Dribble Saints

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Zennon Baros

healer; dad to Finley
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
May 3rd, 2034
Zennon loved Halloween, but he wasn't a huge fan of dressing up. Instead he's used contacts to blacked his eyes and fake blood under his eyes to make them look like they were bleeding. It looked pretty scary if he did say so himself, though he imagined it wasn't half as scary as he liked to think it was. Walking into the hall, he was dressed in his school robes with a fake prefects badge on his chest. He was a demon prefect, or something, that's what he was telling himself, he'd kind of made it up as he went along. The prefect badge was clearly fake and that was what made it so much better!
Analei wasn't even sure if she knew who Harley Quinn was, but she had seen the costume around before, and thought it would be a cute idea. It didn't take much for her to do, hair in pigtails, a heart on her cheek and smudged lipstick and she was good to go! She didn't quite fancy the idea of carrying a bat around with her, and she didn't color her hair either, but for her first ever attempt at Halloween, she was rather proud of herself.
Analei walked into the Great Hall, taken aback at what it looked like, and how into detail all the other students went. Now she wished she had brought the bat! Frowning, she turned around, and let out a small scream at what she saw. Was it even a student?! Analei covered her mouth and giggled at the fact that she had screamed. "What are you?" She asked, though her hands were still muffling her mouth.
Zennon was enjoying himself just looking around. He wondered if Jacob was going to be here tonight but hadn't seen him. He'd seen that Potter girl walk in earlier with the guy Zennon assumed was her boyfriend. They seemed good together, but Zennon didn't know much about that stuff. He was rightly surprised though when someone suddenly screamed at him. He looked right at her, evaluating her costume that looked like it was done very similar to his. She looked like she was portraying some sort of character, but Zennon didn't recognise it. She had make up on and her hair was done in pigtails, but that was about it. Zennon appreciated lazy work when he saw it and he was grateful someone had put in the same amount of effort as he had. Zero. "Well... that's a great question and when I figure it out I'll let you know!" He said, moving away from the wall a little to look at the girl properly. "I was kind of going for Demon Prefect, because Prefects are dumb and I don't like them, but I'm not sure if I really pulled that off." He gestured to the badge on his chest. "I don't know. What do you think?"
Analei moved her hands away from her mouth as the boy started to reply. She laughed at his response, it sounded exactly like what she would say about her costume. At least Analei knew the name of her character though. She laughed again when he said Prefects were dumb, only noticing the Prefect badge as he pointed to it. As he asked for her opinion, Analei shrugged, though the smile was still on her face. She had gotten over her shock and could properly appreciate his costume. "I mean, I screamed at you, so I guess it's kind of good?" She laughed again. "Though I didn't know you were a Prefect. I'm guessing that's not a position you want?"
Zennon grinned at her. He moved his hand to flick her hair in her face. It was sitting in just the right way for him to do it. "I think you look cute with your hair like this!" He said, her outfit, though he didn't know what she was, was creative he thought and cute. He liked that she was dressing her age and not like some of the other outfits he'd seen some of the girls wearing. "Your makeup is so good and I love the little heart!" He shook his head vehemently as she asked him about being a prefect. "Dear Merlin no, I would be disgusted!"
Analei flinched slightly as Zennon flicked her hair, then giggled as it landed in her face. She blew it out of her face, blushing slightly when he told her she looked cute. "Thanks! Sorry that I can't say the same about you." Analei laughed again. She touched the heart on her cheek as he said he loved it and then smiled at him. "Maybe next time I'll have to help you dress cuter." Analei laughed again, finding herself enjoying the boy's company more and more. "Well then, I'll have to make sure you go down the road of destruction and detentions. I'm Analei, by the way." She said, holding out her hand.
Zennon noticed the blush on the blonde's face and grinned. He thought she was so cute, he couldn't help but tell her! "That's okay, I know I'm cute under all this fake blood and black eyes." Zennon thought this girl was fun. He was glad he was with her if Jacob wasn't seeing fit to show up. She seemed really nice and he could really do with some more friends. His eyes sparked with interest as she mentioned making sure he followed the road of destruction and detention. "Ooh, look at you, that's quite the declaration for someone who's name you don't even know." He winked at her before shaking her hand. "Lovely to meet you Analei with the heart on her face, I'm Demon Prefect Zennon!"
Analei laughed at the boy's comment about him being cute. "I'll just have to take your word for it then." She replied with a smirk. It wasn't often Analei found someone so easy to get along with, someone who bought her out of her shell so easily. The only person she messed around with this much was her dad. However, his next statement made her blush again, though this time out of embarrassment, and she wondered if she took it too far. The wink showed her he was joking, but she just smiled in response, angry at herself for being too familiar with the boy. "Hello, Demon Prefect Zennon, it's lovely to meet you too." Analei said in response, though softer than before, she still had a smile.
