Apparition Exam

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact. It had been an interesting semester of lessons with this group, so she wasn't sure how successful they would be.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.

OOCOut of Character:

Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :p

You will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, PM me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
While Jasper had apparated correctly quite a few times during the lessons, he was still pretty nervous about the exams. If he screwed up now, he´d have to redo them at some later point. That would be so embarrassing. Jasper waited for his turn, with his last name he was usually somewhere in the middle. He noticed Lily wasn't there, which made him a little sad. Though he wasn't really surprised, not after what had happened at one of the lessons. He waved at Nell when it was his turn, as he knew she'd have to wait until near the end. He stepped into the great hall and smiled at Miss Finch, hoping to show he wasn't scared. She told him to apparate over to the Ravenclaw table, a spot close to the middle. Jasper took a deep breath, remembered his three D's, and then apparated to that spot. He knew immediately he'd done it correctly, feeling sure of himself even as he checked for sure that he hadn't left a shoe behind or something. He playfully saluted the teacher then with a grin and practically skipped out of the great hall.
Somehow, Lars kept thinking of the two splinchings that had happened during the lessons as he headed to the great hall for the exam. He wasn't surprised not to see Lily there, and honestly considered leaving himself. What if he couldnt'do it? What if he hurt himself? He fidgeted as he waited, not in the least reassured by Miss Finch' words. He stayed close to Blake, enjoying that they could now openly be together. He knew it had taken a lot for Blake to go out in the open with their relationship, and it meant the world to him. But unfortunately, Lars was called up first. He sighed, glanced at his boyfriend with a nervous expression on his face, then headed into the Great Hall for the exam.

The spot he had to apparate to was near the staff table, and Lars nodded after the teacher told him to. He swallowed nervously, trying his best to focus on the three D's rather than the memory of Lily splinching. He took a deep breath, then tried to focus. When he opened his eyes, he was honestly a little surprised to find himself in the spot he'd been trying to get to. He looked around, then looked down at himself. Everything seemed to be in place. Lars exhaled, relaxing a little. He left the great hall feeling cautiously optimistic.
Tyler was sure he could do this, and he was barely nervous. He simply waited with his classamtes for the exam to begin, and contained himself and managed not to roll his eyes when Miss Finch started to intimidate them again. She really did like scaring the students, he guessed. He saw Lars was pale and nervous and looked like he was about to faint, and snorted. But did so quietly, because he now knew he and Blake were apparently a thing. It was very strange and puzzling, but not worth getting into a fight with Blake over. Especially when he knew Blake could definitely beat him in a physical fight. Tyler was called up not eventually and waved to Emily before heading into the Great Hall. He was supposed to apparate to a spot near the end of the Hufflepuff table, and it was surprisingly easy to do. Tyler had been managing to apparate since the first lesson, and it felt familiar and not all that scary. He knew he'd done it well and hadn't left anything behind. He lightly dusted himself off, then smiled at the teacher before leaving the Great Hall. He was fairly sure he'd passed.
Aonghas was only nervous about his apparition exam. He could deal with failing everything else, but this was the one he really wanted to not fail. he didn't want to have to do it over, more so because he'd have to do it over at home and his whole family would be judging the fact it had taken him multiple attempts. It hadn't taken his parents that, any of his siblings. He didn't want to be the first. He'd come home ready to marry, settle down and take over the family business and have to be retaking his apparition exam. Where he'd been studying somewhat calmly for other things, this had been where all of his intensive studying had gone. He had read every book he could find, read over every note he had, thought about how it had felt, remember those who'd failed and the fact he wasn't to do what they had done. He just had to pass this, had to pass this now. He nodded to the teacher as she told them how this would go down. He nodded though he'd admittedly figured out that it would go somewhat like that.

Eventually Aonghas' name was called and he stepped into the hall. He glanced around the room taking in the empty hall and trying to spot where he'd be apparating to, but unlike the last lesson there was no great X anywhere for him to aim for. Though the teacher then told him where he'd be apparating to, so he nodded, knowing that was his x. He looked at it from he stood for a long moment, taking in what was around it, what was then technically in his way. He took a deep breath, tightening his grip on his wand and put into practice the three D's. He let his mind clear and focus on only what it needed to as it was supposed to. After a short quiet still moment Aonghas felt the pull and with a loud crack apparated to where the teacher had told him to. He didn't feel any immediate pain and he felt like he was all there. He acted calm as he turned back towards the professor and waited for her verdict on how he'd done. Using that moment to glance to where he'd been to see if he had left things behind.
Cyzarine was excited, she knew this was dangerous and it was difficult but she was so keen to do it and become even more of a witch. This break would be the first when she was 17 and legally an adult and she thought it would be so cool if she could apparate during it too. Her dad had assured her that even if she failed there would be a way for her to redo it but there was no telling when exactly that would be and there was so much she wanted to do and explore within the world. Going back to old haunts and trying her best to do more things and just just stay attached to her mother and rely on her to do things. Cyzarine smiled excitedly at some of her classmates, she gave encouraging looks to those who seemed like they maybe needed them. But then the woman who'd been teaching them stepped out and told them about how this would happen and Cyzarine nodded eagerly. She had to wait a little bit but was eventually called in.

