Dear me,
Think for yourself for a change. Don't rely on other people. And maybe you can start admitting to yourself that you're not as ugly as you think. Now you're stuck in a love triangle of sorts and can't decide who to go for. You need more self-respect. So what if it'll mean you're more of an ice queen than you were before. At least you wouldn't end up in so many awkward situations. And for the love of God, stop letting yourself be treated the way you are.
♥ me
Dear Nordic Death Quidditch
My legs are aching like crazy but I don't care. You may well be the best sport in the world. How many other sports do you run in with (padded) short swords/long sword/sword and shield/giant freaking ball and chain and try to bash people for fun? Pain was so worth it. (Also dammit Nick, let us be the Mana Barbarians already!)
♥ a very sore convert
Dear ex,
I should never have gone to your house. I should never have let you touch me. Now I don't care what anyone does to me, which only makes everyone around me upset. Seriously, I can't think of one person who's entirely happy with me right now. I get hurt, so I hurt everyone around me. It's my defence mechanism. You hurt me, and now look. You're mad at me, Andy's mad at me, Alice probably isn't too happy with me, I'm just going to hurt Bryan and Sean and Locky...
...I wish I could put on 50kg, grow a beard and shave my head.