Zennon laughed at Analei, she was amazing. He was so glad he'd met someone so nice tonight and not someone stiff and non-genuine. Though Zennon didn't necessarily like getting personal with people himself, he had a hypocritical need for others to do so with him. Of course he was eleven and didn't think too much about that sort of thing. "Well, my word is very important to me!" He noticed that she suddenly become subdued a little and frowned, he hoped he hadn't said anything to upset her. Now that she wasn't as seemingly careless with him, he suddenly wanted nothing more than to make her careless again. "Hey, do you wanna dance?" Zennon wasn't very good, but he wouldn't care if it made her laugh.
Analei laughed at Zennon, it was nice to have someone she could be herself around, but she had nothing to say in reply. A soft voice in her head was taking up all the room so she couldn't think of anything to retort. He probably would think her weird, and Analei began to understand why she couldn't make friends easily - they couldn't keep up with her crazy moods. However, Zennon's voice broke through with a request to dance. "Dance? I'm not any good." Analei warned, though she really did want to. His request seemed to show he didn't care that her mood had gone from 10 to 0. She would have to work hard to keep him around. He seemed like a good friend to have.
Zennon didn't know much about this girl, but he was enjoying her company and really, that was all he cared about. Excitement and fun were the only things on his mind now and if he could make today exciting and fun for her that was all he called about. She seemed to live in her head quite a bit and whilst that was all fine and good, Zennon was out here! He couldn't communicate telepathically, unfortunately, and so he wanted to bring her back out here with him. "Pfft, whose good at dancing when your eleven?" He asked as he held his hand out to her. "The fast songs are the best for dancing to!" Zennon was much better at fast than slow. Slow was weird, but if she would rather to slow dance, Zennon would be happy to accommodate, maybe she wasn't used to magic and this was all new to her? She wouldn't be the first person in the world overwhelmed by it all. Zen was often overwhelmed and he lived it daily!
Analei laughed and nodded her head in agreement. Looking around, there were some decent dancers, but mainly it was just everyone trying to be good and worrying about what others thought about their dancing; of course there were also the ones that just didn't care and Analei had a feeling Zennon was one of them. Shaking her head to herself, and wondering what on earth she was getting herself into, Analei took Zennon's hand. "Alright then Zennon, let's see what you've got." She replied, taking the lead and pulling her new friend onto the dance floor. She had know idea what to do, and she looked around for hints from other dancers, but started moving side to side.
Zennon wasn't a seasoned dancer by any means, but he could have a good time when he wanted to and that was really the most important thing. Zennon grinned at Analei as she agreed to go dancing and immediately jumped right into a flailing arm dance when the music reached a climax. His rendition of the jelly fish could use a little work, but he didn't mind. "Come on, Analei, do the jellyfish with me!" He jumped and changed positions into the jelly fish before spinning into a clapping dolphin. He was hoping that by making a complete fool of himself it would take away any anxieties she might have. If there was one thing he was good at, it was making people feel good about themselves, at least he hoped that was his talent.
The dancing started almost immediately and Analei stood shocked for a minute before bursting out laughing at his...dance moves. "The jellyfish? Is that what you call it?" Analei managed to get out, still laughing as he jumped in the air and clapped his hands. Any prior thoughts she had quickly disappeared as she managed to control her laughter. "Okay okay, you may have style, but you got nothing on my Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman!" Analei declared, before waving her arms crazily all around her, bending her body this way and that. Her parents occasionally took her around to muggle places, and this was what her dad had called the crazy and terrifying thing she saw. It did, however make for a great dance move.
Zennon was glad that Analei seemed to be enjoying herself now and when she commented on his dancestyle he simply poked his tongue out at her and spun around. His dance moves were certainly something else, but whatever it was she was doing was pure gold. He had no idea what the heck she was doing, but he eagerly copied her, trying in vain to avoid smacking random other students in the face, leg or stomach. They moved eventually, but not before they gave him a good berating and some said words he didn't understand, but he didn't care, he was having fun with his new friend. "I don't know what w'ere doing, but I love it!" He declared as he did whatever Analei was doing, but faster. It was just too much fun. "Thirsty?" The song was coming to an end and, to be honest, all that bending and shifting was starting to hurt.
Analei couldn't help but laugh as Zennon joined in and they proceeded to annoy the other students around them. She didn't even listen to the growlings they received she just continued to laugh and dance. As the song ended, and Zennon asked if she was thirsty, Analei could only nod her head. All the laughing and dancing had completely worn her out but by the time they reached the drinks table she had regained her breath. "I don't think I've laughed like that - since ever!" She giggled, grabbing two drinks and holding one out for Zennon. "Maybe sometimes at my dad - okay yes definitely at my dad when he was teaching me that dance."
Zennon laughed as Analei nodded. She seemed done, but he was still as energetic as ever! Sore, but energetic. "I'm glad I could help! You know they say laughing is the best medicine, I'm not sure for what, but it's the best for something!" He grabbed the proffered drink and clinked it with hers. "Cheers to a fun halloween night with a new friend!" If all he did tonight was make a new friend, Zennon would be happy, that was all he needed in his life, a new friend! "I wasn't expecting this tonight." He said, wiping the sweat (and subsequently spreading his fake blood) from his face, Zennon breathed heavily. "You're so much fun to hang around, why haven't we ever met before, that's criminal!"
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