Dear [Whomever]

Dear gf,

Why in the HELL do you not listen to anything I have to say? You irritate me every time you say you will listen and then end up not doing it. This time, you've done it.


The boy who loves you.
Dear Those Who Matter,

I'm stressed, sorry for taking it out you. If you could just be patient and deal with my hecticness for a little bit longer I'll love you forever and forever...maybe.

Dear Michigan,

I'm glad to be back. :cool:
Dear, Family and BF


You are all pain in the butt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, Joyce :wub:
Dear tired eyes,
Wake up! Stop shutting whenever its a raining day! Or whenever i'm just sitting somewhere! Get up there's loads to do D: tired eyes please get up!
The girl that almost fell asleep posting this D:
Dear, Dad and Chest and Head

-Dad, I'm not spoiled, your the one whose giving me free internet, cable and everything. LOL

-Chest, Please make me breath normally, it hurts whenever you don't make me breath normally

-Head, Don't get hurt please, I have so many problems

Love, Your daughter and the owner of the body
Dear Life,

I hate it when people lie to me. I just hate it. I give up so much and all I ask in return that I get honesty, and I DON'T EVEN GET IT!


The Boy Who's Tired
Dear You,
Used or not, I'm still me. i'm still human, and I'm still gonna be there.
Whether you realize just how much it hurts to see you happy with her or not. I'm still your friend.
And Like i promised, I'm here for you.
Even if it kills me.

~ Your Bullet Proof Vest.
Dear Boyfriend

All the cute names and loving comments wont save you when i dump your sorry ass for being such a prick. You say you will take care of me, yet you ****ing ditch me for your friends without even a goodbye. You say you will allways love me, yet you annoy the **** out of me by trying to be cute, untill i just want to smack u right in your ****ing face. And yet what do i do? Stand by your side cause im a good loyal girlfriend. Im at my last ****ing straw. Once more. Were over.

Love. Steph.
Dear Summer,

Please don't end so soon. This has been one of the most hectic and life-changing months of my life but at the same time I've been so happy. If only you could last just a bit longer.

The girl who both loves and hates you.
Dear Everything,
Done, done done!
Like when Peter walked out of that stupid Matthew McConehay (No I don't care if that's not how you spell it!) movie.
I'm done.
I can't take this stupid abuse anymore.
Test me if you will, but leave my body alone!
Stop making me sick
Stop giving me pain...

Mrs. Done of the donetown Doneingtons!
Dear, Job Application

Wow, I hope one of you 5 establishments will hire me because I'm tired of being in the house all day long watching tv, computer, do laundry and do dishes. I want to have my own money ... Please!!!, HIRE me ...

Sincerely, The girl who likes job
Dear Heart,

You love him! Just admit it! Everyday when you wake the first thing you do is check your phone to see if he has left you a msg. When you talk to him you smile. When you go a whole day without hearing his voice you become so moody and emo that people don't want to be around you. You reply every conversation a billion times over in my head, thinking of all the things you could have said differently. For goodness sake as I am typing this I have that stupid little grin on my face that is only for him. Please stop acting like a nutter before he gets scared away.

With much love,

Your brain.

Dear Boy,

I love you. Whenever we get to talk I smile. I could spend all day talking to you about the weather. When its just you and me hanging out at the park or the mall and you smile at me I get super happy inside. You are so awesome. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm going to trust you and give you my heart but if you break it I will have to make you vanish. :r

♥ Me
Dear Anxiety,

Bugger. Off.
Do I look like I have time for you right now?
All I want to to dive up into the neck full of roleplays and immerse myself in HNZ again, but what the heck are you doing here and why are you bothering me about this subject?
I mean, come on. I'm nervous about school, I'm nervous about home, I'm nervous about work, courses, people, camping, writing, heck I should be a walking jelly by now if it weren't for the things holding me up.
But why make me completely and irrationally nervous about doing something that I love and talking to people that I miss?
This alienation is entirely your fault and I blame you. A grand total of one person on here talks to me now. I don't know anyone anymore. The people I love, I've said nothing too for so long because of you, and it's no wonder they've melted away to do their own thing. You've made me callous and unreliable. Who would want to roleplay with me now?
You utter bastard. @#$% you sideways.

Kelsey Ruth.
DEAR EVERYONE!!! (Yes, including HNZers. You guys need to hear this too) (sorry it's long, but it's a lot of the stuff I've learned in life squashed into one post. bear with me ;) )

You were made for a reason. Everyone is on this earth for a purpose. You were made to be just like you are. Every little flaw and quirk and perk that you have is intentional and loved. There is always someone who loves you. Even if it seems like there isn't, remember me - I love each and every one of you guys because you make me smile and laugh and cry and roll my eyes and THINK and feel and be. You make me happy and sad, and you make me who I am. I believe in Ubuntu, which is African for "We are who we are because of those around us". I am me because of you, and I love you for being part of my life. So please, do me a couple of favours.

SEE THE GOOD THINGS IN YOURSELF. When you look in the mirror, I want you to say to yourself one good thing. It might be "I have pretty eyes" or "I'm really good at making awesomesauce HNZ characters" or "I'm a good listener". Anything. Work to find it. Make it something that you believe, and that you know is true. And throughout the day, hold on to that thing. If things go badly, remember that you are loved and why. Remember that I'm here in NZ, loving you all and wishing that you saw that. You are beautiful and amazing and intelligent and interesting and kind and wonderful, and no-one can take that away from you. No-one.

