Dear [Whomever]

Dear Muse,

You confuse me. When I don't have threads to reply to, you're just there almost whispering to post an open thread. Then when I have threads that need my reply, you abandon me like woah.

Such an unpredictable thing you are.

~ Arty D:
Dear mobile,
Please do not ring when I am answering the doorbell, and dashing to get the home-phone. You need to master your timings better. You never ring at any other time.
Dear you,

I like you a lot you know, but I'm afraid that I would never gain the confidence to ever tell you that. I know that my friend likes you too, and I don't ever want our friendship to end. I like you and I wish I could tell you that. But then at the end, it's probably best to just be friends. Sorry.


Ever heard of the last straw?

We were certainly close friends before and then we fought. After that petty fight we had, I thought that our friendship would fall apart. I made the first move to fix it then you go in declining that move. Did I care? A bit, I admit but then all was lost in me when you rejected the offer to renew it. So I had really no care about you. I just kept enjoying my life with my other friends which I knew, made you miserable and I am terribly sorry for that. I hate being the cause of your... struggle. Gah, if only you could stop over thinking about almost everything that I do.

So then it's your time to do that little action that would be a hint that you want to become friends with me again. For me to give you a second freaking chance. I agreed although I am terribly glad that up to NOW, I am EXTREMELY cautious when I am around you. I'm not the natural me which I do not care really since our moments together are quite short. So yes, I put a small amount of trust in you which I hope would grow again after at least a month without anything happening that would be wrong.

I thought everything was looking good then I saw something definitely weird. I saw it with my own eyes. I'm fairly sure that it was about ME. I mean, who else has a surname that starts with those 3 letters? And now, it seems that you like me in a waaay different sense. What the heck. You leave me utterly confused by your own... mood swings towards me.

Could your emotions be stable? At least for once.

~ Arty.
Dear You,

Call me anything you want. But I've got to be honest. I don't care. It's not really in my nature to not care about someone, but you are totally different. Nearly everything about you upsets me, and now I just can't find it within myself to care about you, or what you do. And even though you won't see this, I feel better expressing it.

I'm really sorry... :unsure:

Dear, Work

I don't wanna work on Christmas eve and Christmas day :cry:

Sincerely, Your good worker

Dear, You

Don't worry, I'm not mad even though you don't have time because of work and all. But hey, you're going to visit though.

Love, Your girl

Dear, CBS Channel

Why there's no new episode of my two favorite shows? (CSI and Criminal minds) I mean, we watched Miss Universe just to wait for the new episodes and it was fail -_-

Sincerely, That girl loves those shows

Dear, Criminal Minds

Why do you all get the unsubs so fast? and what's with the gory stuff now? and put Emily Prentiss back, I love her and get Spencer a gf already, shess.

Sincerely, The girl who wants to be a behaviorist
Dear World,

Why haven't you ended yet? Did I miss it? <_<
The world ending would've spiced things up a bit, jus' sayin'. :r
Dear Christmas Shopping,

Why do you have to pressure me so?! You know I hate guessing what people like for Christmas.

Could you, uh, stop?

~ Pressured me D:
Dear Pottermore's Sorting Hat,

Why didn't you sort me in Gryffindor? You know that that house was always my favorite. Ack! I thought I answered all the questions correctly. *sighs* Oh well, Slytherin is still cool.

Dear, Series book

Why the heck all the ghost has to be in the foot of the bed all the time? I didn't get much sleep because of that last night, change how it works, shall we?

Sincerely, The scared cat little girl
Dear gifts,

I wish you knew how to wrap yourselves.

The person with the aching back
Dear little cousin,

now I know that you're still very young. But please, stop strangling my pets. They're not toys you know.

your cousin
Dear, Parents

I'm sorry if I'm sending you to Louisiana for your anniversary and I'm sorry if I'm picking haunted hotels and venues for you two (blame the books I read). I just wanna see mom's reaction *evil laugh*. Hope you have fun :) (can't afford super bowl, sorry but maybe next time) and oh, take pictures.

Sincerely, Your daughter who loves paranormal

(P.S: I might check you in at Myrtle's Plantation)
Dear you,

You're not okay at the moment, and I'm so worried about you. Listening to everyone talk about him, he seemed like a great guy. Seeing him around school, he seemed so happy. He was the sort of person I could see you loving to hang out with, and you did. I understand that you're lost. I can't understand why he did it, and neither can you. He was too young. It was scary, and terrifying, but this is not the answer.
Stop drinking. Please. It terrifies me, and I can't help. You're such a "macho" guy. I get that, but you can't bottle this up. I am not expecting anything, the last thing you need to worry about right now is us, so just try to go easier on yourself. Every time we speak, you change the subject. You just want to be distracted, and I know you. It's what you need, but it scares me. I don't know why he did it, but he was suffering. I know about depression. I know how it changes people, better than most. It wasn't anyone's fault. Stop over-thinking it. Just be okay, please, I wish I could hug you, and comfort you, but I can't right now, so I'll just have to keep praying.


