Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

A sharp pain lanced through her left shoulder and suddenly she realised how happy she was to be right-handed. ''I'm okay!'' she replied, smiling weakly at the other girl. ''I'll hold you to that.'' She was an avid collector of the card that came with the frogs so being offered ten of them made taking the hit for the Seeker worth it. Shortly after this, Maia came across a bludger of her own. She stretched out her right arm, without holding onto her broomstick because her left arm wouldn't allow her to do much with it after the hit, and swung her Beater's bat against the iron ball. She aimed it towards the other Beater, the one who had just aimed a bludger towards their co-captain, and watched as it soared off to her.
Fletcher was too busy watching to see if her bludger hit Jessica to notice that one had been sent in her direction. She wasn't aware of its presence at all until it smacked her straight in the back, and he let out a yelp in surprise and pain as the sharp stabbing shot through her spine. She glanced over her shoulder to see Maia, who's just been hit herself by her ball even if it hadn't been her intention. Fletcher supposed she deserved that. Leaning forward gently to grip her broom, she flew out the way of the firing line, as though they'd created a small area of the pitch that was becoming more deadly by every passing second.
Bludgers were flying everywhere and Theodore did not want to be a part of that entire part of the game at all. Leaning in to his broom to be a smaller target, the boy departed from the others and flew off on his own, hoping to put some space between himself and all of the danger.
Elvira smiled and nodded at Maia, then watched as she hit a bludger at Fletcher. She could only hope there was no dislike between the beaters because of what happened at practice. Both were just doing what they were supposed to, after all. She should be doing what she was supposed to as well. Quickly turning, she continued her search for the snitch.
Fletcher felt a little less guilty when aiming bludgers at fellow beaters because at least they had a chance to defend themselves. Trying to ignore the sharp pain in her back, she continued her search for the iron balls, trying to think of better ways of directing the ball than at fellow teammates.
She smiled when the buldger made contact with its target and quickly flew off to hunt down another one. If she would keep this up then she could call this a successful training session at the end of it.
The blonde smiled as she flew back into the game after she had scored. Things were really going fast as Brendan catched the quaffle. The blonde flew along with him and saw how he scored. She smiled at him and cheered for him. The blonde smiled and was glad that Brendan managed to score too. 'She had scored, but now she wanted to do that another time. She would give the keepers an fair chance so after catching the quaffle she flew back to the hoops where Cassi tried to guard them.
Cassi winced at the things happening quickly in front of her. However,she saw Brendan scored at Celine's end and Cheryl was coming back to Cassi's end. Bending slightly,she readied herself,determined to prove to the team that she was not the weakest link.
Emma had been having a quiet practice so far and had mostly been focusing on her flying but she knew she needed to try and get more involved with her fellow chasers. Emma moved closer to Cheryl once the girl took possession of the quaffle in case her teammate wanted to pass or if she dropped it.
Elvira paid little attention to the chasers generally, but she noticed that Emma was now following Cheryl. She idly wondered if they were going to fight over the quaffle, but probably not. She really didn't think she would make a very good chaser, she wasn't very good at sharing. With a small shake of her head, she tried to make herself focus on finding the snitch again.
Maia chased after one of the bludgers once she had spotted it from a distance. She stretched out her right arm again, wincing slightly as any movement at all hurt her left arm. She swung her bat against the iron ball but hadn't managed to hit it properly, sending it off towards Cheryl instead of Theodore.
Jess cheered when Cheryl managed to score and flashed Cassie a thumbs up for encouragement. When the team was playing against each other it was difficult to be supportive and sympathetic all at once. The redhead was glad the practice seemed to be picking up its pace, though there were too many bludger hits for her liking.

