A Desperate Plea

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hi it’s me again looking for characters who wanna be friends and stuff with my characters. Also I wanna RP with some new people so please respond if we haven’t RPed before xx

Isabelle Vernier


My oldest Vernier child. She’s like 30 almost o_O. She’s working in the Ministry in the Wizarding Examinations Authority Department and actually really likes it there. I don’t know if anyone else has a character who works in this department but it would be really cool if she could be friends with them or something. She is very shy though and keeps to herself a lot. Her husband is no longer with her so I’d definitely be open for anything romantic with guys or girls (she’s bi). She does have a daughter however who is 9 years old (not sure if that would be a deal breaker for anyone). But yeah Isabelle is really sweet, organised, always likes to follow the rules etc. Friends and romance for her is definitely open!

Anastasie Vernier


Isabelle’s step-sister. She is 22 so still young but will undoubtedly get older very soon (literally). She is not the best at making friends so I don’t blame anyone if they don’t want to be her friend lol. But I really need some direction for her. She works for the Experimental Charms Committee and spends most of her time either there or busking in the streets with her violin. I’m open to anything romantic with her. She’s also bi so any guys or girls would be great!

Professor Landon Carter


Everyone knows Landon, or should anyways lol. He wants to get to know his students and colleagues more so definitely open to anything with him! Would be nice for him to have some close friends at work too. Also if you have any orphans Landon will 100% take them in.

Teila Owens-Lee


Teila works at an orphanage in America. She is very sweet, bubbly, bright, and creative. She went to Ilvermorny and was sorted into Pukwudgie House. She’s 40 ;_; I’m looking for friends only for her. I want her to have a best friend to confide in, especially when her husband is gone for a few days at a time for work. Would be nice to have someone else for her to talk to other than her children lol.

Hattie Thorne


My baby who is now 19 lol. She is currently an apprentice making fancy rune stuff. I would just like some friends for her. Maybe she can reunite with some people from school? Just want to RP her a little more tbh.

Lucie Vernier


Lucie doesn’t have any friends and I really want that to change! Just want someone to give her a chance lol and me as well since I suck at replying sometimes. Someone who has similar interests maybe like Quidditch, not understanding the importance of Arithmancy, in Accio with her etc. Just pls love her.

Genevieve Fuentes


This is Evie who is very much shadowing her older sister rn. I want her to be her own person though. Last year wasn’t a very good year for her ic with her not making the Quidditch Team and doing poorly in her classes. It would be nice for Evie to have someone to help motivate her a little more. Someone who can play pranks with her would be the most ideal!

I can offer Eugene Nestor to be Lucie's friend, they're both on Accio? So could be an easier start since they already know each other.

Also happy to have Hattie and Minnie spend time together?

can also offer either of my third years for genevieve probably Leonardo as an awkward half friend and seamus as maybe a bit of an adversary?
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Landon x Joseph: I love Landon (I'm biased because I adore all of your chars) and I feel like him and Joseph could be like super chill friends?

Lucie x Ivelisse: they're on the team together so we could see if they get along? It might be nice for Ive to have a friend on the team 👀

I don't really have any other ideas at the moment but if I do I'll get back to you -- Also always up for anything Estella x Ana but you know that
I have Olivia Smith she work Minestry of magic and i think mayby with professor Landon Carter they can be friends? I need find for her friends.

I hoped we can do with Elizabella in greenhouse this year. I always happy work with professors :)
Hey Kaye!

I could offer Louis as a friend for Genevieve, he seems like he would get along with her. He also is a big flirt so there could be potential fun plots there as well :r what do you think?
Kaye! I have a couple of things for you.

Lucie + Eoin: Eoin has been taking Arithmancy and was quick to decide that it was a complete waste of his time and is the most pointless lesson of all pointless lessons. So if you ever want to complain about said lesson and want someone to agree with you, then Eoin is your guy XD Also they're in the same year so they would probably know each other already as well even if Eoin is mister anti-social half the time

Genevieve + Jingyi: They have a couple of things in common. Both failed to make the quidditch team and Jingyi is more than happy to have a partner for pranks, though he can be a little hard to trust people just because he doesn't want to get into trouble, haha.
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Hi Kaye! If you're interested I've got this guy for Isabelle - he works at the Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee which I don't even know if there's any other staff there currently so he could use some friends at the ministry in general. :lol: He works to look cool and laid back but he's really painfully idealistic and a little bit neurotic, lol. If you're keen we could RP and maybe they could be friends? I don't think he'd push for anything romantic but we could always see how they go as friends and decide if you're keen?

