Arriving with Caysi

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Professor Arstrong looked over at Porfessor King, "I believe these young ladies are going to just fine." he gave them a warm smiled and continued "They're just going to need their rest so that they can regain their strength, so I'm going to advise them to stay the night here tonight.." Chris looked over at Perse working with Hilary.
Caysi frowned and said " Will I need a pair of crutches for my leg professor?". she said hoping tha she would get crutches so that it would take the pain of of her leg.
Kiera tried to smile with the Professor. "Professor...I think somethings wrong with my head. It hurts really badly and I cant hardly think...." she whispered. Good thing he was standing next to her or he wouldnt have heard her.

((did my shoulder ankle and leg and arm get fixed?))
Professor Heimdall walked over to Professor King, laid a hand on his shoulder and said comfortingly, "Nicolas, you were there and you kept the situation calm and you worked to free these girls. You must stop the self deprecating and understand that everyone, including you worked as a team to save these girls and they are here and alive, to show you that your efforts were not in vain. I for one am grateful that you were there."

((I think you are sitting and apologize if I'm mistaken))

She knelt down in front of him and with her hand on his shoulder still, looked him in the eyes and said "Thank you Nicolas."
(((Ya, I was still sitting... and am at a loss for how to reply...)))
(((Ya I thought the spine in the ground would've been cool, but no just an injured back, cuts on the face, a fat lip and and fixed arm missing a piece of bone.))))

Hilary smiled, she knew that she wasn't totally out of this yet and she couldn't move because of her back, but she still felt at peace. She called in a bit of a hoarse cry to the whole room. "Thank-you all very much, and I'm sorry I put you all through that. I'm glad everyone shall be okay. And I'm happy *gulp* with how kind and resourcefull yyou have all been." Here she started to cry and you couldn't tell what else she said. Crying hurt but she could no longer help it.
Professor Kuvari nodded to everyone.

"King, you kept your head on a swivel. Thats what you've got to do when things get out of hand, and rightfully so. You did good in there, thanks to all of us these girls are safe... but you freed them from the floor. You made it so we could get them out of there" he stated, looking at Nicholas proudly. "You should be proud of your work in the Mansion. You represented Gryffindor with great valor."

(( Totally didn't steal part of a line from Anchorman.... >.> ))
Hilary made an attempt at agreeing and all that came out was a gulp.....her body was still in pain but she couldn't feel it because her heart and mind were twinging so hard with guilt and thankful ness.
Professor King sat, still and quiet, unsure of how to respond, he understood what the others were saying, but disagreed, he had never been one to risk anything with trial and error, this one time of doind so could've ended gravely. He had been trained to act on logic and impulse, not to try every spell every invented, but he would fix this new impulse of his later...

He looked around the room at all their faces and decided this was not the time to agrue his point any further, "This is obviously debatable, " he said while begining staring at his folded hands in his lap, "and I feel we should be focusing on the girls currently..." he looked to the bed where Hilary was and how she only 'gulped' her agreement...
Professor Heimdall stood and nodded in agreement with Professors Kuvrai and King.

Trying not to sound harsh but firm and knowing the girls were out of immediate danger she spoke "I think one thing we can all agree on is that going to that house was a mistake and I think we can also agree that you are all very lucky little girls. I hope you have learned a valuable lesson here and will stay away from it in the future." She finished by softening her face and showing a relieved smile to the girls. She was responsible for them, well Caysi at least, and thought of all her students as her children and hated to see them harmed or in danger.

Zoe just was thinking about the days' adventures. thankful that they were all alive.
"Are we in trouble?" She asked nervously.
"Noone has ever gotten in trouble for entering the mansion before..." Professor King stated...
Professor Freya walked over to Zoe-Hope. Lifting her chin with her hand tenderly and looking her straight in the eye she said, "Sweetheart, we are just happy that you girls are all well and safe..." Then giving her a big hug she added, "Just please don't go back there again. I"m not sure this old heart of mine could take it."

She released the girl she had never seen before and was glad that she had met her in person instead of at another memorial service.
"Okay, I just heard some people calling for help that is why I went, but i didn't get stuck." She said with a curious look on her face.
Alice Derland said:
sorry posted in the wrong section.

((I had two windows open and thought I was posting in spam. Oops))
Caysi had a small grin and said to Zoe" Thanks for coming and trying to save us...same with you Kiera and you professors...".
Hilary cleared her throat because she could not turn to look around "I think it's important to say that the mansion literaly DRAGGED and PUSHED us into it.....any spell or physical reluctance we tried only resulted in further pain. We were using all of our strength to stop it from controling our minds aswell". She gave another gulp and continued "I feel responsible because I went over too that hill to VISIT the place where Anastasia died, Kiera and Caysi only wanted to LOOK at it. I think it might have been my desire that pulled me and anyone who tried to help me in" She gave a gasp. "After I heard what was actually present though I tried to leave with the others but then a force came upon me and I was being pulled towards the mansion."
Hilary thought about that for a little....."Can we really blame the mansion, it doesn't move or anything? I think we should press that this house is VERY dangerous, even moreso than the forbidden forest I think, because you can't see what's comming and can't combat it." Talking hurt, but at this point it had to happen.
(oh man i'm zoning a bit not sure where to jump in)
Perse looked to each of them under her lashes as they talked about the mansion. She'd felt its evil pull and even now she was thinking of going back. She shook her head at her crazy thoughts.
Caysi sighed and said " Hilary...the mansion is dangerous and it plays tricks on you ...that's not a normal house." " I honeslty don't know what is wrong with that house and why it's being rude and killing everyone but I would like to find out!". Caysi was very angry at this point the mansion was ticking her off.
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