to be judged when it was his time to give the vows. There was some light chuckling from the guests when he apologized, having to blink and shake his head to try and clear his thoughts.

"Jamie," Onyxs voice faltered and he had to clear his throat. He let out a slow breath, his hold on Jamie’s hands tightening. “I’ve always felt alone. I grew up seeing the world, traveling from place to place and seeing all sorts of beautiful things. But it was lonely. My uncle was working and once we’d moved on no one ever noticed I was gone. And when I found Sapphire and went to school, I was the add on twin. I tried, but no matter what I did no one ever seemed to really see me.”

He bit his lip, rubbing his thumbs over Jamies skin. “I felt cursed. Lost, hopeless, helpless. And when I was sure there was nothing left, this pretty frenchman showed up and pulled me from the drunken haze my life had turned into.” Onyx laughed lightly, tears in his eyes. “For the first time in my life, I felt… I felt wanted.The good, the bad, the dramatic.” He let out a shaky breath. “No matter how low I’ve been, no matter what’s happened, you’ve always stood by me. I don’t know what dream you stepped out of, mon chiot, but I never want to wake up. I love you, with everything I am. You’ve changed my life so much, and I just want to spend every day for forever curled up in your arms. You are where I belong.” He managed, cursing quietly and stealing a hand back to wipe at his eyes. It was a good thing Kira had spelled his makeup to be smear proof.

It turned out to be especially good as Jamie said his vows in turn, Onyx crying like a fool and barely keeping a hold of himself. And when it came time for the kiss- god, Onyx could live a thousand years and never have another kiss like that. He slid his fingers into Jamie’s hair, clutching at his husband as they shared that simple, earth shattering kiss.
Jamie had been working up to this day for a little while, they'd been married for a little while now, but they hadn't been able to have the fancy ceremony in front of all their friends and family, to be able to have some celebration and he knew it was important to Onyx to have something fancy and public and for Jamie too, perhaps in a different way, he loved being able to declare his love and to do so with his parents there, with his sisters. Showing how much his life had changed and grown for the better. He wasn't some bacholeor in a sad apartment, he had a husband, a beautiful life and one to always want to be better in. He always wanted his husband to be cared for, for him to feel loved, for every day to be better than the one before.

Jamie had more to prepare for, he'd taken more of a lead with it, Kira was of course in charge of most of it, but he was helping out, making sure that he did a little more with it, making sure that the finishing touches which he could see were perfect. It helped that he greeting guests and guiding them to where they needed to go. He hadn't needed much time to get ready, though he was immaculately dress, the suit was exactly to his size, mostly black with just a shimmer of something in certain lights. The insides were all lined with the same galaxy motif that Onyx had gone for. The closer it got to the time the more nervous he got, which was silly, this ceremony was all for the pomp and none of the actual important things were to happen, they were all set.

So, quickly everyone was stood, and there his love was. He found him beautiful in every descriptor of the word, the amount of effort and time that had gone into it, would've been surely astounding, trule amazing, but Jamie would've been impressed with anything. He found himself smiling with such natural ease, all fears and nerves flying away quickly. It would all be okay, because he had his life by his side. He had his baby. He took his husband's hand and helped him to stand in front. His gaze unbreaking from him. He had tears welled in his eyes but they never fell, only a few at the vows which were beautiful words to say.

"Onyx Michaels, Derouin, my love," he started, "My heart aches when I don't see you in during the day, my sleep is disjointed and light when you are not there beside me. My home loses it's music, it's light and colour when I am even a day without you. You are all the best parts of me, and make me work on all the worst parts. I can't imagine being without you now, I don't know how I managed to go through life all those years before I saw you in the dingy bar," Jamie said. "I promise you, my love, that every day I will work so that you feel loved, seen, heard. I will work to lift you up, make sure you achieve every wild dream you have and wipe away any and all tears you shed," he lifted a hand to wipe away the tears Onyx was shedding. "I am your dream, but you are my soulmate. I will spend all eternity loving you as you love me and it's going to be the best eternity,"