I may also have someone for Genevieve to be friends with but its a transfer app so we'll see what happens. :r
Oh my goodness so many amazing replies :wub: :wub:

I can offer Eugene Nestor to be Lucie's friend, they're both on Accio? So could be an easier start since they already know each other.

Also happy to have Hattie and Minnie spend time together?

can also offer either of my third years for genevieve probably Leonardo as an awkward half friend and seamus as maybe a bit of an adversary?

Eugene x Lucie
I love this! Keen to see how they get along, and it would really help me develop Lucie a little more in terms of how she makes friends. I can start this one

Minnie x Hattie
Yes! They do need to catch up! I can start something for them too if you'd like?

Leonardo x Genevieve
Ooo yeah it would be interesting to see how these two get along since they have such different personalities.

Seamus x Genevieve
I would be very keen for this! Genevieve can get very competitive and perhaps I see them becoming frenemies as well? Also Seamus caught her with all those frogs last year if you remember :r Do you mind starting this one and Leonardo and Genevieve as well?

Landon x Joseph: I love Landon (I'm biased because I adore all of your chars) and I feel like him and Joseph could be like super chill friends?

Lucie x Ivelisse: they're on the team together so we could see if they get along? It might be nice for Ive to have a friend on the team 👀

I don't really have any other ideas at the moment but if I do I'll get back to you -- Also always up for anything Estella x Ana but you know that

Landon x Joseph
:wub: This would be cute. I can see Landon approaching Joseph after what happened with the Basilisk and just asking if he is okay after it. I can start this one in Joseph's office?

Lucie x Ivelisse
Aww yeah it would be nice for Lucie to have a friend on the team as well. I'm happy to just throw them together and see how they do. Would you mind starting this one?

Also, we should definitely do a thread between Essie and Ana. Essie needs to tell Ana about what she did last semester :r

I have Olivia Smith she work Minestry of magic and i think mayby with professor Landon Carter they can be friends? I need find for her friends.

I hoped we can do with Elizabella in greenhouse this year. I always happy work with professors :)

Olivia x Landon
This would be nice! We can see how they get along. I'm happy to start this one.

Also, feel free to start a topic in Landon's office with Elizabella and send me the link!

Hey Kaye!

I could offer Louis as a friend for Genevieve, he seems like he would get along with her. He also is a big flirt so there could be potential fun plots there as well :r what do you think?

Daph :wub: That would be really good! Did you want to start this one or shall I?

Kaye! I have a couple of things for you.

Lucie + Eoin: Eoin has been taking Arithmancy and was quick to decide that it was a complete waste of his time and is the most pointless less of all pointless lessons. So if you ever want to complain about said lesson and want someone to agree with you, then Eoin is your guy XD Also they're in the same year so they would probably know each other already as well even if Eoin is mister anti-social half the time

Genevieve + Jingyi: They have a couple of things in common. Both failed to make the quidditch team and Jingyi is more than happy to have a partner for pranks, though he can be a little hard to trust people just because he doesn't want to get into trouble, haha.

Lucie x Eoin
Yes! Lucie actually really likes Eoin because he seems to be one of the more mature people in their grade. Perhaps they could try and study together and then end up complaining about the work xD I can start this if you'd like?

Genevieve x Jingyi
The fact that Jingyi doesn't want to get into trouble would definitely make things fun xD Also Evie was not aware that he didn't make the team either (because she's so damn selfish sometimes) so I feel like once she found that out she would be more inclined to make friends with him. Maybe we could try and organise a spontaneous prank for them to pull together?

Hi Kaye! If you're interested I've got this guy for Isabelle - he works at the Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee which I don't even know if there's any other staff there currently so he could use some friends at the ministry in general. :lol: He works to look cool and laid back but he's really painfully idealistic and a little bit neurotic, lol. If you're keen we could RP and maybe they could be friends? I don't think he'd push for anything romantic but we could always see how they go as friends and decide if you're keen?

I may also have someone for Genevieve to be friends with but its a transfer app so we'll see what happens. :r

Camilla :wub:

I love the idea of Serenoa and Isabelle! I can see them getting close as friends, maybe visiting the same coffee shop nearby where they work a lot and eventually they end up talking. I would be keen to see how they get along. Would you mind starting something for them?

