Dear [Whomever]

Dear University Allocate Technicians,

You. Totally. Suck.


Dear You,

I understand that you think I don't spend enough time with you. I know that me and her are never there for you, but please bear with us. We're busy with our lives. We don't have anytime. I keep telling you that you can call me at anytime, but you never do. Don't blame me, I'm trying. And no, there is no way that I will ever let you spend $100 on me. How do you think that would make me feel? I don't know where you get all this money, but that's for you, not for me. Please don't sulk about it. It's childish.

Dear life,

Slow down for an hour so I can finish this sorting application!

Dear You,

Thank you so much for the present. I don't think you realize how much it means to me. I'm nearly almost the one to make special sentimental things for my friends and it just means a lot to me when someone makes that effort for me. I've never been completely sure where we stood but this helps. I really love it and thank you so so much! One of my best birthday presents ever!

Dear miss E
I really want to tell you my secret. I have been trying to for the last month but every time I want to I always find a reason not to, you aren't there, the timing is wrong or I just don't know how to say it. Last time I tried I did okay to start but we ended up talking about phones instead which was useful but not what I wanted to say.
I hope that soon I will be brave enough to tell you and maybe the others too as it was my New Years resolution to tell someone.
The keeper of secrets.
Dear you,

I am so terribly sorry for your loss, I truly am. But blaming your mother is wrong, it wasn't her fault. Please grow up.

Over it.
Dear fellow flight attendant,

If you are so concerned about a guy who has his car stuck in the parking lot, YOU put on your gloves and go help him out. Don't guilt all of us who have to go to work. You're not even working! "I'm not able to do it, I don't have my winter gear on." Frankly, bite me!

The girl you are judging right now
Dear Fates,

Please keep smiling down on me, if you would. I like being happy and excited about life again.

The girl who can see the sun
Dear cold,

Go away! I have far too many plans and no time to be sick.

Not giving in girl
Dear You,

Stop. Please.
I'm tired of being tired and I'm taking steps (though small) to rectify this and be happy.
You're making it hard. You don't realise it, and I know the onus is on me to tell you, but I don't want to hurt you, and I know that no matter how I articulate myself, I will always hurt you.
Just stop planning and gushing and wondering and constantly trying to be helpful. It's nice, but you work with only one piece of me, even if you think you have the whole. Unfortunately, you don't know me as well as you thought, and I'm sorry for that, but there is nothing I am willing to do right now to fix it.
I can care for myself, as long as I'm only worrying about myself.
I can do it. I promise.

With love,

Dear Computer,
I know I said 'remind me later', but seriously.
If you remind me one more time, death will come to you. Swiftly.
Much love,
Dear 'friends'

So could ye all stop taking ye're problems out on me. First two, ye need to sort ye're problems aand dont start blaming me or making comments that makes me rethink our friendship and what it means.. And my other friend, I was trying to help like I always so and you throw it back in my face. Sometimss I just want ye all to excuse my french f#ck off because Im not built emotionally for this.

Yours sincerely,
Ye're supposed best friend
Dear Research Paper,

Damn you for making my life difficult. I know I should have planned my time better, but it would have been nice if you could have written yourself so I don't have to try and write two more pages when I have nothing else left to say.

Dear sister mine
It is no big deal. Seriously. It is a phone number nothing important. Cirtainly not worth making a fun about two days in a row. Get a grip girl. If you make this much fuss about a phone number which is not my fault. If you really want Telstra you have your own Telstra sim and you don't need my old one. And how the hell are you going to deal with customers at work if you can't even keep your grip when I said that isn't the right old number of mine. But seriously I am within half a mind to just say have it, keep that number here is the sim just to shut you up but then what lesson will that give to you next time? If someone is being really mean because they have the wrong pizza or it isn't ready yet, bursting into tears isn't going to make them better, especially if it is over the phone, and even if it does I doubt your boss will put up with your tantrums for long. You are a bid girl now. Start acting like one.
You always say I am indecisive and you wonder why? Well this is it. Whenever I make a decision you get upset or I am letting someone down or something and then I chance my decision to make them feel better. It is just a hell of a lot easyer for me to remain undecided and let them decide.
An now look what's happening? I am meant to be studying cardiovascular drugs for my test nest week and I can think about them because I am writing this stupid rant to you. And how long do you think it will be before you phone up and ask to be brought home. I reckon you will be home by lunch. Then I will have a teary you to console before I can get back to work and then it will be time for me to go to work.
And face it. You aren't the only one who gets scared. I am absolutly terrified about failing another unit at uni this year. And as much as I try to convince dad otherwise I don't think I am studying enough. I am not blaming you or anyhting but just letting you know that we all have problems of our own and spending our time trying to fix your thousand is just wearing us all down. So do us all a favor and get a grip and put on a tough face. And before long it won't be a mask.
Your sencearly
Sister yours.
Dear Best Friend

I do not tell you this enough, but I really appreciate you. I can be totally unbearable, and have such a terrible temper at times, and yet you put up with me. It means a lot. You're a truly good, caring person, and I'm sorry that I wasn't always able to see that. You look after yourself, and there was a time when I thought that was a bad thing, but it's not. I need to try to be more like that, a bit more like you.

