Closed Class of '55

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Engaged (Eric <3)
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie was happily now in her third year of teaching, it was welcome, she had time to write, had time with Eric and had time to be able to just be. This was, for her, surprisingly a job with little stress, helped by her smaller classes and the fact she tended to only teach one class per semester. But now there was something else to add to it, putting aside her concerns about Winnie and that, and focus on planning the wedding she and Eric were going to have. She finished making his cup of coffee exactly how he liked it and turned to the next page of the wedding book she'd put together. "I don't want anything too big, you know, and I figure we could have it like day one or two into the winter holiday between school years and then we could honeymoon for the whole holiday," she said as she sat down right next to him, moving as close as she could to be as close to him as she should be.
Eric sometimes still wondered if he had done the right thing, taking this job at Hogwarts. When he was chasing kids out of the forest or scraping gum off the bottom of tables, he sometimes wondered if he shouldn't go back to the Medley. But being here with Minnie was great, and he would scrape gum off a hundred tables if it meant he could sit with her like this at the end of the day. He put an arm around her as he took a sip of his coffee. He wasn't surprised Minnie had put together a wedding book with plans, though he personally didn't really care what it looked like. He just wanted to be with her. If it was up to him, Minnie could make all the decisions. "That sounds good, then Holden can come." He murmured. "You put a lot of work into this." He said admiringly. "I'm happy to go along with what you want, by the way."
Adorah was not one to interact with her coworkers, but with Sam and Noel on the grounds, it was happening more and more often. She had found herself liking the common room, even if it just for the vibes, to grab an extra cup of tea or coffee, greet a few of her former professors, and enjoy the ground floor rather than just the towers, as was so often the cast for an astronomy professor. However, there were a few that she tended to avoid, whether due to her anxiety or dislike, she wasn't sure, as she was 90% sure the views she was convinced people had about her were all in her head.

As she rounded the corner to the common room, she greeted a few second years before popping inside, mug in hand. The former Ravenclaw found herself humming a familiar muggle tune she'd heard on the radio a few weeks ago as she filled her cup with coffee. It wasn't until she turned around that she realized the space was already occupied and her eyes widened, noting that it was two of her former classmates. She had no qualms with Eric, other than his general disruptive behavior from school that her sister had found "entirely fascinating," as she used to say. But Minnie was not someone she ever became particularly friendly with. She had always wanted to, but then things became awkward, especially after Adorah started seeing Noel. And maybe it was just awkward for her, again, in her head, but it still led to real world actions being awkward due to the whole head thing. Adorah gripped her mug tighter as she glanced around the room. Did she greet them and interrupt their discussion or just pretend she was never here and duck out? "Morning," she tried, taking a sip of her coffee as she leaned against the counter, keeping her distance from the two and hoping someone else would pop in.
Noel was really glad that Adorah was back at Hogwarts. It wasn't like they weren't seeing eachother out of work, they lived together. But a big part of the year he spend his time at Hogwarts teaching the youngest classes. He didn't felt like the young one anymore here. Since more younger people started teaching here. And every year he became even more confident in teaching. And did what he thought was good, although some had their critic at the lessons. Which was still very strange to Noel, not that he wasn't open for feedback. He agreed now with James on one thing the consent form he had been thinking about and although he still had his good faith in his students to make up their minds, he agreed to let parents or someone else from 18 years and older sign the form too, next to the student to get the imperius curse performed on them for learning experiance. The previous professors teaching his class didn't ever do it differently, but Noel was open for new changes if he saw the point in it. He was open for feedback, but James was just not professional in his eyes in the way he spoken to Noel. But perhaps when Noel had children of his own, he understood one day.

Noel was on his way to get some coffee and agreed to meet Adorah in the professor's common room. And with his mug he entered noticing he wasn't the only one here. Noticing his girlfriend first, but two people more. Two people he knew really well from their time at school. He put on an friendly smile and walked towards Adorah. '' Goodmorning.'' He greeted hem and gave Adorah an quick kiss on her cheek. Standing beside her giving her an quick look and than to the others. This felt akward in a way, but it wasn't like they didn't run into eachother before. But be together in one room with only the four of them. He poured himself an coffee, which he really needed.
Samantha felt weird being back here if she was being honest. While the place had seemed familiar to her, it also seemed different. She hadn't been here for a long while and she wasn't walking around these halls as a student. She was walking around the school as a professor this time around. However it also felt like she was back at school because a few of her classmates from her time here were now professors and staff, which was already interesting enough.