Also I hope the app gets accepted then :r
Hello Kaye.
for Isabelle I have Rhiannon archer for a friend she is a healer and in her last 20’s maybe early 30’s

for Hattie I have Bridget McGowan. They could have a chat while at work.

for Evie I have niamh eriksen who is going into her third year now and a bit of a quirky girl.
Hello Kaye.
for Isabelle I have Rhiannon archer for a friend she is a healer and in her last 20’s maybe early 30’s

for Hattie I have Bridget McGowan. They could have a chat while at work.

for Evie I have niamh eriksen who is going into her third year now and a bit of a quirky girl.

Isabelle x Rhiannon
This could be good! Isabelle's child, Ruto, I feel would be a bit upset about her father so maybe Rhiannon could be helpful to her as well?

Hattie x Bridget
Yes, definitely! Bridget could help her a bit too since she's still only learning.

Evie x Niamh
I would be interested in seeing how they get along! Would be happy to start something for them ^_^
Ok. I will start :)
About Elizabella :)
Kayeeeeeee! :wub:

Here are some suggestions I have! If there are any that don't vibe with you, that's totally okay hehe!

Landon + Quinn - they’re both professors and Quinn really just needs some work friends ahaha

Telia + Quinn - they know each ahaha we did a thread between them once, could see potential in them being friends or best friends even

Telia + Marley - sooo since Killian and Telia are together, I think it would be cute to see some stuff between Telia and Marley

Hattie + Sam - they lived together for about a year now, I think maybe we could do a thread between them at the apartment or something?

Lucie + Xiuying - I know they briefly interacted a couple of ic years back - but a possibility to do something between them? They’re both on the quidditch team and all, so they kinda have that in common.

I have some other ideas with your other characters, but I won’t mention them now cos it looks like you have a lot of ideas coming your way ehehe lmk what u think :D you can always can always hmu on skype too if you wanna further discuss anything!
Kayeeeeeee! :wub:

Here are some suggestions I have! If there are any that don't vibe with you, that's totally okay hehe!

Landon + Quinn - they’re both professors and Quinn really just needs some work friends ahaha

Telia + Quinn - they know each ahaha we did a thread between them once, could see potential in them being friends or best friends even

Telia + Marley - sooo since Killian and Telia are together, I think it would be cute to see some stuff between Telia and Marley

Hattie + Sam - they lived together for about a year now, I think maybe we could do a thread between them at the apartment or something?

Lucie + Xiuying - I know they briefly interacted a couple of ic years back - but a possibility to do something between them? They’re both on the quidditch team and all, so they kinda have that in common.

I have some other ideas with your other characters, but I won’t mention them now cos it looks like you have a lot of ideas coming your way ehehe lmk what u think :D you can always can always hmu on skype too if you wanna further discuss anything!

Landon x Quinn
That would be cute! Is Quinn a parent? Maybe they could relate to each other through that if so? I can start this one.

Teila x Quinn
Oh yeah I remember that! Maybe they can catch up or something?

Hattie x Sam
Oh yeah, I like that! Maybe even a thread with Hattie, Sam and Ethan. I imagine they've gone on a couple of dates already so maybe they could break the news to Sam and make it official?

Lucie x Xiuying
I like this! Lucie doesn't mind Xiuying and I would love if their relationship could get a little stronger! Would you mind starting this one?

Also give me all the ideas!! There is never too many :p
Oh my goodness so many amazing replies :wub: :wub:

Eugene x Lucie
I love this! Keen to see how they get along, and it would really help me develop Lucie a little more in terms of how she makes friends. I can start this one

Minnie x Hattie
Yes! They do need to catch up! I can start something for them too if you'd like?

Leonardo x Genevieve
Ooo yeah it would be interesting to see how these two get along since they have such different personalities.

Seamus x Genevieve
I would be very keen for this! Genevieve can get very competitive and perhaps I see them becoming frenemies as well? Also Seamus caught her with all those frogs last year if you remember :r Do you mind starting this one and Leonardo and Genevieve as well?
Yes to all of this! I had totally spaced on the frog incident! Happy to start that one though, any preference as to where? Do you wanna set it at the school in y41 or during the break?
Yes to all of this! I had totally spaced on the frog incident! Happy to start that one though, any preference as to where? Do you wanna set it at the school in y41 or during the break?

I don't mind at all, whichever works for you :D
Landon x Quinn
That would be cute! Is Quinn a parent? Maybe they could relate to each other through that if so? I can start this one.

Teila x Quinn
Oh yeah I remember that! Maybe they can catch up or something?

Hattie x Sam
Oh yeah, I like that! Maybe even a thread with Hattie, Sam and Ethan. I imagine they've gone on a couple of dates already so maybe they could break the news to Sam and make it official?