Dear You,

I just don't know how to do this any more. It's happened a million times and we never do anything about it. You just glide on by, and it doesn't seem to bother you at all. I'm sick of feeling this way, I'm sick of waiting around while you try to make up your mind. I'm at my Taylor Swift binge-listening point for God's sake! I can't figure it out for you. I'm not a mind reader, but I'm also not going to wait forever. Sort it out.

Dear Girl,

You're being so mean recently, for no reason. Nothing happened. I mean, I barely even speak when we're hanging out, but you keep making these snide little comments, and I don't know how to talk to you about it. It's actually really upsetting, and I wish you'd tell me what's wrong.

Dear Life,

Just get better please.

Dear Tiredness,

Please leave me alone and following me around. I have already been asleep for almost 12 hours I do not need more right now.
Come back when wanted

Dear winter,

Go away. We are getting a little tired of turning on the AC one day, and turning on the heaters the next!
Come on!

~ Someone who wants spring.
Dear mom's car,

Please don't shut down on me while going down to the mechanics. I really don't want to go at a good speed and end up losing control. You are getting fixed, you can handle one more ride!

~ Someone who doesn't want to freaking wreck.

Dear you,

Do not try to turn things around on me. You and I both know what you said! And you know that I did what I had to do. If you want to believe that you said something different now and that I'm the one in the wrong, you go on and do that. I hope it works out for you.

Dear Translink,

So it's been about 5 weeks since we started this waiting game and on the one day (for 30 minutes) that I leave my phone in the flat while I go out, you finally ring me. OK good. So when I ring back and get told that I would get a phone call that afternoon, even better - except, no phone call. Ok so I ring the next day only to get told that HR finish early on a Friday. Seriously, 2PM?! Why even go in for less than a half day. Gah!! So now I have to wait to ring again on Tuesday (because of a stupid bank holiday where of course you're not working) because it's evident that you won't be ringing me yourself.

- Signed,
Pissed but still want to work for you for some reason :doh:
Dear friends.
thank you for being awesome and accepting when i admitted something i have been harbouring for around 2 years. it makes me feel a little more comfortable.
the secret keeper.
Dear head.
please stop being such a dictator and telling me what to feel. you really need to work on your own job now as remember you have exams coming up. now focus on them and don't try to do my job which i just say you do incredibly poorly. you think you are saving yourself a lot of hassle, but really you are just making yourself miserable and lonely.
now stop sticking your cortex into other people business.
Dear You,
This is tiring. By the end of this year, I really hope we will never meet again. Australia's a small place, yeah, but I assure you, you will never see me again.
Dear You,
I think it's time. The year's nearly done and you're so tired, but it's for the best. We both know it's going to be okay, just one step at a time, and it'll happen. I have a gut feeling.
It'll be okay.

Dear Ana and Mia

Goodbye; i do not need you anymore. If there is anything that the doctors have taught me, it was to love myself. i would like to give a big sarcastic thank you to you for putting me in rehab though, as it ruined a lot of my friendships, kept me away from some of the things I liked to do, and almost destroyed the way my family looks at me. However, I am saying Goodbye because i realized that you were not the crutch i needed in my life. And every morning, when I wake up, instead of letting you whisper how worthless i am, I will yell that I am beautiful. To any girls or boys that you try to affect, I hope that they realize that they too are beautiful. Because your words of self loathing are worthless.

Now Eating Once A Day.

P.S. I'm sending you my dental bills.
Dear You,
I haven't seen you in so, so long.
If you hit me up, sent a message, called me, wrote me a letter, called out my name when you see me - something to let me know you're around, that you're near me, It wouldn't be like that.
I kinda, sorta miss you, mate.
I want to be in your life, but I know I can't chase you. I'm not good at, you know, being emotional and that. That's a little too human for me to handle. So, how about you message me back sometime? Or swing on by and we can hang out, watch some movies, make a mess - hey, you can help me procrastinate on life! Remember that? Those good times?
I do, and I miss them almost as much as I miss you (which is, like, a lot).
I know you've dug yourself deep, and I know it's hard. I understand. I get it. I've been there. It's something I understand and empathise with completely. That doesn't mean that no-one cares, because I do, and you should know that. No-one else might, but I do. If you took the time to understand why I care, and not why others don't appear to care, maybe you would be happier and start living again.

With love,
Your Caring Friend.
Dear blue hair,

I miss you. Now you are blue/black, can't tell, and smell horrible. And good at the same time. Sigh.
Come back, blue?

~ Me

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