Dear [Whomever]


I'm bored and I really want my tea, what IS for tea anyway?

Dear, Mom

I wish I wasn't born cause your driving me nuts, do this and that doesn't work, I get dizzy because you need me to work on lot's of things in one time. If you wish for a perfect daughter? Wow, go do another one and teach her to be like a lady because you didn't teach me to be one. I actually wish I'm adopted and was brought by a wizard on your doorstep. That would help pretty well.

Sincerely, your rebel daughter
Dear Abscess,

I don't like you. Now GO AWAY! :glare:

- Sincerely, the owner of the mouth you've invaded.
Dear next 7 days,

Please fly in as quickly as possible, please and thank you :wub:

- Sincerely, the girl who can't wait for a few days of lying in before America :frantics:
Dear "People in general who doesn't realise the need for me to have some time alone"

You - to be rude and to the point - are a hell of an annoying, irritating and disgusting source of some major, Imperial and Royal HEADACHE. I am 19. Do not friggin belittle me! Forcing me to abort my MSN activities in the middle of them to give time for my sister and cousin to satisfy their petty needs to kill people off on Sims 2 IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! Furthermore, I would advise you that shouting against random people for The Most Petty Reasons humans have ever heard of - misplaced socks Exempli Gratia - , In my prescence is friggin, Imperially and Royally Irritating! And don't ever side with the other BIASED side until you've friggin heard my side of the story, OKAY?

Yours Most Sincerely
-Your very angry relative.

Dear Sister

Please Leave Me Alone, okay? Don't just barge in here and Demand that I Surrender my laptop to you to satisfy your Obsession with your weird Sims 2 families, Do We The Honourable Entity of Me and The Most Honourable Entity of You have a Deal?

Yours Most Sincerely
-Your pissed off sibling

Dear Aunt

Thank you for understanding me.

Yours Most Sincerely
-Your Niece

Dear Entity of the Venting of Anger

Thank You for your existence.

Yours Most Sincerely
-A very frequent customer
Dear, Brother

I am not your maid or slave, if you don't want to treat me as your sister then treat me as a person because I treat you as a person too. Don't make me clean your room or untie your baseball shoes when you can untie it yourself your 9 years old and 9 years old's aren't dumb to do that. This is why I regret to come here and have siblings, I so wish my mom got preggy or something for me not to be a one child before <_<. And using my laptop for watching cartoons is not allowed that's why Its password protected now even its not allowed in the house to have a password on any of the computers but its for your sake because your getting addicted on my laptop. And please, you know how to use DVR don't make me go to my boiling point because I tend to whacked walls and drag my hair.

PS: Be a good boy for once

Sincerely, Older Sister
Dear you, what happened was so unplanned. I barely even remember how it happened but it did. Even though I may want to erase it, I can't. If this really is happening I know I need to tell you but I can't. Its never the right time, and now you're in Auckland and it seems like a whole world away when I need you here with me. But with you or without you I am finding out this weekend. And as to whether I'm telling you or not, well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. But I want you to know I do really like you, but what we did, it wasn't me, I'm not like that.
Sincerely mommy??
Dear end of term--
What Lizzy said. I need a break. And if it weren't for those two tests today (muurrrrr) I'd take today off. I just gotta survive this.
dear people of the world,
have fun and live life. love eachother and let no one. i MEAN NO ONE to put you down.
the whatever
Dear Weather,

Please say good like you were in the later part of today so we can have sports day tomorrow and not have a stressfull day with 50 kids

- Leader who has to put up with the 50 kids
Dear Fate,

Why did you think it nessery for me to lose my bart pass. Now I'm sitting here with an empty stomach because you decided the the last of my meal money had to go to getting me home instead. Hope your laughing your ass off because I'm not.

Truly yours,
Very hungry fortune teller.
Dear Someone.

Just because you are an idiot, doesn't mean you have to make everyone else worried. When you didn't show last night, without contacting us, we had no idea if you'd even arrived safely! And we were really looking forward to meeting them again. If you hadn't noticed, we don't see them as much since we moved. And my sister, you know, the five year old wanted to stay up and wait. You try explaining that because a certain someone didn't bother to even contact us, we don't even know if they're in the right country.

If you have a good reason, I forgive you. Mostly. Chances are you don't.

very pissed off girl.
Dear, Brother

You are freaking annoying, I don't care that your 9 years old because I'm older than you. I don't get to spend time on HNZ every night because of you calling me to watch TV with you but we have like watch TV and DVD movies all morning and afternoon. And every night is my HNZ time; my alone time, my peace and quite but you always took that away by annoying me every night and making that cute freaking voice of yours. I sick of you and the others, god or merlin, help me to get into college or get me a job so I don't have to spend my entire summer in this freaking house.

Sincerely, Older Sister who will kick your ass if you don't shut up
Dear Hoodie,

I thank you oh so much for being so comfy and warm. And...for smelling like him. :shy:

Your Biggest Fan
Dear singing teacher from all those years ago.

I still remember you. You used to spit as you spoke and made us sing awful happy songs. And I was seven and you gave me a report that said I couldn't sing. Well you suck. Because now I can't face getting lessons, let alone just singing solo in alto sectionals. I'm really suffering now; it may not be your fault that I have low self esteem/anxiety/too many other mental issues to list, but it is your fault that I can't face this. And I hate it. I hate myself for not having gotten over this. How did I get into the choir if I couldn't sing, huh? Think about that. Coz I saw you at Regionals. Did you see me? Did you know that I'm in an auditioned choir? What you wanted me to sing, that wasn't my singing style. So yeah. I really hate you right now.

