Apparition 2

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood in her Ministry robes looking as poised as ever as she awaited the sixth years' arrival. Today, they'd finally get some practice in. She knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but doing it alone was a very different experience. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. You don't have all day and neither do I." Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. She took roll as they entered, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "You don't need to be on top of each other. Space yourselves out!" she stated, exasperation in her tone. Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place before them.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright, let us begin. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, however, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might seem to a muggleborn. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson.
If you'd like your character to splinch themselves, please PM me first.
School nurse welcome!
Lucas headed to the Great Hall for his next apparition lesson. The Ministry lady teaching them intimidated him a bit, but he gave her a polite smile as he waited for the lesson to start. She seemed pretty impatient, but Lucas was happy to start. He found a spot in the Great Hall where he felt like he had enough space, feeling a bit nervous about today. Apparating was something entirely new to him, after all. He raised his hand when the professor asked about the three D's, he had been repeating them to himself all day. "Uh, Destination, determination and deliberation." He said quickly. He was glad he remembered them. There was a mention of the school nurse standing to the side, which made Lucas nervous. He had only heard about splinching from some classmates and wondered why the teacher didn't explain. But then it was time to start trying apparation. He had no idea what to do, but tried his best to focus on the three D's and the spot in the hoop. Around him, other students started apparating and he felt increasingly anxious. Then, suddenly, he managed it. He had no idea how, but he had. He grinned, pleased to have done it.
Augustus felt a little sick as he headed to the Great Hall for the next apparition lesson. He had listened to the teacher, taking everything he didn't need out of his pockets. He felt a bit fidgety as he waited for the lesson to start. They were urged into the Great Hall and Augustus found a spot near Addison. He winced when Miss Finch told them to spread out more, taking a step to the side so there was a little bit more space between them. The lesson then started, and the teacher asked them to remind her of the three D's. Lucas Fletcher answered, which Augustus was glad about. He didn't want to be called on or anything. Then they were told to practice. Augustus visibly flinched when when Miss Finch talked about flinching, pointing out the school nurse to them. They were then told to start practicing, bu Augustus had no idea what to do. He glanced around nervously, then tried his best to focus. To his horror, other students started apparating into the hoops, but he felt extremely grounded in place. He tried to focus, but his mind kept drifting to the splinching the teacher had mentioned. He swallowed nervously. When the lesson was over, he hadn't managed it. Feeling dejected, Augustus left the Great Hall as soon as he could.
Heading into the second lesson, Finn felt even less certain how he felt about Apparition. The idea was exciting, in theory, but every time he tried to mentally prepare himself for the class his mind flashed back to Odette's biological mother. The grief his oldest sister had been soaked in when she first joined their family. It was difficult to fully process, and he was scared, terrified of what could befall him if something went wrong. Finn knew splinchings were rare, of course, and Charlie and Emily had both held their apparition licenses for years with no trouble, but the thought still lingered in the back of his mind.

Still, he was going to at least try, so he joined the rest of his classmates in the Great Hall, trying to still his racing heart. He listened as the lesson began, glad that he had remembered the three D-s correctly when Lucas gave them. But then it came. The practical section. Finn knew that the presence of a nurse was supposed to be comforting, but he couldn't take his eyes off the nurse, stomach twisting at the thought of what could so easily happen. He took to his own hoop and tried to close his eyes and banish his fears, focusing on the task at hand. Charlie and Emily could apparate just fine, and so could he if he could clear away his fears and focus. He kept the three D-s in mind and tried to think of nothing else, but the longer class went on and he was stood still, staring uselessly into the hoop, the more the fears crept in. What if it finally started but he was terrible at this, and only half of him apparated? It could happen, all too easily. By the time class was over Finn felt like he was going to be sick, and he was no closer to apparating than when he had entered. He hadn't felt so much as a twitch. He wrapped his arms around himself as he left the classroom, uncharacteristically hunched and quiet, eager to escape his fears and stop thinking about all this.
Mary Lou wanted to do well in this class despite everything. She had too many people to prove herself to. Not even just Wendall and her other friends, but to herself, to her professors. Though the Duel hadn't gone quite to how she thought it might, it was something she treasured though most probably wouldn't understand why. Despite how it had gone down, and the things that had been said during and even after, Mary Lou was looking forward to being able to stand on her own two feet more. It was something she was grateful to have learned, something she was enjoying being able to explore. She had more confidence now than she had when she was younger, though she was still nervous and anxious a lot. But she wasn't scared of her magic anymore, not like when she was a first year. Those days felt like so long ago and yet, at the same time, they felt like they were only yesterday. She really couldn't believe how all of this had gone. Even coming back to suddenly having a family it was all just so strange, but she was hardly going to question any of it at all.

