rose giving

  1. Aurora Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Another Red Rose To Deliver

    @Nevaeh O Ruairc Aurora had taken a look at the next red rose and she knew from the discussions that they would likely find this girl here in the arts room. She headed into it, it did seem like a rather empty room. "Is there a Nevaeh in here?" the girl called out loudly trying to ensure they...
  2. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Red Rose To Begin

    Red rose for @Elizabella Drake Rosie was very happy she'd be able to deliver roses again. She had enjoyed it the last time, and was looking forward to being able to do it again. The teen was still doing it with her sister, which was fun. They had their basket and the roses in it. She knew the...
  3. Elisabeth Easterling

    🌹 Rose Giving The last yellow rose

    Only the last rose remained. Elisabeth was already tired, even starting to ache from the big run, that she had already taken the last steps very slowly and without much haste, that she had finally reached the castle and entered the Great Hall. She looked toward Gryffindor's desk to go there and...
  4. Cyzarine Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Of Wonderful Pink

    The next rose she had was a pink one and she had according to someone else just missied the person it belonged to. She'd been directed towards the courtyard where that girl now was, heading away from her, "Kiara Wood!" she called out and continued to skip over to her, she was so happy to be...
  5. Cyzarine Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Of Beautiful Yellow

    Cyzarine had missed the rose giving the year before, but she was glad it was back for her last year of school. It would give her the opportunity, one last opportunity, to deliver roses. So of course she had signed up, she had put on a flowery dress, put roses in her hair and was going around...
  6. Natalia Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Friendship Rose

    Yellow rose for Rita Smile Natalia's final rose of the day was for another third year, this time a Ravenclaw. She hadn't exactly regretted signing up, but she was glad it was over. It had been rather exhausting. The girl made her way over to the Ravenclaw table at lunch. "Excuse me, I'm looking...
  7. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendships with A Lion

    It was Samantha's last rose she was about to give out and she was a little sad. She had enjoyed her day giving out roses. Valentine's Day was one of Samantha's favourite holidays. Sam decided to head back towards the Great Hall and had hoped to find who she was looking for. "Hi, do you know...
  8. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Crushes & Badgers

    It was almost the end of the day for Samantha's rose giving, and she was almost done! She had liked seeing the reactions and interacting with people. Samantha was on her second to last rose and headed back to the Great Hall, hoping she'd find who she was looking for. "Excuse me, do you know...
  9. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Petals and a Young Lion

    Samantha had spent her day giving out the roses and she had loved it, and couldn't wait to do it again. She had a basket filled with roses she was going to give out throughout the day. Samantha walked into The Student Lounge, hoping to find who she was looking for. "Ivy Ashworth? Is there an Ivy...
  10. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Bright Yellow for a Raven

    It had been Valentine's Day, and the day only had just begun. It had been Samantha's second rose she was giving out, and she was excited for giving out more. She had walked around Hogwarts and decided to try out the library. The library wasn't that busy but it was quiet. Samantha wasn't sure who...
  11. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving A Pink Rose For a Gryffindor

    This was Samantha's first time rose giving, throughout her time in Hogwarts, and she was excited. Samantha walked into the Great Hall, a basket filled with roses she would be delivering for the day. She looked around the hall to find a particular person until she finally found who she was...
  12. Ajaccio Skey

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Tokyo

    Ajaccio had been pretty lucky in his next person, he knew the person was slytherin and had been told by someone in slytherin that they'd heard the person had gone for food in the great hall. So there he was riding up and down the slytherin table on his skateboard, "Jasper Night? I'm looking for...
  13. Cyzarine Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Red Yozhik

    Cyzarine knew the next name on her list and it hadn't been too tricky to find her, she'd first gone to ravenclaw and said that the person she was looking for was heading to the Monthly room - which Cyzarine absolutely understood. She skipped her way down, and as she approached the hogwarts...
  14. Cyzarine Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Pomidor

    Cyzarine loved, loved, loved the rose giving. She thought it was the most amazing day of the year. She always knew she'd get few and she didn't need any from anyone given that she had a wonderful boyfriend. But, she loved spreading the love and joy to others in the school. She thought it was...
  15. Vader Hume

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Chromatic Aberration

    It was another name after Abian's that he knew, well in fact they were siblings, but Vader had swung by the accio room before getting started so he knew or hoped that she would still be there. He walked into the room without knocking - he ran the thing he didn't need to knock - but he ventured...
  16. Cyzarine Haden

    Open Pink Zest

    Pink rose for @Tres Bear II Cyzarine loved the pink roses, so she was pleased that she. was at least delivering one to one person. The gryffindor headed over to the slytherin table where she'd been informed she would find the girl she was looking for, "Tres Bear?". she called out with a...
  17. Ajaccio Skey

    Open A Last Perfect Rose!

    Pink rose for Yvette Maxwell The boy was feeling pretty happy and with only one rose left he was hoping this could be done quickly. He had who he was looking for in front of him. He had his skateboard underfoot as he head back into the castle. he spotted an older girl and approached them, "Hey...
  18. Vader Hume

    Open Way Too Yellow These Roses

    Open After. Yellow Rose for @Jacob Kingsley Vader's final rose was for the gryffindor quidditch captain and after some questions to the other gryffindor's someone had told him that he'd find him at the quidditch pitch, so despite the fact that Vader had lots of other things to do, he'd grabbed...
  19. Vader Hume

    Open Don't Hide Yellow Roses

    Open After. Yellow rose for @Harley Tsuji Vader was almost certain that he'd given someone with the exact same surname a rose earlier in the day. In any case the gryffindor had taken a small detour to the kitchens to refill his coffee to get him through the rest of this and the Accio work he...
  20. Vader Hume

    Open Rose Pink Rose

    Open After. Pink rose for @Abian Hunter Vader certainly knew who the next rose recipient was, though Vader could admit that he hadn't been a particularly good friend to Abian he was still excited to deliver the rose. Vader had taken a break since the last one, tiring himself out after...