Cyzarine greeted the woman with a warmth and eagerness. She nodded as the woman said where she was to apparate to and began focusing on that. Perhaps her eagerness and excitement weren't the best things for her to be feeling as it was taking a good moment for her head to clear and focus on what she needed to do. She eventually managed to get her mind clear and focused on where she needed to go. She hoped she wasn't going to be marked for time because she was a little worried she was taking too much time. She was now focused and didn't let go of that. Letting herself lean in slightly and eventually get pulled and appeared where she was supposed to. She immediately looked herself over but with no pain she was sure she'd managed it just fine. Hopefully though it was good enough to pass.
Out of all his exams this year, there was no doubt that apparition was the one Elliot was most worried about. If he got his license, than suddenly travelling to and from the States would be so much easier. No more floo powder or awkward side along apparitions. It would be a dream. But apparition was also a little terrifying, especially after what happened to Lily and Selene.

Trying not to psych himself out, Elliot joined his classmates, taking a seat on the provided benches and picking at his hands as Ms Finch greeted them all. When he was called inside, Elliot took a few deep breaths before getting to his feet, somewhat distraught to see there were still all the tables and benches left in the hall. Ms Finch instructed him to apparate to a spot near the Ravenclaw house table. Elliot had sat there plenty of times with Lars before, but the proximity to the table made him nervous. He took another few breaths, trying to ignore the feeling of Ms Finch watching him, and envisioned the spot in his mind. It was just like doing transfigurations, he reminded himself, just focus. He could see the spot in his mind, and he could feel that familiar tugging sensation. Trying to relax, Elliot it pull him, feeling the strange popping sensation as he blinked his eyes back open, stumbling some and just narrowly avoiding smacking his knee on a nearby bench from the surprise. He was right on target though, and after hastily patting himself down, thankfully not missing anything. Elliot gave Ms Finch a thankful nod of his head, hurrying out of the room on wobbling legs now that he was done.
Selene was terrified. IT was the appertain exam today and she had not managed to appellate suggessfully yet. She had managed to appellate if splinching her foot off could be classed as apperating. but she was terrified of what could occur if she managed to splotch herself today. potentially something more dangerous than a scar on her ankle. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. she was shivering and only partially because she was cold. she briefly remembered something that had happened a long time ago so long she had almost forogotten. The voting hat had said that she would have done well in Gryffindor. She had almost forgotten that. she had dismissed it as she had never felt brave but maybe it was this that it was seeing.
She listened as Mrs Finch explained what the exam would consist o and that they would be called in alphabetically. She sat and waited. Le Fey was her last name. which meant she was more o less in the middle of the group. She watched as people came and went relieved that she had not seen the nurse rush into the room or mrs finish leave it carrying someone with something missing. She watched Cyzarine go and come out and hardly breathed all the time when Tyler was in there Lee was just before Le Fey. he sister would have been before her but she wasn't taking the course. as the lady came out and called er name she slowly got up and walked into the great hall wand shaking in her hands. The room looked even more daunting as the first time she had walked into it.
she was told a spot to appellate to just at the far end of the Hufflepuff table. She took a few deep breaths. trying to push aside the fear of splinching, the pain from her last attempt. and just to focus. It may have taken her longer to get the three d's mastered as the previous students but she wanted to get this right. She took one final breath closed her eyes and stepped. into nothingness. when her feet, both of them, made contact with the floor she wobbled. slightly her knees practically giving way beneath her. she reached out to balance herself and ended up making contact with the edge of the table. it was then that she opened her eyes and saw that she was exactly where she was meant to be. she felt herself over making sue that nothing was missing dropping her wand in the process. As she reached and fumbled to pick it up she felt tears or relief welling up inside her eyes. She had done it. She had faced her fears and succeeded. She wiped them away as she left the room. pausing briefly to wish Nell, Lars and her friends who were still to go good luck. before leaving the entrance hall find somewhere a little more private to hide until she stopped crying.
Jasper was ready for this exam; he knew he could do it. He was relaxed as he waited for his name to be called, smiling at the other Jasper as he was finally called into the room. He knew that Lily wasn't here, and that did upset him just a little bit. She wasn't technically family, and they weren't the closest, but she was still family. He didn't like thinking that she thought so little of her abilities that she wouldn't be here. He pushed the thought aside, however, and focused on what he was supposed to be doing. He took a moment to center himself, letting out a breath as he visualized where he wanted to be on the other side of the room. There was a slight tugging, and he stepped forward, and when he opened his eyes again he was exactly where he wanted to be. He checked himself over- everything still in place. He smiled at the Professor and took his leave, pleased with himself.
Sophie entered the Great Hall for her Apparition exam. It wasn't like it was usually during the lessons as the tables were still there and nothing had been moved. This made her feel slightly nervous as the room seemed a lot more crowded than usual and this might make it more difficult to successfully apparate. Sophie couldn't help but be worried about Selene, hoping she would be able to pass it without any injury. The teen watched as others went ahead of her to go first, and soon enough Sophie's name was called. She had gone over the three D's in her head many times and hoped that she could do it just as perfectly as she was doing it during the previous lessons. The lady told her to apparat directly in front of the entrance doors and Sophie took a deep breath as the lady then stood back, waiting for her to try. She closed her eyes gently, trying her best to focus as the three D's ran over in her head multiple times. She imagined herself apparating to the other side, standing directly in front of those doors almost as if she had just entered the room, like she had done many times before. The fact that she had been in that position before made it easier for her to imagine it. As she opened her eyes again, very slowly, she looked around where she was to notice that she had done it. She had somehow made her way right in front of the doors. She looked shocked more than anything, hoping nothing had been left behind so it would be a pass. That didn't seem to be the case though. Dumbfounded at her success, Sophie left the Great Hall when dismissed.
Today was the day, she was going to get her apparition permit today. She made sure to wear an easy set of clothing so nothing could get left behind. When it was time she walked towards the great hall, waved towards Tyler and then it was time. They were called in alphabetical order and soon it was Emily her turn. She thought of every bit of clothing she was wearing. Where each pocket was located, each button, each stitch and when she was sure everything was accounted for she felt ready to apparate.

