Bi-weekly Update

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Doing a BWU right when you're back from vacation is either a great way to catch up on things or a disaster waiting to happen. xD Let's find out which one this will be! :woot:
School Deets!

That was a quick break, amirite? :o

But it's time to get back to it. Semester two started last week, which means we are already heading into week 2! Yep, you read that right.

In order to move us forward, the holiday areas are now closed though there will be a Brightstone weekend before you know it

Professors, please make sure to have make up sections posted. Students, please make sure you've enrolled in your courses.

Everyone, have fun roleplaying lessons!! :cool:

More school stuff!

To help us out, we have a few new professors covering lessons:

Professor Lillian Sword will be covering History of Magic 1-4
Professor Jacqueline Burke will be returning to her position in Transfiguration 5-7
Professor Monty Pendleton will be covering all of the Potions lessons for this semester only

Welcome to all the new profs! :party:

As no one applied for Care of Magical Creatures, staff will be covering the subject. We hope you'll consider applying when the application re-opens. Professors are an essential role on site, and it's important to have non-staff in these positions so we can free up time to focus on other things. :correct:

Professors should be sure to check out and participate in the mandatory professors meeting. Check your PMs for details. :)

We have some winners!

Two sets of winners have emerged from the wheelbarrow race:

1st: Jessica Cade and Gideon Zelinsky
2nd: Zenia Katsaros and Rose Thornhill

Congratulations to them and thank you to everyone who participated in this event! :party:

A big thank you to Claire as well for running the event! :)

Fight! Fight! Fight!
It's time for the students to have a crack at some duels. Here's hoping for some victories not by time out! :p

If you're interested in participating, please head to the sign ups where you can read about eligibility and dates and more. We can't wait to see how these go.

Last Debate

We are nearly at the end of our campaign season, but there is one debate left. One more chance for the candidates to win your votes and promote their viewpoints. So make sure you give it a read.

If you're eligible to participate as a spectator, I encourage you to do so. We've never allowed outside participation, and your (in)activity will help determine if we ever do again. ;)

Don't forget that, even if you aren't on the short list, you're encouraged to start your own roleplays listening to the debates. ^_^


The Wizengamot pulled no punches as they sent Metrophanes Matthias packing to Azkaban in Minister Kingsley's last trial as the Chief. [member]Check out the trial here[member] and see his sentence.

An uncompleted sale is a sad thing...

Shopkeepers, please take a moment to check in on your shops to complete any sales related to semester two. This allows students to enroll in courses.

Please make sure you're periodically checking in on your shops and ensuring that sales are completed by you and/or your staff. Please ensure your staff are active and hire if you need to! Thank you!

Flower Deliveries

If you've signed up to deliver flowers, please make sure you're paying attention to your PMs in the next few days to help the process move along ahead of the Valentine's day party. A big thank you to Steven for organizing this event.​
[ul][li]Holland Jolly Christmas
The Hollands take the time to enjoy a cheerful Christmas together as a family.</LI>

[li] Unusually Hard to Hold Onto
Odette and Harley see each other again for the first time after the Holidays, but things aren't the same as they were.

Other RPs in this Plot:

[li]A Fairytale Prince
Tristan helps a young girl in trouble, and soon regrets this decision.

[li]The Side Party is Better
Theodore really wishes he had stayed in the dormitory on the night of the yule ball.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Valentine's Day party :wub:
[li]Roses,Roses everywhere
[li]Sunshine & Rainbows
[li]Elective fair!
<LI>[li]Minister voting!
[/li][/ul]Alrighty, which one is this? If I've forgotten something please kindly mention it below. Otherwise, I'm happy to hear your comments below too.

I'm hoping you all will have a good week this week! ^_^

Until next time,
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thank you for the update Cyndi :hug:
Thank you Cyndi!!! Lots to catch up on tomorrow! :wub:
Thanks for the update! I'm almost sad this is the last debate, they're fun! (though definitely kind of stressful too xD )

So much to look forward to :wub:
Thanks for the update!
Thank you for the update! I'm gonna try not to flop during the duels this time :r
Club threads in Accio! will be closing this Sunday!
Last call for Accio! photos!

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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