The familiarity of all of this was nice, and she was happy to see that things were moving fast. She didn’t bother trying to answer the question, she saw Lucas’ hand shoot up out of the corner of her eye, another person she’d unfortunately lost contact with, but, she didn’t want to be the kind of person that tried to insert herself in everyone’s lives and so for now she was entirely focused on the class at hand. Most people probably wouldn’t even notice her honestly. She just wanted to hurry up and try this and know if she could or couldn’t do it. Did you have to get perfect marks in this class to be able to apparate? Now that was a question worth asking, she thought. She wasn’t even sure how you practiced for something like this and the whole idea of splinching seemed like it could be a bad, bad day for anyone involved, not really something that she was looking forward to witnessing, but she supposed it was the kind of thing you had to get used to in this world and so she steeled her nerves and got herself ready, not really sure what to expect.

She didn’t even know what it was - nor did she want to know, either way, she closed her eyes and focused on the hoop. After what felt like hours, she felt a strange sensation and the immediate need to relieve her stomach of it’s contents. She was then very pleased to note she’d not eaten at all today and so carefully stamped down the feeling, opening her eyes to see that she was now on the other side of the room. She was glad it had worked out this way, as she lest, because being the only person to not apparate would not have been a great confidence booster at all.​
Leia’s valentines week had gone exactly as she’d thought it would, a big lackluster, but it didn’t matter, because the far more important thing for her was coming up again. She’d nervously signed up to the duelling tournament with a weight on her shoulders, one that had been growing ever since third year. She knew she practiced hard and was good for it, but the pressure to win continue and continue her unbeaten record was always difficult. It was something that got more difficult every year since she felt the pressure to manage it. But that meant she was spending way more time at the duelling room, and was practicing all of her spells over and over again. She needed to be in top form, her spells had to be perfect. But she also couldn’t only focus on that, she was a NEWT student. Leia wanted it to go well. Leia was getting the last few things together, she’d go practice her spell work after class, so she made sure she had her spell book before heading out of the dorm. She would just practice and work at it and maybe she’d give at least the best try at keep her title.

