Dear [Whomever]



~ Sleepy Arty.
Dear, DMV

Please be good to me, don't make me get nervous and don't make me do parallel parking, no body does that any more :p but seriously. Just pass me and I'll be a good driver.

Sincerely, That girl who wants to go anywhere
Dear "Them,"

When there is a special activity, you don't just recognize those from the popular group. You don't just praise those who are pretty. There are also players who are ordinary looking and simple, yet they don't get the right respect they deserve. It was not only those 3 freaking players that lifted the team to victory. There were 12 more!

Don't you have any damn eyes?!

~ By, yours truly.
Dear You,

I'm not sure to say because I'm not sure how I feel about everything. It's all a bit confusing to be honest. I'm not such if my current flux of moods are due to you and this whole situation or it's just me. I's just so frustrating. I don't know where I stand and I'm getting all sorts of advice from my friends but I don't know what to do. It's all a bit of a mess.

I don't know how I want things to turn out, but I hope they turn out the way they are supposed to and hope they sort themselves out soon.

Dear Sunshine,

Hey there, remember me? The one that constantly complained about you and told you to go away and leave me alone?
Yeah, thought you would. So... how 'bout coming back? Pretty please? I'd love you forever a respectable amount of time! :wub:

Dear Grades,

Okay so I know that you are coming tomorrow. Honestly, I like pretending that I'm indifferent to it but regardless, I'm still anxious to core. Please sail smoothly towards me. You have no precise idea how you scare the living sh!t out of me.

Do you understand?

~ Nerve wrecked Arty.
Dear Lecturer,

Why did you put me down for a presentation on week 11 when I asked for 6 and you said ok?!?! Thanks to you I know have 2 essays and a presentation to do that week :doh:

Stressed student on the first day D:
Dear Sickness,
Please PLEASE go away.
Dear You,
I miss you. A LOT. Even though I shouldn't.
Dear You,
You're a bad person, and I wish you lived elsewhere, because you'e only ever brought trouble to me, and to the people I care about. You're always talking about people not respecting who you are. THAT'S BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIKE YOU!
Get over it, we're not friends.
Dear You,
I like you, you're a good person, and you deserve much better. You're a good friend. Please don't make this mistake.
Dear Mum,

Why are you always right about everything? I thought I'd be glad to be living out of home (even if it's with dad) and away from the family but I miss you so much. I kind of knew I would though. I know I'm 21 and kind of a loser because I can't live out of home and I just want my mum with me, but I guess that's just how it is. Dad is all my bad qualities multiplied by 10 - short fuse/bad temper, the pessimism, the laziness...I have to wait to Easter to see you all again and at times I almost wish I had moved with you. Admittedly it would feel like a failure to me - I'd probably be one of the few people my age actually in that town, and I'm studying here and hopefully I'll succeed. I wish you were here to help me though. Living with Dad is hard.

Love, your daughter.


Dear me,

Note to self, get used to drinking coffee again before drinking so much in one day. And don't drink so much on an empty stomach.

It's still hurting.

With exasperation, me.
Dear Margo,

Thank you for popping into my head and allowing to to write about someone who is brave, knows how to conquer fear, and doesn't take sh*t from people. You inspire me :)


the person who created you
Dear Laptop,

Just because it took you a month to realise that I am the poisoned apple of the computer world didn't mean that you had to die on me in an effort to save yourself. I assume this because you were fine this morning.

Thanks for nothing,

Kate - who actually really needs her laptop.
Dear, DPS

THANK YOU soooooooooooooooo much for passing me, I appreciate it and thank you because y'all didn't made me do parallel parking :woot: I can go whenever I want now. Though, I hate the fact that I'll be spending my time at the grocery store <_<

Sincerely, Joyce

Why would you do that to me? The crib that I want for my baby that I have been saving for you put on sale for 50 bucks so that you can get rid of them and get in new stuff and when I call not one or three Target stores but SEVEN! They are all gone. You have broken my heart. I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive me. I fear that now I will have to punish you and go over to Baby R' Us to buy my crib. Let this be a lesson to you.

Upset Mommy to be
Dear Friend,
I trusted you with a secret. I didn't want you to tell him like that. I didn't want him to know.
So I don't know if I can trust you. We're really good friends, but that was badly done, badly done.
You say it was weeks ago, but boys remember. I've forgiven you but that was low...
The hurt friend
Dear You,

I am so angry! With both of you, and what's worse is the fact that I am not justified. I messed up, I know, but I really miss you. To see that, and know that my suspicions weren't unfounded... In some ways it should've made me feel better, thinking that I was't just being paranoid, but I would so prefer if I had been paranoid. I'd love if you could just tell me that I was wrong all along, if you could tell me what was wrong all along. I'm so confused, and I can't get past this, until I fully understand what's going on. Why do you have to be so distant? I know you've got your whole cover, but you forget that I know better than to believe it. Talk to me. Please.

Dear You,

If me looking after you means you've now given me whatever cold/bug you have I'mma keel you :glare:

- Getting sick
Dear RL,

I hate it when you put things in such a hectic feeling. GAH damnit

~ ME
Dear people,

Why do you expect so much from me? I am - and will always be - a mixed up failure of a human being, destined to be treated poorly by guys. Even the one time I stood up for myself, I lost a friend over that. So what's the point.


Dear Dad,

I'm sorry, but I don't like living with you. At all. It was fun for a bit but I'm just not motivated to do anything here, and I just wanna go live with mum, but at the same time I want to stay in Brisbane because that's where my whole life is. And I can't afford to move out.
Dear Osca,
Thank you for being the best dog in the whole world. <3 Thank you for understanding me like no one else does. Thank you for always being there for a cuddle when I need one.
You're like a best friend to me,
Love you xx
Dear university lit mag,

Let me know whether you're going to publish my story or not already!!! You're driving me insane!

The girl who has a resume to put together
Hey March,

Please be good to me. Thanks, I guess?


Dear You,

I waited and bleh, nothing happened. My time is gold too, you know.

~ Yours truly.
Dear Weather,

To be honest, I don't like it when one day it's super hot, and then the next it's super cold, and what I hate most is that you made me walk in ankle deep water yesterday! Please stop with the rain, I hate floods! :correct:

Dear Mam and Dad

I can't explain this to you, but it's something I want to do, just leave me alone! In just over two years time, I'll be alone, living alone. You need to let me have some Bl00dy freedom.

Dear Rain,

Please go visit my parents. They really need some rain to green everything up a bit. I don't need the paths around my house flooded.
Dear Internet,

Why must you plague me with your intriguing nothingness? The way I sit on you for hours and still not get anything done that is time sensitive, exhausts me. You keep me from my sleep, even though I am desperately needing it. Please Internet...please...

Hopelessly yours,

In desperate need of council and focus. (a.k.a. Ahna)

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