Apparition 1

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This was an important milestone in the life of a wizard, and Irene Finch knew that many of the students looked at their license as a taste of the freedom they'd earn on their way to becoming fully trained wizards. With the registration list tucked in a folder that was under her arm, the woman stepped into the room, her heels announcing her presence. She called attendance, making sure that no one had snuck into the room without paying their galleons.

Tucking the folder away, Irene began. "Good afternoon, sixth years. My name is Irene Finch and I'm Head of the Department of Magical Transportation. I'm here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic to prepare you for your apparition exam." She said all of this briskly. Irene was not a lady who liked her time wasted. In truth, she enjoyed teaching apparition to much of the dull paperwork she was often stuck doing as the head of a department.

Walking around as she spoke, Irene's icy blue eyes looked at all of them and none of them at once. "The headmistress has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons. But do not attempt to do so in your free time. It would be...unwise to attempt practicing here or elsewhere outside of these lessons" she stated in a very firm tone.With so few students and the furniture against the walls as she'd requested, her voice carried easily around the large room.

The woman focused on a student who'd been fidgeting, her blue eyes piercing into the student. "I will warn you from the start that your ability to apparate will have little to do with what house you are in or your blood status. Your ability to apparate will, solely, depend on your ability to focus on the three Ds: Destination.Determination. Deliberation." She enunciated each word. "There are no shortcuts. If you fail to grasp these concepts, you will fail your exam. First, you must choose your destination." She'd made a quick scan and found the perfect landing point. " Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years who had been whispering while she was lecturing and continued, "you must move with deliberation like so." She gave the student a sharp look.

Moving towards the front of the room, Irene continued lecturing the students on the concept of apparating. She knew that some were probably expecting to apparate today but she also knew that the foundation for apparating started with this very important information. Soon enough their time was up, and they had done nothing but listen. "Don't forget the 3 Ds. I will see you all next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything with you to the next lesson. The less you carry, the easier it will be." With that, she dismissed the students though she waited a few moments longer in the event that any of the students had questions.
Please make sure to register for the course! Remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. Without it, they can't apparate!This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.
Leonardo had enjoyed spending time with James at home, the novelty of Christmas and being around people who openly cared for you had not worn off yet. Leo wasn’t sure that it ever would. The hufflepuff was back at school and getting himself ready for the day ahead. He was eager to learn and to find out what this second semester would belike. His grades from the previous semester had remained good, steady and good. The hufflepuff was grabbing the bits and pieces that he would need for this first day back, not wanting to make a terrible impression on his professors and then when ready headed out of the room and to class.

Leonardo hadn’t been sure he wanted to do apparition, it seemed dangerous but he knew he had to try. Sidealong apparition wasn’t fun either and it was likely more stress on those who did it. So there Leo was, in amongst the rest of his year, at the great hall about to learn about apparition. He glanced at the woman from the ministry, who had the same air as the aurors and other officials he had dealt with. He nodded along, repeating the three Ds as the professor said it. But they wouldn’t be doing it in this first lesson, which he was very very thankful for. He was able to head out of the great hall, pretty happily able to put it off for another couple of weeks.
Seamus was very ready to learn apparition, the only worthwhile thing they were likely to learn in this semester of school. He stood in amongst the rest of the students in the hall, sticking close to his brother. He nodded along eagerly as the teacher, a ministry woman began explaining what apparition was and how it worked. He nodded with the three Ds and was a little worried that he might not manage this, since it was a tricky matter and he’d never been that great at spells. But there wasn’t much more time to consider what was being said, the woman demonstrated it and then dismissed them. Seamus headed out of the great hall, eager to actually get to it next time. Even if he was worried, he was going to do his best at it.
Brevity had been wanting to learn apparition for a long while, knowing how much easier it would make her life. So it was the only class she knew she’d care about in her whole schooling, she was there on time. She even remained near the front. Though not quite the very front. She glanced at the ministry woman, and nodded along with what was being said, she knew these things, having read them at least once, but she knew it was important to hear them again at this point when they were likely just about to do them. However, this first lesson was just a lecture and Brevity headed out of the great hall feeling more than a little disappointed.
Akihiro was back at school, and unsure how to feel about it. He wanted to spend more time at home, try to connect more with his father, but it felt like he was just disconnected from everyone these days. He sighed, and got his things packed up before heading down to the apparition class. At least this would be interesting. He listened to the woman speak, taking note of everything she said. The concept was simple enough, anyway. He should be able to get it. He followed the others out, wondering about how hard this really was.
After the holiday break Felix was starting to feel a little bit better about, well just about everything. He had spent practically every minute he wasn't at work or doing his animagus training asleep. He was feeling refreshed and eager to take on the new semester. Molly was still a sore spot for him and he still found himself avoiding her but even that was getting better, slowly. He was actually quite excited for apparition lessons and he lined up with his classmates until they were finally let into the great hall. Their professor was a little intense but he listened closely anyways and repeated the three D's back to himself over and over. He was hoping they'd get a chance to practice today but he figured it was smart to do theory first. Or maybe that was just his animagus training talking. Once they were excused Felix waved goodbye the the professor and went on his way.
Renata was really looking forward to apparition, she was a bit nervous too but she was mostly looking forward to it. Eugene would be graduating soon which meant that she wouldn't be able to see him much, but she hoped that they could still make it work and if she was freed up to travel on holidays that would certainly help a lot. And it just helped in general, that she wouldn't have to ask her dad to take her anywhere she needed to go during the breaks. The Ministry representative looked pretty stern and no-nonsense so Renata was sure to be on her best behaviour, keeping her mouth shut and making sure she was neatly presented. The three Ds seemed to make perfect sense, the hard part would just be making sure she was completely focused. She made a note to remember to not bring a lot next time and left the class when they were dismissed, thinking over the three Ds as she left.
Jingyi wasn't anxious about learning apparition. It sounded like an incredibly worthwhile skill to know and he was sure it really couldn't be that hard to accomplish. So he was all bluster and confidence as he stood in the Great Hall with the other sixth years, trying to actually pay some kind of attention to what their instructor was saying. But it all sounded incredibly dull to him. Something about rules and three D's or whatever. He just wanted to get on with things and actually practice himself, but it seemed as though they wouldn't be doing that just yet. So, he ended up leaving the Great Hall feeling rather disappointed, but still quite excited to get started and actually do it himself.
Hamish had mixed emotions about learning how to apparate. It was definitely a useful, probably necessary skill- it just seemed like something that would be incredibly dangerous if done wrong. He walked down to class and took his place with his brother, knocking his shoulder into Seamus' and staying close as the woman spoke. It was just going over basics, but he thought that was definitely necessary. He commited the mantra to memory as they were dismissed, and decided to go to the kitchens and make something while he thought it over.
Maisie was always eager to learn new, exciting magic. She skipped down to the new Appartion class, hands in her pockets. She stood with the others, watching the teacher. She put the three words to a little song in her head, humming it under her breath right away. She knew she'd be working on it for a few hours at least. She almost didn't notice the others leaving, and she startled, rushing off after them.
Xinyi was nervous. This was rather advanced magic. He bit his lip, one of the last ones down to class. He found his brother almost automatically, hiding a little behind Jingyi. He wished Rosie was here. He took a deep breath, trying to pay attention despite how nervous he was. He hurried after his brother when they were dismissed, trying to catch him.
Genevieve had spent all of her break working on her Animagus training. And while she wanted nothing more than to put her head down and get through it, she was a little disappointed that the break didn’t really seem like a break at all. It had gone by very quickly and now she was already back at Hogwarts. At least it was no longer her OWL year and there was a little less pressure off herself. The Gryffindor packed everything she needed into her backpack before heading to her classes for the week.

