Apparition 3

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson even with the splinching that had happened, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last time will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in.

Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.

Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please warn me via PM if you plan on splinching.
Leia nervously arrived at the great hall, she was feeling more than a little nervous about this. She had struggled with it in the last class and had only managed it once. She was pleased that they would resume practicing, but the method by which they were doing this was to have them apparate in front of each other which was her worst nightmare. She hated having to do things in front of others unless she was sure she could do it, which in this case she wasn’t. Leia looked at the teacher and then watched the first few students go first. Leia eventually had to go and she stood at the front. She didn’t look at all the students watching her. She focused on what they’d learnt, what she’d learnt in the last few lessons. She felt like it took an eternity but really she was only stood up front for a couple of minutes and then the tug and she was across the hall in a second. After the reassurance that no pain followed she was sure she’d done it. She then rejoined the back of the line, wanting to try at least once before heading away.
Lumio walked into the great hall with the others in his year. He looked at the other students as the professor got started, they would be apparating again but rather than all trying all at once, they were to do it one by one. He was a little daunted by it having really only done this once in the last lesson and though he’d had a lot of success in the last lesson, he wasn’t sure he’d have a lot of success in this one. He watched as a few people went first but was pretty early to do it, in the end he knew this was better than going last, he’d have the opportunity to go early and get over it quickly. He stood up where he was supposed to and then focused letting his mind center on what he needed to do and how he was to go about it. He focused his attention and then took a deep breath. He felt the same tug and was pulled across the room. He was pretty happy when he realised he’d managed it, he did it as often as he could until the professor allowed them to leave.
Ryan hadn't been discouraged by his previous lack of success in apparition but he was frustrated. Nicole had assured him that she'd struggled too, but privately he felt like surely he'd read enough that he should be able to handle this without issue. He supposed he'd always excelled better at the theoretical than the practical side of magic if his duelling history was anything to go by, but he also knew he couldn't risk having to take apparition classes outside of school either.

He lined up with the rest of the class as instructed, watching the others go before him closely to try and see what they were doing right or wrong before it was his turn. He knew this time he couldn't afford to get distracted by thinking too hard on the mechanics. Just focus on the target and nothing else, he reminded himself as he stepped forward for his turn. His first attempt went a lot better than his last class, though Ryan figured it helped he'd shed his robes for this. He was well off target, but he'd moved without leaving anything behind. Subsequent attempts fared slightly better, with him landing on target most of the time, with a few wobbly landings in between. He decided to stay as long as the instructor would allow before the lesson ended, wanting the extra practice as well as just enjoying the challenge of it all.
Addy had been a bit nervous about this lesson, but she had hopes that they could do it. She shot a reassuring smile to Augustus, unsure if the boy saw it before they were all in line. Addy's turn came, and she tried to concentrate. She focused as hard as she could on the x across the room, and despite trying to, she was still startled as she felt herself being pulled forward. She yelped, stumbling over the x. She'd done it! Surprised, blushing, and feeling hopeful, Addy got back in line, pleased that she succeeded several more times before the class ended.
Kia wasn't worried about this at all. She walked into class, waiting until they were allowed to apparate. She had no issues, and managed to accomplish it several time throughout the class. She was only working on her aim. She managed to keep herself within the mark with each attempt. She felt confident as she walked out of class. She had this.
Lucas was a bit nervous about today's lesson, but he also knew he had done pretty well last time. He was hopeful he could do that again and practice a bit for the exam in this lesson. He headed to the great hall, then listened to Miss Finch as she told them what they would be doing today. They were going to practice more, and Lucas winced a bit as she specifically adressed people who hadn't been able to apparate last time. He glanced at Linden, giving him an encouraging smile. They were asked to line up and tol to apparate to the red X on the other end of the great hall. Lucas wasn't first to go, and by the time it was his turn he had managed to focus on the three D's fairly well. He managed to apparate, grinning when he appeared right onto the X. He kept on trying, succeeding a few times but also appearing right next to the X a few times. He left the lesson feeling fairly confident.
Augustus was nervous about the end of the year. He still wasn't entirely sure what to do with the Ryan and Addison situation and wanted to keep everyone happy. He hoped things would work out on their own, though he knew that was a bit unlikely. Augustus headed to the Great Hall, seeking out Addison immediately. He stayed near her as Miss Finch explained what they would be doing. He winced when she mentioned people who hadn't managed to apparate last time, looking down at his feet. Augustus also really hoped he would be able to do it this time, though he didn't know all that well what he was supposed to do. He sighed softly as his turn came up. The first few times he didn't manage anything, feeling himself burn with shame and humiliation as everyone watched him struggle. But the fourth time, he managed to apparate. He was in a completely wrong location, but he had managed it. Augustus kept on trying, getting closer and closer to the X each time. He felt cautiously optimistic as they left the Great Hall at the end of the lesson.
Finn hadn't had a ton of success in Apparition lessons so far, and the longer they went on the more he was dreading the exam. It was a constant struggle to block what had happened to Odette's biological mother out of his mind, and the knowledge that if he couldn't focus he might end up sharing her fate only made things more difficult. His legs felt like lead as he joined his classmates in the Great Hall, part of him thinking he really ought to just turn around and leave. But Charlie and Emily had achieved their licenses just fine, and he didn't want to be outdone by them. So he was here, determined to do his best. He listened to the instructions they were given, relieved that it wasn't too much of a step up from the previous week. Finn lined up with his classmates and when his turn came he took a deep breath and focused, trying to block out the rest of the world, his worries about splinching, thoughts of Odette, everything. Nothing but the three D-s. Destination, determination, deliberation. It was a shock when he felt a sudden tugging urge and Finn's first instinct was to fight it but he went along too, staring around in near disbelief when he found himself standing just to the left of the X a moment later. He had done it. Rejoining the line, Finn struggled to push down the fear and elation fighting inside him. He could do this, for better or worse. He spent the rest of the class practicing, and though he didn't manage it every time he was pleased that by the end he could land squarely on the X when he focused right.