Me. <3
Dear You,

Hi. I'd just like to say that you're my rock and that if/whenever you're sad, I promise that I'll be your rock too. Because that's what friends are, they're rocks we can lean on through the tough times. You're a really spectacular person, whether you look like a panda or not. :hug: You are loved. :wub:
Dear, Dad

o.0 did you honestly just forgot the things you suppose to buy? because I paid your nerf gun pellet and the dark knight rises dvd. It wouldn't cost me hundred dollars for the stuff if your stuff isn't in it :( I thought your going to pay me back but instead you yell at me for hugging the other side of the street.

Sincerely, Your daughter
Dear You,

I don't like you and that's no secret, but messing with someone I care about is NOT okay. She is really upset and angry, and it's all YOUR fault. You really don't think about other people at all do you? It's all about YOU!

I hope you get what you deserve.

~Concerned Friend.
Dear, Book

The two killings doesn't make sense if it is mirroring the murders on Poe's poems, no one died of poisoning and definitely no one died of vehicular accident. Why did you made it complicated for people to read it? I think two of the books of the series is the only two books I read that is complicated to understand. Make a book that isn't complicated.

Sincerely, The bookworm

Dear, Rain

Go away! now! I cast you away, its cold. The heater at work barely works and I'm shivering.

Sincerely, The girl who wants you out of the state and go back this summer

Dear, Brother

So you think it's still Dragon Ball Z Kai marathon, huh? cause its winter vacation and you woke up at like 7 in the morning, if I were you, enjoy your sleep.

Sincerely, Your older sister

Dear, That guy

Why you don't joke around me? Why are you being so mean to me? :cry:

Sincerely, That girl

Dear ____,

I'm glad that you didn't seem to expect a reply from me and even more glad that things haven't changed. Let's keep it that way, ok?

Dear you,

I'm stuck at a crossroads...I want more than anything for you to be happy even if that means moving back home, but it's going to break my heart if you do decide to leave. You being happy is going to make me happy for you, but I know it's going to hurt like hell if you do.

Dear _____

I always knew this sort of thing would happen. It's to be expected but that doesn't mean it's easy to accept or swallow like I'm doing. I got that part because I deserved it, not because of my Dad. I'm sick and tired of people thinking he's the sort of person to do that. When I ask for help in music homework he says "Do the other students have a music teacher to help them?" basically he isn't going to help me. Don't be so narrow minded to think that way because it's just so wrong and stupid and I'm sure you would hate people to just judge you like that. I think it's pretty clear that he I got the part because I deserved it? How can ye see differently. Ye were complaining that I got three extra pictures. THREE. When she got dvd night, the final night and got to be on the newspaper. And that was the way twas supposed to be. She got the part originally, it was only fair but even after all that ye bellyache over me getting three extra pictures? Come on like. You know, I've just given up on you two, I know ye don't like me anyway and there is nothing I can do about it. Life will go on and I'll get over ye and anyone else who thinks I got the part because of Dad. Ye are not worth my time.

Hey You,

I was just wondering why you drive me mad every now and then.

By, yours truly.
Dear Friend You,

I tried. I tried so hard. How could you do this to me? We were supposed to be the old ladies in the nursing home together, racing our wheel chairs down the halls and driving everyone crazy. We were going to live next door to each other and force our future children to be friends. You said you were trying to protect me, but you hurt me more than any man ever has. I considered you my sister. We went through everything together. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and listen to you cry on the phone, about your family, about school, about boys. All through high school and then college I was there for you. I lost all most of my other friends being there for you. TEN years you were my best friend, and then you throw it away. Every time I see you online it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about what you did.

You publicly humiliated not only me, but the person I love. Especially him. I still can't believe you did that. Why is it that you've only ever had a problem with the guys who treat me right, and yet you loved the one who treated me like cr@p? You knew what you said about him was a lie when you said it, and being drunk is not an excuse. It's been months and you still haven't apologized. Even that, I could have tried to forgiven you for; we've been through so much. But I can't forgive that you only ever call me anymore or want to hang out when you're having problems with your boyfriend. I think our friendship needs to officially end, and it breaks my heart. I don't know how to tell you, because as absent as you've been lately, I know it will break your heart too, and despite everything that's happened since I moved home, that still kills me. I still don't want to hurt you. I don't know how to tell you all this, so I have to sit here and write it on a website you'll never see.

I hope I have the courage to say all this to you soon. I hope that one day you can look back and realize that all those years you were chasing boys and complaining that no one loved you, there was always someone standing in the background who was there for you, and who loved you very much. I hope you realize how much of me I gave up to be there for you. When you do realize it though, I won't be there. I need to start being me again.


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