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Zennon Baros

healer; dad to Finley
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
May 3rd, 2034
*Please wait for Donna to post first before joining!

Zennon knew he had to do something, he'd allowed most of his relationships to drift away and honestly, he knew it was his fault. Still, so much had happened in his life, even when he was a kid, which he hadn't felt like in such a long time, considering his abilities, that he'd never told another living soul. He still frequented the Gardens, or the forbidden forest, which was difficult since snakes weren't common in New Zealand, he almost wished he could bring his python, except she would not do well here, the climate wouldn't suite her and he loved reptiles, snakes especially, he didn't want to be hurting her accidentally. No, what he needed was to reconnect with his friends, if he could, it would be good to see them again, maybe start the process of revealing the truth to them if he could. First stop, his bubbly Hufflepuff, the only one who'd reached out to him when he'd needed her, though he felt like he'd pushed her away one too many times, he certainly hoped not, he wasn't sure what he was going to do if she didn't accept his olive branch.​
The Hufflepuff table was his destination, owing that she was a Hufflepuff and she had to eat. It wasn't hard to spot her, he always could in a crowd, all blonde hair and loud personality that she was. He would be sad to lose her friendship, her easy going nature, though not so much if she was still fighting with Jacob, another person he thought he might need to reconnect with, seeing that he had lost touch with almost everyone. He stood to the side, scuffing his shoe on the ground, he wanted to get her attention, but he didn't really want everyone else attention and what if she told him to go away? Maybe she wouldn't want anything to do with him, well, he would certainly deserve that, he knew that. Perhaps this was a bad idea after all...​
With a quill in her right hand, and toast in her left, Analei wrote some last minute notes before her next class. It was her OWL year, and she knew she had to get Outstanding in all of her lessons if she wanted to take them the following year. Sure, some of the classes may have allowed EE, but that wasn't good enough for the Prefect, she had to show that she knew what she was doing, both to her Professors, and her hopeful future employers. It was a difficult feat, however, to try and eat at the same time, as the toast kept missing her mouth and hitting her cheek. With a frustrated huff, Analei put down her quill for a second, to brush off the crumbs, before feeling a presence standing close by. A brief thought wondered through her head, wondering if it was Arvel or Edmund watching her fail to eat, and having a good laugh to themselves, before she saw it was Zennon.
Zennon. He was her first friend at Hogwarts. He was the reason she hated Jacob Kingsley. He had been her best friend for a long time, until, he just wasn't anymore. Analei liked to think it wasn't for lack of trying on her part, but she knew that if she felt like he was pushing her away, she wasn't going to try and be friends with someone that didn't want to be her friend. They'd seen each other in classes and in passing, and she did smile at him. Analei didn't have bad feelings towards the boy, but seeing him standing there, she wasn't sure what to think. Had Zennon had a fight with Jacob, and come to his senses? Did he see through him now, just like Analei did? Analei realized it had been a few moments of her just staring at him, and she cleared her throat awkwardly, putting down her toast. "Heyyyy Zennon. You alright?"
The response from Analei, whilst not unpleasant, wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, though he supposed he really couldn't expect much, given what he'd done. He knew pushing his friends away was a bad idea and that it would come back to bite him in the butt, but he'd thought, at the time that it was the best/right thing to do. He was a kid, what did he know about relationships? He often wished he had a little decision maker on his shoulder that could tell him when he was being an idiot, because he definitely felt like he would need something like that if he was going to continue to make the wrong decisions in his life. He scuffed his foot again as she continued to stare at him before she finally spoke and he gestured for her to follow him a little away from the rest of her housemates, he didn't exactly want an audience for this!​
With the gesture from Zennon, Analei tidied up her mess quickly, but leaving her notes and quill on the table, wondering what was happening. They hadn't spoken in a very long time, and she was intrigued to see what he wanted, why he wanted to take her away from the table. The Prefect quickly hurried after Zennon, her heart thrumming, again wondering if he was about to tell her how horrible Kingsley was; but maybe it was something worse. When they got to a empty spot, Analei looked at the Slytherin with an eyebrow arched. "Everything okay?" Analei asked, genuine concern in her voice.
