Dear [Whomever]

Dear History homework,
Please apparate out of my locker and come here right nao.
Sincerely, girl who can't be bothered going all the way to school to get a sheet of paper.

And while I'm at it, Dear wrapping paper,
Come down from the top shelf so I can wrap Aleisha's present like nao.
Sincerely, midget who can't reach the top shelf without climbing up the other ones.

Dear choir trip,
I almost have enough money! But please get a little less daunting, you know how I am at camps and trips, I feel so uncomfortable talking to people, not to mention I have to fly on a plane. Oh and medical form, please to get bigger? K thx bai.
Sincerely, girl with too many medical problems and not enough lines on the sheet.
Dear Angst Boy

Oh come on. Please just get over it. You act like it was this massive betrayal and have the nerve to be so childish. We're adults, you can't just go not speaking to us and uninviting us to your birthday party. You're turning 19, not 5. Everyone's on my side in this. You're acting like a big baby. So, you may have the right to be a tiny bit upset. But really, what was I meant to think? When you were talking about the people you've moved on to, why was I not allowed to move on in turn? And saying I've picked the wrong people to make happy, when the person I've made happiest of all is myself? That's low. And dumb. And everyone agrees with me.

So I think you really need to grow up and stop sulking. Besides, complaining about all your previous exes isn't that endearing. I am sorry for hurting you but really, can't you just see that I'm happy and move on?

With all due respect,
biznatch girl.
Dear end of year exams,
:woot: thankyou so much! I have you all in the first week and finish two weeks ahead of everyone else! And so does Aleisha, I sense some fun times coming on. Plus I only have one exam per day, oh NCEA I love how your timetable worked out.
Sincerely, girl who shouldn't be so excited about her exams

I hope you don't text me tonight, because I'm struggling whether to reply to you or ignore you like you ignored me last night.

Dear mosquito bites on my feet,

Go away. Now. I am sick of scratching at you and being all itchy.

Dear, Best Friend Forever

I think I'm not your best friend anymore cause you forgot me already, its just been five months since I left the country. I know your busy with UNI but that's not the way you treat a best friend but at least I met you and the other St. Columban batch 2008-2009. Hey, I just don't miss the ***** of the class which is you know who it was.
Dear, Boy Friend

Are you sure were meant to be cause fate and destiny changes you know but I still love you :)
Dear ZetaBoards,
o0o0o0. Fun bug. This topic has a page 23 with no posts. ;)
Ok, it's a known bug. But still. :r

Dear place of employment:

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PAY ME. IT'S BEEN NEARLY AN ENTIRE WEEK NOW. I can't afford to keep living like this. I really desperately need my pay. I have to wait until either you pay me or my tax return comes back and the latter will take a couple of weeks...

Love from your disgruntled office biznatch who is currently applying for new jobs. >_<
Dear, Friends back home

Why are you all surprising me with your babies? God, your all teenagers still and you have babies? Can't you wait till you get older to handle having a baby? I am so going home if one of my best friends get preggy ... this is so wrong for me.

Love, Your friend and classmate for 5 years
(Both are just for fun :D )
Dear lazy self,

How dare you leave everything to the last minute like this. If you presented your work as it was yesterday you would have flunked Speech class for sure and all this is because you where to busy with other things to even look at the work you where meant to be doing. Also this is why you fall asleep on the BART now. You leave things for the last minute and then are up until well past midnight trying to get everything done on time! Next time take the time your given!

Truly yours,
Practical self

Dear Practical Self,

I think that you should leave well enough... Oh shiny!

Truly yours,

ADD self
Dear stuff.

Please happen. Like now. Please. Otherwise I will be so upset. It really sucks that you haven't happened already, but I was prepared to wait. Patience running out.

Annoyed impatient girl.
Dear HNZers

I love you all.
I want to stay. I will try to stay, but I can't RP anymore. I'm sorry.

HUGEST of HUGE sorrys to Kelsey, Olivia and Amy, who I had plots set up with.

Love Emmapants
Dear, Self

Hah, you are the devil of the human kind, you almost killed somebody else earlier. Hope you learn your freaking lesson cause I will kick your butt if you starts crying because you didn't mean it. Let's face it ... your not good to be a human.