SMELL THE ROSES. Appreciate the little things in life, like the autumn colours or seeing the first blossoms of spring or even eating a warm cookie or seeing a friend or coming on HNZ or reading another chapter of a good book or seeing a pretty flower or a cool cloud. Anything. Let that thing remind you that there is always good in the world - if nowhere else, there's always good floating around in HNZ. Things aren't all black - no matter how bad the world may seem, there's always something good.

RESPECT YOURSELF. Don't let others bring you down. Make sure you surround yourself with people who love you and make you happy. People who you love and who will make you a better person, not people who will hurt you and make you think negative things about others or yourself. Also, don't harm yourself - refer to my first point. You are amazing - don't go and damage yourself, because you don't deserve it and it won't help. You know what this means - no emo kid acts, no too-thin model acts, nothing like that. You're too good for that, and don't forget it.

RESPECT OTHERS. Being nice to other people gives you warm fuzzies, and warm fuzzies are never bad. 'Nuff said.

LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST. Follow your dreams, do what you love. Grab opportunities, be brave, take the plunge, and never regret a single day. Make sure that you do things that you can look back on and say "Yeah, I did that, and it was awesome/it wasn't awesome, but I learnt a lesson and I don't regret it". This is your life - are you who you want to be? If not, become that person. If you think you could be less selfish, work at it. But don't try to become a serious mature person if that's not you. Remember, everyone has flaws - we just have to work at them and appreciate them, for they give us a chance to grow. Life is a beautiful thing, and you never know which day is going to be your last. If the world ended at lunchtime (quoting a poem), would you be happy with your life so far? Would you say "Hey, that's actually a life in which I did things that made me happy/others happy, and I don't regret it"? If not, change that.

RELAX. The world will not end if your assignment isn't perfect, or if you forget something or don't do very well in a test or whatever else. Stuff happens - that's life, so take a deep breath and smile. The sun will rise tomorrow no matter what, and I'll always love you no matter what happens. You are human, and so you're expected to make mistakes, so don't stress yourself out, and take some time off to relax and enjoy life.

NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. Follow your dreams, and believe they will come true. Hope that you'll get an A, that he/she will ask you out, that you'll get a good job or be able to do what you love. Hope is powerful - never give up on it.

Lastly, LOVE LOVE LOVE. Love others. Love yourself. Love your friends. Love your family. Love your God. Fall in and out of love, love animals and objects and people and places, love and be loved in return, but always keep love in your life. We cannot survive without love, so spread it amongst people - showing someone that they are loved can change more than you could possibly imagine.

I leave with one quote, much love and many hugs:

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
:wub: :wub: :wub:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Dear Anger,

You can stop being mad now. Mixed with all of other emotions, my heart can barely take it. You are causing me to have heart pains now. Seriously. Just picture fire, explosives and play more Kingdom Hearts and whip some asses. Now, I want you to stop making me want to throw up my pasta and stop making me so frustrated, I am affecting those around. I'll be damned if you will control my life again like you had four years ago. Thank you for helping me in some ways, but you are not helping now.

Someone who acts irrationally out of anger.
Dear Nervousness,

Okay, Driver's test is technically tomorrow, so don't lose it now. You drove with dad in the passenger's seat and you heard him complimenting on my driving skills. There is nothing to worry about. Now, have some happiness and chill.

The nervous teenager
Dear Pepsi,

You are my love right now. ♥

Thankful to have a cold pepsi next to her
Dear Halloween Series,

Okay, you have surpassed Pepsi in my love. Thank you for being so awesome.

Number One Fan. ♥
Dear psychologist.

Why can't you just tell my teachers, rather than me? This is too hard.

Dear self.


I try and have one night of thinking about me (which I don't really do often, in case you were laughing at me again) and I freak. Come ON, I feel like I'm in pieces again. Againagainagain. ARGH. I can't do this, but if they knew I'd be chucked away somewhere to hide. I'm not insane. And don't fxxxing cry because you don't deserve to.

Dear you

Not aiming anything at you or anything, just needed a mini freak-out.

Dear Guidance Councillor

Seriously, I don't have problems. Okay, I do have problems. But I'm certainly not going to talk to you about it Honestly, mind your own business and leave me ALONE! UGH!!!!

Sincerely, The girl who has taken to hiding in the library just to escape people asking 'do you want to talk about it?'
Dear boys.

You all suck. Go punch yourselves.

With no love what-so-ever, an angry girl. Whom you should all run away from.
Dear Muse,

Where'd you go? Look I'm sorry for leaving you last night, it won't happen again - I promise. Miss you! Come back soon :wub: :hug:

- Museless :(
Dear two faced cow bag,

So what? You think I wouldn't notice? You didn't think that telling my BEST FRIEND meant that I would find out. I mean honestly, you can be so stupid sometimes. There's the *****ing, the obvious fact I can't trust you, not to mention the total betrayal and you can still stand there and pretend to be a friend? The way you can be so happy and friendly with me after all you've done because you think I don't know? It actually physically sickens me. I would like nothing better than to kick you straight out of my life.

Dear him.

Remember when we were younger, in room eleven with Mrs Baker?

Remember how many lunchtimes we had to say in, because we'd spent all classtime talking?

Remember Kaikorai?

Remember year seven, when you were away for six months and when you came back I was over the moon, and even Miss McG noticed?

Remember the year eight berwick ball, when you were the first guy to pick a girl and got me? Everyone said it was rigged. And then you came to take me to the dance and we all screamed?

Remember when you asked me out, the day before year nine when we were going to different schools, and I fell out of a tree?

Remember that?

Remember the year eleven dance, and Mrs Beck wouldn't stop taking photos of us because she couldn't believe I was with you?

I miss you, and it's only been two days.

♥ Olivia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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