Jamie didn't have more to say, he hadn't really followed what he'd talked with Sapphire, taking bits of it and just building on it. With the vows spoken, all that was left was to kiss and Jamie did so. He deepened the kiss and very carefully, dipped Onyx. He pulled them back up and broke the kiss, turning to face their family and friends, this was so much nicer to do that just a city hall one. He took Onyx's hand and guided him back down the aisle and the celebrations started. They took some pictures with family and just themselves arounds the gardens, at the beach. They sat at the top table as the food was dished out and drinks were served, people began dancing, and truly it was proving to be quite a party.
Onyx couldn't help but giggle as they straightened from the dip, clutching at Jamie. He kept his hand between Jamie's shoulder blades and the other on his arm, letting his husband lead him back down the aisle. Eventually they were seated, on a rather comfortable couch that was just high enough to be level with the table, and Onyx had his feet tucked under him, nestled into Jamie's side. He had claimed one of Jamie's arms to keep around him, and was feeding Jamie bits of dinner, giggling every so often and taking bites himself. He sipped at his wine, smiling at how good it was. "Uncle Colin really does have fabulous taste in wines," He commented lightly to Jamie. "And Cooper did so well with the food. We should have him cook for all our parties," He smiled warmly up at his husband. @Jamie Derouin
Kira had put everything she had into this wedding. Onyx and Jamie deserved to have the time of their lives at this. She coordinated everything easily- they had so much family, with just a hint of magic, it all went smoothly. Once the vows were over, and everyone had been served dinner, Kira finally took her own seat, sighing a bit. She had forgotten how exhausting weddings were. She smiled softly at her son and Arcturus, catching Matthew's hands in hers and cooing gently at him. "And how are my favorite boys?" She asked, looking from Matthew to Arc. @Arcturus Rabson
Arcturus was truly honoured to be asked to be Onyx's best man at the wedding, especially because he didn't see it coming. They hadn't seen or talked much during his studies abroad, and even when he did eventually return to New Zealand, Arcturus had had his hands full with working at the inn, the local observatory and his role as a new Dad. When Onyx asked, however, he did not hesitate even for a second. Keeping with Onyx's theme of purple, the two of them had come up with something for him to wear which would kind of match with what Onyx himself would be wearing to the wedding. And so Arcturus walked down the aisle before his friend did, winking at his girlfriend as he passed the row she and little Matthew were sitting at before taking his spot just behind the floral arch. Without Onyx realising it, Arcturus had taken the bouquet of flowers from him. It seemed that his friend was eternally smitten and not paying attention to anyone but the man next to him - his husband. It was to see him happy again, to have his friend be so in love that nothing else mattered and that everything seemed genuinely well.

Once vows were made and Onyx and Jamie kissed, Arcturus congratulated them again and took his designated seat, waiting for Kira to eventually join him and Matthew. ''They are doing very well,'' Arcturus replied when Kira did join them after a little bit, wobbling the baby on his leg. ''You've done an amazing job, as always,'' he added after giving her a kiss.
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Sapphire had really just grabbed a dress she'd worn to a school dance, not seeing why it wouldn't work, before heading off to her brothers date. She supposed technically she should have asked Frankie to come with her, but she'd decided to bring Zennon instead. The ceremony was simple enough, and she had to admit Kira had done a great job decorating. She'd managed to work in Onyxs' dramatic starry thing into the rustic French wedding.

Floral arrangements of sunflowers and lavender sat in the center of every soft maple table, with galaxy ribbons tied around the chairs and the vases. She supposed 'starry night in France' wasn't too weird of a theme, and she had to admit the tiny lanterns floating above their heads were adorable. She sat with her 'date', crossing her legs and sipping on her wine. "Somehow its not as over the top as I was expecting," She commented idly. @Zennon Baros
Tyra loved weddings. She loved love. And she loved how gorgeous Onyx looked in his dress. She'd put everything she'd had into it, hoping he would be happy with it. He certainly looked gorgeous. She was happy with how this entire thing had turned out. She settled into her seat, glad that Damien had brought the twins to the inn for a big sleepover so she could have the night with Jason.