Zennon sighed and focused on the ground again, not knowing how he should start this. He couldn't just come out and tell her everything, not yet, he needed to reestablish their friendship first, mend the bridges he'd broken along the way. He looked up at her and could see the genuine concern in her eyes, which made him feel at least marginally better, but all he could think about was that maybe she didn't want to be his friend anymore, since they hadn't even been friends for some time. He was worried that she would be mad at him for staying away this long... but he didn't know what to say. "Analei... um... I don't have any excuses, so I can't give you anything... but... I wanted to say that I'm... um... sorry, about everything and how I didn't talk to you for a long time." He said, trying hard to look her in the eye to show her he meant it, but finding himself continuously looking to the ground as well. "I just want you to know that it wasn't you at all... it was entirely me and I need to apologise for it. For everything."
Analei continued watching Zennon, wondering what was going through his head. Something more had to be happening than just stupid Kingsley, something must have happened. He began to speak, and it seemed really hard for him, but it was a bit unexpected. She listened as he apologized, and Analei couldn't help but smile. Moving forward, Analei wrapped her arms around Zennon into a hug. "I've missed you so much." It was true. Yes, she had Arvel and Edmund now, and nothing could ever replace the relationship she had with them, Zennon had been her first ever friend, and she knew there was no such thing as too many friends - someone like Analei needed all the friends she could get. But Zennon had been a wonderful friend, and Analei was glad even if they half of the friendship back.
Zennon sighed in relief as Analei hadn't turned her back on him. When she moved to hug him though he was surprised and it took him a second to process what she was doing before his hands came up and around her to return the hug. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed her hugs until he was receiving one again. He smiled into her hair and pulled back to grin. "I've missed you too!" He said, feeling lighter already than he had in months. There was still a long way to go and a bridge was not yet built, but he was so glad to be making strides towards it, Analei had been his best friend and though he wasn't sure she ever would be again, though he hoped she could be, he was just glad she didn't immediately reject him. "I can't tell you yet... about what's been happening, but... not all of it anyway, it's something I need to be ready for and I'm not ready yet but... can you give me time?" He asked, knowing that he really didn't have any right to ask this of her. "Can you let me find my own way to tell you and not ask me anything about it?" He didn't want to lie anymore and he really did want to tell her eventually, but there were some things he had to do first.​
A feeling of warmth overtook Analei as Zennon hugged her back, also exclaiming that he missed her. As she pulled back, Analei watched her new found friend again, as he started to struggle with what he was saying. Analei arched an eyebrow, very confused about what he was talking about, but felt it strangely relieving that there was something that was happening that had nothing to her - well, seemingly. She was so curious and desperate to know what he was talking about, but had to respect his space, especially if they were trying to rekindle their friendship. "Sure...But, are you okay? Are things - is everything okay? Sorry - I'm asking questions. I'll try to not." Analei said, struggling to not.
Zennon was so glad to have his friend back in his life and he hoped they could get back to normal easily. He smiled at her. “Thank you, I understand this will be difficult for you, especially since I remember you like to ask questions and that’s okay, but I need you just to know that right now, I’m fine, im just dealing with some stuff and once that’s done, promise, I’ll tell you everything I can.” He really meant it. He was trying this new thing called honesty and so far it was doing well for him, he just needed to round up his siblings and tell them everything first, becuase they were the most important for him. “What’s new with you, what have I missed?” He asked, excited to have something to talk to Analei about that wasn’t himself and besides, he missed hanging out with his friend.​
Analei nodded her head when Zennon spoke, trying her hardest to not ask any questions. She was still worried though, it sounded like there was something major happening, and Analei felt a bit bad for letting their friendship slip away, instead of holding onto it and helping him with whatever he was dealing with. When Zennon asked what was new with her, she grinned, wondering what to tell him first. "Wellll, I'm a Prefect." Analei started, pointing to the badge pinned to her top with a grin. "Aaaand, I have a boyfriend."