She took a deep breath and focusses on the three D’s and the spot where she wanted to go. The feeling of actually doing it was still weird. Her insides were feeling odd, but she did manage to get herself over. Nothing was out of the ordinary and it just looked like she had teleported. It was going to be a pass and then she was dismissed her faith was sealed.
Nell was trying and failing not to be nervous about today. She had managed to apparate in the previous lesson, but it was so little practice, and she was terrified something would go wrong today. She huddled with her classmates, listening in slight dismay as the lady explained the exam. Only one shot... Nell knew she needed to nail this. She tried not to let nerves overtake her as she waited with the rest of the class, doing her best to clear her mind. Busy thoughts had been her downfall in the earlier lessons, and she was desperate not to let them get the better of her today. When her name was called she entered the Great Hall, heart sinking at the sight of all the obstacles. The room felt just as cluttered as her thoughts. She listened to the spot she had been given to apparate to and nodded seriously, turning her attention to that spot, a little behind the professors' table. Closing her eyes, Nell took a moment to just breathe and try to center herself before focusing. Destination, Deliberation, Determination. She could do this. She tried not to let any other worries or questions skitter into her mind, and when she felt the pull she followed it, overwhelmingly relieved to have snapped to the exact spot she was aiming for. Looking around and patting down her clothes, everything seemed to be in place, and Nell let out a giggle of relief. She had done it!
Clifton had been getting better at apparating as the lessons went on, but he was still deeply nervous about today. Better didn't mean perfect, and his afro had been completely lopsided for weeks now, with the amount of hair he had managed to leave behind. He was starting to seriously consider shaving it in the holidays, to just get rid of the shorter bit entirely. For today he had pulled his hair into the best ponytail he could manage, hoping it wouldn't give him any problems. Cornrows would be safer, but Clifton had never been good enough at braiding to consider trying it himself. And it was far too late now, he thought as his turn came. He entered the Great Hall when called and listened to the instructions, nodding to show the lady he understood. His spot was between two of the tables, and Clifton tried to ignore all the clutter of the room as he focused his thoughts on nothing but that spot, chasing the certainty he had felt when he apparated successfully. It wasn't until he felt sure that he followed the feeling, and with a pop apparated to his destination. Turning around, Clifton was relieved to see he had managed not to leave more hair behind.
Blake felt strange today. He felt confident. He had never felt that way walking into an exam before. Competitions, championships, sure, but an exam? But apparating was easy, much easier than Blake had expected it to be, and today was going to be a walk in the park. He stuck close to Lars while he waited for their names to be called, relieved that I came right after H. When Lars gave him a nervous look he pushed down his own nerves to give the Ravenclaw's hand a quick squeeze before letting him go to the Great Hall. And not long after, Blake's own turn came. He took a deep breath before entering the hall, nodding as the lady gave him his task. Apparate to the end of the Hufflepuff table. Easy, he could do that. He picked a spot and focused, and it took barely any time at all before Blake felt the telltale pull. Following the sensation, Blake appeared on his spot with a pop, giving the examiner a confident, winning grin. Easy peasy.

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