It had been a while since they'd had a night to themselves. Admiring the French beach and the villa the boys lived in, sipping on some rather fabulous wine. She smiled at her husband. "This is nice." She sighed, offering her hand out to her husband. "You look handsome," She tossed him a wink. @Jason Gates
Ava had been looking to this since the moment she'd found out. Knowing Vader was in charge of photography was great. He was so talented, she knew Onyx wouldn't regret it. She was glad that Dart had agreed to take the twins for the night. She hummed happily, twirling in her dress to the music. She was sure Vader would come find her when he was done with whatever he was doing. She liked being able to dance at a big event again, it was nice. @Vader Hume
Although Jason was pretty romantic if needed, he wasn't very font of weddings. They always dragged on and on and they never seem to end. He did enjoy the day without kids and seeing Tyra be happy made everything good. He wasn't very good at sitting still and a wedding seemed to focus around that part a lot. Onyx and Jamie looked happy, they both were beautifully dressed. Jason smiled and looked at Tyra. She looked like a model. Jason looked at the hand of his wife and took it. ''You too Ty, you look like the most beautiful creature on the planet.'' Jason said with a little tinge of red on his cheeks. ''The boys did wonder on this place'' Jason said while looking around.

@Tyra Wolf-Gates
Amaya was glad Dom had agreed to come with her to this wedding, not wanting to show up alone. And glad she'd decided against inviting Zeke; she didn't want to feel like a third wheel again. The ceremony was nice, the decor was pretty. She was relieved however when they were finally free to get up and dance. A glass of wine in one hand, she swayed to the music, dancing with Dom. @Dominic Torres
Ember always enjoyed a good party. Especially ones like this. Onyx was such a sap, he was so adorable. Once the ceremony was over, she dragged Morwen with her to dance, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and swaying to the music. "Nyxy is so talented, did you know he composed and played every track they're playing tonight?" She asked, smiling warmly. @Morwen Orlando
Dominic had been equally surprised and excited when Amethyst asked him to be her plus one to a wedding. He loved weddings. Or rather, he loved any good party. Getting to go to France for something other than a quidditch game, even though it had been years, was also nice. The ceremony had been sweet and the couple seemed to genuinely happy Dominic almost cried even though he knew next to nothing about them. He was just happy to be there and he didn't have to be asked twice and joined Amethyst on the dancefloor. "Do you need another drink?" he asked, gesturing to her nearly empty glass. It wasn't as wild as his brother's wedding last year had been but he could use a breather if he wanted to make it through the night. @Amethyst Michaels
James couldn't believe the day had finally come. His little boy was getting married. He had been fawning and fussing over this day for months. He had probably driven Colin mad with all of his fussing, but he couldn't help it. He arrived early, doing his best to help and make sure everything was perfect, before settling into his seat for the ceremony.