Lucie x Xiuying
I like this! Lucie doesn't mind Xiuying and I would love if their relationship could get a little stronger! Would you mind starting this one?

Also give me all the ideas!! There is never too many :p
Landon + Quinn - Yay! hehe - Quinn isn't a parent but she does want to be a parent for sure, so there might be some common ground there? Sweet as!

Telia + Quinn - Yesss great! I can start this one! :D - Any preferences as to where?

Hattie + Sam - Oooo yess I thinks that would be interesting! I was thinking the same thing about them going on a few dates already too hehe

Lucie + Xiuying - Yay perfect! Yeah I can totally start this one!

Dominic + Marley - I love their friendship and bond so much, I would love to do more of it if possible ehehe

Louis + Valencia - They too also interacted a few ic years ago. Not sure if Louis is still into gobstones now, but maybe he could teach her how to play? She doesn't like the idea of magic at all, but I would like to see ways to try to and like it - but she wont budge on the idea of magic lol

Hattie + Ethan - As mentioned, they have been on a couple of dates, though I would like to do a thread between them! Either date-wise or anything else you have in mind hehe

Cadell + Gemma - I know we spoke about them a couple of days ago, but just wanted to add them here as a reminder for myself as well ahaha - They're both into photography and just randomly thought of this idea rn where they go on some photography date or something. I kinda thought that was cute. but I'm keen on anything between them as well.

Also always down for Evie and Molly threads!!! Maybe Evie tries to convince Molly to do some mischievous stuff ehehehe but yeah totally down to do more threads between those two as well!!!
Landon + Quinn - Yay! hehe - Quinn isn't a parent but she does want to be a parent for sure, so there might be some common ground there? Sweet as!

Telia + Quinn - Yesss great! I can start this one! :D - Any preferences as to where?

Hattie + Sam - Oooo yess I thinks that would be interesting! I was thinking the same thing about them going on a few dates already too hehe

Lucie + Xiuying - Yay perfect! Yeah I can totally start this one!

Dominic + Marley - I love their friendship and bond so much, I would love to do more of it if possible ehehe

Louis + Valencia - They too also interacted a few ic years ago. Not sure if Louis is still into gobstones now, but maybe he could teach her how to play? She doesn't like the idea of magic at all, but I would like to see ways to try to and like it - but she wont budge on the idea of magic lol

Hattie + Ethan - As mentioned, they have been on a couple of dates, though I would like to do a thread between them! Either date-wise or anything else you have in mind hehe

Cadell + Gemma - I know we spoke about them a couple of days ago, but just wanted to add them here as a reminder for myself as well ahaha - They're both into photography and just randomly thought of this idea rn where they go on some photography date or something. I kinda thought that was cute. but I'm keen on anything between them as well.

Also always down for Evie and Molly threads!!! Maybe Evie tries to convince Molly to do some mischievous stuff ehehehe but yeah totally down to do more threads between those two as well!!!

Landon x Quinn
Yay, I'll send you the link when I'm done with this!

Teila x Quinn
I don't mind! She frequents between New Zealand and America a lot if that narrows it down xD

Hattie x Sam x Ethan
So here's what I'm thinking... Hattie and Ethan make it official first. We can do a thread with them going on a date and maybe they talk about it and decide they want to make it official? Then Ethan drops Hattie home and Sam is there and they both tell her?

Dominic x Marley
I'd be so happy to do this! Maybe after we finish these ones we can poke around at it? They're not due to be sorted for another couple of years, but I was thinking they could go shopping for their school supplies together when they do?

Louis x Valencia
Louis is definitely still playing with Gobstones! He loves the game but doesn't know too many other people that do lmao so he would be more than happy to teach Valencia how to play. Also, Louis doesn't like magic too much either and he'd be keen to learn about some muggle things from Valencia. I'm happy to start this one whenever you'd like.

Cadell x Gemma
I love that idea! They both work together, right? Maybe both in training still since it's only been a little bit? Maybe he can surprise her after work one day?

Evie x Molly
I definitely want Evie to get up to some mischief this year, and once I figure that out I will let you know and see if Molly is interested in joining her :D
Lucie x Eoin
Yes! Lucie actually really likes Eoin because he seems to be one of the more mature people in their grade. Perhaps they could try and study together and then end up complaining about the work xD I can start this if you'd like?

Genevieve x Jingyi
The fact that Jingyi doesn't want to get into trouble would definitely make things fun xD Also Evie was not aware that he didn't make the team either (because she's so damn selfish sometimes) so I feel like once she found that out she would be more inclined to make friends with him. Maybe we could try and organise a spontaneous prank for them to pull together?
Lucie + Eoin - Probably one of the only people in their year who does actually like him because he can be a bit of a standoffish jerk about things :doh: But yes study thread sounds great and if you could start, even better!