Cas was nervous about classes. He was still feeling emotionally worn out from the absolute travesty that kept trying to pose as his life. He lingered near the back, avoiding actually trying, but eventually the twins pushed him into line. A lot of the class had already left, including the twins, before Casper finally stepped up to the mark. He looked to the spot they were supposed to be apparating to, and shut his eyes, trying to focus.

However, the tangled emotional catastrophe of his mind wouldn't quiet. Cas felt a tugging around his core. He flew across the room, but he knew before he opened his eyes that something was wrong. Cas stumbled when he landed, hardly noticing that he'd hit his mark. "Miss Finch?" He called, falling onto his hands. He couldn't see any blood, anything wrong, but he could feel the pain. He looked around, trying to catch the attention of the instructor.

Cas reached around gingerly, placing his hand to the back of his hip. His shirt felt... wet, and warm. He didn't like it. He drew his hand back and paled at the sight of the blood on his fingers. He took a few deep breaths, trying to keep his calm when he was sure at any second he might lose his mind. @Irene Finch
Linden made his way to the great hall ready for an Apperation class. he had been unsuccessful last week and was really needing to get some practice in before the exam. he listened to ms Finch as she explained he process again. He glanced at lucas nex to him as those like him who had been unsuccessful were directly addressed. he was thinking about the date that he had planned for the break and how it required him to be able to operate for it to work. he was nervous. what if he splinced.
when it was his tern he felt so on display with everyone watching him. he picked focused and get ready o go. it took him a few attempts but nothing. the next attempt was a little more successful. he didn't make it to the x but at leas moved a it of he way. the second attempt was better. he made it across the hall but was quite a way away from the correct place. before he could go again there was a crash and a shout and he madehis war to casper and the school nurses. "Cas are you alright" he asked. as he reached him. he had splinched he could see the blood.
he stayed as the nurse started to pach him up and moved back into line once his best friend was escorted from the hall. he had a couple more attempts at operating while he managed to do it by some mirical both times he didn't make the target. but hey, progress was progress. as soon as the class was dismissed he left the room and made his way o the hospital wing tp examine the damage done.
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