Evie was really excited to learn how to apparate. It was going to be extremely useful for her, so she made sure to arrive to the class promptly. She entered the Great Hall with her year mates, looking over at the lady from the Ministry that would be teaching them. She seemed stern and serious, so Evie made sure to stay quiet as she walked around them, lecturing them. She stressed what she called the 'Three D's', but didn't give them to chance to actually start apparating. Perhaps, just like Transfiguration, there was a lot of theory involved before they were able to even try. Knowing she needed to be patient, the Gryffindor left the classroom when dismissed.
Gwen had been looking forward to elarning to apparate since she knew what it was, so she was pretty excited about these lessons. She was a bit surprised to see it would be with all the sixth years together, it meant that if anyone failed spectacularly, everyone would know about it immediately. She wondered if anyone would splinch. Gwen headed to the great hall and listened to Irene Finch as she spoke and told them what she was here to do. She told them the headmaster had lifted the enchantment on the great hall temporarily, but that it would be unwise to try practicing anywhere else. Then she told them more information, teling them about the three Ds: Destination, determination, and deliberation. She then demonstrated apparating next to someone who hadn't been paying attention, and Gwen grinned. It seemed like so much fun to be able to do that. The Slytherin was a little disappointed that they weren't actually going to try yet today, but she was looking forward to the next time.
Everyone else in Eston's family could use appariation. Now it was time for him to follow suit. He couldn't imagine being the only one left that was unable to do so. What about family vacations? Would he have to take a portkey alone? Now that didn't sound like a good idea at all. He was going to master this, even though his oldest sister had warned him that it was rather difficult, that it needed focus. Eston lacked focus most of the time, but he he was going to manage one way or another.

He entered the Great Hall, which was rather full of students. Everyone wanted to know this skill. This was the time to do it. He glanced around the room watching people until the Ministry Official began the lesson. To his disappointment, it was just a lecture today. He knew it was important, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it at all. He listened about the three D's before the professor demonstrated. Now that was cool.

He wanted to try, but they weren't allowed today. The promise of next week hung in the air though. Eston made a mental note of all the information, not thinking about writing it down yet. He might later if he forgot, but it seemed easy enough. When they were dismissed, Eston just left the Great Hall, wishing he could have at least given it a try today.
Niamh entered the great hall. She has been looking forward to apperating. She had never been a huge fan of flop powder and it would make transport so much easier than muggle busses. the hall was rather full. it was the first time in a while that most of the year had been together in a class. and it showed. She smiled at her friends and stood near them.
she listened to the ministry lady talk. she hadnt realised that she had been fidgeting until the lady looked at her and said that the ability to appellate didnt depend on blood or or house but on her ability to focus on Destination, Determination, Deliberation. she wanted to say something back, but the lady that she was focused but instead nodded and muttered the three D's under her breath until they felt like three rings in front of her. and with that the class was over. she left the room feeling a little embarrassed for being singled out as she had been.
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