Speaking of her former classmates, The former Hufflepuff had decided to make her way to the professor's common room to take a break from some marking, and as she stepped in, it felt like she had immediately gotten back in time and was in Hogwarts again as a student, as she saw the faces of those said classmates. Though she felt like she may have walked into what felt like the most awkward atmosphere she had ever been in. Was it too late to turn back now? "Hey everyone" Samantha says with a smile and a wave as she made her way over to make herself some tea.
Minnie leaned into Eric slightly as he agreed. "Thank you, and are we surprised that I'm putting a lot of work into this," she teased lightly, before she moved to kiss his cheek, though as she did so, the door opened and in walked Adorah. She had no issues with the woman, had never had. It had been awkward when Adorah had then started dating Noel, but she'd been happy for them too. Happy that they had found happiness when she had found her own in Eric. "Morning," she greeted, though her gaze lingered with Eric, her gaze moving to the ring on her finger. It was seemingly a busy morning for the common room, and both Noel and the her new Professor-mate joined them. She hadn't known Sam all that well in school, but could see her as being a really competent teacher and that was all she cared about. "Morning," she greeted back. "I see we're all escaping the great hall today then," She said, trying to make some polite conversation, they were all adults who needed to work together.
It wasn't like Eric had forgotten that this wasn't the living room in his and Minnie's little apartment, but he still felt a little annoyed when other people started barging in when they were hanging out and wedding planning together. Especially Noel, who followed Adorah into the room and stood next to her. He knew Noel probably wasn't solely responsible for the awkward atmosphere, but he was happy to blame it on him regardless. He would've just ignored them and Samantha too, but Minnie wasn't nearly as rude as him and started to talk to them. Eric made a small noise of annoyance at that, but knew he probably should say something. He looked up. "Morning." He grumbled, before focusing his attention back on Minnie again.
Adorah took a deep breath as they all awkwardly greeted each other. Or maybe she just felt it was awkward. She never could tell and would probably talk to her therapist about the whole situation. "I need more sugar," she mumbled under her breath, turning towards the counter and pouring a little too much sugar in her coffee as Noel gave her a kiss on the cheek. "There's a group of particularly rambunctious second years this morning that I know I needed a break from," she said, turning back around and leaning against her boyfriend before glancing at Sam with a smile. She was glad to have her friend nearby and looked over at Minnie and Eric. She saw wedding-related things near them and bit her lip. She knew they were engaged, but it felt a little anxiety-inducing to see them actually planning a wedding. "Getting along with your plans, then?" she asked the couple, trying not to look at her own partner. She wanted to marry Noel, and it wasn't like they hadn't talked about their future long-term. Adorah just wanted to have it over with and have his last name. Maybe we should elope, she thought.
It was kind of a relief perhaps or not bad at all that after them Samantha entered the room, he hadn't spoken to her yet but knew she and Adorah were kind of close. He thought of the girl as very kind back when they were students, but couldn't remember too many times they had spoken. But he was glad to see her and it was kind of a reunion now it seemed with them all together in the room and as professors now here. '' Hi Samantha, congratulations on your position. How nice to see you again back here.'' He said with an friendly smile. He hadn't had the chance yet to speak to her properly. He watched Adorah and than back at Minnie and Eric. Eric wasn't a man of lots of words he knew. That was back in the day also. Noel had said to him once he believed that he had no brains only fists to use. And that was funny when he thought of it. Now he figured there was no use in seeking fights, they both grew up. But Eric was never gonna be an good friend of his.

He heard Adorah speaking, and grinned as she mentioned some second years. They were an intensive group he agreed for sure with strong opinions, but that was fun to Noel too. He put his arm around Adorah as she leaned into him. He didn't mind doing that, with this people around. But they were professional when it needed in the place they were in. He looked over to the other couple as Adorah mentioned plans, he didn't directly saw or noticed what she aimed at. But than saw something which seemed like wedding related. '' Having big plans?'' Noel asked curiously looking mostly at Minnie. Which he still saw as one of his friends, they were getting along fine again and he was past all what happend and forgave her for breaking his heart once.

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