Sincerely, The human inside you
Dear Cassandra,

OMGWTF!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad offered you a ticket to see a concert with me and you said no?!?!?! You admitted you liked that band so obviously its because you don't want to go with me. Well whatever its your own problem because I will be going to the concert no matter what... Although I will blame you the whole way through for making me go with a family member. Don't expect me to talk to 'bother' you for the rest of the summer.

Good ****ing bye :mad:
Dear Liz, my 'best friend'
Thanks for not inviting me over on your birthday, instead only inviting Erica. Shows how much of a friend you are. Really.
Don't expect to be coming over on my birthday. I am sick to death of you guys now, and your parents, too. I doubt anyone could get any more sexist or stereotypical. This applies to Erica's as well. So, I'm going to leave the group, not that anyone would care anyway.
Before I go, I just want to say:
Vanessa: Stop following me around. I don't like you.
Georgia: You do all that stuff just for attention. It's gross and weird. Stop it.
Erica: :glare:
Lizzy: :glare: :glare:
Jenna: You're fine.
Ash: You're also fine.
Dayna: Just no.
That's about it, other than the background people who come and go, but they don't count.
Hope you're happy.


Dear Elisha. Or, as would better suit, my wicked step-mother.

Stop going through my stuff. It's really annoying.

Dear, You and you know who you are

I hate you seeing sad all the time ... You ask me to smile to you and I was going to do it but you said no, and I asked you again and you said no. WTF is this? some kind of game? ... I'm taking a day off talking to you. If you want a break up, fine, I'll take it.

Sincerely, The girl who loves you so much
Dear me,

Stop losing it at everyone. Yes she was being annoying, but it doesn't help you if she is mad. She already thinks you're a brat.

sincerely, me.

Dear everyone else, (except all you HNZers =)) )

Please go away.

The girl who is going crazy!
Dear Bugs Bites,

F*CK OFFFFFFFF!!!! GAH!!!! You're a pack of itchy so and so and I don't like you :glare:

- Person is going to have scars/scabs with all the itching :mad: :cry:
Dear My love,

I need you to stop being cranky all the time. The promises I made to you I intend to keep and you know how serious I am about you with what happened yesterday.


Your lover.


Dear Phone,

Stop giving me trouble damn it.


Your Owner
Dear Ben,

I'm sick of the games. I have thrown almost everything away to pursue you because I thought we had something. Perhaps it was foolish because what I had currently was much more stable and less hurtful than the position I currently hold. You've proved to me that you are selfish and inconsiderate. But you know what?

I'm selfish and inconsiderate too. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to you. I've always been a sucker for the bad boy type. And you, my heart, have a lot of baggage.

Text me, because I certainly won't be texting you.

The sheltered little rat



I'm sorry. I do love you, but I am not entirely yours anymore. Maybe we should stay broken up... although that tears me apart.

Your pancake
Dear this topic,

Your instance on creating pages that do not exist is becoming annoying. To say the least.

Please cease this madness,

Dear, GED and College

GED, I hope its true that I won't take the exams to get into college. COLLEGE, Why is it so hard to pick a college/UNI? Is it Texas Tech or ITT Tech?

Sincerely, The girl who wants to go to college
Dear Wes.

How dare you lose to Doctor Ein! He wasn't that hard! I had like, 13 Revives and several Hyper Potions, as well as a great quantity of Super potions and normal Potions. Yet you insisted on losing and 'whiting out'.
You fail. I'm sorry, but you do. If you keep this up, you won't be able to save the Shadow Pokemon and Cipher will win! That isn't good!
Come to think of it now, you probably won't have any memory of losing, since I turned the game off. Luckily, I saved before the battle, but this is a reminder of what happens in your future.
I propose an idea. Go to the Colosseum and train your Pokemon, especially the Shadow ones which need their hearts opened. Plusle is in the daycare, so I might get him out to join the party, which will consist of:
Espeon (Leader)
Umbreon (Second in Command)
Shadow Suicine
and either Quagsire, Meganium or Hitmontop.The latter would probably be best, since he's the strongest of the three.
So, Wes and Rui, go fourth and battle! Then defeat Ein.By the way, after you fight Ein, you have to verse Dekim and Venus again, though it shouldn't be hard since you have their Shadow Pokemon (Except Entei is purified now)
I believe Ein has the last legendary dog Pokemon, so get him too and you'll have all three.

Now, get to it!

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