Leia walked into the great hall with the rest of the class, she was very eager to finally get to try Apparition. It was such a pivotal thing in magic and she wanted to be sure she got it well. She looked to the woman who was at the front of the hall and moved to stand apart from the other people as she was instructed to do. The slytherin then glanced to the wooden hoop that appeared in front of her. It felt immediately daunting, staring at what she needed to do. She listened as someone else listed the three D’s and she repeated them in her head alongside them. The professor then let them get started. Leia stared down at the hoop and thought about it, using the three D’s. More than once she was concentrating and then just took a step forward rather than apparating. It took a while, but towards the end of the hour, right when she just knew she’d just step forward again, with a crack she was in the hoop. She check herself over, and the spot she’d left to be sure she hadn’t left anything behind. She was very pleased with herself. SHe wasn’t able to try again but she had at least managed it once.
Lumio walked into the great hall with all of the other students. He stood amongst everyone else and then glanced towards the professor. He had a nervous excitement about him, really keen to get this, this would open so many doors for him, for him with Ronald. He hadn’t ever wanted to pass something so badly in his life. The gryffindor nodded along and spaced himself out. He looked at the hoop and then back to the professor as the woman described what they were to do. They were then just allowed to get started on it. He focused his mind on what the professor was saying, making sure that he knew the steps clearly. It took some concentration, but Lumio was determined and with a pop he was pulled to where he needed to be. In the circle of the hoop. The teen then was able to practice once more until the teacher let them leave.
Kia wasn't nervous in the least about this lesson. She walked into class, spacing herself out from the others. She didn't try immediately, taking note of how some of the others were doing. Eventually, she grew bored of watching, and stepped into place. She shut her eyes, concentrated, felt a tugging in her chest she was thrown with a pop into the center of the hoop she'd been aiming for. She smirked, pleased with herself, and sauntered from class. This was easy.
Addy was a little nervous about this lesson, but not so much for herself. She was almost sure she could manage it. She was honestly more worried about Casper- and Augustus. She gave her boyfriend an encouraging smile as they took their places. Once class began, she tried to focus on the task at hand. It took most of the lesson, but eventually she did manage something, smiling brightly as she ended up on the edge of the hoop she was aiming for. She did notice Augustus rushing out, however, and she hurried after him.
Allison had been excited for this lesson since the first one. She sauntered in, completely confident. She rolled her neck, smiling, and as soon as they were allowed to, she stepped up. It took her a few tries, but it wasn't long before she'd apparated into the other hoop. Allison smirked, pleased, and managed to do it three more times before the lesson was over. She walked out of class, pleased with herself.
Casper couldn't get over the nerves. He bit his lip as they walked into class, watching the others for a moment as the others started to manage it. He spent most of the class trying, but he just couldn't seem to manage it. It couldn't really be that hard, could it? He couldn't help the disappointment as class was dismissed and he still hadn't managed to apparate. Frustrated and embarrassed, he hurried from the room.
While Ryan usually found most of his classes mildly interesting at best and an annoying distract at worst, he was far more excited for apparition this year. They were finally moving onto practical application today and he was glad when the instructor didn't spend any extra time going over the basics as they were instructed to spread out before she conjured a wooden hoop for them to target.

Once the Three D's were covered, they were released to practice on their own, something Ryan was glad to comply with. A simple enough Destination, so Ryan simply tried to focus on him being inside the hoop. It was a bit like Transfiguration he figured, and he wondered how much the two branches of magic intertwined in their theoretical merits. Apparation was really just a form of conjuration if you thought about it. Unfortunately, Ryan thinking about it seemed to be playing havoc on his ability to actually apparate and he'd found he'd already wasted most of the lesson staring off into space. A common enough occurrence in his normal classes, but not ideal for today. He tried to refocus, burning through valuable minutes as he refocused on the hoop. Finally, he felt the shifting, tugging motion he'd seen described, stumbling into place and nearly tripping on the edge of the hoop with a relief and invigorated gasp. It seemed he'd managed to leave half his robes behind with the jump, which was discouraging, more so when he wasn't able to replicate his appartion again before the end of the lesson, gathering up the severed bottom half of his robes sourly as he left the room.
Linden made his way to the great hall and took his spot in the ring next to lucas. things between them had not quite been normal since valentines day. but he wanted to make things right. he listened as the ministry witch explainedwhat was going on and was pleased when lucas managed to answer what the three D's were. then it was time to practice. he tried. he really did. deliberation, destination and determination. as the class progressed an extra d started o form in his head, desperation. he tried he really did. Stepping, teruning focusing picturing himself in the loop/ but it didn't work. there was a crack next to him and his attention was grabbed by lucas who had managed to appear a little disorient looking. he started to lightly clap. "Well done lucas" he said before continuing to try. he was a little disappointed when the class was over and he had not been able to succeed. he wished he had but at least they still had another lesson before the exam. he just hoped that he would make it work or his fare
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