Genevieve + Jingyi - They can bond over their shared failure of not making the team and the determination to do it this time around. But yes something like a spontaneous prank could be fun, Jingyi is always doing those so it should be easy enough to sort out. And I could start this one for us when the new semester actually get's up and running!
Landon x Quinn
Yay, I'll send you the link when I'm done with this!

Teila x Quinn
I don't mind! She frequents between New Zealand and America a lot if that narrows it down xD

Hattie x Sam x Ethan
So here's what I'm thinking... Hattie and Ethan make it official first. We can do a thread with them going on a date and maybe they talk about it and decide they want to make it official? Then Ethan drops Hattie home and Sam is there and they both tell her?

Dominic x Marley
I'd be so happy to do this! Maybe after we finish these ones we can poke around at it? They're not due to be sorted for another couple of years, but I was thinking they could go shopping for their school supplies together when they do?

Louis x Valencia
Louis is definitely still playing with Gobstones! He loves the game but doesn't know too many other people that do lmao so he would be more than happy to teach Valencia how to play. Also, Louis doesn't like magic too much either and he'd be keen to learn about some muggle things from Valencia. I'm happy to start this one whenever you'd like.

Cadell x Gemma
I love that idea! They both work together, right? Maybe both in training still since it's only been a little bit? Maybe he can surprise her after work one day?

Evie x Molly
I definitely want Evie to get up to some mischief this year, and once I figure that out I will let you know and see if Molly is interested in joining her :D
Landon + Quinn - Sounds good!

Telia + Quinn - Okie dokie! I'll send you a link once I've got something going hehe!

Hattie + Ethan + Sam - OH! YES! That sounds great to me!

Dominic + Marley - Yes! Absolutely no rush on these two! School shopping buddies sound perfect hehe!

Louis + Valencia - Honestly, Valencia would be so happy to teach anything muggle related. She'll most likely try and distract herself, so yes, defs keen on some muggle stuff hehe! gobstone teaching sounds good too! Valencia lowkey wants to learn about it hehe!

Cadell + Gemma - Yeah, I think they work together hehe! Ooo a surprise sounds cute!!

Evie + Molly - YAY! Always keen for those two hehe
:wub: This would be cute. I can see Landon approaching Joseph after what happened with the Basilisk and just asking if he is okay after it. I can start this one in Joseph's office?

Lucie x Ivelisse
Aww yeah it would be nice for Lucie to have a friend on the team as well. I'm happy to just throw them together and see how they do. Would you mind starting this one?

Also, we should definitely do a thread between Essie and Ana. Essie needs to tell Ana about what she did last semester :r

Yassss, sounds like a plan! Also yes I've been lurking and Essie and Ana would very much need to discuss :teehee:
Isabelle x Rhiannon
This could be good! Isabelle's child, Ruto, I feel would be a bit upset about her father so maybe Rhiannon could be helpful to her as well?

Hattie x Bridget
Yes, definitely! Bridget could help her a bit too since she's still only learning.

Evie x Niamh
I would be interested in seeing how they get along! Would be happy to start something for them ^_^

Isabelle and Rhiannon. Rhiannon is not really a specialist in mental health. though with her own history she may be able to offer some support. She also lost her first love about a decade ago. so she would be able relate to isabelle easier. (I am assuming you mean her partner is permanently lost) do you want to start something.

Hattie and bridget: that could be fun. her workshop is in mull one of the Scottish islands so it is somewhere that would take some getting used to. did you want me to start something?

Niamh and Evie. I m not promising that sky would be motivating her to study. she sort of lives in her own world. it may work it may not. how did you want to go about it?
Isabelle and Rhiannon. Rhiannon is not really a specialist in mental health. though with her own history she may be able to offer some support. She also lost her first love about a decade ago. so she would be able relate to isabelle easier. (I am assuming you mean her partner is permanently lost) do you want to start something.

Hattie and bridget: that could be fun. her workshop is in mull one of the Scottish islands so it is somewhere that would take some getting used to. did you want me to start something?

Niamh and Evie. I m not promising that sky would be motivating her to study. she sort of lives in her own world. it may work it may not. how did you want to go about it?

Yay! I can start something for Isabelle and Rhiannon then.
Also, maybe the fact that Niamh lives in her own world could be useful? Evie likes playing with Dragon figurines, and if they both have a good enough imagination, I could see it working ^_^

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