Zennon was definitely greatful that Analei was taking this so well, he knew her nature was to be inquisitive and it was really a testament to her that she was being so great about this. He was definitely going to thank her a lot for all of this after it was over. He looked down at her badge as she announced she was a prefect and he nodded, a small smile curling onto his face. “I saw that actually, huge congratulations!” He wasn’t surprised she’d become a prefect, she was definitely the sort of person it made sense would become a prefect, she was hardworking and dedicated, almost opposite of him entirely. When she mentioned she had a boyfriend though, he blinked. He hadn’t know that. He was immediately curious for all the details, his love of gossip kicking in pretty quickly there. He could ask Leda for all the goss, right? He was sure she’d know something like this. “Oh, really?” Zennon had never had a relationship, he wasn’t sure he would ever have one. He hadn’t had any crushes that he knew of. The thought of... well, some of it just didn’t interest him. Hugging was nice though. He liked doing that sometimes. “Who is it?” Did Zennon know him? Merlin if it was Jacob he was going to scream because after all they’d put him through! Or perhaps Arvel? He knew they’d been close and he hadn’t been paying enough attention to either of them the last year or so to note if anything between them had changed, guilty as that made him feel.​
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A beam grew on Analei's face when Zennon congratulated her. It was so nice to just be chatting to Zennon again, and the Prefect hadn't realized how much she had missed it. She was also incredibly proud of herself, and Arvel for getting the titles, and definitely felt like they both deserved it. Her next stop, was Head Girl. Analei was feeling on top of the world. "Edmund Westwick. He's in Ravenclaw - the year above us, and definitely the nicer twin." She added with a giggle. None of her encounters with Theodore had ever been pleasant. "I'll have to introduce you if you don't know him..." Analei said.
Zennon nodded to Analei, "right, I've probably seen him around, but I can't say that I know him. I sometimes think I barely know most people in our year," he admitted, though it was entirely of his own doing and he knew that. "Smart, then? Help you with your homework and stuff?" He wasn't quite sure she'd need it, knowing well that Analei was one of the top students in the class and though Zennon was trying, there were areas he simply wasn't doing very well in at all. "Speaking of homework actually, I should get to that, since I have a lot I need to go over from last year." That was one disadvantage from keeping his head down, he'd missed too much.​
Analei giggled when Zennon said he didn't know people in their year. She knew of most of the people, but she wasn't friends with a lot of people. Analei shrugged her shoulders when Zennon asked if he helped with her homework. "Yeah, he's smart, but we don't really do homework together." She said with a smile. When Zennon said he needed to do homework, Analei beamed. "What do you need to do? Want some help?"
Zennon was glad that Analei seemed to be enjoying her relationship. It was like everyone around him was in a relationship except for him. He just didn't get it. He liked people, of course, and touching people and stuff, and he didn't hate kissing or whatever, not that he'd done a lot of that, but for the most part the mere thought of just devoting yourself to one person, of being with them, didn't appeal. "If that's you trying do tell me that you to like not-kid-friendly things together, you can stop talking right now." Though he didn't think Analei would have come right out and said that either. "Kidding." He said, poking his tongue out at her. "Well, yeah, if you don't mind. I suck at Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts, always have. I'm going to talk to Professor Styx about some extra lessons towards the end of the semester uh... the other Professor Styx, the original one, " he'd heard his head of house had gotten married. "But, are you any good a Transfiguration, I think that's my absolute worst?"
Analei scoffed at Zennon's comment, but laughed when he pulled his tongue. She definitely wasn't one to kiss and tell, but homework was not one of the priorities she had when she was spending time with Edmund. Analei grinned and smiled at Zennon again; of course she didn't mind! She was surprised that he was going to ask the OG Styx for extra lessons, that would be the worst thing ever, spending extra time with the Slytherin Head of House. Analei shuddered. Analei nodded her head when he asked if she were good at Transfiguration. "It's like you don't know me at all!" Analei teased, grabbing Zennon's hand. "It's my best subject. Or maybe it's History of Magic....but I'm also good at Charms? Come on, I'll help you, and I can help with Defense too, so you don't have to spend extra time with that scary man, if you want." Analei said, leading him to the table to collect her things.
Zennon laughed lightly. Though she'd said it in jest, it was unfortunately a little bit true. He'd let his friendships slip and the result was that he really didn't know how much of his friends lives he'd missed out on. He knew Analei was a good student, for example, but just how good she was was completely lost to him. He hoped he would get to know her again, of course, but he always worried that the time would come when he would have to make a choice and he really wasn't sure he was ready yet to make it. He didn't tell her though, how much her comment had stung, because she didn't need to know what he was really going through, deep down. He was much more content to keep that emotional pain to himself. She grabbed his hand and started pulling him to the table to get her stuff and he laughed lightly again. Despite it all, he was glad he could have Analei back, even if it turned out only to be for a short time. "That sounds good. I'll probably still go to Professor Styx though, I'm not sure I'll ever really be good at offensive magic, defensive though, I have that down!" He smiled at Analei though, genuinely, because he really had missed her the whole time and she was one of the reasons he'd chosen to stop being such a little B*tch and try to reconnect with his friends, because if they couldn't accept him, then how could anyone else? "So, Library?" He knew they had a lot of work cut out for them, mostly him though.​

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