--The short girl who can't sing.
Dear, You

Where not Sonny Monroe and Chad Dylan Cooper, texting FINE and GOOD were totally like them and you'll say its just a joke? men, I've been punk'ed everyday now. And your going to say that your having fun with me? I'm not a toy for heaven sake, I might be dumb sometimes but I'm smart everyday.

Sincerely, The glares girl
Dear self.
Don't let it get to you. Just avoid those threads and forget it, and remember what he told you. And for heavens sake, stop procrastinating about getting breakfast.
♥ from your brain
Dear me,

Think for yourself for a change. Don't rely on other people. And maybe you can start admitting to yourself that you're not as ugly as you think. Now you're stuck in a love triangle of sorts and can't decide who to go for. You need more self-respect. So what if it'll mean you're more of an ice queen than you were before. At least you wouldn't end up in so many awkward situations. And for the love of God, stop letting yourself be treated the way you are.

♥ me

Dear Nordic Death Quidditch

My legs are aching like crazy but I don't care. You may well be the best sport in the world. How many other sports do you run in with (padded) short swords/long sword/sword and shield/giant freaking ball and chain and try to bash people for fun? Pain was so worth it. (Also dammit Nick, let us be the Mana Barbarians already!)

♥ a very sore convert
Dear ex,

I should never have gone to your house. I should never have let you touch me. Now I don't care what anyone does to me, which only makes everyone around me upset. Seriously, I can't think of one person who's entirely happy with me right now. I get hurt, so I hurt everyone around me. It's my defence mechanism. You hurt me, and now look. You're mad at me, Andy's mad at me, Alice probably isn't too happy with me, I'm just going to hurt Bryan and Sean and Locky...

...I wish I could put on 50kg, grow a beard and shave my head.
Dear BF,

I told you so! I hate to say it but I told you so! Seriously, why didn't you just listen to me? I sit there and listen to you go on and on about this boy that you are seemingly in love with that you've seen once or twice and yet you never talk to him and didn't know his name until a short time ago. I did that because I love you but I can't take it anymore. I told you to be careful of everyone at work trying to set you up. Seriously it's like primary school over again, "Oh I heard such and a one likes you. blah blah f*cking BLAH!!!" No matter what you shouldn't trust people like that. So last night you say that they wouldn't bullsh!t you because they aren't like that and today...BAM..."Well clearly they were bullsh!tting me" ORLY? :o I never would have guessed :tut: <_< And so today you found out that he's taken. Okay! Woopdiedoo for him. Get over it. Seriously you need to stop planning out the whole frigging relationship in your head before you even talk to the guy GAH! You even said last night that you might be too busy with someone else (him) to even see me when I get back. What kind of friend says that....even in a joke? :mad: Just grow up please. You don't need a guy to be happy. You wonder why I don't want to go out with you? Please. I love you to bits but if you think you need a guy in your life to be happy then I've had enough.

- Your fed up best friend

P.S. Please get over the last guy. Relationships where you start dating by the end of the first night you meet him can never go well, especially after all the crap you know that he has pulled in the past. He was a jerk and didn't deserve you. The thing is you know this so just stop saying that you don't think you're ready to date because you clearly are :correct:
Dear Packing,

Please do yourself xD

- Lazy person going tomorrow
Dear me,

Well, you may have f**ked up there for a little bit, but it's getting better now. Andy's just being a baby, and Locky was a bad idea. You're apologising to people, you're trying to behave, and Bryan makes you feel incredibly happy. Or as much as you can, anyway. Keep smiling. You'll hear back from uni soon, Alice is going to be okay, going to Rockhampton will be a lot of fun, and even if everyone else goes and has parties that you can't attend during the week, you're still happy and you get to do nice things.

Life is only getting better from here.
Dear, Dad and This friend of mine

I don't need a guy in my life okay, I can handle myself better than the others. Let's just wait, I might not know what a date is but I'm learning xD .

Sincerely, The girl who hates boys
Hey you,

We didn't talk much today. I missed our odd conversations. It was busy... but when we did speak or jokingly glare at each other....well... my heart when all jumpy. I could tell you enjoyed talking to me. That makes me happy.
Regardless if we speak or not... I'm just happy to see you... that's why tomorrow is going to suck. You're off, and I work. :/

That weird girl who wants to cheat the system. :p
Dear gorgeous thespian :wub:

I hope you're having fun where you are. You're there because you're so talented, so enjoy it ;)

I have a request. PLEASE NOTICE ME!!! TALK TO ME!!! ASK ME OUT, SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!! Don't you notice me standing there quietly? I talked to you a bit, and it made me happy for the rest of the week. I talked to your friend, and it gave me hope that if I could just become friends with him...
Please. Notice me. There's a reason I just started watching horror movies, why I am lurking in plays all around the town, why I go to every game. We are so similar - can't you see? Every movie that you mention as being good, I've either already seen and loved, or I see it and love it. You make me laugh, and you're taller than me, which is rare. We both love the same things, and we are similarly crazy.

So please. Love me. Ask me out. See what happens.

Love, the girl who never leaves until you're gone :wub:
Dear people.
I am allowed to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect.
Stop getting angry at me for things that I didn't even do. Stop taking your anger out on me. And stop getting angry at me for doing things that I didn't even know was wrong to do. I don't know everything, so please don't expect me to. I will make mistakes in life, but it would be cool if you nicely tell me what I did was wrong, rather than blow up, and get angry. Or make me feel stupid.
Give me a break.
Signed, Overwhelmed.
Dear self;;

Nuuuu! I hate being sick, and I have training tonight :doh: can you please just let me get better in the next three hours and four minutes?

dear mum;;

Would it really hurt you just to say Mike has to do some of the jobs? I mean, look right now. He's sitting with his iPod and book, and I'm being told to do ANOTHER job. It's ALWAYS this way, every freaking second of every day. Give me a breeeaaakkk.


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