Jess saw the one heading towards Elvira and wanted to fly over to try and hit it away, but Maia had gotten there first and saved the Seeker by taking the hit herself. Jessica winced and was going to ask if she was okay, but Elvira beat her to it and she was glad to hear the Beater was okay. Jess was close enough to hear their conversation about chocolate frogs or something and a strange part of her was jealous about the exchange between the two. Jess flashed them both a small smile since they seemed to be fine after that hit (and near hit) and flew away to check up on the rest of the game, glad to see Brendan had stayed focused and scored another goal. While her mind was still preoccupied trying to convince herself that she didn't care who Elvira talked to, she barely caught Fletcher's warning in time and wasn't prepared enough to swing it away, so instead Sica's shoulder took the full force of the ball and she groaned from the impact.
The blonde moved fast to the hoops. She was focused on the rings and didn't really looked what was happening behind her. She had one goal and that was to score. When she got close to the hoops and was ready to throw she got hit by a bludger. The blonde dropped the quaffle by accident and made a painfull face as she got hit. She looked behind her to see where it came from. Perhaps it was an accident she figured. But it wasn't cool. Cheryl managed to sit on her broom but felt a pain in her side. She was irirtated by the fact that she was close to the hoops but hoped another chaser would grab the quaffle. She would try again when she would find her good balance again.
Suddenly everyone seemed to be hit with bludgers left and right. Elvira knew she was lucky to avoid it so far, especially considering how different that would be in an actual match. She gave Jessica a concerned look, hoping the girl was okay. But she couldn't let her small (really itty bitty) crush on Jessica distract her from her goal. She turned around in the air, hoping the snitch was hovering behind her. Alas, no such luck.
Cassi saw Cheryl and Emma coming toward her.She readied herself for the both of them.She thought she could score again but a bludger hit Cheryl out of nowhere.The quaffle dropped.She knew Emma would take it and so Cassi prepared for any tactic the girl would do.
Looking back over his shoulder, it had seemed as if Theodore had made a good decision in parting from the others, seeing now how many of them were being targeted by bludgers. He turned back away from the commotion, thinking he'd spotted the snitch nearby, and flew off toward it.
A lot was happening at once, with players taking hits. As Cheryl managed to drop the quaffle, Fulke swooped down beneath her and caught it in its descent, pulling his broom back up and continuing its journey toward the hoops, with a brief glance over his shoulder to see how the young chaser was doing. Deciding she was fine, he turned his focus back to the front, mere seconds away from entering the scoring zone.

Brendan took possession of the quaffle. Cassi readied herself since their captain always made past her. Cassi was in the middle goal post, hands gripping tightly at the broom, ready to direct whichever direction it needed to. This time, she was sure that it would not get past her. She would make sure of it.
There weren't many people this game who had managed to a kid being hit by a bludger, and the third year hoped they'd be given the opportunity after practise to show that it was nothing personal. Flying between the chasers, she watched as Brendan caught the Quaffle, in the look out in case the iron ball came for him.
Theodore was becoming increasingly frustrated by the lack of snitch catching this practice. Why had it been so much easier in the past? Maybe he'd been slipped some luck potion before the practices. As silly as it sounded, he didn't completely disregard the idea. He'd done so well for a beginner, and it didn't make sense to be doing worse as time went on.
Entering the scoring zone much faster than he'd expected, and with so little time to prepare with how close Cheryl had taken it, Brendan tossed the quaffle, only to have it saved by the young keeper. He cursed under his breath and exited the scoring zone, waiting for the ball to be thrown back to one of them.
Elvira was glad Theodore wasn't having any luck either. He had bested her during their last game, but she had decided to mostly blame that on the rain. But now she had to prove herself. She noticed as Brendan's attempt to score, and wasn't sure if she was happy or not that he failed. It was always difficult to know who to root for in a practice of your own team.
Sica rubbed at her shoulder where the pain was still throbbing dully but flew on ahead, trying to look for another bludger to hit. She scanned the skies to make sure everything was still going smoothly for the most part, with a few hits or misses here and there which was to be expected, and then continued on following after a bludger to try and hit it away. Though when she tried to swing and hit it, her shoulder protested in pain, since she'd gotten hit on her dominant side, and because of that her aim was off and she missed. Jess hissed in frustration and hoped she wouldn't have to go to the hospital wing to get her shoulder checked out. She'd rather fail all her exams than miss the big game against the New Zealand school due to an injury.
Seeing that Cassi had managed to save the shot Celine congratulated the other keeper in her head, and then prepared herself for the group of chasers to come her way next. She didn't mind one shot getting past her now and then, but she didn't want to make a habit of it.
A lot of things were going on once she chased after another blugder once again, and she wanted to know what, though didn't want to lose sight of the iron ball she was now closing in to. She continued to follow it in the hope that she could soon aim it at some one.

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