It was short, sweet. The boys looked happy, beautiful, and just absolutely in love. James shed a few tears of his own, unable to help himself. He was settled in for dinner now, his chin in one hand while he swirled his wine gently in the other, smiling fondly at the grooms. "This is so lovely," he sighed happily, sipping on his wine. @Colin Marsh
Jasper wasn't surprised to get an invitation to Onyx's wedding. Even though his cousin was already technically married. He'd taken the time off, knowing everyone would be there, and as the ceremony finished he took to the dance floor with Arinna, swaying her gently to the music. "You look absolutely lovely tonight, darling," He murmured, giving her a warm smile. @Arinna Desai
Cooper didn't actually have a date for this. But that was alright, it was almost more of a work thing than a family thing. He was mainly here because Kira had asked him to cater. Of course he'd said yes. Once the food was out and everything seemed set, Cooper snuck over to Kira and Arc, swooping in and snatching away his nephew with a coy smile. "Mine!" He stuck his tongue out at the couple before prancing away, dancing playfully with the small child. @Arcturus Rabson
Zennon could admit that he'd been a little shocked when Sapphire had asked him to be her date to her brother's wedding. He hadn't exactly seen much of the guy since they'd shared an educational facility, but he didn't consider him to not be a friend or anything. Well, mostly he was here for Sapphire, because she was one of his oldest friends. He really needed to speak to her a lot more than he did. That was sure enough. "You're not wrong, prehaps your brother's mellowed out a bit since school?" he wasn't so sure he really believed that. Not that he found it to be too much of a problem either. Onyx was who he was, and that wasn't anything to be ashamed off, despite what some people probably thought in any case.
@Sapphire Michaels
Jamie couldn't wipe the same off his face as he was sat with his husband beside him. He couldn't help the little smile and the way the man made him feel. It was just amazing, the food was so good, the wine, the company. it was all just..amazing. He leaned into the arm that Onyx had put around him and couldn't help the little giggles between bites of food. "Yes, though i expect we'll appreciate the taste less and less the more we drink," he didn't intend to get that drunk, but knew it was likely to happen that he'd get drunk enough. "He did, He's very very good," he agreed, he wasn't sure how much more training the man had, but couldn't imagine it was actually that much, given how good the food was. "So how does it feel to be married...again?" he whispered with a little giggle, they should be mingling, speaking with guests and that but they weren't.
@Onyx Derouin
Vader had grown rather used to weddings, they were always amazing, beautiful celebrations, and it was nice to get to know the couple and their life, but it was all rather mundane to him now. But this wedding was important, he knew that and was pulling out all the stops to ensure every important moment was captured. To ensure he caught all of it. He hadn't taken many breaks but now as things slowed down, he found Ava on the dance floor. "Hey, can I cut in?" he said with a little smile.
@Avaria Lockwood
Onyx giggled. "True. We should pick up a few bottles, have one every year on the anniversary of our wedding party," he teased. They had a few anniversaries at this point. The anniversary of their courthouse wedding, the anniversary of their engagement, the anniversary of when they met- though that was set in-between the drunken meeting and the meeting Onyx actually remembered. He took another bite of dinner, humming happily at Jamie's question. "Mmm, fabulous," He whispered back, tracing the back of his hand up Jamie's jaw. "Did I mention how stunning you look?" He looked up to Jamie, adoration in his sapphire eyes. @Jamie Derouin
Asher loved weddings. He had been happy to hear his little buddy was getting married, and even more ecstatic when Archie had agreed to go with him. Asher had done his best to dress up for the occasion, not too formal but still looking good. He was thoroughly enjoying himself. Onyx looked on point, the other groom looked killer. Asher whistled when the grooms kissed, not willing to take his arm from the back of Archie's chair while others applauded. As everyone started heading for the dance floor or for food, Asher turned to murmur in Archie's ear. "Do you want to dance with me, baby? Or would you rather grab some dinner first?" He asked, and unable to resist, he pressed a tender kiss to Archie's temple. @Archie Renner
Jamie nodded in agreement, it would certainly allow them to continue to relive this day in the familiar wine, and perhaps some of it would age better, becoming more flavourful than it had been. He laughed quietly in agreement to Onyx's fabulous because it was nice to be married again, it was nice to be able to have the proper celebration that they had both originally wanted. It was amazing. "Me?!" he couldn't help but say, "You look so incredible, I can't even believe you decided to settle for someone like me," he told him, and while he appreciated the compliment, on a day like this, this was all about Onyx, "I love everything about it,"
@Onyx Derouin
Onyx looked taken aback by what Jamie said, and his brow furrowed. "Settled? Settled?!" Onyx pouted, turning to catch Jamie's face in his hands. "What are you even talking about? You are the best, most wonderful, sweetest, most amazing man ever. If anything, you are far, far too good for me, mon chiot," Onyx purred, brushing Jamie's hair out of his eyes. "I will never understand what I did to make such a beautiful man fall in love with me," @Jamie Derouin
Jordie had absolutely without a doubt been waiting for this wedding. For what felt like years. He had been clinging to Ares' hand, a mi between a giggling mess and a weepy sap. Onyx looked so gorgeous, and Jamie looked just as amazing. He was positive that this had to be the most beautiful wedding he had ever had the pleasure of being to. When the ceremony ended, Jordie leaned his head on his boyfriends shoulder, sighing happily. "Do you want to dance or would you like to grab some food?" He asked, smiling brightly up at Ares. @Ares Kuya-Tine
Arthur had been surprised when Kiara had asked him to come along to a wedding, but he didn't mind it. What did surprise him was to see his sister and Vader. He put his arm around his girlfriend, smiling at her as the ceremony ended. He didn't know either of the grooms, and he couldn't help but wonder what the one was thinking to dress up like that, but he supposed that was just a matter of taste. He turned to Kiara, smiling softly. "Having fun?" @Kiara Wood
Chal was an absolute emotional mess. Another one of his babies was getting married. He had been crying the entire time, sniffling softly and dabbing at his eyes occasionally. He knew that technically the boys were already married, but he appreciated the ceremony they were holding all the same. He settled in to eat when they were done with the ceremony, smiling gently at how the boys were with each other. "Young love," he sighed happily, offering a hand out to Jai. "I wander if we ever looked like that," He thought out loud, propping his chin in his hand. @Jai Chen

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